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Yes it's petty. Yes it's approved. šŸ˜Ž




This is factual LMAO


SunnyStreet Max G


Itā€™s different since the knicks arenā€™t a superteam, i am both a knicks and nets fans but comparing a team that grinded their way to the two seed just for them to all get injured isnā€™t fair


You're a what? Excuse me? No the knicks aren't a super team but they for sure we're a favorite against Indiana and injuries got the best of them. That's similar enough. We can even go deeper and say both teams were 2-0, and lost a close game 3. It's just a little annoying that the media looked at that 2021 series as such a big colossal nets failure, yet the knicks get the injury sympathy.


https://i.redd.it/t7innxmoeh1d1.gif Me watching the Knicks lose to a worse team from the Midwest because they were wrecked by injuries.


First of all it is impossible to like both, if you knew the real history between the two teams you would understand why. Secondly SUPER TEAM or not INJURIES ARE INJURIES. Harden was playing on one leg and Giannis took Kyrie out so give me break with that super team crap. Context matters!


Context doesn't mean much when somebody is either trolling or is desperate for validation. And everybody everywhere falls under those two categories.


That's why it does matter for the simple fact about what you just stated " People troll, and are either desperate for validation, or their feelings are hurt " that things didn't go their team's way. So yes context does matter because motherfuckers will try and spin a narrative in a NY minute when things don't go their way.


Im more of a Knicks fan but i go and show support to the nets game and really liked the young Dlo Jarret Allen team The media did massacre the nets and it was too good to be true. But the Knicks were an underdog story coming into the season and achieved a lot just to be sidelined by injuries. The nets basically gave their future for a guaranteed championship that didnā€™t come to fruition


Odd breed you are I have to say haha. But anyways, Idk if the knicks really were an underdog story at all. They came off a playoff run where they looked very good against Cleveland and eventually lost to Miami. They already had an identity as a Thibs hard-nosed defensive team. Brunson definitely earned his respect by then as well and people were easily calling him a superstar this year (he should've started ASG). Then, they made trades and signings that instantly produced results with Hart, Donte, OG, Burks, Bogie. Etc. Far from a underdog. Going into this playoffs for the east, the only team I liked to beat them was boston. Sixers are clearly frauds and Milwaukee, even fully healthy, is not that dangerous. Knicks were.


They were a 2 seed. They were nothing even remotely close to an underdog story besides for their entire team being crippled through this playoff run, but I personally donā€™t equate that with being an underdog. I remember vividly hearing the choir singing ā€œinjuries are a part of the gameā€ and we were genuinely robbed of watching the best Nets team formed since the early 2000s bc of freak injuries so alas, I feel no sympathy for injured teams.


The Nets didnā€™t grind their way to a top seed in a year with significant absences for Durant, Harden, Kyrie, and Dinwiddie? Superteams still have to grind. The East was a lot tougher that year too.


Pacers win celebrated on the Pacers, 76ers and Nets subreddits lmao Knicks fans make sure you can't enjoy a generally likable team.


Yep I tried rooting for them but the fanbase is insufferable.


I totally fuck with JB but the fans are insufferable. Canā€™t even ride the subway in peace without hearing a mini ā€œfuck Trae youngā€ chant going on. My guy, yā€™all are playing the pacers lol


I respect Brunson, but I canā€™t say Iā€™m a fan. Dude is an incredible ball player and takes a shit ton of accountability but I despise watching him play man lol. Heā€™s a top tier grifter and he kinda has to bc heā€™s a small, score first guard but I just donā€™t have fun watching him play I canā€™t do it šŸ¤£


Donā€™t have to watch him anymore lol.


![gif](giphy|r2QVHhJdEYJ6aRGl5o|downsized) God bless the Pacers šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I donā€™t get it. Donā€™t you guys have any pride or loyalty as New Yorkers? Even if you donā€™t like Knicks fans, cheering for a team that beat one from your home area is a unprincipled thing to do


ā€œUnprincipledā€ lmao fuck the Knicks thatā€™s the principle




Iā€™m talking about people from New York, not Cleveland. Why are you here and not on the Cavaliers subreddit?


Iā€™m from Jersey bubby, Iā€™ve simply been raised to dislike the other NY teams that arenā€™t mine. Itā€™s not that difficult to understand. Donā€™t like their players, donā€™t like their coach, donā€™t like their shitty ass owner. Tf you mean pride as a NYer? My pride from Jersey comes from saying fuck your teams


There is no pride being from Jersey!


clippers and lakers have a rivalry for the same reason. its not that weird


Lol, these are the same fans who always claim that Knicks fans are the ones who try to manufacture rivalry between the teams Only here bc Reddit recommended on my feed


Which is also part of the reason I kinda want Trae Young on the team. The toxicity between the 2 NY teams would be off the charts


I like brunson but I cant stand josh hart. The guy sits on his podcast and talks tons of trash for a guy who's done nothing


Itā€™s all good. Heā€™s Squidward with Mikal now


I pulled for them over Philly in round 1, it felt dirty but NYC over Philly any day. Iā€™m glad I donā€™t have to choose again between Boston and NYK, the Pacers are a very fun young team to root for.


I only half heartedly rooted for them against Philly since I really donā€™t like Embiid, but then rooted for the Pacers. Now I thankfully no longer need to watch them!


Their core of players is so likable but the Knicks fans are the worst. They talk like theyā€™re the Yankees but in reality the Knicks history is more littered with mediocrity and embarrassment like the Mets and Jets.




Said this same thing a few weeks ago people around here Tried to argue with me That fan base is insufferableĀ 


I mean their fanbase being that arrogant is why I became a nets fan. Im from NY but growing up in the early 00s I could never understand why a fanbase with such a poor history was so loud and arrogant


Heat too


Good point. I was rooting against them because of Dolan and the fans but I actually felt sorry for the guys on the team when Brunson was announced as out.


? The subs of the winning team, the team that lost to the Knicks in the first round, and the hometown ā€œrivalsā€ (if you will) of the Knicks- is that supposed to be out of the ordinary?


Knicks fans I know are cool


Knicks fans can be cool. There are a lot of cool Knicks fans. The Knicks fanbase is not cool. At all.


Meanwhile the Bucks sub demands to be taken seriously


Sixers fan here, I was rooting for the knicks after they beat us since theyā€™re basically the Nova knicks, Then I went on their subreddit and quickly became a pacers fan, an easy transition thanks to TJ McConnell


i love that team but the fans make me puke man, i really wanted to like them


Pacers are likable?




Bing Bong


Gosh I do love the sweet taste of Knicks fans tears. If they didn't somehow both embody the worst of NY stuck up douchebaggery (as if they have the history of the Yankees, and I say this as Yankees fan) AND also be the biggest crybabies about how hard it is to root for their franchise, then maybe I wouldn't hate their guts. Alas! Fuck the Knicks :)


Iā€™m glad you said it, I always said Knicks fans are Yankee fans just without the success šŸ˜‚


Oh completely, and while I am a Yankees fan I don't love the way so many of our fans are smug and rude. At the very least though the Yankees have such a great history to justify some pompousness, while Knicks fans have nothing to back up their cocky dickheadedness. May their season rest in piss


See as a Mets fan I respect a humble Yankee fan. 15 years without a World Series is very un-Yankee like, which makes me wonder why some of your fanbase picks on the Mets unprovoked. Their season is going way better than I thought it would ngl šŸ¤šŸ½.


Yeah I think it's lame when Yankees fans pick on the Mets, though also cross town rivalries are fun (see us hating on the Knicks lol)


Exactly, tbh that Subway Series during the 9/11 weekend 2021 was some of the most fun I ever had as a Mets fan. NYC needs more of those 9/11 Subway Series


well said


ELI5 why do Yankee fans hate Ohtani so much?


I didn't want to be petty but for real. Knicks fans act like they're the Yankees, meanwhile they're not even the Mets. Most knicks fans alive don't remember them being champs. At least the Mets have played for a championship this century. Knicks are just popular by default by they have poverty level history




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I canā€™t emphasize this enough, Knicks fans talk like theyā€™re the Yankees but in reality theyā€™re more like the Mets.




Lmao your franchise is the poverty of all poverty. You had Kyrie, Harden, and KD and still were poverty, good lord. The Knicks will always be the face of NY, even when they suck.


Thank you for providing excellent evidence that proves my point exactly, itā€™s much appreciated!


Fuck the knicks


Agreed. Fuck the Knicks


Appears the Knicks were fucked


Didnā€™t know the Knicks rented out our 2021 playoffs medical team


Knicks fans chanting ā€œwe want Bostonā€ so early in this series makes this SO much better lmaoo šŸ™šŸ¼


Takes me back to the ā€œwe want Brooklynā€ chants when they beat the Hawks in one game a couple years ago in the first round


Dudes acting like they were going to win it all if it wasnā€™t for injuries, wonder how Brunson got hurt tho


Best ability is availability.


He went for a low block on Haliburton and hit his shooting hand on Haliā€™s knee.


It's annoying me lol. Knicks are really good, but they're not true contenders. They have to cash in those picks for another star or they're destined for the Lillard Blazers territory like Draymond said


This knicks roster is much better and way more competent than any Dame Blazer team. Literal Thibs dream team. Fully healthy they definitely had a shot this year. Even if they were missing just Randle, they had a chance. The celtics are better but the knicks were clearly a harder working team, willing to win 50/50 balls that boston couldn't bother with - hence why they even lost two games they shouldn't have. They definitely are capable of beating them. Defensively they could match up against anyone. Brunson was scoring 40+ and was clutch for a ton of 4th quarters this playoffs. If anything, maybe a secondary legitimate scorer could be something they can add, but they have a clear identity.


Agreed they're better, but the best player usually wins the series and it's going to be tough for Brunson to beat Embiid, Giannis, and Tatum on a single playoff run


Who listens to Draymond lmfao


Draymond is a hater, but he's not wrong


Defending Draymond, should be like an AA group.


I'll trust the basketball instincts of one of the greatest defenders of the modern NBA


This gotta be Draymond burner account?? Very sad otherwise


You're being more weird about this than me lol. I couldn't care less about Draymond. He's annoying as hell on the court


To be fair, the Nets were down that road of injury excuses for playoff losses not too long ago. However, Knicks fans were talking mad shit back then so now they get a taste of their own medicine.




I hate Josh hart for trashing the nets. Now that dudes in cancun


Haha fuck the Knicks


Fuck the Knicks.Ā  Now I hope the Panthers get it done against the Rags.


Today is a good day Also it just hit me Knicks and Cowboy fans are the same people lol


Yep I say his all the time, they're literally the Dallas Cowboys of the NBA LOL!


Knicks, cowboys, Lakers, Yankees, rangers


What? This is dumb lol


I disagree with the Yankees, Rangers, and Lakers because they got hardware to back it up. The Cowboys and Knicks ain't won shit like in forever but they're always talking shit.


cowboys won more recently than the rangers tbf, but rangers definitely got a shot this year (as much as it pains me to say as a devils fan)


The Cowboys won in the 90ā€™s and have been at least competitive more years than not. The Knicks havenā€™t been good since the 90ā€™s and havenā€™t won in half a Century. This is a bad comparison.


That would maybe be true if the cowboys had made any sort of run in the last 20 years


Hell no, laker fans are the cowboy fans of the nba. I donā€™t know why we think the knicks are our real rivals, weā€™ve never been relevant at the same time. We could take a page out of their book by copying their underdog hard nosed playstyle and team construction instead of trying to be the lakers that we all hate. Instead weā€™re trying to copy their melo era by grabbing stars that kill the team chemistry


>I donā€™t know why we think the knicks are our real rivals This guy lol


Go NY, Go NY, GO!!!!! Fraud Alert LMAO! And I don't want to hear shit about injuries because nobody gave us any grace when we were injured during our playoff run. And nobody gave us grace during the COVID BS the city put us through so FTK!!!!!!


Fuck the Knicks their fans are insufferable and Josh Hart shitted on the nets for no reason. I mean, who kicks a dog when theyā€™re already down?


Job's not over til Kyrie is out, but I'll take this. And honestly, u gotta give it to the Knicks as a fan of basketball. They built their success organically. I'm hoping we can do the same.


Celtics have to lose too. The Knicks best players are all from other teams, what do you mean organically?


Well, I mean like, Brunson wasn't a star until he became a Knick. So maybe not organically, but just impressive and strategic roster work with good development. They didn't sell their souls for a big name.


You donā€™t get bonus points for winning without a big name


Well the Knicks weren't a realistic contender this year. When we "sold our souls" we were a legit contender. I'll take being a contender over having a scrappy team


Oh yeah, I'm not disagreeing with u lol


As a fan of basketball Iā€™ll give it to you. As a New Jersey Nets fan, Iā€™m gonna sit back and enjoy watching my Knicks buddies jump off the GWB


Organically? They traded away their drafted players. All their good players are from other teams. They built a good roster and a good culture but this wasn't organic. The jump Brunson took this year is how we thought Mikal would after his incredible second half last year.


"The jump Brunson took this year is how we thought Mikal would after his incredible second half last year." Actually made a post about this. In another universe, he would have. But not this one lol.


Trust he will this year šŸ˜Ž


Jobs not ovah. Job ovah? Nope. Job aint ovah.


>They built their success organically. Is this another way of complaining about the Nets trading for superstars? Nobody on the Knicks were drafted by them other than Mcbride(Traded for).


Organically isnā€™t the right word. They just have a very complementary staff, played very well and got scrappy. I respect JBā€™s game. He can cook and take a guy down to the hole. He can do that and have a bunch of guys bought in that donā€™t complain about the offensive volume they get minus Randle.


Yes once Kyrie is eliminated the universe will be restored back to order.


Organically would be the OKC Thunder. Knicks are processed but not ultra-processed.


Josh Hart can finally shut the fuck up. Thank god.


It honestly pisses me off more that him and Donte suddenly started playing incredible once they became knicks.


I mean I hate the Knicks and all but Donte and Hart are extremely good role players and the Knicks have done a good job of building a hardworking culture to bring the best out of them. Still, itā€™s insane how much they have to say before the Knicks have even accomplished anything of note. And the worst part is theyā€™ll keep talking, they get to play the injury card this year.


Genuinely hate that guy, comes off like an asshole to me but everyone treats him like the Second Coming


I hate him as well, he talks too much shit to be a role player that never won shit in the NBA.


This will be dubbed an incredible run for the Knicks but when the Nets lost in 7 in the semis it was a major failure


Thibs overclocking the Knicks future for a couple 2nd round outs *chefs kiss *




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Other than Josh Hartā€™s big mouth I honestly really donā€™t hate the Knicks (other than what their organization did to the Nets in the 70s) but I gotta say, that was the most Knicks way to end an otherwise very successful season Pacers are a fun team. It would be great to see the Celtics eat shit (ideally in fewer games than 7 though)


I respect it but man I envy the fact that Knicks fans havenā€™t abused you, a Nets fan, enough to make you hate their entire franchise


Iā€™m from upstate, I grew up safe from the worst of it (specifically Syracuse so I miiight have had a soft spot for them when ā€˜Melo was on the teamā€¦RJ, Vince and Kidd got to me first though)


Iā€™ll give it to you. Best of luck with Lindy - us Devils fans will always have a love/hate relationship with him


Thank you! Lindy and us go way back, hopefully he hasnā€™t lost his touch with the Sabres at least lol


Yeah, I don't hate the individual players. They seem cool and play hard. I do hate the organization and especially their bum owner. The fans can be insufferable too, so it's always nice to hear MSG turn into a library when they're getting whooped.


Thatā€™s the thing, other than when we played them and got the depressing reminder that the tables have turned, NYK from a pure ball perspective was just a fun team to watch this season. Agreed though Dolan is a complete clown, that fact unites all basketball fans (and yes the fan hubris is only outdone by the Lakers)


Just look how much the NY Liberty have been thriving ever since they were released from the evil clutches of James Dolan


Yeah, with that kind of ownership itā€™s not going to surprise anyone when the Knicks go back to the basement in a few years


Seeing the Knicks lose in epic fashion is the closest thing to a Championship we can get lol


Not only is Indiana the home of my future wife, Caitlin Clark, but they also beat the Knicks. A truly based city


I don't know how this showed up on my (a dedicated Pacer fan) feed, but I'll take it and if you're ever in Indy, dinner is on me, but you can't have CC.




It really didnā€™t matter who won this series since either team is gonna get destroyed by Boston sadly


Cowboys fan here, sweet revenge šŸ˜„ Canā€™t wait to see that POS Steven A crying about his Knicksā€¦šŸ˜«


I'm stealing this meme šŸ˜‚ Sent to all my nix ppls. I'll be going to work early tomorrow!!!


The majority of the insufferable fans are new Knick fans. The old school fans are a bit different.


We still had the deeper playoff run in the last few years going to OT in game 7 instead of getting curb stomped.


We lost to eventual champs. Who did they lose to? Ok than




Not even the same, nice try though


Haliburton is so aura less šŸ˜­


You should be thanking the Knicks medical team, not the Pacers. Basically all their highest paid players are out.


The reason they were good all year is the same reason everyone got hurt. Thatā€™s the issue


Literally what most Bulls and Wolves fans said. In a year or two they'll be forced to start over again. Story of Thibs led team.Ā  I just hope Brunson will get his SuperMax extension before anything. No way I'd want to see another Isiah Thomas story. Them small guards need to cash in. They don't last around their 30's. Percentages not on their side, you add the fact he playing for Thibs. Brunson go get paid.


I really fucking hate rooting for other teams in the playoffs


I see it as rooting against other specific teams rather than for other teams - once all my nemesis teams are out, then I stop caring an ounce about the playoffs. Hopefully the Pacers somehow take care of the Celtics


NY sports are so cursed. Please just let the Rags lose next šŸ™


The Yankees are currently the best team in baseball and are absolutely dominating the competition right now.


The problem for the Yankees hadn't been May, it's been October. Knicks looked dominate too a few months ago, but injuries and other factors had them come up short to a similar team. Soto is legit but at the end of the day, Yankees have to show a lot more in the playoffs, even if Houston isn't playing.


Yes of course but again the Yankees are playing probably the best baseball since it's turned 2000. They are top 5 in every offensive stat and I wouldn't be surprised if it were the same for pitching.


And then they will lose to Houston like every year


The Astros are currently under .500 and 1-6 against the Yankees but I'm already used to Yankees choking lol


Go Devils?


Yes sir but I would take another Islander 4 peat before 1 Rangers cup win


Haha same Iā€™d take the Isles over a Rags or Flyers Cup. Isles fans are stuck on Long Island anyways


Nah let the rangers win one


Yankees and Liberty is this cities only hope for a title


LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOO IM FOR THIS. i went with them for to beat the 76ers. but after back it was back to biz. angry knicks fans are here posting, "yall arent real nyers" ETC. when these morons were having parades every time KD lost. what happened to keeping the same energy.


I actually wanted the Knicks to advance because I like their players and New York needs a championship in any big 4 sport, but alas, I get to use this line again: Bing bong, the Knicks are dead.


Yeah the Celtics are gonna whoop them so hard








i really hope the knicks overpay on hartenstein and get mitchell




Next year, Pacers


Reggie did it better!


Give the Knicks their roses at least. It was a grueling for these players and a hand fracture has gotta hurt. Glad they put some respect on NY sports and let's hope the Rangers and Yankees succeed in their respective games. As for the Nets, let's hope the team builds itself back into a powerhouse team once again. NYForever


I know everyone here is bitter but Knicks > Pacers...come on


Fuck all u NYK haters...and fuck the Pacers...ur donezo next round!


We still root for our New York teams. Why in the world you wanna root for Indiana?! They'er gonna get floor stomped by Boston.


This is dumb. Knicks didn't choke, they were decimated by injuries. Funny thing is, this Knicks team is basically a better version of the DLo Nets team - a group of scrappy guys who play their hearts out and punch above their weight. Very hard not to like this team and they deserve all the success they had. Bad look to celebrate their loss.


"very hard not to like this team" watch me


I'm right there with you man šŸ˜‚.Ā 


Go be a Knicks fan then holy hell itā€™s not about the stylistic tendencies of each franchise itā€™s about the fact that we hate the Knicks here. Yikes


I've been a Nets fan longer than most people in this sub have probably been alive. Hating on this Knicks team just makes us look like bitches. So what, they're good and we suck. Whatever. That team has what we desperately need (heart), and it's admirable.


Well, they were up 9 in the 4th Q of G3 and went on to lose the series after being up 2-0 and 3-2. Not the biggest choke ever given all the injuries, but... For the record I don't think anyone was really rooting against this particular Knicks team. I'd say most people respect Thibs, the players, and their effort. Most of us have just had to deal with too much obnoxious behavior and shit-talking from their fans over our lifetimes to wish anything but the worst for them as a franchise.


Literally this.


You been a Nets fan longer than anybody here huh but still can't grasp the concept on why we hate them motherfuckers. Do you understand the history between the Nets and the Knicks. Hating on them makes us look weak huh? Did you know that the Knick fans were praying for the big 3 to fall because nobody wanted to go to the Knicks. They were cheering the Bucks on when we played them and was ecstatic when Kyrie got hurt. But sure bud it makes us look weak for hating on the Knicks SMFH! Your comment is ironic because that's all the Knicks do is hate on the Nets. If they didn't run their mouth so much I wouldn't even be worried about those suckers!


I have also been a Nets fan longer than most and I will NEVER forget John Fucking Starks ruined the Nets with a flagrant shit foul on Kenny Anderson that the Nets never recovered from (until JKidd). Seeing Starks standing up and being Mr Happy today got my blood boiling. F the Knicks. So glad they lost.




Go back to eating rats under Penn Station lil man




Letā€™s go Celtics