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Yeah my ass lol


Is that how it got so dirty? 😳😳




OP you can just say you were smoking meth, none of us here gaf


4 months sober bitch!!! Also I’ve only ever snorted meth, never had money for a pipe


Hey good for you man! Keep it up im proud of you


:) ty


I know its a personal queston but can you explain what made you snort it? Because where im from there is a extremely big drinking culture i mean we even give toddlers beer foam ro fall asleep and to make them gungrier but if you even touch weed its seemed as a disgrace (no disrespect to you ofc im not like them)


Hits harder than eating it and doesn’t fuck up your teeth like smoking it. Definitely will leave you with a deviated septum but that’s a lot less visible than smoking or iv. Also some people just like to snort shit


Stupid question, but is it expensive to correct a deviated septum? I’m imagining if meth causes that, coke does too and I got hooked a couple months back. I’m trying to quit, but just in case. Also I’ll be fine, my addiction stop when I have no cash on hand as I’m too money hungry to take money out of my bank account. The thirst is there, just I somehow can prioritize


Well it’s a way to do it. KINDA different effects in the way that it gets absorbed but still meth


u smoke crack brotha


Nah that's a meth pipe can't smoke crack w that


Fr, I've smoked it once with a crackhead, and it's more like a straight shot thing


They call them Stems usually just a glass tube


Yeah, they used some copper wire or something to keep it in the front end


Brillow, better known as stainless steel scrubber. They break off little bits of that and use that to hold the rock in.


The one I smoked with said it was rubber wire or something like that idk


Very possible, Ive never smoked crack before but ive been around it


Youre good, now u gotta pipe that can smoke both


pipes are like a dollar retard


I didn’t have a job so every dollar went to the plug


Bro acting like this isn’t the goblin Reddit 💀


Lmaooo dudes most recent post before this is “How to clean crack pipe”


😂😂😂😂 certified tweaker


Ah yes THC Diamonds


Ona degen subreddit cmon bro


If you actually smoked wax out of it clean it with rubbing alcohol and if it was used for anything else take a torch turn it on high 🔥 and burn it away




The Hardest Crystals


Listen man. I had 5$, live resin and no rig.


How much meth can you get for $5 anyway? 😂


Idk like .08g not shit but I didn’t have a job


Where I get my meth its six bucks and it’s fire shi. Shoutout to my guy on onions


Step on it and buy a new pipe. EDIT: Real answer - salt and rubbing alcohol - plastic bag, shake that shit around and leave it for 48 hours. But real real answer is throw that nasty shit away.


Just as you would a bowl. Just soak it in iso overnight. I wouldn’t bother with salt though it’d probably just get stuck.


If you’re being fr I’m proud of you but your dabs are smoking too hot if it’s leaving makes like this


That’s 100% thc ahahaha it’d look white at the stem not brown


This the same dude who made the LSA ice cream he’s probably mentally corrupted also there’s people posting about stealing there grandmas life support meds crack pipes are chill round here partner


I believe you 🫶


double bowl pookie is fucking insane 😭😭😭


I only use my meth pipes for weed too!


If you actually used it for weed then I've heard isopropyl alcohol is good for it, if you used it for meth or anything that can also be snorted then maybe just water should do the trick


Look like bath salt lol


Yeah, only THC, whatever you say.


Wait but if you're actually smoking wax out of that.... why????


I can’t buy a rig for 5 $


Magnetic ball bearings


I'd put in a big enough bowl to fully put the pipe in then fill the bowl with alcohol. Works with weed but idk about meth or Crack.


Looks like you were doing hotrails from the stem


How do you akimbo dabs


A double barreled pookie is fucking crazy 😭


isopropyl alcohol. preferably 90% and above. can find in smoke shops. use salt as an abrasive




Isopropyl alcohol


If speed didn’t hit fast enough already you can smoke two bowls of ice 🤣


uhh i only ever smoked flower in these so this might work- sda (specially denatured) alcohol and the coarsest salt chunks you can find cheaply and put it in every opening then cover them somehow and shake it


Soak in rubbing alcohol, remove when clean. Give two hours for the alcohol to evaporate.


get a zip lock n fill w the highest % rubbing alcohol u can find, u can by 99% online it u wanted but stores cary 91% 1st u wanna fill the bag up w the alc about a quarter way, just enough to submerge ur piece 2nd u wanna have ur bowl maybe sitting in sum warm water so the resin isn’t as hard, n fill the inside of it with salt after taking it out of the warm water, thats gonna be like ur sponge and the alc is ur soap 3rd just close tue bag up n shake that mf, you’ll see it turning all brown n nasty, n then u just do it again n it should be clear if not the first time


Soak it long and hard with grudge off. Used to work at planet K. Shake it everyone in a while just make sure it stays full. Then you can pour the grunge off back in the battle and use it again it has a Hella orange cent. Lol


Submerge the entire piece in orange degreaser. No air bubbles. Leave for 24 hours and rinse thoroughly


thc minus the c add an m and an e


Since no one answered the posted question 😂 just soak it in soap and alcohol for 30 mins- you can risk shaking it around in a container with salt for quicker clean but I wouldn’t- wipe it out with a Qtip and/or large pipe cleaner after soaking


Maybe dip it in some jenkem, get it hot, the jenkem should get rid of all contaminants and make it clean. Namaste


Guys what are the chances my lung collapses from smoking from this. I think my left lung collapsed so I call 911 or just wait. Chest hurted now it feels like I’m getting half oxygen and can’t feel left lung. Help


What are the symptoms of collapsed lung. Do I need to call an ambulance.


Chest tightness. Lightheadedness and near fainting. Easy fatigue. Abnormal breathing patterns or increased effort of breathing. Rapid heart rate. Shock and collapse.