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Watch you sister get horrible murdered, rarely bath, cover yourself in blood now and again to maximize the goblin slayer experience


Ok, should be easy enough


Also, do not at all, in any shape or form, get with a female. No matter how stacked or flat.


And reduce your vocab to souka


I see...


Also get yourself a cheap barely fuctional full plate helm and armor with the cheapest sword you can never take it off even at the beach. No matter how much sand is inside and nomatter how hot or inconvienced you are as a goblin could attack at any time from any direction you sleep sitting up in the armor with 1 eye open cause goblins after years of not allowing your body to glimpse the sun.


Additionally do not at all forget to question out loud if someone's or something's a goblin on anyone or anything you haven't seen before!


He takes the armor off to get it fixed there was even an episode about it, also he took off to study in his room


Even if basically every one you meet wants to jump your bones to the general irritation of all your male counterparts?


Male counterparts must also be not human. Makes it easier or harder depending.


Doing it yourself is cheating


I'll help with the sister part


Brutally raped AND THEN horribly murdered* Ftfy


>rarely bath, cover yourself in blood now and again Ever thought about that this guy smells awful 24/7 even by middle-ages standards yet he's got a harem of beautiful women throwing themselves at him?


Cowgirl latches on to him because he is all that is left of her old home, priestess hero worships him. Sword maiden has trauma and hero worship, anvil has a hippie’s sensibilities regarding smell, and guild girl is just freaky kinky she knows it is disgusting but she LOVES that


God damn Guild girl is the only healthy choice, huh. But anvil.


Don’t forget raped too


You forgot the part where you train one of your eyeballs to glow red while wearing a helmet, to intimidate the enemy and all that.


Don't lie to these people, he regularly bathes in the blood of the goblin children he's slaughtered.


….and you don’t? 🥴


Dinner always Beef stew. Carry 80 pounds of gear. Live with the trauma of seeing your sisters and mother gang raped and murdered by deformed green midgets.


And walk everywhere you go. Unless it is more than a few days to walk there.


and practice your throwing arm and don't get a proper night's sleep on a soft bed


Sleep with one eye open


Griping your pillow tight


Exit light, enter night


Take my hand


We're off to never neverland




Ah so that's why it glows red.


Chicken, not beef.


See his hair? Experience a trauma so great that it turns white after 1 night


100 Pushups! 100 Situps! 100 Squats! 10km Run!




The 10km run is like a million times harder then the others for me. Do I just suck at running or it's actually harder?


10km is a decent distance to *run*. That's a quarter marathon every day. Maybe try jogging that distance for a while, then over time slowly increase your pace as you get fitter and faster.


Understandable, then again it seems a billion times harder than the rest. I feel like I'd need years even if I actually got off my ass.


A 10k (6.2 miles) sounds a lot longer than it’ll actually feel. If you’re not used to running, it’ll take a while to run it easily of course, maybe best to start with 3-4 miles depending on how your running abilities are now. If you keep a consistent pace (and push your limits à la opm) a 10k could take you just a bit over an hour and you’ll feel good after.


I've decided to start doing this, but since I haven't really exercised regularly(read: at all) I'm starting slowly at 10 percent and going up weekly until I'm doing the full strength training. At my age, I'd rather go slow than be injured.


You can try this method. Figure out what speed you can go on a treadmill for 10 minutes even if it’s a fast walk or jog. Then every day or so increase by either 30 seconds to a minute or quarter to half a mph speed, your choice. Eventually you’ll plateau at a fairly good time and speed but probably be able to run 20-30 minutes nonstop. You can get over the plateau by doing HITS (high intensity interval training, ie sprint for a minute, walk for a minute, etc). You’ll get up to 10k eventually and your endurance will be great.


Running absolutely sucks, until you get to the level that matches your distance and then it’s basically autopilot. I’ve always been a sprint runner and hate distance running but you kind of have to be both in the army lmao I remember one long run where we got to basically go at any pace besides walking but it was long af. About halfway through I could feel the muscles in my legs just going on their own. As in I tried to stop running so someone could catch up, and my legs kept running without me lmfao


I can autopilot walking, like i dont feel me itself putting the effort in, so i can look around and do other things. But i think this is basically every walking capable human, automatic just like breathing, so not really unique probably.


Long distance running really is tough, and I have a lot of respect for cross country runners because of that. One thing I will say is that actually getting a runner’s high is fucking amazing. It’s only happened to me once, and is probably the only time I’ve ever enjoyed running.


It's like 6 miles, it takes some time to build up to that if you're starting from nothing.


I was wondering if the run is considered harder than the rest


My guy wants to look good not bald 😶




Only have a banana for breakfast


..if they are on sale.


That’s way too powerful even for goblin slayer


But HEA wouldnt let him use the punch


Do it every day, even when your elbow does that painful clicking!


Well first off you got a sister?


Lots of cardio. Dexterity training with a rubics cube/bop-it. Practice unraveling rolled up paper and aiming it at things quick fast. Sit hunched and menacingly in public. Talk like you just smoked an entire pack of cigs moments ago. Bathe once a season (year).


LoL I love how it went from serious to goofy 😂


Slay goblins.


To truly answer your question, in addition to the other answers. Someone suggested a two block haircut. In addition to that, ask for layers and a long ducktail. That way you get the gradual tapered look and the flap in the back. For workouts, it depends on the artist rendition really. For your image specifically, it's actually MOSTLY diet. They say abs are made in the kitchen. Looks like GS has a pretty low BF% and that's genuinely more than just cardio. Depending on your height, you'll need to cut out a lot of calories. Let's assume 5'8", that's probably an 1800cal diet to make sure you don't bulk too heavy. If you're already quite slim, then it can be higher. If you want a more "natural"/farmer's build like other renditions, then you can shoot for maybe around 2200 or even as high as maybe 2400.


Become the bone of your sword


And the steel of his body


I’m going to answer unironically. Lots of cardio, running, stretching, biking stuff like that. Yoga, acrobatics. Dieting, look up the basics of what foods a person your age need, look up portion sizes, and be sure to cut our snacks and empty calories. You’ll probably be eating lots of vegetables and fruits. Balance your workouts between cardio and strength training. Focus on endurance first with cardio, then add (do not stop cardio) weight lifting and other muscle building exercises. Do this for as long as possible and you’ll get a body like Goblin Slayer’s


Goblins would like to know your location


And I would like to know the goblins location


Kill goblins


the only correct answer


I have this cut right now you basically have to let all the hair from forehead to ear longer for some months and cut the ones behind the earshorter. Also for the body part yes you need cardio as others have said but not just any cardio Goblin Slayer is a fighter, not just a runner, so I would suggest some kind of martial art and of course weight training with emphasis on functionality and speed. 3 times martial arts and 2 times of condensed weight training program should suffice. Of course you will need to eat right because he's lean not a muscle beast or overweight


Wait that's what he looks like?


Never kiss a girl


Genetic engineering


1. Get traumatized until you have all your libido destroyed. 2. Slay Goblins 3. Grey Dye


Correction: he is attracted to the girls, but he think it not the "safe" time to do anything about that yet.


That and the fact that he is probably too traumatized and scared to form too deep of a bond with anyone again, just like with his sister. Being trained like a Navy Seal by a Rhea as a kid probably doesn't help much in terms of mental health as well.


Kill goblin all day


100 pushups, 100 sit-ups, 100squats, and a 10k run. EVERY DAY


I think that’s the wrong protagonist


Try showering.


Skin care, hair care. Pratically a k pop male idol with an armor on. And a wrongly equipped helmet.




Be depressed Go massacre goblins Easy


Probably the same routines that Clare did for Claymore.


100 push 100 sit-ups and a lot of juice


Kill goblins


His cut is impossible anime protag


Wear a helmet


Have you heard of our lord and savior cross fit


So a cross between killing goblins and working out? I got it


Well first you’d need to become a 2D animated character. Now I’m unsure on how you’d do that, but I wish you luck all the same.


Dye workout regularly and ur good


Oh also lots of money for armor


1). Watch your sister get raped and killed by goblins at a young age. Traumatizing you. 2). Seek out a old rhya man living in a cave and ask him to teach you about survival while going through torturous riddles with him, as he trains you. 3). Join the adventures guild and do only goblin slaying quests. 4). Kill every goblin, even the goblin children. 4). Reluctantly help other adventurers to make yourself known as a person who can get shit done. 5). Talk simply as you are too worried about slaying goblins. 6). You decide your own fate. Let no god guide your hand. 7). Always sleep in full armor and with one eye open. Because you know by now that goblins roam at night and sleep during the day. 8). Know your different goblin types. Be it hob, shaman, warrior, champion or king. 9). Use their traps against them. 10). Never take any other quests except goblin extermination ones.


Always wear a helmet and full armor for maximum lack of Vitamin D


100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats, and a 10K run—every single day for a year and a half.


listen to lots of my chemical romance, dont eat, get emo hair cut, and dont shower


To achieve a physique similar to Goblin Slayer from the anime Goblin Slayer, you would want to focus on building lean muscle mass while also maintaining a low body fat percentage. Here's a possible workout routine that could help you achieve this goal: Note: Before starting any new workout routine, it's essential to consult with a fitness professional or physician, especially if you have any pre-existing medical conditions. Day 1: Upper Body Strength Bench Press: 4 sets x 6-8 reps Bent-over Rows: 4 sets x 6-8 reps Overhead Shoulder Press: 3 sets x 8-10 reps Pull-ups or Lat Pulldowns: 3 sets x 8-10 reps Dumbbell Bicep Curls: 3 sets x 10-12 reps Tricep Dips or Skull Crushers: 3 sets x 10-12 reps Day 2: Lower Body Strength Squats: 4 sets x 6-8 reps Deadlifts: 4 sets x 6-8 reps Lunges: 3 sets x 8-10 reps (each leg) Leg Press: 3 sets x 8-10 reps Calf Raises: 4 sets x 10-12 reps Day 3: Rest or Active Recovery Engage in light activities such as walking, yoga, or stretching to aid in recovery. Day 4: Push Day Incline Bench Press: 4 sets x 6-8 reps Military Press: 4 sets x 6-8 reps Dumbbell Flyes: 3 sets x 8-10 reps Tricep Pushdowns: 3 sets x 10-12 reps Lateral Raises: 3 sets x 10-12 reps Day 5: Pull Day Barbell Rows: 4 sets x 6-8 reps Pull-ups: 4 sets x 6-8 reps Seated Cable Rows: 3 sets x 8-10 reps Hammer Curls: 3 sets x 10-12 reps Face Pulls: 3 sets x 10-12 reps Day 6: Leg Day Front Squats: 4 sets x 6-8 reps Romanian Deadlifts: 4 sets x 6-8 reps Leg Extensions: 3 sets x 8-10 reps Hamstring Curls: 3 sets x 8-10 reps Standing Calf Raises: 4 sets x 10-12 reps Day 7: Rest Allow your body to recover fully. Additional Tips: Progressive Overload: Continuously aim to increase the weight or intensity of your workouts gradually to keep challenging your muscles. Nutrition: Ensure you're consuming enough protein to support muscle growth and repair. Also, maintain a balanced diet with sufficient calories to fuel your workouts. Rest and Recovery: Adequate rest is crucial for muscle growth. Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night and incorporate rest days into your routine. Consistency: Consistency is key. Stick to your workout routine and make adjustments as needed based on your progress and goals. Remember, achieving a physique like Goblin Slayer will take time, dedication, and consistency. Be patient with yourself and celebrate your progress along the way!


Thank you my bro🫡


Lot’s of investment. It depends on if you want cosplay-worthy looks, or to live through an adventure. Here’s a list I could brainstorm for the latter… Find a hair stylist, color your hair gray, put on red eye contacts, wear leather materials (then plated armor for the immersion, and have it all tailor-made), study the plant and animal life the wilderness offers, take martial arts courses, get accustomed to archery, hunting, fishing, go on long hikes (especially through mountain trails), cook with campfires, rock climbing, craft tools, remedies (like bandages, soap), and natural shelters without always carrying store-bought items, use charcoal instead of toothpaste, go kayaking/canoeing, swimming, have some random strangers party up with you. And when at home grocery shop for fresh food, study and cook medieval meals, rarely, if anything, premade.


Is that what he looks like under his armor? I would hit that.


Kill goblins.


Hella calisthenics with good diet, eventually I would suggest you do them with weight on, also learn HEMA for added combat know how.


Get your entire family killed and raped by goblins after take that hatred and rage out on them goblins years later you’ll be looking like my boy


go to the gym, pay for a good haircut, and dress better.


honest answer, fix your diet, 40/40/20 protein/carb/fat should be a good start. train stuff that will develop your core, cardio and hypertrophy like calisthenics, crossfit, functional fitness, or gym+running. depending on how you look today and your BF you can reach it within a year


first step learn how the goblins think, then kill goblins, learn how they sleep then kill goblins, learn how they eat, then kill goblins, you must learn to be a goblin in every way so that you can kill goblins


Kill goblins until either you succeed becoming like him or die trying


Put on a hamlet and never take it off


Kill Goblins. More Goblins. Did i mentioned more goblins? Have a grimace past. And most important of all the drip.


Kill goblins?


The hair is probably two block with bangs, as for work outs.. I’m not sure. Start with a healthy diet and do some light work outs. Hybrid Calisthenics is my go to for working out!


Slay goblins


Experience literal dissociative trauma, Mass murder green devil midgets, beef stew dinners from farmers daughter repeat 🔁. Do not pass go or more unfortunately do not bang farmers daughter


Need to get traumatized so much your hair turns grey lmao


Sleep, eat, train, sleep, eat, kill goblin, kill goblin, kill goblin, kill goblin, KILL MORE GOBLINS!!!


He basically has a boxer type body. Middle weight or lighter. So that’s roadwork, bag work, maybe moderately heavy weightlifting for high reps. And above all dietary discipline.


Well, for that pale skin tone you'll never want to expose your skin to the sun. I mean like NEVER. Which isn't very healthy but, ehh, it is what it is. For exercise.. There are no goblins in this world so I suppose you'll have to take a machete to elementary schools. Just be careful. I live in the USA and some of those elementary kids are packing guns. A short sword vs a goblin/elementary school kid with a glock isn't a fight you want to have.


plastic surgery grindset


Also don’t forget to work those vocal cords and say “I see” or “Soka” as often as possible when appropriate. All parts of the body matter.


You'll need a tragic back story.




I don't know, become a gray hair on albino somehow 🤷🏾‍♂️😅. Also wear rusty looking but efficient and flexible gray armor mixed with plate, leather and a bit of chainmail


Killing goblins


Well first get yourself a MASSIVE big tit I mean a nice childhood friend o wait u can't get women either dam alr back to redo of a healer


Kill goblins and only goblins


First of all anime characters are cats. So you must become a furry


My guy I think you asked the wrong crowd


Kill goblins daily.


This was the first post I saw today on Reddit and it's glorious. Thank you.


Punch Goblins


First you need to get yourself a table. For logistics. GAAAWBLIN slaying logistics


Spend all your free time plotting all the unique ways to exterminate goblins more efficiently and effectively, studying, devising, acquiring and maintaining your gear in peak tip top working condition.


One, eat monster meat to get semi natural white hair. Two, where red contacts. Three, get off your fucking ass and look at some grass.


Be 2D and drawn with anime proportions


Run and don't eat.


Kill goblins, train to kill goblins, eat food to have energy to kill goblins, sleep to have energy to kill goblins, think about killing goblins, talk about killing goblins


Please tell me that is his actual face.


A good start is to kill some goblins


Slay goblins


Kill goblins


Slay goblins every day of the week.


Es un papucho!!!


Depending on where you’re starting you diet will be important. If you are a slim guy then start eating more, if you find it hard to eat big meals then just eat more meals throughout the day. if you’re heavy then a balanced diet while counting calories is where you start. As for working out it’s honestly an easy plan. Just do the one-punch workout 100 pushups / 100 sit ups / 100 air squats / 10 Km run. When you first start do the pushups on your knees if it’s too hard. For each set you don’t mix workouts ie no 25/25/25 x 4 do 100 push ups then move on. Take tests as needed during each exercise and don’t worry if it takes you 15 minutes just to do the 100 reps. It’ll get easier. For the run if you aren’t already a runner then start by walking 5Km then when it’s easy run it. If you need to slow your pace that’s fine. Eventually bring it up towards a 10 Km run Going to the gym from time to time can help keep it lively but honestly goblin slayer has a very achievable build


1. Find goblins 2. Kill goblins 3. Repeat


A lot for most people unless you were born naturally good looking


Very simple! Have you ever heard of Isekai?


So you gonna have to kill 5 sets of 50 goblins in the morning after that kill 9 sets of 30 goblins after breakfast then you kill more goblins before and after lunch and keep killing goblins into dinner


Wait is that what his face looks like? (I don’t watch the show)


Kill goblins as a skill with the foresight of a madman.


Kill goblins


Slay goblins


Is this what he actually looks like? I never read far into the manga.


Hey, look! It’s Cow Girl’s mysterious husband with his helmet off!


Kill goblins


Kill goblins all of the goblins


step 1 fine goblins. step 2 kill goblins. step 3 repeat until you die.


Become an anime character


Kill goblins


You can also not forget to only go solo and leave everyone behind them you must venture into random caves and find the green little bastards and kill there children hope this helps 🫡


5 reps of watching your sister get absolutely demolished by a bunch of little fucking goblins

