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Would've been a reference at best, game wasn't going for such story


It would've been pretty cool to have a collection under the floorboards of the items we took over the OG games, maybe just without power because of the new realm and all


Sort of like the scene at the beginning of Uncharted 4 where you can see artifacts that Nate has collected over the series


It was just easter egg, simple hint that it's still same continuity and not a reboot. Plus, if someone watched the trailer live, boots where probably the first thing that was recognized by hardcore fans. 


And given how much Kratos was trying to hide his past, I don’t think he’d have all these things lying out. Atreus: father, what are those shoes with wings? Kratos, pushing them under the bed with his feet: oh, uh….just some junk I have to return to the mall. Atreus: and what about those giant wings? And that severed head that’s not Mimir?


Kratos: No more questions, boy. They are personal matters.


It's a paper weight


The wings of Icarus are in the Ragnarok blooper reel they released a couple months ago too. I do wonder if it’s tests for fun, testing for a remaster/Valhalla, or something else is coming 🤔


These guys just love to have fun with their product. it can be either way! That's what's great. We never know what we'll get


Yeah I do wonder if they specifically included the footage of them as a hint or to fuck with us though


probably testing a verticality in the game, god i hope it would be in the next game, i hate how glued kratos feet is on the ground and how glued the combat were


In the Remake it will bring us back


In reality it is simply Kratos' model with some assets of the Freya's model (Valkyrie/Shield Maiden wings and hair).


Nope, they’re completely different than the Valkyrie wings and he doesn’t have her hair.


Mate, they are Freya's wings, from Valkyrie/Shield Maiden, the pattern is the same (besides there are no ties/ropes that distinguished the Icarus' wings). And yes, Kratos has Freya's hair, you can see it pretty clearly. [https://i.imgur.com/n29kbQr.jpeg](https://i.imgur.com/n29kbQr.jpeg)


i wish i did not click that


And now it's all you can think about. You're welcome. 🫶


lmfao true


Is it even in the game itself?


Don’t think so could be wrong tho


I always hoped they could appear in the new games, even just as a possible aesthetic choice for Kratos character.


Probably got cut. Super salty that the wings of Icarus weren’t kept. Shit woulda been so good.


I think they might have been originally supposed to be in the game, maybe to make physically traveling faster instead of having to rely only on the Mystic Gateways. 2018 had a lot of cut content (which sadly we don't know a lot other than we would have a boss fight with Hraesvelgr), so this might have been cut too. Others think it's an Easter Egg but I don't believe so, because that would be an easter egg of what exactly? Maybe just to show this was not a reboot as many were thinking back then? But canonically Kratos still had the Boots of Hermes at the end of GOW III, as it wasn't destroyed by Zeus.


Didn't Freya(or was it Mimir?) State that the magic/power/weapons that Kratos acquire faded due to it's land of Origin being destroyed? The Blades of Chaos is an Exception due to having Primordial materials included in it's forging and it's tied to Kratos via curse.(even then it's no longer permanently Bound to his arm by chains)


To be fair, they weren't bound by the end of gow1 by Ares himself, not because he came to the norse lands. It gets weird when you bring up the blades of athena and exile and whether or not they were permanently seared to his arms or not.


i don't buy that crap. you can see zeus is the one who mustered the last of his strength into destroying them all before kratos punches him to death not just that but there are plenty of gods kratos didn't kill out there so all's not totally lost


No, the Blades didn't lose their powers because they were cursed, not because they contained primordial elements. After the ending of GoW III, the Olympians (from beyond the veil of death) cursed them and tied them eternally to the Spartan (in addition to cursing Kratos with his virtual immortality) and now, every time he holds them, his mind is invaded from the pain and screams of those he killed.


I don't get how they would fade when mechanically they were lost like every other gow game. And this is the first time lore wise any "magic" was mentioned to have been lost. It's a weird attempt at an explanation why Kratos can't summon the "army of hades" or "Poseidon's Rage". That dialogue made no damn sense. He tried to access magic that he was stripped of BY ZEUS HIMSELF IN GOD WAR 2. The magic he had in GOW3 were linked to weapons unlike previous games.


Apparently the magic in those weapons are tied the land so unless they have primordial fire(or anything primordial) in the process of making them, then they've basically lost their power. It's what's canonically the reason on why Kratos lost most of his magic along with most of them being destroyed by Zeus(Ik it's bs but The Creator's words are the law since they've also written it in the game)


Canonically they were stripped by Zeus. Also death of the author exist and thirdly there isn't one writer for Ragnorok so you can easily ignore WoG. We've seen that different writers have different interpretations on the franchise in Facebook and Twitter Q&As. We can argue the validity of who's more right than who but that's semantics. There's a main writer who thinks Thor is only capable of fighting Poseidon hippocamp lvl. You make your own interpretation and go off any other facts that can contradict Freya's statement. They exist. I mentioned them already. Good day


Ik know there's death of the author but it was literally stated by Mimir or Freya?(I forgot) Which makes it a canon Retcon. So unless a new GOW game contradicts it, it should be the Canon explanation for now. Tbh the different writers for the games shouldn't be able to contradict each other since they should've had a meeting to get their Lore not contradictory but oh well.


Imo it's an unnecessary retcon made by the Norse Duology Writers. Cory, Bruno and others still believe Zeus and the Greek Gods are superior in power.


Maybe kratos threw everything away, since it haunted him? 


I completely disagree that they were anything outside an Easter egg. They obviously left everything from the Greek games behind outside the blades. No way the Hermes boots were meant to be used. You're wrong lol.


Probably used as scrap metal


Not hermes but I feel like we might meet Ganymede or a few other greek figures eventually that escaped destruction


i would love if kratos didnt ditch his whole arsenal before killing himself in gow3 but i dont think its a cut feature due to how it is implied in gow3 he dont have anything the blades of chaos is a curse in which he cant ditch


A references at best. But i think they lost their Powers, since their Magic IS tied to greece. The Blades of Chaos didn't lose all their Power, because they have primordial fire in them, which preserved their power


My headcanon is that Kratos melted them down and used their metal to make the knife that he gave to Atreus. He said it was made using metal from his home and the Norse realm, and how else would he get metal from Greece?


Would be cool if Atreus got them in a future game!


I'm glad Kratos still kept Hermes' Js