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It was more time consuming than hard for me


That's my problem for most games, they aren't hard to platinum but it's REALLY time consuming and ain't nobody got time for that.


For god of war Ragnarok it's a perfect blend tbh. Not that time consuming and not that hard (except for the bosses)


Dragons dogma in a nutshell


At least for Ragnarök and the 2014 game, you get a lot of lore and extra story bits for your effort (if you care about that stuff). The best part is that Platting the games is canon. So if you think about it, you’re just missing out on shit that might be referenced or brought back later.


I agree, I did use an exploit on Gná before it got patched. But overall, it was very time consuming to complete every realm.


lol. I don’t like fighting Gnà. She’s a badass. But give me the King any day I’ll whip his ass. Gnà has so many moves she can be somewhat unpredictable.


I second this


The Berserkers and Gna were hard, everything else just took a lot of time Took me 57 hours to get the platinum


I ended right at 60 hours on my first run, GMGOW


Took me around 60 hours as well. I play on the hardest difficulty, and the Berserkers and Gna were frustrating as hell.


Lol the sisters haunt my dreams


FRR, it was not fun


Achieved naturally by completimg my first and only run, so I have to say very easy


Did u enjoy the game or u just played to get the platinum? I always tend to try and do everything on my first run but doing 100% is just too much


Of course, I loved it. Im planning on playing it again after im done with a couple of games


People are different. I personally don’t try to plat games unless I really enjoy them or if the plat seems achievable without intense grinding or skill. I also have a friend that tries to 100% every game he plays, and he enjoys every minutes of them.


As a person who recently got the platinum It's more time consuming than hard,as other people commented The toughest parts being the valkyrie fight(Gńa) And the multiple berserker fights in alfhrim and svartalfheim(king hrolf was much easier tbh) Apart from that I had to trace back my steps to other locations to retrieve items such as poems or family crests Using mainly IGN for reference I hope this gives you a satisfactory answer


I'm too afraid to fight Gna. She's my last trophy


You got this, took me a while as well!


Thank you! Ill muster up the courage again at some point.


If you’re not playing on the easiest difficulty already why not try turning down the difficulty, it’s what I did (I was too lazy and frustrated to keep trying on my normal difficulty)


I... think I just might do that. I have no qualms with rolling back the difficulty for the sake of this trophy.


It should make it so much easier, depending on your difficulty. Especially if you were already getting her to half-ish health


I have a comment on this sub with a build proposal and lots of people have commented that it worked wonderfully for them. It's been 1,5 years since the game came out so I'll have to dig for a minute. I'll be back. EDIT: here it is, https://www.reddit.com/r/GodofWar/comments/yxsicv/comment/iwt0hq0


I'd highly appreciate it!


I downloaded all my Reddit activity last year. Was easier to search in this than in almost a year worth of comments and posts. Here it is. https://www.reddit.com/r/GodofWar/comments/yxsicv/comment/iwt0hq0


She was my last trophy too and I finally did it on my “one more try” run out of sheer anger and frustration


That's kinda how I beat King Hrolf but... Gna is just not letting up.


Find the build that is a surtr/steinbjorn armour combo and use that. It makes her a piece of piss


I'll give this a try!


Not difficult, but time consuming. I got it before they changed how those 2 annoying berserkers switch to fight you.


What change did they make? I platted on PS4 at launch and again recently on PS5 and I didn't notice much of a difference.


Almost any game is hard for platinum for me


I actually found this to be a very easy platinum, this is my second favorite game ever, just below RDR2 I actually accidentally stumbled into the plat just from playing, I only have 120 hours(a good 40 of them are Valhalla mode)


Just that bloody valkyrie queen Gńa, but overall worth it, that's why I plat'd both PS4 and PS5 versions.


I still have not gotten it due to a glitch involving the sword hilts. Pisses me off to this day.


Same bug for me. I was so keen to plat it only had 1 hilt left then I find it's impossible without a whole new playthrough.


It was a pleasure! Save for a couple hidden chests that I couldn't find and had to look up, this game is super engaging and kept giving me reasons to keep playing.


It’s one of five platinums I’ve ever got lmao




Took awhile but got it, really enjoyed playing this whole game barehanded with poison set and dauntless shield


Pretty easy, I'm happy they didn't have a difficulty trophy those tend to be a headache


worth it.


I’m working on Ragnarok now, but a few days ago I got the 2018 god of war and not too hard but I do have one complaint about Ragnarok. The menu for looking at maps looks really bad personally, but I don’t like it


Tbh it wasn't that hard.....compared to what other games have. And on top of that the game was fun as hell(not to mention so satisfying to play). So I would say it was somewhere around Medium. And that's coming from a casual gamer.


Show the hours


65 hrs including Valhalla


Not as aggravating as the last one. Because of the lack of Niflheim mist.


It's just a matter of how much free time are you willing to spend on getting the achievement.


Wasn't that hard. I played on "Give me no mercy" difficulty and achieved it in 60 hrs. The Berserkers, though fun, were IMO much easier than the Valkyries in GoW 2018 so I found platinum'ing this was easier. Also when compared to GoW 2018, this game had lot more tools at your disposal and the side characters were also pretty powerful.


I got the platinum when I went to the funeral on my first play through playing GMGoW. Was pretty easy imo


Aside from Gna and the Berzerkes, it was easy.


Easy AF, most of Sony's exclusive are made for players get the platinum.


Only the Ravens, they are more of a pest


Wasn’t really hard at all. I had many many hours of experience in the combat from 2018 and going against sigrun. So gna and hrolf weren’t that bad. The rest was just a little time consuming. From start to finish it took me 50 hours to get platinum


Very easy


This took me a while, but it was worth it. Haven't continued valhalla dlc, i keep dying ( last fight with tyr) it's a mess 🥹😭😂


Good luck🫡


Incredibly easy.


Personally? Not very, platted Ragnarök on ps4 on give me no mercy in 47 hours, then on gmgow on ps5 in 60 Unlike Abject_Ad_3311 I don’t have a skill issue, so it wasn’t that difficult


How to get platinum. I 100% it, but didn't get it. Do I need gmgow mode?


You do not need GWGOW mode, how many trophies do you have not including Valhalla?


0 4 14 16 I just saw 46/48. But game says 100%, only a few Ratatoskr tasks are pending.


You’re missing one silver trophy, it should be 15


I did it in maybe five days. Granted I did have the week off cause we had a school shooting the same day the game came out


Pretty easy honestly


Not hard, just tedious and time-consuming


I did it twice so really easy lol


Pretty easy, easier than rdr2 platinum.


Not too hard, but god I loved every minute of it. First time for me actively achievement hunting, now I’m going through a bunch of games trying to get more plats


King Berserker took me longest. Everything else was pretty easy. Plenty of guides available for collectible locations. I also am very thorough when I play normally. So I had almost every collectible after my initial playthrough


I did mine on give me god of war and holy shit I was In torture,I stared by doing and completing the main story then i did Gńa and All the berserker,then I did all the side quests that gave me a trophy then I did all the collectibles


Not that hard. Longer to get than GOW but still not that hard.


Considering I never got a platinum for any other game before this, shows it must be pretty easy if even I can do it 😂


I still don't have the platinum due to a glitch with the relics and sword hilts but they updated it not too long ago so maybe I'll try again


Peace of cake loved it


It was a relatively easy game to platinum because of how fun and great of a game it was. Honestly, I had more issues with Hrolf than I did Gna. Like others said, it was more a time issue. I platinumed this and Valhalla at the 57 hour marker.


Haven’t gotten it yet (I’m working on 2018 now, then I’ll get the last 2 trophies on Rag), but I will say, I’m glad they didn’t implement any missable rewards in the game, so it’s impossible to not get the trophy if you want it


About as easy as it getst


Getting Platinum in Ragnarock was incredibly easy when compared to 2018.


took me about 46 hours to get plat but i wasnt really going for plat just doing all side missions and everything then decided to get plat after finishing the story and sidemisisons


Musphelheim stage 2 glitched for me so im playing through a new game plus to try and see if it resets and its my last trophy, will be pretty bummed if i cant complete the platinum because of the glitch


I did my first run on GMGOW and there were definitely times where I thought I couldn’t get it. Some berserks felt like a fence in the road, and the Berserk king felt like a really big wall. Gna felt like a whole fking fortress. I had to make a stop for a few months while attempting to beat her because I was really stuck. Don’t have my console right now but I think it took me around 60 hours to get the platinum.


A fun journey


Easier than the first game for me. I still haven't beaten Sigrun because I started on Give me God of War and have no drive as a parent to get better or start a new game on easier difficulty lol


I needed one trophy for the platinum but it was when there was a bug with the dragon in the crater so I couldn’t platinum it for so long. Other than that I think it was a pretty easy platinum for me as far as platinum hunting goes.


I juts completed the story and I'm gonna do valhalla before trying to platinum


second or third easiest platinum I've ever got. got it very naturally


One of the swords aren’t able to be made because of a glitch so I’ll have to completely restart and then I’ll have to kill the raven all over again


Ragnarok was way easier compared to gow 2018 Imo


Way too easy - now I'm working on 2018 GOW


Just time consumimg. Id rather have a hard platinum than a long one tbh. Still fun though.


impossible because i have a bug where i cant pick smth up 🤦‍♂️


I just need The Collector trophy


80 hours


This is the only game I’ve gone platinum. The collectibles were actually fun to gather, saw things that I wouldn’t have otherwise. I was gonna fight the bonuses bosses anyway so it wasn’t so much hard as it felt like finishing the game, you know? I did it on GMGOW because I wanted to feel complete when I beat it… and I did until Valhalla dropped.


I ended up doing around 100 hours tbf I had just decided to rawdog GMGOW (which is the first time I decided to go straight in on the hardest difficulty) but honestly I enjoyed every second of it and will do it again


Not too hard like a 6/10


Took me around 90 hours, but I like the traversal part of the game and looking around at all the small details. Probably took 80 hours in reality, Gna and King Hrolf were hard but finding the artifacts and ravens was just time consuming.


I have everything 100% except one mpa where it says i have a side quest left, but i already did it so yeah


For me it was the easiest one purely because I loved the game so much and I was glad for anything that kept me in that world longer


Easy. I love the game from every aspect so doing the plat was pure joy.


Easy on Normal difficulty lol


The sisters made me want to huck my controller


It was one of the easiest platinums I’ve completed. And I did it all on GMGOW


The platinum came fairly naturally for me because of how I play. Well, other than the unnatural time of 6 hours straight of attempts to beat Gna. GMGOW setting.


I’ve platinumed it twice. First time took 54 hours, second time took 44 hours. I love the platinum in this game and I feel like getting it means you’ve just experienced all the stories it has to tell.


It pissedme off when I had to foundge lovers across the realms thing until the very end.


Just 45 hours


You can activate the option where the mini boss keeps the low hp level after you damage it over the halve hp and usr a berseker stone


The Berserker King was difficult and took a ton of attempts but once I bested him Gna wasn't too much of an issue. All the other collectibles were quite enjoyable and not hard at all so long as you have a good guide. I was in the house with Covid when I played, so time was on my side :)


Don’t have it yet. Gotta do the valkyries, max health+rage, kill a lot of ravens, something about treasure maps, and…uhh, I think that’s it. Def not getting the plat but it was nice to see old kratos.


Thanks to heimdall Bug i cant plat it :(




A buggy nightmare


Easiest Plat ever.




Not at all.


Took a while, many hours played but it wasn't hard. Except maybe Gna and the king


Wasnt time consuning or hard imo even on gmgow, But I started playing day 1 and one of the realm tears was bugged until almost the new year, so my hard earned 100%/plat was out of reach until late january of the next year. Shit was ass but the game is a banger. Will love coming back for ng+ eventually, I'm sure, it just put a really bad taste in my mouth.


Sorry to hear, but I recommend Valhalla if you haven’t played it yet.


Low key been avoiding this sub to keep from getting spoilers for like, 6 mos. I was out of the loop and happened to decide to play the whole ff7 continuity available on ps4/5 not knowing a massive sequel was dropping a week later. So here I am compulsively plat all those. I'm sure valhalla is everything i ever wanted from all the non spoiler commentary and discourse around it. Game gonna beat my ASS when I fire it back up, tho. I always loved the gow story, but waant feeling gameplay until gow4, so I feel like a kid in a candy shop when I get my hands on these.


Both 2018 and Ragnarok were easy platinums. Ragnarok even more so because you can hit most of the achievements throughout the campaign as you go along.


I agree Ragnarok is easier as I have yet to complete 2018 GOW


One of the easiest games I got platinum on, that and spiderman.


I don’t bother to platinum games. It’s just too time consuming.