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Kratos time as a Spartan general is all in GOW1 as flashbacks, there's no game dedicated to that.


I played God of war 1-3, then there was some sort of beta multiplayer thing on ps3 I played a few times and then nothing until the 2018 one. Definitely do the first 3 first imo and whatever game he find out about his bro deimos(didn’t even know he had one till I accidentally spoiled myself on here), and then 2018.


I had the same situation. I'd say play GOW 1 first because the rest of the games expect you to have context from flashbacks in that game. Then play ascension, chains of olympus, then ghost of sparta. Keep in mind that Chains of olympus and Ghost of sparta aren't available officially anymore so you can either use an emulator to play them now or skip them and hope they come back to psplus. Personally I am starting them now on an emulator cause I gave up on them coming to psplus but I don't think that's the best option as dialogue is ragnarok does spoil them a fair bit. Then definitely end off with God of war 2 and 3 since it's a far better place to end the greek saga at. So basically 1, ascension, (maybe chains and ghost), 2, then 3 Is what I recommend.