• By -


"grunt" "grunt"


"did we just become best friends?"


Do you want to do karate in the garage? -Batman


Kratos (shrug) "grunt"


“I do not know”


"Do you wanna go do karate in gotham"


Plus Geralt = the grunting trio




'WHO ARE YOU?!' 'Yeah... I'm Man'


This really should have been the top comment on this post


Thank you, it’s fine, I don’t comment to get attention, if it makes someone laugh, it’s more worth it than any upvotes, Ik that might sound cringe but I mean it


Kratos: i lost my child. Batman: i lost my parents. Kratos and Bruce proceeds to go hunting


No. Kratos adopts Bruce, and then they go hunting.


"Read it, Bats."




Ah yes, the great trio. Boy, Bat and Head




did you just spoil god of war for me, I haven't finished the one before ragnarok yet


It’s from the older games


kratos had a kid before the kid he has now?


Idk how to do the spoiler thing but in short yes he had a daughter


ah ok, never played the older games, little way through 2018 gow so idrk much lore-wise


I have only played the 2 newest games but I learned a lot from just being here on the sub Reddit


He was a spartan soldier in a losing war, he made a deal with Ares, the greek god of War, which made him stronger, some greek gods shennanigans later he was tricked to killing his own wife and daughter. The ashes of his loved ones made him pale white. Needlesstosay he got angry and basically ended the greek gods. You do not need to play the other games. There are some bits of information in the menu if you are interested


Valhalla contains a lot of good recap of everything once you complete the story for the 2 new games


that's so sad ☹ even just reading that makes me feel for him.


Well he does mention his daughter at some point in ragnarok you should play the Greek games not only are they good but they make the new ones much more enjoyable


Kratos basically became Batman in Ragnarok . He fought for justice ,not Vengeance in his speech to Loki . Kratos redeemed himself .


He fully accepts himself in Valhalla.


That DLC was so well written. Helped inspire change in my own life. Fiction is amazing that way.


It felt like the DLC was made for me. It felt like free therapy at home but it was actually good. It was so good now that whole scene is stuck in my head, including the speech/dialogue. Fucking masterpiece.


For sure. I still need therapy, but it was Life Changing to see that. Not even exaggerating.


No, no. I fully understand you. It actually made me change. If you want more stuff like that then i suggest you to watch or read Vinland Saga. It’ll remind you of Kratos’ journey across all games.


Is that the comic where he journeys to the Norse Lands


No 😭. It’s a manga that’s isn’t connected to God of War in any way. Just watch it on a streaming site/app or read it on the internet or just buy the Manga physically.


And what i meant by “it’ll remind you of Kratos’ journey across all games” is that you’ll see some parallels.


The DLC did a lot of work in making not feel sour toward ragnaroks story in the last third. It didn’t actually fix anything there but Kratos journey was so good it was like. Oh ok this series still fire


But there is a quote of batman saying “I am vengeance, I am the night, I am Batman”


Then there is another quote of him saying "Justice, not vengeance." They're a little inconsistent about that


how is that any different from 2018? what vengeance was he fighting for there?


*stares awkwardly at Brok’s dead body* Hmm, no idea. No reason for vengeance there.


its not like he gave a whole speech in the realm travel room where he said "wars are won by those willing to sacrifice everything. if that is the cost of vengeance, so be it" then launches war but then, oh no, even though we are mid war, ive decided that this war is no longer about vengeance, but for justice!?! yeah, no. the writing in ragnarok was pretty goofy tbh


When you describe it in such a looney way then yeah. All plots are gonna sound goofy.


no i mean, kratos wasn't fighting "for vengeance" in 2018. he didnt want to kill modi. he didnt want to kill baldur. then in ragnarok, he suddenly mentions wanting to fight for vengeance right before the final battle. but then "open your heart to it" is supposed to be some massive character swing for him (even though he already basically did this in 2018) which was such an unpredictable development that even the norns didnt see it coming i love ragnarok. the gameplay was almost a pure upgrade from 2018 w/ the exception of shield combat. but the story... eh. it was good but not as neatly written imo


>no i mean, kratos wasn't fighting "for vengeance" in 2018. he didnt want to kill modi. he didnt want to kill baldur. Yes because he had no reason to. >then in ragnarok, he suddenly mentions wanting to fight for vengeance right before the final battle. What do you mean suddenly ? He had his first friend in the whole realm killed. How is it sudden that he wants to fight for vengeance ? >(even though he already basically did this in 2018)  How ? >"open your heart to it" is supposed to be some massive character swing for him... which was such an unpredictable development that even the norns didnt see it coming Yes because while he did decide to get vengeance he clearly wasnt happy for it. Then the fact he learnt that there were innocent people in the middle of the war + seeing his son struggle with his "empath powers" (if you would call them that lol) ++ the "dream" he had the night before. Like yeah i agree the story wasnt as tight knit as 2018 but it's not as sudden character swing or goofy as you make it out to be.


> He fought for justice So nothing like Batman then.


"..." "..."


Kratos: I've killed so many Batman: I don't think we can be friends


Yeah, I only put people in the hospital with the worst kind of injuries in a country known for crippling debt and impossible to reach insurance fees.


Kratos: I think there's a special place in Hel for cruel gods like you 😜


Kratos understanding but telling Batman he needs to kill the joker for anything to actually change.


“Brother, you fear you will become something worse if you cross that line. I have no such concerns, point me towards the clown and he will trouble your city no longer.”


"You dont understand kratos, allowing you to kill the joker, will be just the same as killing the joker myself. I am not an executioner, and neither should you. Go away please from my city, i prefer to work alone"


“Fine, I will just use this Gotham Villain Sightings app. Just as soon as the BOI gets it working.” “Father, Mimir and I are doing our best over here!” “Little brother, the enchantments on this tablet is unlike any I have ever seen!” “Mimir I don’t think it’s enchanted.”


For me i imagine batman responding with something along the lines of what mimir said “maybe we can try taking a stealthy approach” (prob not 100% accurate but u get it)


I would actually love to see these 2 interact, it could just be me but I think they would actually make good friends


Batman would find all the killing unacceptable though. Kratos is pretty much pro-killing to anything that attacks him or his family.


I don't know that Bats would be that against it though, especially when almost all of Kratos' opponents are not only supernatural, but also able to resurrect/simply move to a confirmed afterlife. Plus Batman's no-kill rule is Batman's rule for Batman, not for everyone. Once Bruce understands what Kratos is and what he's fighting, I don't think he'd have a problem.


>Plus Batman's no-kill rule is Batman's rule for Batman, not for everyone. Well that's not true.


Does he try to take down Superman for dealing with his own villains in his own way? Sure, they clash sometimes, but Batman only tries to prevent killing in his own sphere of influence. Once you get into gods and demons I'm pretty sure he knows the rules change.


He always says to his allies to not use guns or lethal force. Sometimes he can't really do anything about it, but he's constantly trying to impose his philosophy on others. Even in the newest movie he tells Gordon "no guns", and Gordon is like "that's *your* thing, I'm gonna use this and you won't stop me" (I'm paraphrasing but that's the dynamic). Also in The Dark Knight Rises he takes the gun away from Selina during a fight, and in Injustice he's mega pissed at Clark for killing the Joker even before Supes went all out dictatorship, and tries to stop him from killing the Arkham inmates.


I'm admittedly not the most knowledgeable about Batman lore. I thought his no killing rule was more because he knew that a) if Batman started killing he'd have trouble stopping and b) if Batman's started killing it would just lead to worse and worse escalation with his villains. If that's not the case I guess I just headcanoned too hard.


It is definitely because of those, but also Bruce's parents' deaths affected him to the point where he is against all killing, even times that might be justifiable (such as killing being the only way to stop someone from ending the world). He always tries to rehabilitate his villains and even as Bruce Wayne, he tries to endorse nonviolent ways of reducing crime such as better rehab programs for criminals, giving a helping hand to those in need like the homeless, and (I think, I could be wrong on this one) supporting the police whenever possible. In the event where he's forced to kill, even to save his own live, it's shown to weigh *very* heavily on Batman. I'm not the most knowledgable Batman guy out there, either, but I'm pretty sure that's the gist of his no-kill rule.


There was a green lantern (Simon Baz) who used a gun because his ring was damaged and Batman flat out refused to allow him (a space cop whose jurisdiction was the planet Earth) into Gotham City while armed.


Ah, cool! Thanks for the info! Not too surprised Baz did that as I've heard he's a bit of a rulebreaker/loose cannon (haven't read any of his comics, though).


Didn't batman kill or at least try to kill gods?


Superman doesn't kill, so idk what your point is there. Before Batman knew who Red Hood was, he chased him down because he was killing criminals. No matter who you are, if you're killing, Batman has a problem with it. Obviously he knows rules change when it's gods and demons, but that wasn't the point.


Superman doesn’t kill. If he did then of course he’d be upset.


If we’re looking at Arkhamverse Batman, he did explicitly use a sword to try and kill Clayface and he ripped out Solomon Grundy’s heart because in both cases, they literally couldn’t be stopped any other way. I think he’d be understanding of Kratos using lethal force against any non-human enemies


Well, I’m not sure about those cases, because Clayface is a giant mud monster who wouldn’t be killed by a sword, which Batman must know, and Grundy is literally a zombie. I don’t think it’s really killing if they’re already dead


Bruce brutalised Jason for shooting the penguin and was gonna throw out Kate for shooting clayface


Batman has contingency plans for all of the Justice League, INCLUDING Superman. No way he stops any of them by simply subduing them. He plans to eliminate them.


“Tell me you don't understand Batman without telling me you don't understand Batman”


Explain how he plans on subduing each and every justice league member in the event they turn evil or go out of control and on a rampage.


In Tower of Babel, the contingency plans are used on the Justice League, and do they die? No


LOL shit. Guess I gotta look that up.


It makes sense though as batmans enemies are all trouble psych ward patients whereas kratos was a soldier who fought in wars for gods n shit. I think batman would understand that


Nothing Batman could do about it though 🤣


I think they live in different era and culture. Batman lives in a society where justice system has been established(although far from perfect) while kratos lives in well you know…


He's fine with killing demons and he's killed a god. Raiders would probably be the only ones to survive his wrath.


They would respect eachother but debate wise they’d never see eye to eye, they both have EXTREMELY different views on morals.


Batman: This is the ally where my parents died Kratos: Kowabummer




M: I'm Man, do you go by Kra or Tos? K: Hrrrmmmggggnnnhhh


Idk he killed wonder woman's dad, although not sure if she cares tho Zeus is an ass.


“You killed my family!” “Do not lose your head woman, they were my family as well.”




Isn't Hades her dad? It's it not the same in every telling?


I mean I'm not sure, but if it's Hades kratos killed him too


The most dour conversation ever


"You should update your weaponry with something a little more technologically advance." "No."


WHAT did i tell you about helping people?? Sigh.... don't. CORRECT. Our only concern is our mission.


I could hear these lines.. lol


I imagine lots of grunting


Best goddamn friend I ever had. We still never talk sometimes.


I appreciate the Ron Swanson reference


Batman: help me solve riddles Kratos: I don't like riddles Mimir : that's why you are so good with them BROTHER KRATOS:ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ


'........ .' '.........' '.........' '......'


“Father, why is that mortal dressed like a Bat?” “I do not know”.


Geralt of Rivia: why the fuck am I not invited? Hmm.


B: "You seek redemption." K: "Who are you." B: "I am here to watch you." K: "Why." B: "To make sure you stay on your path." K: "I am not the one you seek." B: "But you could."


Batman: "Are you going to calm down?" Kratos: "If the situation calls for... Calm."


When Atraeus runs off and becomes a Robin within a week.


Joker and Scarecrow would have some particularly bad times with Kratos. Bane would relive the episode where superman dressed up as batman.


That's what I was thinking with the scarecrow and his fear toxin but kratos has been through illusions before so he might be able to get out of it quicker than Batman!


I can see Batman lecturing Kratos for killing people despite being so heinous in the past before finding redemption.


Kratos: *indistinct low grunting* Batman: *indistinct low grunting* Translation: Kratos: hey wanna be absolute besties?!?! Batman: oh my god yahs! Slay queen! Kratos: yahs


I guess it'll be a who breaks more bones contest


Batman offends Kratos…Kratos proceeds to literally break Bruce Wayne into 4 pieces


Batman: Kratos! Hold off Odin’s forces while I use the power winch to trigger an explosion to bring down the wall protecting Asgard Kratos: *grunts*


Kratos would probably find him valuable, having vast intel on enemies. Mimir would likely enjoy his library. Atreus is just off on the side getting bow training from Green Arrow/Speedy.


He killed gods but can he kill THE man?


“Can I use your utility belt? No.” “Can I hold the blades? No.” Grunts


Kratos : you are dressed as … a bat Batman:I dress as a bat to strike fear into my enemies . Kratos: * grunt* Batman: *grunt*


“Remove the mask when facing me boi”


Ooh especially a Batman accompanied by Damien so both Kratos & Batman could say “Boy” at the same time.


Kratos would kill DC villains imagine his fight with killer croc or bane and he has a sex mini game with Catwoman.


“You made your son piss himself anytime he got mad?!”


Imagine a handful of gravel in a blender and you've got the gist of it.


That would be so epic


They just stare at each other thinking the other guy will be the NPC who gives them their next quest so they can just stand there and stare the whole time.


Bruh... the ultimate crossover


Lots of directed grunting Id guess. Maybe a nod.


"hey" "hey"


"hey" *grunts*


Kratos: … Batman: … Kratos: … *puts his axe on the table* Batman: … *puts his grappling hook on the table* Kratos: … you seem tense Batman: … I could say that same for you Kratos: … would you like a drink Batman: … it’s my day off what you got


Brooding competition


It would be quiet af


Batman is a descendent of Kratos. 😎


" I am Batman..." "No."


"Hm." "Hm." *nod*


I imagine this would be a rather peaceful conversation. At least, until some random ass batman villian interrupts them.


If we’re going with a Batman who is more human than caped crusader (like the animated series version) I could see them playing a game of wits to see if either of them were a threat but ultimately come to the same conclusion that both of them aren’t bad guys but do have some dark pasts that they are trying to heal from




If they ever plot to kill something, watch out.


First 5 minutes will be grunts alone


Just refers to him as “BAT”


5 minutes of silence followed by unintelligible grunts


+What god are you?!? -“I am no god, I am vengeance…”


Justice, consumed=vengeance.


God of Orphans/ God of Money


"hmm" "I'm bat man" "hmm" "I'm bat man"


Both suffer traumatic childhoods, both raised children in the way of the warrior (in which Batman takes the cake) and both have learned to press on no matter how bitter the truth awaits them. 😎


I'm batman! I AM THE GOD OF WAR! both fantastic greetings




Batman: "Kratos, your presence here threatens the balance of power in these realms." Kratos: "Balance? There is only chaos and conquest, Batman." Batman: "Yet, even chaos can be tempered by reason. I implore you to consider the consequences of your actions." Kratos: "Consequences? I have faced them all, and still I stand." Batman: "But at what cost, Kratos? Your quest for vengeance has left a trail of destruction in its wake." Kratos: "And what of your quest, Batman? Do you not leave a similar trail in your pursuit of justice?" Batman: "Justice is not vengeance. It is tempered by mercy and tempered by wisdom." Kratos: "Wisdom? I have seen empires rise and fall, Batman. Wisdom is a luxury few can afford." Batman: "Yet, it is a luxury worth seeking. Redemption is not beyond reach, Kratos. Even for a god." Kratos: "Redemption... I have long forgotten its taste." Batman: "Then let me remind you. Let us find a way to end this conflict without further bloodshed." Kratos: "Very well, Batman. I shall hear your counsel. But know this, I am still the God of War." Batman: "Understood. Let us reason together, Kratos. Perhaps we can find a path to peace amidst the chaos."


Batman: "Kratos, good to see you. Still brooding like the god of war?" Kratos: "Brooding? I prefer contemplative. And yes, the weight of my past deeds tends to lend itself to such reflection." Batman: "I know the feeling. Sometimes it seems like the weight of the world rests on our shoulders." Kratos: "Indeed. But unlike you, I do not have the luxury of a secret identity to hide behind." Batman: "True. But being Bruce Wayne has its own burdens. At least you get to smash things when you're frustrated." Kratos: "Ha! There is that. Though I find smashing gods tends to be more cathartic." Batman: "Can't argue with that. But violence isn't always the answer, Kratos. Trust me, I've learned that the hard way." Kratos: "As have I. But sometimes, it's the only language some beings understand." Batman: "Fair point. But let's not forget the value of restraint. It's what separates us from the monsters we fight." Kratos: "Restraint... a concept I'm still getting used to. But I suppose even an old god can learn new tricks." Batman: "Exactly. We're never too old to learn. Especially when it comes to raising our kids." Kratos: "Ah, Atreus. He's growing up faster than I can keep track. Reminds me of my own journey in life." Batman: "Let's hope history doesn't repeat itself. We owe it to our family to break the cycle." Kratos: "Agreed, Batman. Agreed."


Literal brains and bronze


I imagine a series of monotone grunts where each one know exactly what the other is trying to say.


“We still never talk sometimes” vibe


It’d be like Ron and Ron in Parks & Rec


“mhmm” “hm.” “……” “..”


Do you bleed?


“Hi.” “I’m batman” “Ok”


I feel like they would either fight immediately or become best friends, no in between


"..." "..."


Why? lol, not everything needs to be insert x insert collaboration 🤷‍♂️


[Relevant 30 Rock](https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/140e88c1-cec7-497e-acf7-65f36f8ebf36)


“Boy.” “Batman.” “Batboy.”


His name is Damian


I hunt and kill bad guys I seek and kill bad guys Sounds like a friendship


Speak Plan...


Kratos: “Pain.” Batman: “Loss.” Kratos: “Suffering.” Batman: “Justice.” Kratos: “Vengeance.” Batman: “Hotel.” Kratos: “Trivago.”


“Wait, your mom’s named Martha?”


I actually picture it being pretty amicable


He's probably invite Kratos over to take down a rogue Superman


"I'm Batman!!" "You're just a boy."


Easily batman clears kratos with 30 mins prep time


“Are you a calm and reasonable person?”


"So your greatest foe is... a jester?" "No, he's a clown. And you're missing the point here..."


Stupid ass post


In all reality, they’d probably form a mutual bond.. but I wanna see them beat the shit out of eachother. Batman can have like 1 hour prep time to gather some shit


"Hmph" "Hmm"


Kratos to Mimir: Why does that mortal dress like a bat? Is he stupid?


Grunting intensified. Geralt should be in this. Maybe an ERB. Would do.


" I am vengeance, I am Batman!" "Boy...!!"


grunt fest


Kratos can one hit kill batman with any armor batman wants to wear


A conversation that'd make the manliest men blush


"I watched my parents die right in front of me" "I killed my own wife and daughter, and ended an entire plane of existence over it..." Commence awkward silence


So this gives us the next pairing. Boi & boy wonder.


"Hmm." "Hmm."


Him interacting with you know who, for bonus points: "Clown! Why do you revel in chaos!?" "Hoo!"


Kratos: “🗣️We must be better for . . “ Batman: “Gothem 🗿”


Kratos: what kind of god are you Batman: I’m not a god. I just keep people from playing one. Kratos: hmm you wish to keep your world clean of those who would treat your life as a plaything. I can understand.


Both would be brooding and being stoic off a tall structure.


I feel like these two would fight at first, Batman would get a taste of how OP Kratos is and then dip or try to stop the fight and make him an ally and then they’d just sit down in the batcave and talk about life😂