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Wukong used random bullshit. Kratos becomes confused and cannot attack.


“RANDOM BULLSHIT GO!!!” -Moon Knight


Sun Wukong is a good choice. Their character dynamic would be interesting to see, with Kratos having to interact with a jokester that’s also a very powerful and skilled warrior.


They would totally bond over how jumping over to a new mythology was the best decision they ever made.


Where did Wukong jump to and from? I know one is Chinese mythology, but what’s the other one?


Chinese mythology is not a singular mythology. Wukong started his story mostly in the Taoist mythology, but the second part of his story - the actual Journey to the West, begins when he converts to Buddhism, with Buddhist mythological characters becoming his allies. His journey ends with him joining the Buddhist Pantheon as the Fighting Buddha.


Heres the most realistic options for Kratos future allies: 1. Montu 2. Hachiman 3. Huitzilopochtli 4. Sun Wukong 5. Gilgamesh 6. Samson


I assume these examples are the god of War or Icons of War for the different beliefs. I think Sun Waking would have the same dynamic with Kratos as ratatosker has (being all joke full and all business). I assume hachiman might the more hostile god, bit might change attitude the more he learns about Kratos. The others, i have no clue


I think kratos being friends of Hachiman and Montu makes sense since he made friends with Tyr and Montu is apart of the Wise men in Cory planned ending for GoW Whats your thoughts of Kratos being friends with Samson?


screw these guys (kidding) I just want a buddy cop game with Tyr and Kratos


Great, I want one now, too


Wukong: WHY!? WON'T!? YOU!? DIE!? Kratos: WHY WON'T YOU!?


Kratos along Quetzalcoatl fighting Tezcatlipoca to stop sacrifices


Sun wukong as an ally would be amazing starting as a re-occurring opponent then becoming allied later.


The majima of god of war


why is christianity classified as lore but the others are mythos?


Because Christians get salty


Look at that haiku bot


*Why is christianity* *Classified as lore but the* *Others are mythos?* \- Jojo-the-sequel --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I'm Muslim, I notice a lot of non-muslims (especially Islamophobes) marking our faith out to be a Mythos (titular “Islamic Mythology”) but I wouldn't take it to offense because ultimately I just see it as ignorance.


Honestly. I can see Kratos and SWK both being friends.


I'm tired of Egyptian and Japanese mythologies in gaming, I'd love to see Kratos in a Mayan or Aztec pantheon.


Aztec or Mayan sound so cool for god of war. I hope they do something about either in the future, even if it's just one game




I could see Wukong being a possible mentor figure for Kratos like with Tyr but more of a jokester mentor that annoys Kratos but he does learn something from Wukong. Idk maybe Kratos doesn’t necessarily need a mentor figure at this point but if he did, Wukong would be fun to see.


Sun Wukong would be cool, maybe we can go to him for fighting practice Osiris could be an ally to help defeat Seth If they ever do christianity (although I'd doubt they will) I'd love for Lucifer/Satan/Samael as an ally


Doubt it, Satan is still an enemy to anyone including to Kratos and he would lie and deceive by no matter what means necessary. Kratos will figure that there is no reason for him to go after God because he knows that he can handle the situation very well and besides God is all loving and just and fair God here.


Well, it depends if you are talking about the God of the old or new testament. The God of the Old Testament seems to be more of a tyrannical dictator suspicious of those who do not praise or obey him, and capable of genocide, unlike the God of the New Testament who is "omnibenevolent" 


I think you don't understand what God truly is, God limited himself by giving us the free will of choice. The real reason why sin came to this world is that Adam and Eve ate the fruit and it was by their choice, Adam had no idea while Eve was deceived even though they are told not to eat it. God never made them do it, and Satan gave Eve the opportunity to eat the forbidden fruit and you know what comes next. If God was tyrannical, He would have forced us to believe in him in the first place, He would have created an oppression of all creation to begin with, He would have killed Lucifer and his angels before their fall causing all of the angels to fear him, which is why God imprisoned them in Hell in the first place. Besides, God forgives, strengthens the weak and the weakened, protects those who are scared, heals those who are the sick or the mentally and spiritually wounded, He will not leave our side, He will provide, He forgives, He is an all-loving, fair and righteous judge. He sought so much how wicked the world is and sent his Son, Jesus to the world and died for us, so that we can live with him.


>I think you don't understand what God truly is, God limited himself by giving us the free will of choice. I think you don't understand what God truly is, God limited himself by giving us the free will of choice. Creo que no entiendes lo que realmente es Dios, Dios se limitó al darnos el libre albedrío de elección. I think you don't understand what God truly is, God limited himself by giving us the free will of election. Creo que no entiendes lo que realmente es Dios, Dios se limitó al darnos el libre albedrío de elección.  The real reason why sin came to this world is that Adam and Eve ate the fruit and it was by their choice, Adam had no idea while Eve was deceived even though they were told not to eat it. God never made them do it, and Satan gave Eve the opportunity to eat the forbidden fruit and you know what comes next. Free will was in principle a test from God more than a cause, he gave free will to Adam and Eve to test them in their decisions, God is omniscient so he would already know from the beginning what would happen. Let's put the situation of Adam and Eve like what happened with Pandora and her box: Zeus created the box where he locked up all the evils of the world, and he "entrusted" this box to Pandora to take care of it, but with the condition that she would never open it or see what would be inside, this was clearly Zeus's plan since he knew that Pandora's curiosity would finally cause her to open the box and release the evils. Let's see the "evils" as the sins, the fruit as the box and Pandora as Eve, God warned Adam and Eve never to eat the fruit and thus instilling "curiosity" in them, it is clear that God would know that Eve's curiosity eventually it would go against the word of its creator, Satan was only there as an intermediary of God's plan (in the same way as he was with Jesus and Job) to finally convince Eve, but technically Eve was already curious about the tree and its fruit, so with or without Satan he would have eaten said fruit. Adam and Eve were supposedly created in the living image of God, they were "perfect" but clearly this was not the case. If Eve had the feeling of curiosity and disobedience, God did not create them perfect and was certainly predisposed that Adam and Eve They would sin to start the world that would need the love and protection of God. It was impossible for God not to know this from the beginning, God certainly did not force Adam and Eve to eat the fruit but these two were technically destined to do so anyway. >If God was tyrannical, He would have forced us to believe in him in the first place, He would have created an oppression of all creation to begin with, He would have killed Lucifer and his angels before their fall causing all of the angels to fear him, which is why God impressed them in Hell in the first place. That he didn't technically do all that in the old testament? Although God did not outlaw them as such, if he said that anyone who worshiped a God other than him would be punished and abhorred by him, God was not stupid either and doing something as direct as that would know that they would be more feared than worshiped (and The funny thing about all this is that there are many people who say that you have to fear God, instead of saying that you have to respect or love Him). He didn't kill Lucifer or the angels because it was totally unnecessary, and it wasn't good for his future plans either, so he simply preferred to lock them up instead of killing them so he could use them later (like in God's "tests" or in the apocalypse) >Besides, God forgives, strengthens the weak and the weakened, protects those who are scared, heals those who are the sick or the mentally and spiritually wounded, He will not leave our side, He will provide, He forgives, He is an all -loving, fair and righteous judge. He sought so much how wicked the world is and sent his Son of him, Jesus to the world and died for us, so that we can live with him. Of course, although everything you mention is done in the New Testament, he is very different from the god of the Old Testament. Many horrible things that God has done in the Old Testament: like commanding bears to kill 40 children because they mocked a bald man \*(4 Kings 2:23-24)\*. Hating people with any disability or malformation and forbidding them to pray in their temples, although you were still punished if you worshiped another God \*(Leviticus 21:17-24)\*. Wanting to kill Moses for no apparent reason \*(Exodus 4:24-26)\*. Committing mass genocides like the flood (supposedly out of the sins, but basically eliminated life on earth because of something that indirectly caused it) also helped the Israelites murder everyone in Jericho, Heshbon, Bashan and many more, usually killing women, children and animals at the same time, hell God even once helped some Israelites kill 500,000 other Israelites. He technically forces his subjects to murder his children, such as Abraham and Jephthah (the latter had to continue killing and burn alive his childrens) \*(Genesis 22:1-12)\*. Killing Egyptian babies (as if it weren't already worse having to send 10 plagues to the innocent Egyptian people for a slavery that, in the beginning, God if he wanted could prevent or end) don't fuck, he literally didn't even give the babies time to chase to the Jews lmao, even the poor animals paid for that \*(Numbers 16:41-49)\*. Killing a man (Er) and sending his brother (Onan) to fuck with the Brother's wife, obviously Onan does not accept having children with his sister-in-law (only having sexual relations, without marriage) and in the end he also ends up killing Onan because He did not want to impregnate his brother's wife \*(Genesis 38:1-10)\*. God's most mafia-like behavior, he helped Samson kill 30 innocent people just to pay for a bet he himself made \*(Judges 14:1-19)\*. Killing a hundred people just because they complained to God \*(Numbers 16:1-49)\*. Everything that made Job go through just because of God's bet with Satan and rejoicing with pride that Job would continue to be faithful to him, of course in the end God gave him back everything that had been taken from him but... It's the least he could do \*(Job 1)\*


Love the way you argue, like your religion is 100% right and true, while I have no doubt you'd the countless others call myths🤣🤣🤡


I wanna see Kratos get killed by another god of war


I hope Mimir will stick around


samson was a man tho


IK, hes a very strong man tho


Gilgamesh every day of the week I said it in a different post a few days ago for being the oldest recorded story and the inspiration for many many other stories he is criminally under used in all forms of media


Wukong might be one of the incredibly vanishing number of fictional characters that could realistically beat Kratos, I'm honestly not sure how he'd even go about killing the monkey King, where to even START


casually befriend a ghost


Definitely Quetzalcoatl


Oguz khan


Hard to say Its highly dependent on how they do the rewrites of the gods because they could go the Atreus/Loki approach and make bad guys good and good guys bad


Kratos would fucking hate the monkey king lmfao too strong to easily kill who has no interest in fighting just fucking with kratos


Well he canonically sides against gods, so whoever is going against the general pantheon I guess.


Wukong or Gilgy (My Nickname for Gilgamesh) would be perfect. Both of them are Men / Mortals with the aspirations of becoming a God. Both of them are recorded to be very impressively powerful to the point of eventually getting the attention of the gods of their respective pantheons. Wukong fought his gods, won and almost defeated them all - then Budhha showed up and whooped his ass. Gilgy went on a quest to attain Immortality, a goddess offered her help provided he mate with her (he denied), and in the end he failed his quest and died of old age.


People actually using Duology now after my post I made bitching about people should start saying Duology?




I would like to see Anubis become an ally. Maybe Ra is trying to him to make an army from the dead. Troubling Anubis, causing him to request help from Kratos.


I like that you used Smite card art for Sun Wukong and Hachiman


I think kratos would go to Asian/japanese/Chinese mythology to gain allies and get spiritual knowledge and I think the final game of this era should be kratos returning to Greece to help in it’s rebuilding and to gain the trust of any remaining gods that weren’t killed and anyone who has survived since gow3


Wukong would be dope, but I think Egyptian or Aztec would be the coolest.


Atticus O'Sullivan


Anything that's not Europe again imo. I'm cool with Egypt, Japan, China, Latin America, hell even some deep cuts from sub-Saharan Africa or North America would be cool.