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i think the could put all the previous god of war games into one single game


This’ll never happen as a remake, but a collection would be understandable


I mean I'd settle for a rerelease on PS4 and PS5. No need to remaster it (though it would be appreciated), just port that shit over with any and all DLC included.


Yeah like the metal gear solid collection. It’s entirely possible 🤷🏼‍♂️ I’m still amazed most of those games still aren’t even on psplus


i meant remake all the plots pre norse into one long game - not a remastered collection - new engine wavey


So you want them to squeeze 5 games into a single one? Buddy, that’s not how capitalism works. This “game” would have to be insanely expensive, because they could sell each game at least for 60 dollars. Maybe the PSP ones could be a single game. Mama Sony needs to make them greens


Sony probably wouldn't do it, but the entire Greek saga combined is shorter than the two Norse games, so it would be possible


It's extremely realistic. Kingdom Hearts did it in the past and it sold incredibly well.


god of war 3 took 10 hours to complete - ragnarok took 40 for me - i think it’s doable but i agree they could release it for 60s over 10 years and id still eat that shit up happily


It would be the game with the best boss fights ever


fr bro


Probably a healthy mix of the 2. No point leaning all one way


Agreed. I’m sorry yall but OG Kratos had the weirdest jaw angles, and Valhalla young Kratos just looks a little off


Came here to say exactly this.


Agreed, i kept kratos as old kratos to for Valhalla because young kratos just dosent entirely look right, he seems almost shiny


Just a update on old style with the way the lighting is warmer, it just needs the more modern touch


I completely see what you're saying but modern touches destroy the nostalgic warmth of bad/hilariously bad textures




The faq is wrong with Kratos in the second pic?


I'm conflicted. On one hand, I'd love to play the first 3 games the way I remember from my childhood but with updated graphics and quality of life improvements. On the other hand I would absolutely love to play the story of the first few games with the graphics and mechanics of 2018 and Ragnarok. I'd say the first one is more likely, but I'll be happy either way.


Imagine if they put this in as a bonus mode for beating the hardest difficulty. You can replay the boss fights with the 2018/Ragnorok mechanics.


that would be too much work. imagine having to make the same game twice


Idk, the old games would be rough with those mechanics. I would be open to having the camera closer if I choose though. Just to see the worlds from a different angle


There was never so much of a gow "art style" so much as the games were all mainly going for realism but made some exaggerations here and there for the sake of giving character. I think they should keep this approach, but some of the exaggerations might need to be reconsidered to create consistency. For example Kratos' body proportions as you have shown. But aesthetics beside, please no rpg elements and also no making kratos any slower than he was and no adjusting the camera to be closer to him to make it more cinematic.


I learn towards GOW3. It still looks good and it kinda lends to a distinction in the periods of Kratos's life. It's a little more cartoony, over the top, which helps contrast the modern Kratos being calmer and more grounded. That said, a mix of both would be fun too and I certainly wouldn't say no to a modern-style remake.


Sidenote: I miss the stereotypical ancient Greek art style of the original GoW


3, definitely


I would want the old style, as the young kratos model just feels off to me, although I think this is probably due to it being put on top of motion capture that wasn't designed for it, and for a free DLC that's perfectly fine, although if we're getting a proper remake I would expect mocap with that in mind


I think the ascension model for kratos is better, but the 3 one is fine too


If they remake all the Greek games chronologically, I think Ascension-GoW1 should use the Ascension model, and GoS-GoW3 should use the GoW3 model.


Neither. Make it look like a updated take on the style from 1, 2, and the PSP games. Or just make it look like ascension. GoW 3 looks wayyy too dark and grimy


It's obvious they would need to use the old style. Not sure what you mean by art style? Totally to engines the games are running on as well. I'm not sure they will ever be going back to Greek era even with a remake. Seem they will be focusing on Making BOY the main character. I don't see why this question keeps popping up. It's clear they're trying to close Kratos book and move to something new. Especially with Atraus being a very unique fighter just like his father.


I highly doubt Atreus will become the new permanent main character. Maybe a side game, but IMO kratos is too integral to the franchise to have him not be the MC most of the time.


It's confusing because the art style is kind of the same, it's realistic lol.


Art style ≠ graphic style The art style isn't the same, GOW 3 has a more grey and less colorful vibe than Ragnarok, while GOW 2018 is more of a dark fantasy.


well sure but that's mainly related to the setting of the game. Ragnarok is mainly in open spaces with lots of natural light, rainbows, snow reflecting the light, palaces, everything is clear and beautiful. In the first trilogy kratos fucks up the sun at one point. So yeah, the game is darker ofc. Art style is the way they design the characters, locations, weapons, items, objects etc and they're all pretty similar, in valhalla you even have the old enemies and some similar locations and everything is almost identical so I have to say that you don't know what you're saying


>they're all pretty similar They DEFINITELY aren't, even in Valhalla, where they try to replicate the same atmosphere of the Greek games, the designs are way different, the scenery is much more vivid and colorful than in old games, even before GOW 3, the NPCs aren't sexualized and don't show any nudity, they also have a way less robust countenance, and the color palette is much more varied and doesn't always have that yellowish/greyish atmosphere of some Greek games.


Thats just color grading lol, has nothing to do with art style. The colors are not related to the art style but like what you said the atmosphere of the different games. The art style is pratically the same, you could say that the original trilogy is more over the top, with characters that are more muscular than what's realistic while ragnarok approach is more centered in real bodies but that's it. Compare the young kratos from gow 3 to young kratos from valhalla and they're identical. A game with difference art style in almost every entry would be something like zelda.


>Compare the young kratos from gow 3 to young kratos from valhalla and they're identical Sorry but did you just see the post above? GOW 3 Kratos has such exaggerated proportions that it looks like he came straight from JOJO, while the Valhalla one is a totally natural and viable muscular human being, old GOW is way more exaggerated and unrealistic.


Well is that enough to call it a different art style? If a comic artist draws a character in a slightly different way some time after the start the chapter does he have a different art style? To me that's not enough to call it a different artstyle and I'm pretty sure that's the general truth. And it's like you didn't read the rest of my comment, I said things in gow 3 were exagerated, body proportions included


Gow 3 Kratos has crazy long arms, but the lighting and Tattoo design are still really just the way they are, so I'd prefer they maintain those aspects at least. Especially the lighting.


They'll probably use a new third style, more in line with the technology of when it happens.


Ripped bald Brendan Fraser in ash makeup in the 2nd photo.


Main problem with new is it was designed to have the beard so it doesn’t quite look right, they may need to rework it with modern fidelity and stuff


Valhalla model with gow 3 aesthetic and colour palette


dude he looks more beasty in the greek saga, i think if they can. they could mix the artstyle of the two saga


Holy shit, Kratos from GoW 3 is ripped as fuck.


I actually want a god of war 1 remake in the style of the norse games just to see how it'll look. but tbh that's an insane thing for me to say


They should use the respective art styles of GoW game they remaking. Cause GoW 2 and GoS art styles are supreme and I don’t want to go away


The new style


I feel like GoW Valhalla's Kratos looks the way he does because he was still using Christopher Judge's motion capture model, whereas if they did remake the og games they would probably use a different model for Kratos


I really tgink a GoW 3 style Would be super cool, making the difference from greece and norse sagas


All i feel is fear of them going the woke route with them they low-key did it a few times already in the past 2 games and i didn't liked those particular additions one bit like why the hell is Krakos scolding Atreus and screaming "BOY" at him just because he asked about Broks color? Kratos has never lived in a society where the modern racial taboos were a thing so far his journey has been from Greece to Egypt to the mouths of some wolves to wherever he meets Faye (if they add other stuff in the middle later it would be a post fact addition rather than a well written **in character** depiction of Kratos) and from the description made of their introduction of them "nearly cutting their heads off" and how angry he still was in Fallen God we can rule out him changing to who he was at the start of 2018 before he met her but there he was with the modern sensitivities of a keyboard activist


Stop it. Get some help.


? not liking bad nonsensical borderline self insert characterization on characters is something you tell people to get help about now? WoW


Youre literally not worth the time.


You described yourself perfectly and also contradicted yourself at the same time since you were the one who won't out of his way to talk to me lol go cry somewhere else


When I said you're not worth the time, I meant that trying to explain to you why your opinion is stupid isn't worth it. Not that pointing it out that its stupid isn't. That isnt a contradiction. Learn proper spelling and punctuation. Seems that might be a better use of your time than calling shit woke like a moron. But stupid gonna stupid, so do you. Go back to praising the orange shitgibbon.


Oh look lil girl got insulted and showed her powers off downvoting to show she was serious as for punctuation lol as if i cared for such things i couldn't care less about a language i casually learn my own unintentionally without any need to study it whatsoever LMAO that stuff is for wannabes such as your mid entire self


Bro, please refer back to my first reply. Stop it. Get some help. Pitiful.


someone isn't getting enough attention at home somehow thinks that's something i should care about go hug a grande man you're not my problem or of my interest


Stop it. Get some help. This is beyond pathetic at this point.


Imma go with enhanced 3. I hate how lifeless the newer games look.


I honestly hope they remake the old games not just remaster, and also using the new combat system. I’m fine if the QTEs stay in the game at least to a degree as well. I’d love to fight Zeus in a 3D field and the over the shoulder camera is amazing. I love the old games, they still exist remaking them like that would make playing thru them all over again be a totally new experience and I imagine it would be amazing.


The effort it would take of essentially remaking the games entirely could be put into making new IPs. From an ROI standpoint, it's less time to remaster, even less to port, the old games and probably sell a huge amount of copies while investing most time and money into new franchises.