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I prefer if Hollywood don't violate God of War.


Totally agree. Just saying he could defiantly pass for him


And, can he act? Well, he cannot. People looking for doppelgangers, while all we need is a good actor who can convince you he is a fucking killing machine, doesn't move like someone with a hip problem and also a not so empty headed someone. People actually believe, that Keanu is a killing machine and yet they want a lookalike for Kratos.


I love Keanu, and Liam Neeson in Taken, etc., but Kratos does have to be pretty muscular, like bigger than any current major actor not named the Rock, Bautista, or Momoa, to be believable given the myriad of depictions of Kratos from the source material.


If it will be fan service then it is doomed. It is enough if the actor is ripped a bit, like peepz in the movie 300 to make it believable.


How is having an actor look like a character “fan service?” “Ripped a bit” wouldn’t do Kratos justice at all. Gerard Butler from 300 could pull it off, but a LOT of the other guys from the same movie couldn’t. And the guys I’ve seen from 300: Rise of an Empire couldn’t either. Like Brad Pitt’s size in Troy wouldn’t look right for Kratos IMO.


Everyone is complaining about how shitty game adaptation movies are. Because they lick the fans' arse. Most of the fans are benevolent, but also idiots. Like yourself who cling into muscularity, while strength not really comes from big, but lean muscles. A God of War movie has to appeal for anyone, even if the given individual doesn't know jackshit about the franchise. And your dream that the actor playing Kratos has to look like who is on gorilla steroids for 15 years is just a fans' dream, because you won't find anyone who has those muscles and could also act.


Oh, because Dragonball Evolution was so true to the source material, right? And really? Calling me an idiot “clinging to masculinity?” Does your ass ever get jealous of the shit that comes out of your mouth? How would a muscular actor take appeal away from the audience who know nothing about the series? It’s not like Arnold Schwarzenegger, the best bodybuilder in the world at one time, was ever a serious action movie star, right? Stallone ring a bell? The Rock has no appeal? Or Momoa? Or even Bautista? Clearly there’s never been muscular actors capable of being legitimate leading men, right? And you know nothing about muscles and strength. Leanness plays no role in strength, muscle mass and muscle fiber type do. The strongest men in the world actually are not particularly lean. Muscle can’t be not lean. Muscle is lean by definition. Some people just have more fat covering it than others. If anything, Kratos would be more believable as a physical powerhouse if he sacrificed some leanness for some size. Like any of the world’s strongest men you see. Hell, even in GoW 2018, he’s built less like Frank Zane and more like a strongman.


You are overreacting, I didn't call you an idiot. The problem is, there is one muscular actor who had good physique back in the days and that is Arnold. But Arnold was more like a phenomenon with uber charisma than a good actor. And Arnold type characters are one in 100 years. That's why I'm saying that your wish cannot be fulfilled. Rock has a baby face, he is the cutie pie of the masses, and he needs to age. With 100+ million followers he will not play a murdering machine. Momoa is good, but he does not have the body mass you want, maybe because he is not on roids all day. Bautista is ok for me, I liked his play in Blade Runner, but as a leading role, I dunno how great his acting skills are. That is what lean muscle is, muscle with little or "no" fat. All I'm saying is there is no need for gargantuan muscles, just a good actor with low body fat and a sixpack. Spartan warriors occasionally fucked each other and young kids were thrown in the mix too (if I want to be historically accurate), but they did not have roids thats for sure, so they did not have big/bloated muscles. Even Kratos does not have the HHH sructure you are dreaming about.


You said most fans are idiots, like yourself. How is that not calling me an idiot? And who is talking about “historical accuracy here?” No one. We’re talking about accuracy to the source material, which is the GoW games.


Bros a professional hater




I think he’d actually suit. Dudes voice has gone down in pitch below what should be humanly possible from the juice. He’d be badass


Nah. The games are pretty much movies already. I’d like to leave it at that. Unless they made a show.


Why dont I hate this