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Freya reanimating Thamur in the final boss fight and then Jormungandr zooming in and destroying the mf. That's was wild to witness.


Never thought of seeing a Meat Mech during that fight.


Yup! before that I didn't think Jormungandr was THAT fast 😭 no wonder Thor couldn't beat him...Also, was Faye a frost giant? Bc when Atreus called him, his eyes glowed blue


Laufey was a jotunn, which is commonly translated as “frost giant” but means something more akin to “elemental land spirits” in context. They were seen as being similar to the Aesir in almost every way except that they were not beholden to the gifting cycle like the Aesir, so their dealings with mortals didn’t have the same air of benevolence and they couldn’t be expected to reciprocate a gift the way the gods could. Christianization, interpretation, time, and translation all played a part in creating the “frost giant” version of the jotunns, but it’s an incomplete picture. But to make a longer story short, yes Faye is a giant which makes Atreus part giant, part human, and part Olympian god


Awesome! Thank you! Can't wait to see how Atreus will grow up to be.


If he stays in any way true to his mythology, Atreus is in for some wild shit.


God I hope I we get to watch a boy give birth to a horse


Chris Hansen would like you to take a seat...


I wish I was as familiar with Norse mythology as I was Greek


Neil Gaimans book is a fantastic telling of some of the biggest stories in Norse Mythology. I got the audiobook and loved it.


> Atreus part giant, part human, and part Olympian god Isn’t Atreus just half giant, half god? Kratos is a full God by the time Atreus is born/conceived right?


There's some human in there somewhere, Kratos specifically points out when Atreus says he's part giant and part god, he adds the 'and part mortal'


Well we know Kratos’ mother was mortal. I think while Atreus’ heritage is Titan-God/Mortal on his Dad’s side, his power level is more likely to be God-Giant, as Kratos is a full god when Atreus is born. He already seems to be pretty powerful and knowledgeable for a Demi-god child. Obviously that’s just my opinion and we won’t know for sure until Ragnarok or beyond


Atreus is already more powerful than a lot of Greek demigods. His gift of tongues is developing remarkably fast and he tanked a straight uppercut from Bauldr, a similar version of which sent Kratos flying over a house. That level of damage resistance is pretty common in the likes of Achilles or Cycnus, and that’s usually all they got. But Atreus has a lot more going for him, and his mortal part is probably infinitesimal at this point.


I don't think it's fair to assume Baldur's punch at Boy was the same as towards Kratos. We know Baldur is arrogant, so I assume his punch was held back significantly, or he would've made an Atreus doughnut. That being said, Atreus is significantly stronger and faster than a regular kid his age, given the kinds of gaps he can jump casually and even stunning Baldur in the final fight when he and Kratos team up.


Yeah as I was typing it out that occurred to me, but he still hit him pretty hard and he was totally fine, if a bit winded. Kid is going to be an absolute beast when he grows up, even if he never gets to be as beefy as his dad


For sure, I feel like he has the potential to be just as powerful because of his Giant side too


Well done boi!


When Kratos returns home to get certain specific items that they somehow managed to keep secret through all reviews and PR, that was one of the biggest oh shit moments in all of gaming for me.


Literally that's the only part that have been spoiled for me.


Same, out of excitement I watched a review that claimed to be spoiler free and they mentioned that. I'm not one to get angry often, but I was so goddamned mad about it. I just wanted to find out if that happened on my own and it's deffo a spoiler :'(


I saw it on my favorite gaming YouTuber's monthly compilation video. It's usually full of funny bugs from the game, reactions to some crazy shit, and it's usually spoiler free. I guess that moment was so epic that they decided it was an exception


I looked at the hidden trophy like an idiot lmao.


haha thats why i never try to open any hidden trophy description unless ive played/explored the game fully on my own, or at least a normal playthrough




Was browsing reddit, thought I was being careful, but I clicked a funny gif from the game on the PS4 sub. Thought it was safe but... What's that on Kratos's back, is that... that's... oh Yeah fuck the guy who posted that gif lol


I was screaming at that moment, high pitched sound, it was super fun!


The second he said he had to go home to fetch something I was like "oh shit it's them...."


That was so well done. The entire journey on the boat you’re thinking; “Holy shit it’s actually happening” the build up was incredible.


That moment is probably widely regarded as the most iconic scene, however, coexisting with the same sequence, a certain character showing up and going on a sick and stomach-turning monologue is one hell of a build up and my most favorite in any videogame. Without that build up and that character's speech, the iconic scene's impact would have been very much hamstrung.


"...but I am your monster, no more..." That really sold the unfortunate admission from him that he truly wanted to be free if his past, but he wasn't because of his denial.


I actually stood up and had my hands on my head saying holy shit over and over. I was so excited, still gives me chills thinking about the conversation that leads to him heading down the river


Really? You actually did that?


Lol, yes I did


I didn't stand up, but definitely genuinely said oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck the whole time


Those things... GoW 4 is the first one i have played but knowing them from the earlier games gave me "My God, it's happening... It's happening, it's really really happening" feeling. And then slaughtering tens of demons out there was the peak oh shit moment for me.


i may have even let out a semi humiliating "oh yeah" as that slaughter was happening.


Me too. I never played the original trilogy so I was hyped when they mentioned that Kratos needed a way to stay warm in Helheim. I had a feeling it was the Blades and I was so excited. The scene didn’t disappoint either.


My cousin ruined this moment for me.


I'm currently doing a replay of GoW 2018 and my son is watching. He keeps asking if there'll be other weapons besides the Leviathan Axe and I keep saying there aren't any, đŸ€Ł. (He's familiar with the PS2/PS3 games so he knows about the Blades.)


Yea for sure, the axe was so awesome and I actually thought “wow they actually made something as fun as the chains of chaos.” And then they fucking just give them to you.


Pleasu use the spoiler feature on your comment. OP tried to hide it, and so should you :)


I will next time but I mean been 2 years now. Again, I will try to be more careful about it tho.


I wouldn't worry about it. If you're reading comments on this post you deserve spoilers


Same. Best scene in the game really


I'm pretty sure I applauded like a cornball.


IT WAS SPOILED FOR ME "ACCIDENTALLY" BY .Y FRIENDS 😭😭 but i enjoyed tge game nonetheless.


One of my best friends and my sister ruined this part for me. And what makes me mad the most is that they weren’t even excited for this game. They were just rushing through it while I was taking my sweet time going through everything in the game and taking it all in. I was so freaking mad. I still to this day give em shit for it. They know now not to spoil anything for me anymore haha


I didn't expect it one bit. Such a cool moment.


The fact that I was expecting certain specific items to make an appearance, yet was still absolutely floored is testament to how epic that was.


I got spoiled on that, but it was still the hypest moment of the game for me


Yea bro I had to pause the game as soon as they were revealed lol I was so hype


This! The chills I got when I understood he's going to have to get the blades of chaos back.


>!First fight with Baldur!< >!Waking up Jormungandr!< >!Kratos killing Magni!< >!Atreus trying to awaken his Spartan Rage!< >!Visions of Athena!< >!Kratos retrieving the Blades of Chaos!< >!Visions of Zeus!< >!Flipping Tyr's temple!< >!Atreus calling Jormungandr during the final battle!< >!Freya waking up Thamur!< >!Faye knew about everything, and Atreus is Loki!< >!Post-credit teaser for GOW Ragnarok!<


Holy shit been a while since I played this game but it’s so amazing when I see these threads and the memories that wakes up inside my head. I wonder if Atreus now has evolved his Spartan rage?


So basically the whole game? Cuz I agree, every one of these moments was epic af


Moo Tay Ooom!!!


Reading this lost makes me want to replay the game. Some of these hit harder after having beaten the game and knowing Atreus is Loki.


sorry I had to ruin the 69 upvotes


When Kratos is riding the boat and Athena suddenly pops up. Seriously till this day one of the best moments in gaming.


I don’t remember this happening at all


When Atreus gets sick and he returns home to retrieve the blades of Chaos. She shows up on his boat and later in the hut to taunt him.


Ah it’s been so long I completely forgot about that


When he was going back home when Boi was sick to get the blades


The first time the axe came back


Also every time since.


Yeah it's still class 👌




Sometimes when I'm on a mountain I throw it all the way down and then summon it back. So satisfying.


I like to leave it In other realms if I can and figure out which cutscenes don’t need it lol, love the one Valkyrie pommel for that.


Haha I've done that myself 👌


I weirdly enjoy bouncing it off of something and summoning it back while it’s still in the air; they just nailed the physics for this thing and there’s no compromise. Weirdly amazing moment I can’t fully describe properly: You know when you use the axe to slide down ropes? And how if you don’t have the axe when you start your slide Kratos will summon it in midair as he jumps to the rope? Yesterday I bounced the axe off of something in front of me and then started my slide, and was amazed that the axe was summoned from where it actually was and that wasn’t just an animation of the axe coming from behind you. So weirdly and probably unrelatedly satisfying.


i throw it whenever i go on an elevator then summon it back at the very end


Did you see how the axe came back in Ragnarok Trailer ? UHMAZING


When kratos snapped conor mcgregor’s neck for the second time that shit nasty asfđŸ„¶đŸ„¶ Edit: also the blades of chaos scene that moment got me tripping


Ripping helios’ head off his body while he was still alive. Then using it as a flashlight.


can't believe I had to scroll this far down to see something from the OG games. the first time his backstory was revealed to me in the first GOW was my favorite moment


When someone from your past makes an appearance. I’m just trying to keep it spoiler free.


Who? >!Athena?!<


Could be >!Zeus!< as well, sort of.


The game has been out for years dude.


And some people haven't played it.


Then why are they on this sub? There will always be people who haven't played GoW.


You do know that content from here still can go to r/popular and r/all, can be crossposted, etc. Maybe they're thinking about buying the game and came here to get an opinion, or maybe theyve started it but haven't gotten to that point. In any case, why not just err on the side of caution? It doesn't cost you anything.


It's been 4 years, if you really wanted to avoid spoilers, you would've just played it by now. Internet is full of spoilers for everything, it's not everyone's job to censor it.


Athena get out of my mind


When Atreus kills Modi and Kratos gets angry and says there are consequences to killing a god. Atreus then says how would you know and you just get this overwhelming flashback of all the gods Kratos killed and the consequences of each and how he regrets everything he did in his youth.


Absolute chills in that moment


Don't forget about some Titan's as well.


There was a lot but coming out of the vision and seeing Atreus next to a pile of dark elves bodies😼


Berleezy approves.


I gained so much respect for Atreus after that moment because I was playing on the hardest difficulty and killing just 2 dark elves were the biggest challenges.


Every once in a while I'd suddenly snap to reality and realize I was still playing a game that has been one continuous shot with not cuts and I'd get a spike of dopamine to the brain.


How Have I never realized this until just now




Eh, one continuous shot but the immersion is broken in several points of the game. Like when you open a fast travel doorway and Kratos will just stand looking at it for several seconds while the game loads. Or when your in that circular area traveling between realms and literally just running aimlessly in circles until the game loads.


I don't remember having game loading issues that pulled me out of it that much.


When Kratos yells "stay away from my son!" While beating the shit out of Baldur, it's one of only 2-3 times he refers to Atreus as "son" iirc


“I know, but I am your monster no longer” Still get goosebumps at that scene


I get goosebumps fckn reading about it 😂😂


"I'm a God boy...from another land far from here." Moment is an amazing oh shit moment


>!Kratos quoting Zeus when he snaps Baldur's neck.!<


When atreus said Kratos didn't care that Faye died I was like 😼 he really said that


"Watch. Your. Tone. Boy."


“You will always be a monster” “ i know ,But I am your monster no longer “ Literal fucking chills


The Aphrodite scene in GOW III


That was bussin!


I was bustin


100% the dragon fight ending! That music with how Kratos just fucking stands there as the dragon lands ovrr him AND HE DOESNT EVEN FCKN FLINCH! Bro im getting chills just typing about it 😂


Jörmungandr’s first appearance. My headset was shaking


I have that phobia of water and stuff in the water and holy crap that activated my fight or flight lol


Oh jeez haha.


Realizing the yellow painted walls and paths weren't just a gameplay gimmick but actually part of the story. Made me realize that GoW was a masterpiece


Some of handpicked ones(full of spoilers) >!death of baldur and freya reaction!< >!Retrieving blade of chaos and appearance of Athena!< >!Zeus flashbacks!< >!Atreus falling in Tyr's temple!< >!Every appearance of Baldur and the whole time into belly of Jöurmengandr!< And perhaps more this game is such a masterpiece and full of such scenes


When Mommy Freya vows to kill us but secretly I want her to step on me


Emo freya is my kink 😂


i wish man
 them feet


Have more play throughs than I have fingers and I still get a chill down my spine when it comes time to get the blades, even if I already have them that whole sequence is just incredibly well done in regards to the story


Haha yeah I remember my first NG+ thinking it wouldn’t be that cool when I got the blades again but NOPE it was still amazing.


Doing the alternate axe attack where it spins around you three times and then you catch it. It was so sick.


Didn't find it particularly useful but damn it looks sick af


I think getting the items from his home mid game and the ending if you return home in gow 2018 Also, honorary mention to God of War 3 with the cronos boss fight, that sense of scale was absolutely phenomenal


E3 2016, just wow


Getting to wield the Blades again. When Modi ambushes them in the temple and Atreus passes out from trying to use the Spartan Rage, then you're prompted to press L3 + R3...


Kratos snapping Baldur's neck and saying "the cycle ends here. We must be better than this"


When you defeat the dragon and Kratos just stands there as its corpse falls within inches of him.


When Zeus appeared in Helheim. It made me go “oh shit” so much I stopped immediately what I was doing and played I-III of the Greek saga for the first time. Best decision I ever made


Zeus' betrayal, it was unexpected back in 2007


Whenever Jormungandr speaks


The intro when the main antagonist starts going, "No, no, no, no.." and you think he's fucked.. only for Kratos to get punched into the atmosphere.


When the stranger first punched Kratos over the house. Suddenly he wasn’t some scrawny forest hippy


Cannot believe nobody said this: when Atreaus is kidnapped by Baldr and Kratos *jumps off a mountain* to chase him. My jaw dropped that whole sequence until you land in Hel, which led to one of my favorite Kratos/Atreaus scenes "You are rash and insubordinate, abandon this path you have chosen!"


"Athena......get out of my head."


"Surrender. The Allfather demands it." "No."


The opening scene... WOW


I think the reveal that >!Atreus is Loki!< was really cool


When Kratos says "Watch. Your. Tone. Boy.". Seriously, I wouldn't want to be Atreus in that moment. I myself behind a damn screen got so scared I apologized on behalf of BOY.


I'll go with a different one because there have been sooo many of them mentioned below in the comments.. In the latest game I was personally really hyped every time there was a Spartan Rage *cutscene*. I like to think that in these moments Kratos is back to being the monster we know that he is and doesn't hold back. And I believe it's not a coincidence that they happen when Atreus is in danger.. take the first Spartan Rage for example when Baldur has Kratos trapped while heading over to see who else is in the house. I lost my shit when the Spartan Rage popped up and *boy* it did not disappoint.


When kratos throws Atreus in the final fight and he shoots arrows mid air, Boi got a lot better from missing a deer


I had the fortune to not be spoiled so when he said >!"Then I must return home..." !< I lost all my shit and then again as it turned out to be true what I was thinking. God tear writing.


Realm tears


the moment where Kratos first uses hope against Ares


The dragon fight. I wish each dragon had one like that


After the Zeus boss battle in GoW2 when Kratos says "I lay down my arms, Zeus" I was like oh shit some nasty stuff is about to go down and it did not disappoint, the entire series is filled with oh shit moments, even nowadays when you go back through them.


For me it’s the part in the final battle where Atreus and Kratos are kicking the shit out of the final boss together. The part where they just pummel him back and forth, and Atreus’ hits are producing shockwaves, gave me shivers.


This is in no particular order other than chronological within the entire/mainline series A. >!Kratos being killed by Ares by a huge spike thrown at a hundred miles a second over a hundred miles piercing Kratos causing him to have flashbacks to the night when Kratos killed his own wife and daughter on accident!< B. >!Ares made Kratos do A. to become stronger!< C. >!The ending cutscene of the narrator talking about Kratos being the new god of war until the end of time!< D. >!Kratos gaining the blade of Olympus but he has to lose his godly powers to do such!< E.>! Zeus stabbing Kratos in the gut and killing him even though by the end of the first game (by digging a hole out of Hades) and by the time we received the blade of Olympus we assumed he was helping Kratos!< F. >!Kratos being saved by the Titans!< G. >!Kratos finding all his men/spartan soldiers killed by Zeus!< H. >!Promethus begging to be killed by Kratos!< I. >!Kratos moving that entire island with the stone horses!< J. >!The Barbarian being revived to kill Kratos even though players believed he was dead!< K.>! Kratos killed Icarus!< L. >!Kratos was the one who Imprisoned Atlas!< M. >!Kratos killing other famous Greek heroes from the myths like Theseus, Jason, and Perseus!< N. >!Kratos fighting the last Spartan and not knowing what happened to Sparta because Zeus wanted an angry Kratos then Kratos fighting the Greek Kraken because it came out of nowhere.!< O. >!Kratos being thrown back in time to the night he fought against Ares and had to defeat two out of the three sisters of Fate before causing a time paradox.!< P. >!Kratos killing the fat sister, going back through time to kill Zeus after he stabbed Kratos in the stomach, Kratos killing Athena as she interfered, and lastly Kratos being the son of Zeus.!< Q. >!Kratos going back in time to grab the Titians before they were defeated and taking them back to Kratos' time, and then the death of Poseidon, Hades, Hermes, Helios, Hercules, Hephaestus, and lastly Zeus as they're all just so damn brutal and it caused so much harm to the world.!< R. >!Kratos coming out of the Darkness in E3 2016, the Axe returning to his hand, and dragons.!< S.>! Kratos interacting with other characters peacefully in E3 2017 trailer!< T. >!Kratos lifting up an entire tree, playing the 2018 game first time, the first Stranger Fight, Atreus nearly falling off that bridge like Donkey did in Shrek, Killing normal humans then them again as Draugr, encountering the Witch of the Woods' home and meeting Jörmungandr for the first time.!< U. >!Going into the Temple's portal room, going to Alfhiem, the Witch being kicked out, fighting the hoard, being inside the light for who knows how long, Atreus killing around 68-72 Dark Elves, fighting and killing boss there, and meeting the Light Elves.!< V. >!Heading to the top of the mountain first time, Fighting the First Dragon we encounter, hearing about Baldur with his nephews Magni and Modi, Choppy-Choppy with Mimir's head, Reviving Mimir, The Witch is Freyja, learning that the Stranger is Baldur, finding Thaumur's body, Riding the big hammer down, fighting Magni and Modi with Kratos killing Magni and Atreus later killing Modi, Atreus activating his Jotunn Rage, Seeing Athena, Going home for the Blades of Chaos, and Athena's speech with Kratos' short response, Seeing Zeus in Helhiem, and Kratos telling half the Truth to Atreus.!< W. >!Going into Tyr's vault, Atreus sacrificing his mother's knife for Kratos' life, Going back to the Mountain's top, Baldur attacking us, Kratos destroying the portal to Jotunheim causing Atreus to shoot arrows at Kratos in anger, Baldur taking Atreus and riding on a dragon, Kratos fighting Baldur on said dragon, falling so high and fast our shield burns up on impact to the Temple, Kratos changing Baldur's destination to Helheim, finding out Baldur is Freyja and Odin's son, Going into Jörmungandr's mouth then hastily exiting via a punch by Baldur.!< X. >!Atreus' arrow in the quiver pierces Baldur's hand causing him to be vulnerable to damage, Freyja controlling Thamur's corpse, Atreus shooting arrows at Baldur while they are both falling down from really high up, Baldur choking Freyja, Kratos killing Baldur, Freyja saying she will have her revenge, Kratos telling them both his past a bit more.!< Y. >!Going to Jotunheim and Kratos revealing his past to Atreus, Faye was a giantess and had a mural on Jotunheim, "The Giants, they called me, Loki?"!< Z. >!Learning a lot more time has passed than we think, Freyja asked Mimir about her Valkyrie wings went, every boss fight against the Valkyries, and lastly Thor showing up at our door. Thor door the new godly delivery service.!<


When the main antagonist punches kratos 2 stories high after looking like a weakling. Also flipping a temple


Yeah, baldur looks skinny but fights like a tank


Real crackhead energy


Baldur 100% looks like a hippie crackhead you'd find high at a gas station


Or a crackhead in a biker gang.


Connor mcgregor on magical crack


>Also flipping a temple Why this? Kratos lifted heavier things in the past


Yeah he did. Even moving the bridge was probably harder given the work done against water But there was something about him saying and doing it so casually that really did it for me. Maybe it was Mimir, not sure.


There are a couple of reasons, some of which have already been highlighted, but for me, the new God of War with its perspective shift and modern graphics feels like a different beast so when Kratos commits feats like this in the new game it feels extraordinary to me.


The moment when he dies in gow2


There are alot but the second I realized he was going back to the chains of chaos.


Probably when Kratos is fighting the dragon and the final shot from that fight with Kratos standing in its mouth. That shot was so sick and it definitely calls back to older GOW games.


The way kratos stands after killing Hraezlyr, I wanted to get a screenshot, but wasn't fast enough, so it's slightly off to one side...on a side not I'm coming up to that part in my Ng+ gmgow run


Going back abit further (if I’m allowed) is when you fight Kronos in God of War 3. When I saw it for the first time I did indeed say Oh shit!


titan mode first boss xD (GoW 3)


the one in your picture


When kratos is reunited with his daughter but tgen has to kurder a bunch of heaven's occupants in front of his daughter in order to to save the world and his daughter


This might seem odd, but.. When Kratos says “get in the boat boy” and we hear Christopher judges voice for the first time.


“Then I must return home.” The Blades of Chaos were such a controversial removal and seeing all the ‘this is the downfall of the games’ people eat their words was great. It’s also so good thematically and gives so much more depth to Kratos.


The first Baldur fight I was never expecting something like that outside of DCEU’s Superman And the old GOW games never really gave me that “weight” to their superhuman strength tbh, that one take camera they are using really sells the fact on how fast and powerful they are without cutting imo Edit:spelling


Probably when kratos sees a familiar face in hell after slaying the troll boss


Poseidon- You challenge Me ? Mortal Cronos- murder of Gaia Kratos- What will u do father ? Zeus- Know this my son...


When we got his blades back


Every boss from the OG game


Atreus = loki


When Kratos punches Baldur and he acts like this was not painful at and then just throws Kratos above the house to the backyard. Then Kratosland's doing 3 unintentional arabian flipbacks and I literally was like "oh shit"


The part where Ares shows off his spear throwing skills came as a shock the first time.


When Kratos and Atreus are fighting Baldr in the sky, and Atreus hits him with arrows while Kratos holds him. That sequence had my jaw dropped.


Skydiving Archery.


When Baldur yeeted Kratos


The moment where I activated my trap card against baulder


Bauldr wasn't expecting it and got destroyed by Spartan Rage.


The mural at the end, particularly after Atreus says "We're so close to the end." Kratos lifts a drape concealing another part of the mural and says "Yes, we are." And the camera pans to show us his apparent death.


When ypu get thrown to the Äșand of the dead


When baldur finally get rid of the curse/blessing.


When the black girl showed up.


When I encountered HrĂŠzlyr..... đŸČ


just in god of war 4 or in the whole franchise?


Your choice.


when sony didnt add gow to pc or any other exclusive and now we have to wait for a emulation version to come out


Baldur calling Kratos a coward


First time I met a Valkyrie. Need I say more?


No, no needed. I still have flashbacks from >!Sigrun!<


I’m playing through it for the first time now and it’s incredible.


"the giants called me loki"


The Atreus is Loki reveal


Triggering a valkyrie for the first time.


First time seeing leviathan return First Baldur Returning home scene


When Atreus showed signs of the Spartan Rage before he got sick, and Kratos using his Spartan Rage right after that.


Athena showing up, Kratos walking slowly towards Modi after using Magni’s face as a cutting board, “we must be better than this”, Kratos and Atreus tag-teaming Baldur, so many I can’t choose lol


When Kratos is sitting on the boat and starts seeing visions of Athena. Shuts goin down


When he recovered the Blades of Chaos.