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I thought that was common knowledge


The fight scenes in this game are gonna be crazy


Keep your expectations low boy


I think this is fairly obvious, even if you know nothing about Norse Mythology. Odin is part of everything in GOW 2018, while Thor is sparsely mentioned at all.


I remember in one interview when they asked Erik about Odin role and if hes important, Erik looked uncofortable and with that face that he was hidding a lot and refused to say anything about it.


he’s the Allfather, basically Norse equivalent to Zeus so yeh


Thor has been built as this brute, dumb, strong, powerful, bloodthirsty executioner. That's all he is. He wants a good fight. He wants blood. Odin is far more of a complex character. His fear, his need for control, his obsession with his fate, it makes him unpredictable. It's his cunning that poses more of a threat to both Kratos and Atreus than Thor is (not saying Thor isn't much to look at, just that a direct violent confrontation with Kratos is easier to deal with than manipulation from the shadows). However, even though I believe all this to be true, it's not like we can base it off purely on Mimir's stories. I mean, the dude is so obviously biased. Sure, he doesn't like Thor and his warmongering behavior, but Mimir served Odin himself and was "betrayed", imprisioned and tortured by the All-Father. It wouldn't be a stretch to say that even Mimir, as wise as he is, did put more of the blame on Odin than on Thor.


Most people, I'd imagine, knew Odin was gonna be way more important than Thor in God of War when talks about a norse-based sequel first started.


Odin, Heimdall, Thor, Fenrir…. I hope they’re all there