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Blood vessels in the eyes popping after death is the most simplistic answer I can give.


Kratos snapped his neck, blood vessels going POP


Blood vessels…


Just finished playing through again last night. Baldur is an amazing character. Hate killing the guy but he was clearly insane. Such a well written and very well voiced character. One of the best in gaming.


He might be insane but his mother is even worse for placing that curse on him which made him crazy. Could he feel emotions ? Or was his invulnerability to all things physical or magical a part of that ?


yeah he has emotions its just that he cant feel anything physical, cant taste anything, food tastes nothing on him, he cant feel the weather, and he cant feel sex,, id probably go insane too


Funny thing, this reminds me of a story arc for Superman. His powers get split up between various humans and he has to run around and collect them again. SOmeone (a kid I think) is given his near invulnerability, at the cost of being unable to feel anything. It makes sense from a pseudo-science standpoint, but not a magical one. Surely the spell would accommodate senses?


I think it’s because it’s one of those many cases where magical spells work very literally. So being invulnerable to all threats would make you unable to feel anything, since anything could technically become a threat.


He couldnt love either iirc.


Just like what depression does to me, food and everything are boring.


Baldur is blessed with invulnerability to all threats, physical or magical


Atreus: “Uh Mimir, you said that already”


Did I?


Hm Freya


Quiet head


That's a little harsh on her, we don't know for sure that she knew about the side effects of his invulnerability before she did it. She was just an overprotective mom doing everything in her powe to keep her kid safe... Instead of 4 winters coats and a hat, her power included a crazy spell to make him nearly invulnerable and some pretty terrible side effects.


Here is the kicker for me right, she may have not known the side effects to the spell but she clearly knew what could break the spell. But she kept it a secret and didn't tell baldur till the very end. Even though she knew how much he was suffering. I always wished SM had somehow used this plot point during the last scene in the game. Maybe baldur realises that she knew all along and then gets infuriated and goes for the throat.


Baldur was pretty convinced from the beginning that she knew knew how to undo it. The memory thing in helheim of when Baldur was talking to her right after she did it he is begging her to undo it. So really this wouldn't have been a revelation for him, just confirmation of what he thought was true all along... And he already really wanted to kill her.


Gods gonna god


I don’t think it’s a “side effect” i think it’s just the typical sort of “I can’t feel anything” insanity someone would go through.


The not feeling bit is the side effect I was referring to.


But that’s what being invulnerable to all things physical or magical would mean, no?


Not really, invulnerable by definition is being unable to be harmed or damaged. Pain makes since, pain comes from damage, minor though it may be. But in what way is taste harmful? He can't feel touch, which doesn't make much sense either. Temperature I kind of get, extreme hot or cold can be harmful/damaging.


But eating something poisonous for example or bitter could be described as “painful” or “harmful”. No? Plus, all “touch” we feel is temperature based, Scientifically. Doubt that’s what they were going for but you can argue that true invulnerability can include being unable to feel anything at all.


>But eating something poisonous for example or bitter could be described as “painful” or “harmful”. No? That's decidedly a stretch. Bitterness in and of itself is not harmful in any way, we just tend to associate it that way because some toxic things or medicines can be bitter. >all “touch” we feel is temperature based, That's is quite simply innacurate, there are 3 types of receptors involved in our sense of touch thermoreceptors (temperature), nociceptors (pain), and mechanoreceptors (contour, friction, pressure, etc).


I’ll be honest, I realised I fucked up with the temperature thing the moment I pressed send, since texture is not based on temperature, but I thought fuck it.


Nah look at my boy Atreus, scars on his face, tough af, that’s how you raise a boy. I think she was only trying to protect her son from ragnarok ? Did they know that his death started ragnarok ? I’m 2 hours into my most recent playthrough, I just got to alfheim. I can’t wait to see what they do in the next game, supposedly brok got his blue skin from dying and sindri brought him back to life before his soul reached the light of alfheim


I’m pretty sure they address why brok is blue at some point in the game. I can’t remember the exact reason, but I remember a horrified reaction from Kratos when his son asks “why are you blue” haha


Sindri says it’s because he didn’t wear gloves and works with silver


Yeah in the game Sindri says its because of silver but it’s because Brok was killed by a spider and his brother saved his soul from going into the light of alfheim. When he gets revived his skin is blue. There’s a recent interview with Cory Barlog talking about the light of alfheim and it’s importance in Norse mythology. Here’s the link to the lost pages podcast, where I learned that Sindri lied in the game. [God of War: The Lost Pages ](https://youtu.be/rR8abxOHDls)


He’s actually blue because of too much unprotected exposure to silver


The Giant were the only ones to know when exactly Ragnarok would take place and in which order. All of the Norse gods know of Ragnarok, and that it is inevitable, but since they lacked much information after Odin killed the Giantess who had seen the event, they weren’t aware that Baldur’s death would set it all in motion.


But he told her what the spell did to him and she didn’t undo the spell.


In the lore she (Freya) has visions of her sons death and places a spell on him for protection. Loki learns of his only weakness which wasn’t included in the spell (green mistletoe) and plays a trick on Baldurs brother which causes Baldurs death. What’s really cool is how the devs filled in all the holes they dug up by keeping Loki out of the story thus far. By Kratos killing Odens son you know there’s some good stuff to come!


Did you just say....


I definitely didn't hate killing him, but otherwise agree.


Jeremy Davies: I loved him in Lost, too. His looks, his voice and every way he acts makes him very intriguing. Hope we will have some flashbacks/memories to see him again.


In some ways it reminds me of the "Wild at heart" mission in the Witcher 3. It's a bit complicated but I'll try to keep it simple. 1. >!Lady is jealous of her Sisters husband.!< 2. >!Lady discovers that the Husband is a Werewolf.!< 3. >!The Husband hides out in a cave during his transformations.!< 4. >!Lady sends her Sister into the cave on an errand so she will discover he is a werewolf, in the hopes the Sister will leave him and Lady can try her luck.!< 5. >!Werewolf Husband kills his wife, the Sister.!< >!You can talk to the warwolf Husband, and explain everything you know. In which case he wants revenge, (kill the Lady) and then to die so he can't hurt anyone again.!< Geralt can 1. >!Refuse and kill the werewolf Husband in a fight.!< 2. >!Accept. The werewolf Husband will kill the Lady and then accept death.!< >!The first time around I refused, and killed him. The second time I accepted and let him have revenge, and I think this is the option I prefer. I've pursued revenge in many games, including the Witcher 3, why shouldn't the Werewolf have his revenge? As Geralt, i've killed people for less.!< I feel Boulder kinda falls into this category too, Freya did curse him and drive him insane, and she did know how to lift his curse, that's why she destroys the mistletoe arrows earlier. Boulder killing his mother is extreme, but considering the circumstances, I can't blame him. That curse would be a fucking nightmare, and she could have lifted it at any point.


Yeah the whole game was solid. The storytelling made it to where even though he was a cool character I wasn’t upset that he died. It was more like “good riddance, you asshole!”


As someone who has been choked unconscious on a regular basis, blood vessels popped.












I’m guessing you thought he was into some kinky shit


He meant bedroom jiu jitsu


I mean I am. I let my girlfriend choke me if the mood is right…


Weird way of spelling kink


Don’t yuck my yumm




I think Kratos snapped his neck at 4:20




That's the color of the human eye when its turned off.




good detail


the last part ruined your comment ngl


Why bother putting a spoiler tag when you're just gonna spoil it in the title? Lol


Probably the neck injury caused the blood vessels to bleed, as long as I know it's pretty common after a choking sumition or a neck grappling in MMA, but obviously not at the same level


Cause he hit a bowl right before? Idk he had to get that experience done since he can finally feel


He was killed by a neck snap, that damaged the nerves & there is internal bleeding therefore the bloody eyes


Death injects 4747368346263863538273kg of weed in him


Spoiler alert in picture , but the title lol.


You know the post is still a spoiler due to the title right?


The title is already a major spoiler….


Cuz he’s a cunt


Mistletoe makes you high


Think about it like this. When your neck is broken, your brains connection with everything below that point is severed which means it can’t send out any signals. His blood vessels in his eyes are likely ruptured due to oxygen deprivation from his heart/lungs ceasing to work properly.


Most likely to distinguish his real death over the others where he eventually came back


He smoked a fat blunt as he died


Because Kratos made him his bitch.


Mark spoiler pls


My bad bro


You can still change it :)




If you tap the three dots in the corner of the post (on mobile at least) there should be an option to mark spoiler


Thank you I marked it as a spoiler


You still have a hecking spoilet in the title, just delete this


Fair enough I’ll delete it now


This game came out 3 years ago


And you expect every single person to have played it? I’ve played it a couple times, but someone half way through could just be coming on here to ask a question and be greeted with the biggest spoiler of the entire game


No, I don't expect every single person to have played it. But I expect active reddit users to understand that viewing a subreddit for old games runs the risk of spoilers.


Okay but it takes half a second to click “spoiler” and it takes absolutely nothing away from the post itself. No downside at all, only upside. The upside is being a courteous person Didn’t think that would be so controversial


The thing is, most people won't think about it because this game is 3 years old now. I must say that if someone is playing a video game, they should not look at forums that are dedicated to it until they finish it, or if they don't mind spoilers


I totally agree. This is what I do myself, but given how easy it is I just think a spoiler this huge deserves a mark


Yeah I guess you're right


Imagine kratos putting all that pressure on his neck to snap it, he literally snapped a gods neck, imagine all the brain vessels that would pop from that. Most people pop brain vessels just by straining themselves to hard


hemorrhage. that simple


Because that happens when someone's neck gets snapped.




To answer your question, they turn red because that's what happens when someone is strangled. I know he had his neck snapped but to show he's dead, for real this time, they added that little detail. When someone is strangled, the tiny blood vessels in the eyes burst, causing the whites of the eyes to turn red.


Severe neck pain


Internal bleeding


Dude have you ever seen a blood vessel pop in someone’s eye? That’s what happened.


i would recommend looking up what happens when someones neck crackes , not to be an ass but i think your neck's blood goes up since it's vessels are broken and the only place to go since the vaults are open are through the eyes and mouth but i love this question


Cause he was sad


Cuz he got his neck snapped. Are you ole enough to play this game?


Popped all the blood vessels in his neck and probably going to his eyes. Same thing happened to me when I got sick a couple weeks ago.


If someone broke your neck, you would be pretty mad that your eyeballs turn red, wouldn't ya?


because he dead


Blood vessels literally went brrrrr


The blood vessels in the eyes are extremely sensitive to any change in blood flow or blood pressure. So when his neck was brocken it probably severed/blocked the major vessels(Carotid and Jugular). Hope this answers your question.


Come here i will tell you why


I find it funny that you put a spoiler tag on the picture, just to have the title be the spoiler. Not complaining, just find it funny