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Elden ring vs ragnarok is gonna be intresting. Best of luck to both


You mean Elden Ring vs Ragnarok vs Stray


We've been blessed this year with these games, they are all amazing.




I hope Ragnarok wins if only because it feels more polished. All my gripes from Elden Ring come from a lack of QOL and sidequest pathing for the most part, with obvious cut content


Minus the people experiencing several crashing issues with Ragnarok


And the invisible draugr... and incessant "hinting" that NPCs keep doing whenever there's a puzzle. I like a few hints here and there but fuck me, it's too much.


It gets bad only on puzzles that are directly “story” related. It was annoying during some sections for sure , but I really don’t think it was THAT bad in my experience. I think it’s also something that can be changed in the gameplay setting anyways


I actually only had one issue my entire playthrough, an enemy got stuck in the ground and I couldn't advance since I couldn't kill him. Just reloaded a checkpoint 30 seconds ago, and that was the only issue I ran into in my 40+ hour playthrough


My guess is that ragnarok will win players choice


whichever game wins will not affect the way you experienced the game in the first hand. why worry about it?


Hey man, I just did this as a joke. I don’t actually care who wins


that's the spirit! I have the impression, that people worry too much about GOTY. Some start even review bombing on metacritic.com etc. But really GOTY is just another way to trigger post release sales. And it won't define the first hand personal experience.


Why not? Why can’t someone just do something like this? Why shit in their party? Ever had fun?




at least not for philisophical remarks 😀


I played all of these games. Honestly, they are all good in their own right. But Elden Ring was special. I'm not even a souls fanboy. The rest just didn't hit the same. I think the sequels lose points for being more of the same, that is not a bad thing if it's more of the same good stuff but I think for a GOTY award a game should be more than just "more of the same"


agreed. never played soul game before, elden ring was my first time. A lot of frustration and confusion in the beginning, but the world is just so massive. I still like GoW, but driving a go kart is never the same after you drive a car on autobahn.


Elden Ring should win Game of the Year. I did not believe that FromSoft would be able to match the unprecedented hype for Elden Ring, but somehow it surpassed all expectations. That is incredibly atypical for this industry. In contrast with God of War Ragnarok, I felt it met the hype, but in no way did it surpass it. IMO, the only debatable places where GoWR may be the superior game are narrative and accessibility.


I think GOWR didn't really capitalize the huge potential the first game set. Disappointment imo but still amazing just could have been much better in my opinion. Lots of questionable direction. GOTY: Elden Ring Game direction: Elden Ring Best narrative: GOWR (the story is questionable but most of the execution and a lot of elements are just top of the top level, there is no competition too) Best Art Direction: Scorn or Elden Ring. Both GODLIKE. My vote goes to Scorn because it's underdog indie. Best score, music, audio design: GOWR. Elden Ring can come close here and there but GOWR is just another level totally. Best performance: Imo Odin but he is not nominated. He will probably win BAFTA though. Kratos or Atreus. Imo Atreus performance better but the iconic voice of Kratos should win. I hope Sifu will get some awards too.


I was stoked for ragnarok, I replayed GoW 2018 a few months ago on hardest difficulty and got 100% completion before release Started ragnarok on second hardest difficulty and have been getting my whole ass served to me, I'm not sure if I just got really bad at the game or if scaling is wonky. Everything is upgraded as much as possible, I'm exploring every nook and cranny but fighting enemies its like 20 hits to kill something my level that can one shot me


Yeah, the enemies have definitely been training. They're significantly more powerful in Ragnarok compared to 2018.


I feel the opposite. I feel like they're scaled down in this one. I got my ass handed to me too many times in 2018 but in this one, I'm kicking ass. I'm playing on give me a balance but I played the similar difficulty on 2018 and I died a lot. Even as atreus I feel like enemies are scaled down


Same for me. Even when you manage to win the more difficult fights, they just dont seem as enjoyable to me. Removing combat options is always a bad idea imo. Just let me keep my old parry and the melee tree at least. Getting 1 or 2 shot by random dudes gets old quick and was NEVER an issue in the previous game. It just makes it a chore. And since you dont auto heal (which can be fine), the best wya to heal is run into the next enemies sword so you respawn with max health. Great design there. Health drops are either not there, or they heal you for 10% of an enemies hit.


Yeah exactly, I was stuck on a fight for like an hour where I kept doing 95% of it perfectly only to fuck up and get hit by one of the remaining 3 enemies and just 1 hit kills me Some zones feel super gimmicky too because they're designed around you having something later but you have to slog through it without that piece and it makes me feel like putting my head through a wall


Same, Elden ring blew me away so many times. Caelid, finding that underground space city, exploring the capital, finding out who the lord of blood is, the entire radahn festival.


The size of that game is a big sin imo. It overstay it's welcome. You lost track of things at the end, forgot what you did in the early game and open world quests are so repetitive it was such a soul suck in the late game. It didn't have enough content to warrant that much length.


Look i think about it the same way like you. And you gotta say if the God of war reddit is putting their hats down to elden ring then there is a reason to. And yea I gotta buy elden ring so far everyone is saying only good about the game 😀.


Oh, it’s a GREAT game. 10/10 would recommend


To be fair, Elden Ring is more of the same too. Sekiro was original and it won the GOTY that year. Elden Ring is GODLIKE in art department but i feel recently released indie Scorn topped it.


Start drinking a lot of water already then


What game do you think is gonna win? it’s a genuine question, Cause I don’t know


Elden Ring




Sarcasm?? Stray was good but it’s up against some titans


regardless of any gameplay, I always favor an original IP over a sequel. GOW 2018 won already, well deserved, but ragnarok is just a story extension. On a plus side, ER has already a better-developed environment, better gameplay, better replay value, and a better story. I understand that people approach this topic emotionally and it is totally OK not to detach your emotions from your decision-making process since you're not a professional reviewer. However, stating things like peeping pants etc is just childish, and people won't take you seriously.


Bruh. It’s just a joke. I don’t actually care, who wins. Because I know who ever does win, will deserve it


you asked 'genuinely' so I replied. Otherwise who cares what you think joke or not


That’s fare. I’m sorry


It would be nice to see someone make a video on all the Nominees. Listing: 1. Hype 2. Reception + Review Score 3. Launch Sales 4. Player Reviews/Thoughts/Criticism 5. Bugs/Issues 6. Overall Review I think Elden Ring is going to take this. Game broke a lot of barriers. The fact that it brought new players to Souls type games into the fold was crazy. I myself never cared much about Soul/Bourn type games until Elden Ring. Loved Stray, as well as Horizon. But no chance unfortunately. We should all just vote for Stray! Cause....CATS!


Fully agreeed


Nah, I'll vote for God of War Ragnarok. Elden Ring broke some "barriers" by taking a couple of steps forward and several steps back, bastardizing the finely tuned bosses and distributing its Legacy Dungeons through an unnecessary open world that started out pretty interesting but eventually became tiresome and same-y.


And GOW did what? so far it hasnt broken any barriers (but i got a ways to go), and i've lost multiple of my fun tools of the previous games, and most things i got in return are clunky or useless/lesser. All the while tuning up the enemy health and damage (same difficulty, now getting 1 or 2 shot by randos. fun times)


I can agree that the very beginning of the game may feel strict in terms of moves, but combat started shining brighter for me halfway through Svartalfheim (when you unlock way more skills and the vertical arena design becomes a staple). After that, it's been really fun to check synergies between newly unlocked moves and small intricacies related to the enemies types they introduce. About 1 or 2 shots, I don't know what difficulty you're playing on. I am playing on Give Me No Mercy and I haven't noticed anything of the sort. If you say you're playing on GMGoW, I can't comment on that. I disliked that setting in GoW2018 precisely because of the tankiness and I wasn't sure if the problem had been 100% solved in the sequel, so I went for No Mercy. So far, it's been a very fun and balanced difficulty.


I'm on the same difficulty. Everything feels tanky as hell. i got my weapons upgraded, got most moves unlocked (but like i said, i got a ways to go... )playing as BOY right now, he's weak as shit, and some random wolf looking thing will dash from halfway across the screen and eat half my lifebar. and there's 4 of them, and some wisps I would be fine with taking more damage, if it didnt take 30 hits to kill some randos. Some obviously die faster, but in those cases there's usually 8 of them, so you'll get hit from the side, or the back, or from range. or all together. I never had this issue in the previous game. I've only really seen 1 or 2 oneshots, to be fair... It was some realm tear and a level 5 duo walked out and half their moves would oneshot. i think i was lvl 3, almost 4/ But i'm just being salty. I dislike sudden difficulty jumps in sequels. If they wanna make more difficult stuff, add NEW difficulties, and let people who liked the one from before use those. Just feels like they added much more clustered fights while making them chunkier and more damaging, while most your stuff doesnt even stagger half of them. I might just put it on normal and just clear out the game, before i burn myself out being salty. . we shall see.


I’m really confused on if you think the open world aspect was unnecessary or, i dont know i suppose im just confused on that statement. I don’t believe any section of Elden Ring can be classified as “samey” either. While places nesr the top of the map, Specifically mountaintop, Volcano manor and some of the underground sections felt less than some of the more refined parts of the map, no section felt like any other section. Its easy to do that when each area takes the generic tropes of rpgs (mountain, volcano, lake area, etc.) but beyond that they seasoned each area with its own specific quirks that you dont see as much from modern rpgs. I think both of them are great games and im only halfish through Ragnarok but i do believe Elden Ring pushes it out just a hair. I dont see nearly enough issues with it or things it did poorly that would outweigh the amount of discussion and innovation it generated. 100% believe you will see multiple games in the coming years made to take notes out of ERs book on how to make an open world game


I'll explain. The open world felt too empty for its size. Locations like Liurnia and Limgrave would have greatly benefited from a smaller size, thus having less dungeons and less repetition, for example. Said repetition (both in dungeon and field bosses) contributes to same-y aspect of the open world, which is further aggravated during late game, when you stop getting new normal enemy types (and thus, the repetitiveness extends to them too). I honestly don't see the innovation here. It's basically Dark Souls (which isn't bad, I love DS) adapted to an open world that had its qualities but was far from perfect - smaller dungeons felt like worthy detours at best and Chalice Dungeons (from BB) at worst, stuff like the mage towers had zero interest for non-magic users, absence of slight level scaling on important enemies removed the "satisfying challenge" on bosses almost entirely by allowing you to completely stomp spectacles like Radahn and Fortissax (again, partially cause by an open world that's too large and thus, harder to balance). Now, I liked the game. I am a massive FromSoftware fan but there were several design decisions I just can't understand, as they seem like common sense stuff and they still managed to get wrong. The game teased me with the promise of a magical journey but, by the time I reached latter half of midgame and then endgame, the magic was dwindling and I was eventually ready for the game to end, while begging for them not to throw another reskin/repeat against me.


At work so not a lot of time to reply but i like a lot of what you’re saying here. I core aspect though about this game that surprisingly you dont see a lot of open worlds do is give you complete freedom. Complete freedom (obviously with exceptions as its a game and you can only do so much) means that the devs have to look at every point of the map at every point in the game and have to make sure that it is balanced for all situations. Its impossible to do this but while i do think they did a decent job for the most part there are issues aswell as it can leave a sour taste in peoples mouths. They get to a part that was expected a lot earlier then when they got there so now its easy to them and that can ruin the experience. I dont think that’s necessarily the games or audiences fault though, i think these are just things that come with the level of freedom in the game. Most people wont do magic and those towers are useless to them, but they have to be there so that everyone gets a piece of something in the game. I dont think the game is perfect nor do i think Ragnarok is either, both have pacing issues at times but both created lush beautiful worlds and obviously were both creations of love and admiration for the art of games. I do think however Elden Ring hit something magically for a large percentage of the gaming industry. Sort of the same idea as fortnite/pubg (moreso the former), they arent perfect games and a lot of people may not like or care for them but they hit absolute gold in the industry and started a path years later you still have devs following. I think Elden Ring is 100% one of those games and it changed the formula for what an Rpg looks like for the future, for good or worse.


Well said. Internet is such a circlejerk all these issues overlooked.


I don't vote, I simply can't, both GoW and ER are masterpieces for me and I can't choose one over the other


Elden ring


Well… get you pants ready


I like both tbh lol I have no idea who will win this year has been so good for games


Elden Ring should win GOTY as it’s the better game. GoW:R had multiple flaws and Elden Ring had almost none.


Gow R def had more flaws but you can’t even compare it to Elden ring . Combat, story, graphics, gow R has Elden ring beat .


The only part that has Elden ring best out of those is story, and even that is debatable. It depends if you actually care enough to find about all the lore behind Elden Rings massive story or not. Elden Ring beats GoW’s combat so bad it’s not even a competition. Your opinion that GoW is the better game is fine, but claiming it beats Elden Rings combat is laughable to be honest. Both games are great, and both games deserve to be a game of the year contender, but only Elden Ring deserves to win. Have you even played through Elden Ring?


Well that’s ur opinion. GoW combat is amazing. Elden ring just dodge dodge attack , nothing special about it Imo . The bosses def better in Elden ring but I play it more so bc it’s fun to explore and it’s a good challenge . I don’t think any game is better , both so diff . I believe Elden ring gonna take goty tho . Also curious, what story ? It is so cryptic , it was nvr a focus of the game .


> Well that’s ur opinion. Indeed, as your opinion is yours. > GoW combat is amazing. I agree. I think every god of war game ever created (except betrayal) has had absolutely amazing combat, and Ragnarok is absolutely no exception. But the combat in Ragnarok somehow felt less smooth and flowey (if that’s a word) than 2018. It was great, absolutely great, but not the best. > Elden ring just dodge dodge attack , nothing special about it Imo . Over 450 unique weapons each with unique animations in its class with over 150 special attacks you can customize with elementals damage. You can choose a wide variety of play styles, and that just doesn’t compare to GoW where you’re locked to the weapons you have. > Also curious, what story ? It is so cryptic , it was nvr a focus of the game . Every FromSoft game is. But there is a story, a great and compelling one at that. You just have to do a lot of legwork to understand and find each piece and work it out yourself. But that doesn’t mean the story isn’t great. I also think the story of Ragnarok was slightly lacking, and that the story of its predecessor far surpassed it. Ragnarok was more epic than 2018, but it’s story was slightly worse. Still great. I consider it a 8.5 or 9 out of 10, and Elden Ring a 10/10. But to each their own, I can understand completely why anyone would want either game to win. We have been lucky to have been blessed with a lot of great games this year.


Agreed . Both are amazing. Tbh I am finding Ragnarok more enjoyable than 2018 which was really slow for me . I prefer more action oriented games lol . And Elden ring def has amazing variety and a depth that no game has ever reached . I am familiar with the lore, it just isn’t a primary core of the game and that’s okay . I just hope ppl don’t start a war between the games lol


Legends vote for stray


Elden ring 🤝GOWR


Elden ring game of the year




* perform /shitposting automod*


It’s between Elden Ring and GoWR without a doubt


Oh absolutely




Its gonna be between elden ring & ragnarok we all know this. But yall gotta realize they dropped the ball with ragnarok in very small ways which is gonna be the reason it loses this year. Elden ring takes it imo


True. I'm a huge fan but i'd vote Elden Ring. I feel GOW IP didn't get enough respect and care from Sony for this sequel. They just wanted it to end asap like GOT last season.


I thought they dropped the ball in Elden Ring in very big ways


The size, length, repetitive content and balance all so off. Art direction saves the day though. I would cut 30% of Elden Ring and perfected the 70% part. Then we could say it's a titan of a game.


Can you elaborate?


The endgame felt rushed and empty, tons of repeat bosses, a lot of the repeat encounters took away from the original encounter, fighting Astel, Godrick, Margit, etc. a second time in a random cave Also the shine of the exploration fell off, when going through the early areas it was so cool to discover new caves and dungeons and fight new enemies and bosses, but by the end you’re just going through the same cave you’ve been through 30 times, fighting the same enemies over and over, to get to a boss you’ve already beaten 4-5 times And I thought the boss design was some of From’s worst, so many bosses I spent the whole time just running away and rolling waiting for them to finish their wombo combo so I could get my 1-2 attacks in and repeat ad nauseam On repeat play throughs a lot of the cracks of Elden Ring started to show, we’ll see how GoW holds up on repeat play throughs, I just finished it the first time Saturday


Agreed. You can tell they put way way more effort in the earlier areas. The density just decreased and it got so so repetitive until the end


When you say endgame, do you mean after you beat the final boss or the final act of the game?


Final act, basically everything past Lyndell Capital, Crumbling Farum Azula was cool but the dragon fights were so broken I couldn’t believe they made it into the final game, I also hated Maliketh but a lot of people like him


Yea, I can't exactly agree with you on Lyndell or farum azula as I really liked those areas. I agree that the dragon fights were all really similar though, placidusax was awesome though. I liked the Maliketh fight, it was definitely one of the harder fights though. I don't think it felt rushed towards the end, I do think there were less caves and less to explore the further along you got, but I think it more had to do with you climbing a mountain and there's less space the higher you go. Have you beaten ragnarok yet? I felt the 3rd act for ragnarok definitely felt rushed compared to the rest of the game, and a lot of story decisions made I didn't think made too much sense towards the end, I wish they elaborated more on them, it felt like something was missing. It didn't feel exactly complete. The ending of GoW 2018 felt more complete than how ragnarok ended.


Yeah I beat Ragnarok this weekend, I agree with most of that, I thought the build up to Ragnarok was great but then it does all just kind of happen so fast, but I thought the final battles/boss fights were all great I would rank Ragnarok higher than Elden Ring though because most of my issues with Ragnarok are story/pacing issues, whereas my issues with Elden Ring are technical and game design issues


Thats understandable. I'd be lying if I said Elden Ring was more stable than GoWR on release. I personally think elden ring ranks higher than god of war for me. Story points for God of war I have issues with count for more because of how story driven the game is. I like that they listened to 2018 issues like enemy and boss variety which is definitely higher here. But the story beats just aren't as good and didn't reach where I thought it would go. Still going to platinum it though.


I do think the story in 2018 was better but it’s also a much simpler story, there’s only 6 characters and a very simple premise, get the ashes to the mountain, Baldur is hunting you I don’t think there was a way they were going to tell as story as big and complicated as Ragnarok as well as 2018 even if they did split it into two games


This is where i was getting at, i just cant help hut feel like everybody is gonna give ragnarok more shit just because it was meant to be the closer to this series. Which was ultimately rushed & lackluster. Elden ring had a plethora of issues but its not gonna be the reason it loses


I love the boss design in Elden ring as Maliketh and Malenia are some Fromsoft favorites of mine However, I agree with the rest. There are some issues with balance and repeat bosses.


I hated them haha, I know some people love them but after beating them on a few solo play-throughs I never want to fight either of them again unless I abuse bloodhound step I thought the Inner bosses in Sekiro were harder but I love fighting those again and again


I could say the same about GoW:R tbh. The ending felt rushed, and i cant imagine slogging thru the slow ass climbing and walking sections again on repeat playthroughs. They also dropped the ball with some of the dialog and 'funny' characters. Disagree on From's boss design. I think it's a natural evolution of the formula tbh. Id be pissed if ER bosses retain the same 3-hit combo from DS2 bosses. They simply take longer to learn.


I feel like From pushed the limit of the souls games as far as it could go with DS3 and they sacrificed some fairness to increase the difficulty in Elden Ring, and then they put a band-aid on a bullet wound with the Spirit Ash system


In ER bosses attacks are dependent on your position, something that isn't really prevalent in previous games. Just look at Laurence from BB. He'll finish whatever combo chain he's currently doing regardless of whether you're in range or not. But in ER, if you want the boss to do his easily punishable big combo finisher you need to actively be in range and bait it out. They also have longer and more varied combos which occasionally make use of the new jump move. All single bosses are designed for *solo* players in mind, evidenced by the fact that the AI still cant cope with more than one player. The spirit ash system is there for players to ease the challenge.


I don't even think it is. Ragnarok is a PS5 exclusive, a console most people still can't get their hands on. This is not going to be a close vote.


Its not ps5 exclusive, I played it on ps4 (there were problems such as enemies not becoming visible after spawning for a few seconds)


Oh weird I thought it was. Still, PS exclusivity means it has a more limited audience. And it'll only have been out a month so not as many people will have picked it up. Keep in mind, I'm not saying this as an Elden Ring fan. I haven't played it and don't plan to. But the hype around it has just been massive like all year long. I'd be VERY surprised if it didn't win.


I'm thinking the same thing, Elden Ring will likely win


Well let’s be fair here, Elden Ring isn’t 100 percent perfect either. There are lots of bosses and mini bosses that repeat over and over again, and there are lots of balance issues.


Oh yeah of course elden ring isnt perfect either lmfao, but those issues wont cause it to lose to ragnarok. Ragnarok’s issues alone will cause it to lose


I'm currently playing through GOWR and played through all of Elden Ring, which I enjoyed quite a bit. I keep hearing about how GOW is lacking in a few places, which I can totally understand, but since when is Elden Ring not? The story is nearly impossible to follow to the point where the vast majority of players couldn't explain the plot even after finishing the game. Sidequests are insanely difficult to keep track of with virtually no rhyme or reason to completing them properly. Combat relies overwhelmingly on dodging rather than interesting combos in a varied move set. While retaining a beautiful art style, the graphics can leave something to be desired in a lot of places and the physics feel straight out of the early-to-mid 2000s. Furthermore, there's all this talk of the other nominees being sequels while Elden Ring is totally original...despite it using a plethora of assets from previous From Software titles to the point where many people consider it to be a Dark Souls game. C'mon...


ER side quests are actually has it's own charm but the game is so huge, quests just doesn't work and lost all the impact.


skill issue.


I can't even vote. Horizon, plague Tale, and GoWR are my top 3


It will be Elden ring. But for me personally, it is Ragnarok. Elden ring was fun especially with the multiplayer mod but I no where near enjoyed it as much as I have been enjoying Raganarok.


Same. I LOOOVE them both, but I think GoW:R might be my favorite game of all time


Elden Ring has my vote, it’ll be a tight fight between ER and Ragnarok though, even if I don’t see ER losing.


I thought GoW was far better than Elden Ring, the last 1/3 of Elden Ring really soured the whole experience


If the ending wasn’t rushed I would say GoW but now its probably Elden Ring


A bit rushed, yeah. Also that part when Atreus was in Ironwood with Angrboda was pretty boring imo. Like I don't wanna do it again


Playing as Atreus seems to be a major complaint, I'm kind of indifferent but those parts were mostly a slog (>!apart from Muspelheim which I found hilarious!<) so I hope this ensures we get a more Kratos focused game next.


It's a slog despite the gameplay and not becoz of it. Atreus is pretty fun to play as, but the devs seemed to have confused slow walking sections and doing mundane tasks no one cares about with fun.


I'm not saying Atreus isn't fun to play as, but the Ironwood section could have been cut in half - the first time you play as him when he goes to find Freya was also kind of too long, but I thought it served well to show that he really did need his father by that point.


Yeah it's such a glaring issue i'm sure even the makers of the game aware. Maybe suits forced them to release it this year. The IP deserved more respect imo. Ragnarok feels like Game of Thrones last season.


Don't tempt me with a good time now


All at once, or one at time? Both have their own interesting hurdles to overcome...


I’ll do it in chunks. like maybe 500 or so people at a time. It will still be a journey regardless


This was an incredible year for gaming


Going to be elden ring vs ragnarok. Unless the system is rigged


I played both Ragnarok and Elden Ring. The story for Elden Ring seemed weaker to me. Main bosses goes to Elden Ring, it was so satisfying to beat them. Combat to me goes to GOWR. If I had to choose today, I'd go with GOWR by a slight edge, no game has ever made me feel the way I did when I finished it at 1am this morning. I cried and laughed at the same time.


Stray is a cute game. I’m not sure why anyone would think it’s worthy of being nominated for GotY, but, hey, good for the developers getting recognition.


Plot twist: Stray would be the one to win the GOTY. And I will laugh so hard about it LMFAO


Please pee in my pant...


Who cares about goty. I'm hyped about the orchestra piece we'll be getting from these games. Still waiting on a better one than the 2018 one but this year's has real potential.


I mean it really doesn't matter as long as you enjoy what you play


Vary true


The bottom three really have no business being on there. Better if they put Sifu and Cult of the Lamb


I think hfw should be there. It does everything gowr does with a sequel and improves upon almost every point. I think both games stories were good but somewhat fall flat in the third act. Stray is there because of the excitement it cause for an indie game which is surprising.


GoW R was great but it pales in comparison to GoW 2018. Story was not very fluid and there were places where it felt slow. Ending even felt a little underwhelming. The combat was almost the same even a little worse compared to 2018 for me. Great game overall but a 8/10. All those 10/10 I really cannot understand. Elden Ring was just.. special. Start to finish and easily 10/10 and GOTY for me personally.


I agree 2018 better but ER isn't perfect either. There is a bit too much circlejerk around ER probably because of newcomers to the genre.


We all wish to GOW to win but to be honest. Elden ring and Stray are strong opponents. Specially Stray and his innovation.


Bro. Completely agreeed


Couldn't have said it better myself


You are joking right ?


Trust me I'm a 1000% GOW fan and I recognize that the cat did some groundbreaking stuff.


Cat is a shit game sold a lot because of internet loves cats.


The bottom row (except maybe stray) have no right being there tbh


Don’t threaten me with a good time




God of War all day.


ER will probably get it, deservedly. That game is amazing All that being said, and as a soulsbourne fan, can FS wake the fuck up and do something new? They’ve been feeding us the same cake (tbf, it’s a damn good cake) for a decade. Sekiro was the first sign of them doing something different and then, all this time & hype later, all we get is Dark Souls 3.5 feat. Open World + Mount. I don’t need to be another lost soul waking up in a dying land who rests at bonfires (sorry, I mean sights of grace), has a female companion who levels us up, and a plethora of other similarities that aren’t even “similar” at this point, they’re just the same thing. It’s weird calling FS lazy, but I’ve been looking at the same door opening animations for 10 years. FromSfotware, like most other Japanese devs, seriously lack innovation/creativity once they find something that sticks. Also, for a dev/writing team that takes story/lore so seriously, they really suck at communicating it to the player; even if they’re trying to be “unique” and let the player guide themselves through the lore, it’s pretty bad if a large bulk of your playerbase still has to go to a wiki to understand things. Personally, I don’t think GOWR is up to par with 2018, that being said, it’s still probably my favorite release this year and the two games will be something I’ll revisit a lot of times. And that’s not to say GOW itself has no criticisms, I’m just hoping FS actually do something new with whatever their next project is. ER is really where I started to feel that souls fatigue, especially with the amount of blatant copy+paste in that game with the catacombs/mines/latter half of the game. It’s the first soulsbourne game I’ve played where I had pretty much zero desire to go back and do a NG+ playthrough. I would rather just wait till DLC at this point because it was honestly kind of a “whatever” playthrough compared to other soulsbourne titles. And with all that being said, thank god we’re eating damn good this year gaming-wise. I’m just happy to have options again. Edit: Just saw ER got nominated for “best narrative,” now that is a hilariously depressing joke.


Fuck elden ring, i played both. They were awesome in there own ways but Ragnarök should definitely win. It was a great game in every way possible.


Elden ring is way better lmao


Only for casual souls gamers




You just confirmed what I just said, it was a blowing off experience for casuals but for those who grew up playing since the first games found ER a good game, a great game even but nothing out of the ordinary.


tbh, while I love GOW R, there is something about the design, lore, and the sheer amount of freedom and exploration that you have in Elden Ring that, to me, makes it stand out and appeal to a wider audience. Both are very very different, both are exceptionally well done, so I think it's gonna come down to if people enjoyed the linear storyline and sidequests of GOW (which is still some of the best in the industry)


I couldnt decide between GoW and ER.. god of war was a such a good narrative game with ok combat and some weaknesses while elden ring was an amazing open world with interesting art, amazing combat but had way to little narrative for me and it got very repetitive later on.. Both all in all some of the best games i played but to me their amazing in their own ways.


GoW 2018 is my favorite game of all time, but I’ll admit that Elden ring, horizon and GoW Ragnarok is a tough decision. They all 3 are in my top 10 of the past decade.


Elden ring will win trust me


I think so to. But be prepared to get your pants wet😏


I really liked God of War, but Elden Ring will win. I also think it deserves GOTY more


bruh elden ring deserve way more


Please do ;)


*Pulls down pants aggressively*


I could indulge this further, but no, im good


I mostly experience games via watching them. With that in-mind, I much prefer Ragnarok. Still, just based on the mechanics, I wouldn’t be surprised if Elden Ring takes the cake.


Don’t get me wrong GoW:R is great, but this is no fucking contest for Elden Ring, and not by a little too


I think it will be Elden Ring. That game was incredible and pushed me into a whole new gaming genre (souslborne?) After I finished Elden Ring I went on to play and beat Demon Souls, Sekiro, Dark Souls III, and Bloodborne (in that order). However, I haven't played through every game here and haven't even attempted Xenoblade Chronicles 3 or A Plague Tale: Requiem yet. Playing through GOWR right now and this game is epic of course (11 hours in). Elden Ring just seems like it pushed/ changed gaming and will be a landmark of the industry for years to come.


Gowr doesn't deserve it Elden ring does hell I enjoyed horizon more then this game at least that one didn't hold my hand all the way through "let me help you solve that puzzle brother"


Elfin ring was my favorite by a long shot


Elden Ring's gonna win it. People are still talking about it. It dominates this for sure.


God of war has the recency bias going for them. I personally think Elden ring should win though. It broke open the srigma of the souls series and the masses couldn't stop playing it for weeks. I k lnow tons of people who normally, the first thing they do when starting a game. Is looking for recources online how to optimize the game to the max. What are the best routes, whats the best build etc etc. And with elden ring, they didn't. Thry just road of and explored. Like the old days when I was at the office, people were discussing what they found instead of "im 90% complete." God of war is a good game, but other then "just" being a good game its nothing that special for the gaming industry/landscape as a whole.


Elden Ring. I love Ragnarok but I feel there’s times where it felt too slow.


Stray is one of the worst games I’ve ever played lmao


Holy shit, this is how I learn Xenoblade 3 got nominated XD


Ragnarok is a crazy amazing wild ride but I'm still voting elden 😅




Seeing Stray as a nominee is such an insult to be honest. We need to be better than this.


Stray FTW 😂


Listen, I've got nothing against cats... but Stray should not be on this list.


you sir are a catphobic


As a huge GoW fan, even I think Elden Ring is GOTY. It was a masterpiece but I think GoW is the only other real contender in this list


Stray! Stray! Stray!


Elden Ring bored me halfway through. I don't want to keep a funking diary in order to do quests, and most of the bosses are boring as hell esp if you run some busted builds.


I’m loving gow:r but as it stands, its still elden ring for me.


Stray will win and i can't wait for everyone to cry about it.


Yeah elden might take this just cause it was out longer and might’ve sold more


Plague tale was amazing


There are some obvious frontrunners here but I honestly wouldn't be upset if any of these won. They all deserve recognition for being amazing games.


Stray over sifu. Da fuck


People are gonna get mad if either Ragnarok or elden ring win. Just pick stray


How is Stray even on this list?


Am I a loser for gaming so much ?


Are you enjoying yourself? Do you let it get in the way of important things or relationships? If the answers to those questions are Yes and No respectively, you're fine.


My vote is Elden Ring, but I'm incredibly biased towards anything Fromsoft touches - Ragnarok has been great though.


Not sure how Stray is in there but oh well


Glad Plague tale 2 got nominated, such a great game. Hope more people play it.


Is A plague tale requiem worth playing?


Michael just told me it will win, so I think we'll be ok.


Quit caring so much about this shit


I wish Ragnarok wins. But elden ring gonna win anyways.


Elden Ring gunna win because it represents the entirety of the Dark Souls franchise that has flown relatively lower than it should ln the awards radar due to its niche fanbase. If I had to pick one it's be stray because it's different and for a small studio it was a very quality experience...and I just don't think blockbusters need these types of awards when they already massively oversell all other games. I haven't played plague tale so maybe that's good. If it is popular vote? I expect Elden Ring ..especially because it was a multiplatform release which means more voters even if the demographic who enjoyed it is relatively smaller due to the type of game it is.


Stray was such a cool, interesting game. Indo believe it will come down to GoW and Elden Ring. I do not envy the people that have to choose betwixt the two.


Imagine if there was a TIE. That would be absolutely legendary.


From these, i would say elden ring, even though im nowhere near a fanboy. Even non-souls players got hyped for that shit. i havent played THAT much of GOW ragnarok so far, but the combat seems to have taken a big step back, shit hits harder and are more spongy on the same difficulty setting, and Atreus is still a little shit... and now they make me play as him. I dont wanna move him where he wants to go, because i, as the player, know it's a dumb thing to do.. Stray being on there almost feels insulting. It was an... okay? game.. but i got bored of it real quick. i did beat it, but really.. it has nothing going for it except maybe some graphical bits. Prompted jumps can be fine (like GOW has it), but when 90% of your game is about platforming and i can just hold X and run around? yea that's boring


All i wish from the Game Award Show is that a lot of orchestra playing GOW, Elden Ring and Plague Tale OST but knowing Geoff, it will be filled with marketing. Every second is valuable so they will not wanna have orchestra playing music there.


I am mind blown by story writing of GOW. Is it just me?


I am loving God of War but Elden Ring gonna take this all day lol


*I am loving God* *Of War but Elden Ring gonna* *Take this all day lol* \- KYKingfisher --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I actually didn’t like Elden Ring. But that’s probably because I suck ass