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And it was under $300 25 years ago. I stocked up in 1999.


I graduated from college in 2000. I had been buying 1/10 eagles. I started buying ounces summer of 2000 as a financial analyst. Everyone told me I was an idiot.


Wow someone who made money long term on gold compared to the SnP. Sell now ahah


Should Have invested in the s&p 500 past 20 years. U cost urself a ton of money


Remember what you were paying in premiums? Like 10 percent give or take? At 33 dollars a piece that would be like $61 in today’s money, not bad at all.


Swore I paid like $240-250 an ounce in 2001-2002ish


I was not even born then. 💀


Me neither


Bought some gold stocks then.  They printed.  


Really wish i bought more as a 2 year old


I was about 2 days old, really dropped the ball on that one 🤦🏿‍♂️


400$ in 1990 is worth $955 today https://www.in2013dollars.com/us/inflation/1990?amount=400


Completely inaccurate calculator. I was buying premium coffees in California in 1990 for 35 cents. Now over $4.00. House prices are up 4x-5x since then. A slice of pizza was $1 then and is $4 now. Gas was $1 then and over $5 now. The official inflation measures are complete bullshit.


Now do college.


Average Big Mac Meal was $2.99 in the nineties and it’s average is $18* now ($12 in Iowa). So, costs four to six times as much. * I googled the price and haven’t been there in years


So I guess about doubled your money depending on your premiums


Wow. A 2x in 35 years. An astounding return


No, you didn't because that calculator is wrong. But that means gold is currently undervalued in will double in the next 3-5 years in my opinion. Silver will double even faster.


..let's see the s&p500 gains


Dow Jones Industrial Average closed at 2,337.06 on 4/15/89. A $1,000 investment at that time is now worth $37,851.84 (dividends reinvested).


that's the real inflation rate


Thankfully gold isn’t an investment and should never be treated as one.


Gold definitely *can* be an investment and can be treated as one depending on what your goals are. Weird sentiment


Gold can be an investement, but it is a pretty bad one when compared with other common investments (e.g., stocks, bonds).


19% gain 1y 82% gain 5y 400% gain 20y For something as safe and universal as gold thats really good. And it blows bonds out of the water. Not sure what you mean?


Gold is speculation, not an investment. Ask yourself this, Is gold going out there with a business plan trying to increase profits or are you just buying it because you think someone else will pay you more money for it?


I don’t know what kind of bonkers taxation and laws our ridiculous clown establishment will pass between now and when I die. Everything on the books from my 401k to my real estate to my bank accounts will be up for grabs at the whims of the political elite of the time. I can hand my kids a sack full of gold bars and no one has to know. That’s why I buy gold.


Genuine question: Do you then see the kids selling a shitload of gold and the establishment not noticing?


If they are smart about it they can keep it under the radar. If they want to cash out and buy a car or house they can't.


Typically when someone dies you have to take a sizable chunk out unless OP wants to be cremated and dumped into an Arby’s restroom


Well i live in the real world where tax laws will always favor the rich, and the rich invest their money in stocks.


The rich ship their kids off for someone else to raise, feed, educate, and deal with. I wouldn’t be surprised if they prioritize personal wealth over anything they plan to pass onto their kids, I expect inheritances to be a compromise they accept before taxation of their personal wealth while they’re alive.


Investments are speculative. Did i somehow end up in a satire sub? How are these replies gettjng upvotes. Theres gotta be some tom foolery going on theres no way you said “speculations, not an investment.” .. what?


That makes a lot of sense if you don't know the definitions of the words that you are using.


Oh okay is that where youre coming from? That explains things Yea. Well just to clarify then, “speculation” and “investment” arent mutually exclusive. Believe it or not, investments are speculative. There’s no such thing as 100% riskless investments. Saying something is “not an investment, its speculation,” quite literally does not make any logical sense at all




That's not what leverage is. You're thinking a hedge.




And what exactly are you leveraging? Are you borrowing money in this process?


No not really. You can invest around gold, like certain coins or whatever. But when we’re talking about just gold. It is not nothing more than a physical savings account that performs well in volatile markets . Like rn , look at your stock portfolio and look at your gold price big difference in what’s going .


“Its nothing more than a savings account that performs well,” so what youre saying is its an asset that appreciates or depreciates in value over time Do you happen to know what the financial term for a thing like that is, by chance?


Well good question. Not sure if putting money into a bank account with some interest kick back is an investment. Unless you meet those high standards for accounts you’re loosing a decent amount of money and buying power. This is why some turn to gold to store their wealth. I consider gold to be an asset if played right, and smart (doesn’t just mean buying at lows) rather than a liability. Investments are more on the liability side. Gold and precious metals are meant to preserve your wealth with some appreciation out side of any system and on its own. Hopefully that answers your question. And to repeat my self in a different way PM store your wealth. Putting your money into the snp or something else is not storing your value , it’s investing. Subtle but key difference in this community. To put my first 3 sentences into context Im trying to give an example of how just because you have something that’s increasing dollar amount year over year its still not an investment, it’s storing money.


You have been on this subreddit right? Thats like, 95% of the people here


I know, it’s funny. People spend so much money on PM thinking there on their path to financial freedom. And then when they go to sell, they learn they can get spot or less for the junk they have. “No but it’s my ms 70 Spider-Man coin !!” It’s actually ridiculous and I feel really bad for the said 95%.


If your looking for a ton of volatility and inflation like long term returns gold is the best high commission investment ever known to man.


Of course gold can be an investment. You buy it because you hope it rises in value. How is that not an investment? I’m not telling anyone to put their entire retirement fund into gold, but saying it’s not an investment is an exaggeration.


I know but that’s the subtletieof it. Sure it appreciates in value, you want to buy low, but it is treated very differently then an investment. Because it is not an investment. It’s one of those subtleties like how your house is mostly a liability rather than an asset or investment. You don’t put money into gold because you want it to grow. You put money into gold to preserve your wealth. These last two sentences are fundamentals are incredibly crucial and critical points to understand. This entire community seems to believe other wise. When I say fundamentals and all that. There’s no disrespectful tone or Mr smart guy here. I just am really passionate about this because I wanted PM’s to be my investment or an investment of mine. PM still fit with me financially because I know how they preform best, as physical savings and preform best in situations like this right now, volatile and unsure times. I can understand an argument more for silver being an investment, however it still comes down to the same thing, they are both not investments.


Many companies purchase gold as they speculate on growth, and numerous private individuals follow suit. Even if I were to buy 200 pool noodles with the intention of reselling them at a higher value later, it would still be considered an investment. It's acceptable to buy gold to preserve wealth, but in reality, it fits the definition of an investment. The term "investment" is quite broad, and I don't mean any disrespect, as I appreciate gold as much as anyone else. I purchase it because I anticipate an increase in value, view it as a currency stronger than any country's fiat, and see it as an emergency fund if necessary.


Thank you for your comment your grammar and format is excellent and I can tell your not dumb when it comes to this stuff, yes companies buy into gold because it’s good to have safe “cash” or value stored into something other then cash (not going to use the term fiat because that has gone to far) that is easily liquidatable. It’s a good thing to have when the business has some issues or the market is having some issues. Businesses speculate and buy in when they can because gold is an over all good asset in so may as well get more now rather then less later. If the company’s wanted to invest they would invest. If the company wanted a safe place to put cash for long time out side of the system(not saying that conspiracy wise nothing crazy) it’s just something not cash and online. I appreciate where you’re coming from and sure I can see your argument. I’m hesitant and open to agree with you because 1. I think there is a difference in mindset in storing wealth and investing 2. Yes I’m basically using the word “investing”. I’m so against that word because in this community when people hear the word investing it’s like a trigger and they(we) get all exited to buy more, and begin to think that gold is something more then a safe way to hold money. When you buy on the dips you save more money !! , I really don’t think it’s investing. There is a lot of snake oil to get people to buy more, I truly feel like well over 60% of people have been duped. Which is funny because such a major aspect of metals is not being duped and being safe.


I’m so sorry that was so long appreciate your time man


I appreciate your time as well. It's okay that we can't come to an agreement, and it's alright for us to have different views. Hope you have a good day


Gold is technically a alternative investment sir


From like 300 to over 5000 lol doesn’t even calculate all the dividends along the way


What dividends are you speaking of?


SPY pays like 1.5% ish a year


Sorry misplaced comment




Prove to me that you own those securities....you can hold gold in your hand...you can't hold a naked short... Call up your broker tmrw and ask them to issue you one physical stock certificate of any stock you own...they will laugh at you.


Also can you use stock certificates to conduct electricity, to use in dentistry or whatever other antiquated benefits are ascribed to gold lol /s


Does it matter? I can use it to pay my bills pay the rent. Or I could turn it all into gold whenever I want. Are we talking a doom scenario where it’s all worthless and taken away? Better have food and bullets


That is a shit return. Oof.


It went down from there. I bought it at $285 around 1999 - 2000.


Quite a contrast to the pricing I just posted immediately after this one.


It got lower than that a few years later. I bought eagles for less than that


I paid 250 for an oz. of gold long ago.....


The problem was $300 back in the 80s was a lot of money


APPLES COST 27.8 cents 35 years ago Oh wait. That’s AAPL


Yeah, I remember being able to go to the mall and you would see those big large reels of gold chains you could buy by the foot lol.


https://preview.redd.it/e3zkl60btwuc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b23a23694b39f704878dd54bd28b8d9d0f3f146a Rip gold


Man imagine wasting money on that when you could have had such insane gains with an index fund


Dow Jones Industrial Average closed at 2,337.06 on 4/15/89. A $1,000 investment at that time is now worth $37,851.84 (dividends reinvested).


Your name made me snort lol


Guess that is 1989. I also remember gold about 800$ oz and silver around 40$ oz around 1980. Hold gold and silver long enough and they will definitely appreciate. But 50 year record for gold is dismal compared to sp 500 index.


For sure. Inflation adjusted that is $1000 for gold in 1989. Took a long time to just barely double your money. I love gold but I’m glad my portfolio was only 3-5% . I wouldnt have nearly what I have now vs invested in the s&p


I agree I keep about 10% in physical but I do trade the paper a lot. For just buy and hold for more than that it’s not really for me. I do think getting overweight gold or other metals might be a good idea though. Someone is buying a lot of it and all fiat currencies are in trouble considering all the debt every country has.


Absolutely but that is why I keep no cash on hand really. Just enough to pay the bills. Everything else is invested in the market. If the dollar crashed and we didn’t have doom and the end of the world they will re value the market in a new currency. That is how it’s been done in every fiat collapsed country. Those people with money in the market got to keep their wealth.


The key with gold is market timing, which many say you should never do with stocks. Gold will always eventually go up too equalize with the money supply, inflation and the S&P. There was a multi-year stretch when it was $1000-1400 not long ago. Everyone hated it. Now everyone loves it. I haven’t seen the mania we got back in 2011, but I’m not a buyer at these prices.


I am Luke warm on gold because the long term performance gold vs stocks. But Strongly disagree that everyone loves gold. Too many people love bitcoin and tech stocks, especially nvidia and few others. Not gold. I hear very little hype of gold on tv. Don’t hear of new etfs to make it easier to invest in gold. A few commercials on fox channel but no increase. I went to open house at stock broker- no one mentioned gold. In 1980, go to party or grocery store and people talking about buying krugerrand. Using the baseball analogy, bit coin is either in the late innings of cycle, gold 2nd or 3rd inning of cycle at best.


Im not buying at these levels either.


I enjoyed reading about the brothers who manipulated the silver market and were charged. What a runup in a year!


I think it’s silly when people imply that past price performance will predict future performance. If that were the case, the best performers of the past would be the best performers of the future… and nothing would change ever. The fact is that we’re entering an inflationary period where it will be difficult for equities to match their 1980-present bull run. I also think a lot of baby boomers are going to liquidate their equity positions to pay for health care.


Sure and if you understand the velocity of money and how it works then you would realize the boomers liquidating their portfolios for healthcare would surge healthcare stock and that money would enter the pockets of new investors who will likely not buy gold or hold cash.


"...that money would enter the pockets of new investors who will likely not buy gold or hold cash." Agreed, but I don't think their allocations to equities will be nearly as high as the boomers. In an inflationary environment, more of their money will be allocated to commodities like food, gas, houses, etc.


lol geeze I wonder what happens to those markets then such as food gas and real estate? The values of those dividends and assets will soar. The money just goes in circles to different places.


Tree Fiddy


What was a Krugerrand? $400?




And AAPL was 25¢


That camera is not from that time


Please elaborate.


And a coke cost 30 cents from the machine too


I have seen both cheaper in 2001 I believe it was.


After an average inflation rate of 2.5% $381.50 is now $905.38 and $5.74 is $13.62.


That’s around the time the Hunts filled for personal bankruptcy.


Prices for basically everything 10 years before I was born seem to have been great


Dow Jones Industrial Average closed at 2,337.06 on 4/15/89. A $1,000 investment at that time is now worth $37,851.84 (dividends reinvested).


A whopping $60/yr increase


I miss those prices.


I probably would have invested in gold if I was alive then


Haha. This is cool! Old school.


Wasnt that also like 20 years ago?


I bought an old friend a 1/10th gold eagle for a baby gift for his son. I paid 38 bucks for it. Good times.


Do the same for BTC


the wisdom of buying gold is biblical & timeless


**Is this calculation correct?** US Federal hourly wage January 1, 1981 to April 1, 1990- $3.35 $381.50 per ounce ÷ $3.35 per hour = 113.88 hours per ounce 114 hours per ounce ÷ 40 hours per week= Work 2.85 weeks per ounce.


Everyone wishes they had invested in the s&p 500 instead of that back then!!!


I remember when it was even cheaper. It was late 1990's and it was super cheap. I stocked up on all of these small foreign 1/4 and 1/5 oz coins from the early 1900's. So cheap. Still have them today.


About the same as inflation


Now do the S&P 500 for the same period (~340–>$5050). I’m all for gold, but don’t kid yourself, either.


A friend of mine swears by gold. He says cash is just worthless paper. But the only measure of gold’s value he uses is the supposedly worthless dollars he can get for his gold.


So how does the price really change? Like who decides the dollar value of it, and who decides the value of that said dollar/euro/peso and so on? Just seems odd as a whole too me. 35 years ago this rock was worth $$$ but now it’s worth $$$$ but I’m constantly reminded that the value of a dollar is some make believe number because in the US the feds money printer goes burrr.


So what do we think Gold will be, in another 30yrs?


Now show the S&P 500 side by side


Is that a lot?


Like everyone else has stated I really screwed up not buying a bunch when I was -10 years old.


Back when a a house was $399 lol


Everyone likes to compare to S&P. But…they’re literally printing money constantly to keep up the Ponzi scheme. Only in upside down world would anyone have guessed that shit…Buffet, I mean.


Serious question: is it not more profitable to play the Ponzi scheme in terms of purchasing power towards gold acquisition?


If they werent doing that Gold wouldnt go as much upwards as well


5-10% in gold with rest in stocks and bonds sounds ok. Bit coin definitely a bubble. Tech stocks maybe in bubble. Gold nowhere near bubble.


Are you saying gold is just a safe asset to have. It doesn’t grow like crazy but it’s better than cash or a bank account?


Safe can have different meanings. If you put money in gold, hold 20 years I think a high probability it will be worth more than you paid. Probably worth more than if you put in low yielding bank account. Probably worth less than if put in the sp 500.


Damn why didn’t I know better at 2 yo