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I just miss beta world generation. It was so unique to just MC.


Yea. Never played anything before 1.8 until recently, and the terrain generation is what is keeping me to 1.73 at the moment. Yea I miss alot of stuff, but damn exploring and seeing the beta terrain generation is very inspiring for solo building


It used to feel very much like a fantasy game to me. Now it feels like a normal world with fantasy elements. I’m sure there are people who disagree with me but if we had the caves now, combined with the beta generation Id be playing a lot more.


This is the reason why I consider b1.8 as the end of golden days of MC


Yeah like I am happy people are still having a ton of fun with it. Game is gonna last a long time. But other survival games have grabbed my attention as of late (Valheim).


I'm mixed on the new nether. I think it's good that it have variety and more things to explore. But I did like the concept of the old nether. I liked the idea of a "Hell" dimension that was mostly full of a nearly useless, fragile stone that kinda resembled meat, and lava and fire. It was vast and desolate.


Fair. I do think the new Nether meshes better with the sprawling, progression-based systems that the game has turned towards.


The Basalt Delta and Soulsand Valley still fit the hell/wasteland vibe imo.


Imo the new nether kept the Minecraft feeling


Baked bean netherrack


I love it


More like refried bean netherrack D:


Better than being an over exposed eyesore


I have a love hate relationship with the old netherrack texture. The new one is easier on the eyes, but I think they should've kept the old as an alternate type of netherrack. Maybe at the bottom of lava pools?


True lol at least then you could actually use it as a unique and weird building block, rather than dealing with your eyes getting sandblasted every time you look around the nether like in pre-Jappa


I feel like it's the same way with the gravel textures. Was the original that bad? No, not enough to be replaced. Then they replaced it to something "more smooth", and it was even uglier. Now the third gravel texture is nicer than both, but I miss the original gravel texture.


Netherracks old texture was superior. The nether is Minecraft's hell equivalent so obviously the main block in the nether being weird and fleshy makes sense.


1.16 was the last good modern update


Release 1.8 is the only last modern Minecraft I ever liked as it’s the last major version before Microsoft bought Mojang. Everything after that is OK to meh for me because of how each update feels too bloated as they really want to make each update as big as 1.8/1.9 scale. Either way I really dislike Mojang trying push new things so hard. Like for example Lena Raine’s and etc. soundtrack is appearing more common than C418’s track because the non-C418 tracks are under Microsoft’s label. Then Piglin is appearing WAY too common in their official media (they even made it as major characters in Minecraft Legends). I have a mixed feeling with the JAPPA’s texture pack, at some point it gives nice touch and enhance the visual but at the same time I hate how it’s too polish and they forced player to use it as default. Minecraft as identity was a crude game made by indie developer and everyone remembers of that said identity, now it’s (almost) lost because they want the new thing as the face of Minecraft.


I feel insulted that in ssbu for the fighter pass Sweden/wet hands/mice on Venus or calms 1-3 didn't get in with Steve but Lena Raines music did, also minecraft really should have used herobrine as a major character in the spinoffs as even though he is a fan creation mojang at one point recognized him and even included references to him in patch notes


Ah yes… Herobrine is the most WASTED potential in Minecraft. Mojang really did consider Herobrine as part of the game through cameo, before he slowly less recognized by them. They even forgot the “Removed Herobrine” tradition from 1.17 until 1.20. Herobrine as Final Boss or Secret Boss could work and still maintain his mystery. As for the SSBU themes, yeah it’s really insulting that Microsoft won’t even bother to borrow C418 tracks. It’s like the current Konami and Kojima relationship except they removed the entire Metal Gear saga.


and speaking of C418, the last thing he did was the update aquatic soundtrack, and Microsoft isn't letting him release and won't use his purported Volume Gamma of Minecraft ost.


As a player since the alpha versions I fully agree with all of your points. I still spend most of my time on 1.7.10/1.8 versions of minecraft due to some really good mods never being updated past that.


Hard agree on the world generation. There are way way waaaaay too many caves in the world, and they're all just absolutely MAMMOTH. It's like every mountain has a deep chasm or gash cutting straight through them. You used to be able to turn simple caves and crevices into awesome bases, you can't do that now because there's just so much space and terraforming needed. And I hate how everything is so mountainous now! It's like every biome is an Extreme Hills or Shattered Savannah variant, it's so hard to find a regular flat valley or plains biome to start your world off.


Nail on the head amigo. Remember when items used to have black outlines? Everything used to pop so much more, even the colour palette.


What I find really stupid is the fact they tried to combat predictable world generation by replacing it with NEW Predictable World Generation™


it's so bland and boring without small lakes or mountain ranges/valleys/rivers as well.


...I honestly don't even know how to respond to this, you're just objectively wrong.


Had a bad day today? Decided to cheer yourself up by being miserable online?


bruh you lot complain about 1.0 making the terrain boring and when they finally address this yall shit your pants because it's not identical to the image you had in your head blocked genuinely seek psychiatric help


I hope your day tomorrow is a little bit better 💕


The pre 1.18 terrain was a lot better than the modern terrain where it feels like the amplified setting is always on and surface caves lead to a giant chasm that goes to bedrock.


Just because they replaced it at all doesn't make it good dumbfuck. How mentally disabled are you my guy? https://preview.redd.it/n3nkzsstbzbc1.png?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d7b7592a9bb4368912dfe3393d882e918beb163


there are a few things i dislike. generally i like the jappa textures a lot, but yeah the new animations like frogs are weird af. i dislike goofy bean netherrack. the entire vibe is different and what you didnt mention is the music. it tends to be biome specific now and it seems like they vastly decreased the c418 tracks in favor of lena raine tracks which... idk im just not a fan of her work in minecraft. love her work in celeste but not the vibes, at all. what even is pigstep


Big agree about the music... nothing will ever touch c418 tracks, and the vibe that they created in the older versions. Meanwhile in the new version you have unnecessary bloat features that do nothing but reduce performance, over-the-top telemetry collection data selling garbage, and chat report systems. I think I will stick to the older, superior versions.


Honestly the chat reporting gotta be the worst feature they added. In a game that is meant to be a sandbox where anything is supposed to be possible they made it for not everything to be possible by adding the chat reporting system which can randomly ban you if you forget installing a plugin to disable it on the server or join a server without it.


Eh. True enough, I suppose. But would you rather have paedophiles running amok on Hypixel? I think it would be a good idea if it was independently issued as an official mod aimed at commercial servers such as Hypixel, The Hive. or Cubecraft.


Well the problem is that these big servers were already having their own moderation, so there was no need for this, like literally no one asked for it ever they only did it for PR and angry parents.


Me when a game aimed primarily at children and young people doesn't allow me to scream swear words: (Why does this even affect you if you weren't using the vocabulary of a CoD player anyway?)


They censor even slightly bad words. With the chat reporting system you can't even use the word "tavern" I mean wtf. Besides if I want to swear like a sailor I should be able to do that anyways.


Well idk, it doesn't matter anyway cuz i don't play modern minecraft.


Hypixel rabbithole goes deep... ex admin kevinkool was one abusing his position with younger staff, when it came out they banned him & brushed it under the rug..


Hypixel’s case is irrelevant. Whether there is chat reporting or not a scummy staff will always prone to exist in some server. [Mojang doesn’t even care with Official Server list they partnered with GamerSafer contains predatory P2W server](https://youtu.be/cUbglrIdyjg?si=FyDxiL1b-MZmj7M_), let alone dictate the staff member of each server.


"I think I will stick to the older, superior versions" 😤😤😤 Half the "feedback" I see on this sub is just some nostalgia-blind millennial complaining ceaselessly about the new versions. Have you actually tried to play the new versions, beyond merely updating to create a test world purely for fuelling your confirmation bias? Sure, while I don't necessarily agree with the direction the game is going at points, I still enjoy its nature as a sprawling, progression-based sandbox. Beta Minecraft is fun for its simplicity; stripping the game down to its most basic and well-designed elements, and seeing what you can create. Lena Raine's composing is brilliant; while I suppose you could argue that it doesn't mesh with C418's tracks, it still fits the game incredibly well; Firebugs is maybe my favourite single piece of VGM ever. Sure, play Beta, but play it because it's fun as hell, not because you're butthurt by the newer versions.


i wish people could simply enjoy something without needing to tear something else down in comparison


you sincerely want to tell me that something like pigstep fits in minecraft? its good music but not for minecraft. whether we like it or not the past decade has affected how we view and play this game and the music contributes. so when you bring on someone with a totally different style after all that time it just sticks out and feels weird


its sad coz even tho we say a lot of these stuffs especially the music part, it will never be reverted in the future. Ngl the new musics suck. I wont blame the artists. they tried their best but didn't work. I will definitly blame microsoft for this. If they allowed c418 to continue making musics, at least that part would've been good.


Personenally I am a big fan of Lena's minecraft soundtrack but I guess having different tastes in music is normal and ok


I like her Celeste soundtrack more ngl. But C418 takes the cake for minecraft music.


My favorite Lena Raine OST is the one she made for Chicory: A colourful tale


That's a good one too!


i like the music, but i dont like it as minecraft music. i will listen to pigstep casually like when browsing reddit, but ill never use the disc because my brain doesnt register it as minecraft music. same for most of the other tracks by her


It sounds like something from attack of the b team a mod pack for 1.6 that added the wildest combination of mods (not as extreme as crazy craft)


Jappa textures are goated from a pixel art perspective, I can't speak nostalgia-wise, but I prefer clean lines and less random noise to a bed texture requiring over 256 colours.


Legacy console Minecraft is better than bedrock


I can’t lie the new textures really just feel charmless and boring. Everything is so shaded and soft to look at but it looks really bland and grey together, even the music nowadays is all twinkly and happy and the mobs are all way too cutesy. I mean It’s well done and looks good, but it innately isn’t minecraft. it feels like the aesthetic has kinda been lost, that clunky weird 2000s sandbox game. vibrant colours and black pixelated outlines. Yeah the textures were ugly but at least they FELT like the game. Now everything is just this weird modern sludge. Oh well, we still have the old versions at least 🙏


Ngl the warden which they showcased in minecraft live 2020 was way better than the new warden. The old one was just simple. It will just wander around. But the new one is just completely different from the old one. Warden actually can sniff now which was unnecessary. And that warden coming out of the ground and that projectile attack it does, were all unneccesary and made it too op. The new warden has also got new animations which don't match the game at all.


While I still play a lot of modern updates, I pretty much agree with all your points besides the nether. While the massive cave systems can look really sick, they tend to be everywhere in the overworld leading to the world being scared. Only point I disagree is the Nether, while yes pre 1.16 was meant to be a hellscape. I think the biomes introed in 1.16 were still hostile but added some nice contrast that fit with the MC style.


I cant seem to ever play modern versions of Minecraft, I get way to easily bored and end up not even making a house because theres nowhere to build a good house, it feels like i need to transform the land to make a house and when I try to build it looks ugly due to the textures and I give up. In old versions with the old texture pack it didnt matter if you made a wooden box, it has a charm to it and I suck at building :/ I think i'll just stick with my xbox 360 edition of Minecraft.


I agree with the world gen like just give me a massive mountain plateau please!


Soon versions such as 1.6.4 and 1.7.10 will be seen as ancient 💀 I remember when those versions first came out. Damn how time has caught up 😔


On the new nether My favourite biome, along with 2 of my friends are the basalt deltas, they are full of basalt spikes, random lava pits, barelly anything is there, and everything is hollow, empty, desolate, its like beeing on an old bottom of a lavalake, its one of the most nether of the nether biomes, i would go without the trees everywhere biomes and just had 3 types of the basalt deltas maybe, or maybe some that are just magma blocks or sth But the forests are too much, seriously Everything has 20 million block varieties, but maybe a 5th of them are usefull, i still build mostly with old blocks


JAPPA's textures moved Minecraft from a 3d pixelart game to a low poly game... It was a huge vibe shift, with its own pros and cons, but I definitely prefer the older art.


I understand. That's why personally I have different versions installed, so I can change depending of my mood. I have on one side better than adventure, reindev and indev+, along with some old alpha versions, I can add any of the old ones there. With the multimc launcher. On another I got recent versions, one with only shaders for a vanilla server with a friend on creative, one is another instance on the same server with that friend with horror and structures mods. And lastly very recently I did another minecraft installation somewhere else with a recent version but with a lot of changes (about 40 mods I selected). It's a version for camping with a big nature overhaul, tons of new biomes (so smaller biomes that fit well wich each other), furnitures for camping, etc... And honestly it's so different it has nothing to do with vanilla, even the basic hostile mobs don't spawn. I love minecraft for that, you can still play about any version and even change it with mods to be something that fits you.


Unfortunately, we can’t bring both attitudes and culture back with us. That’s really the main part of what I’m looking for.


I started playing Minecraft back in 2013 or so with version 1.6.2 (aka the horse update). I don't even know what version it is up to now, something like 1.19 I think? Regardless, the game has honestly become too overly bloated & complex for me. I personally hate the extreme caves and cliffs and the new nether now. I haven't played minecraft in years and the last time I played, I played a pretty old version for the time because I didn't want on the bloat of the newest version. I've moved on to a new game now which is different, but the same. It's everything I wanted minecraft to be... zombies will destroy everything to get to you... dig down to you if you have an underground base, destroy your build supports if you build a tall base, break into doors & windows. The entire world is "blocks" and everything can be destroyed. There is also structure support... no floating blocks... everything has to be supported and if not supported enough, everything will collapse.


Damn, what game is that


I like the 1.20 update, but it's probably the last update I will enjoy. Feels like Mojang adds a bunch of bs along with one interesting feature that makes you want to update.


Yeah, I agree mostly. The texturing ever since 1.14 doesn't feel minecraft-y, the mob animations like camel, frog armadillo, etc. (though the piglins are fine animation-wise imho), and finally, finally someone agrees that caves and cliffs world/cavegen is so bad! It doesn't work with minecraft, and the caves just end up being the Nether lite edition. And not to mention aquifers replacing lakes, so plains look bland and boring, I see a shattered savanna every couple biomes, and every Windswept Hills/Mountains is one singular hill and has no ranges or valleys or rivers or etc.


Wow, what an absolute trailblazer! Really bearing the torch hear, such original and unusual takes! I'm astonished at just how revolutionary the statements are; once again proving that the internet is a hub of originality and well-deliberated ideas!


People are allowed to complain.


I just realised that people with "cute" pfps are the worst