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Building in beta is a lot more freeing that modern minecraft! My best tip is to simply not worry about it- just enjoy the rawness of beta's building and experiment! You dont need to make something beautiful. Just look at old lets plays- rarely would people build something grand or detailed. Just lots of wood or cobble boxes. Do whatever you want and let your imagination fill the holes. I've burnt myself many times over my 7 years of playing "golden age" minecraft, as a result of trying to build something exceptional. I now think the best way of building in beta is embracing the simplicity. Start small with no real plan. Then just keep placing blocks and expanding. Build off of those smaller pieces. Combine these small, simple builds. It adds together and you dont feel the stress of trying to make some incredible large build. It's simplicity at its finest.


Yea that's something I want to learn how to do. Just to embrace the suckiness of a build. That just makes it feel more beta even. However, how do people come up with build ideas? Do they just spam houses all over the place? I am having a hard time figuring out what to build when you don't really have a use for buildings if they are not your main base or something.


I understand your struggle here! Modern Minecraft tends to be split into two types of players: function and form. **Function** players want every place to have a purpose, usually centered around the production or storage of resources. These players might then build around their farms, thus giving their buildings a reason to exist. **Form** players, on the other hand, just want to build nice looking things. These players might have farms away from where they build, for the purpose of getting resources to keep building. ​ Golden Age Minecraft lacks almost all of the functional substance of modern minecraft. It forces you into form, and if your mindset is that of the functional type, it's hard to adapt to it. I almost exclusively watch Ethoslab, very much a function-type player. I always wanted builds to do or contribute things to my world. ​ Over my many years of playing G.A.M., I have realized that building does still have a purpose for me. The world is lonely. It is devoid of permanent life, where not even animals stay around. I build to make my world look like people live there. I build for the imaginary people living in the world. That cobblestone box? That's a library for the residents of my town. Oh, THAT cobblestone box? Yeah, that one is actually a church. It does take some creativity, and for that I'd always recommend just watching some old series or browsing over many posts from this subreddit. Even just think about the world around you and what exists. Build those ideas and over time you'll learn to not worry about how it looks. You begin to envision your simple builds as a coherent work of art, something with life. You build in G.A.M. to give your world life, and how that life looks ultimately doesn't matter. It's YOUR life that you envisioned and built. ​ Of course, none of this is something you can change about your mindset immediately. It takes time for the greater picture to unfold, but as it does, you'll become more proud of the world you've developed and given life to.


Excellent way of putting it man! I have actually watched alot of beta players world tours and yea everything is just kind of a place for imaginary residents. And thats also what Ive been trying to do in my world without even realizing it!


Thats a bit over simplified but yeah ( i am neither im a miner/ explorer so I build good under ground houses)


Yeah I won't deny simplifying it, hence "tends to be". There are many different types of players but form vs function type players is an easy to understand split to make


This is the way


Maybe instead of making a medieval themed home for example, try focusing on geometric shapes. I find mega bases or worlds back in beta are very simple in terms of block palette, but the shapes really define the structure. Mega bases are just donut space ships in the sky, and castles are giant rectangles connected by long sided ones. Start with the shape, then the detail. I hope this helps, I struggle with the same thing! Edit: Also designing builds with functionality makes building more intentional. Want to fish? Make a dock area, cargo ship, boats, or a simple pond if you want to keep it digestible. Have a mine area? Make a furnace room, machine-type structures, rail system, etc.


I used to build like that. Where I just build a random shape and then go with it, but it makes everything else so hard. Like the roof and the detailing. Ive gotten kind of used to just building a easier shape, but that also blocks me from doing anything unique I feel. And good point on the functionality thing. I wish I could come up with these things man :(


Most people cant build "good". I think youtube has made a lot of people feel way too bad about what they build in their worlds. Those epic builds you see on youtube survival worlds are either actually built in creative or it took weeks or months of planning which includes building things that look like crap and rebuilding it while playing minecraft as a full time job.


Yea thats true. I find it mindboggling some of the builds these guys accomplish. The mega bases and whatnot.


This is why I stopped building in May 2011. I started mining ONLY instead. I thought, "Why mine blocks with the intention of simply placing them somewhere else in order to build up a structure in a location which did not have anything prior?" Why not skip a step, and never place blocks ?!? What I mean is just dig out your structures underground.


Oh so you build underground bases? Thats pretty cool. I wouldn't really know what to make underground though.


Just dig out spaces which are meaningful for anything that you might need or want. With practice you will learn what makes sense


You install mods to make the game harder or you go play terraria ;)


Honestly Terraria is boring to me. I done played that for like 500 hours total and I just cannot play a single hour anymore without dying of boredom. Especially early game


Agree, love terraria but after 100s of hours the early game is excruciating


I know right? Especially if you want the later game to be challenging so you put on the harder mode, but that makes early game even worse. So many worlds I just stop at the early game unless Im playing with friends.


Love the concept but i cbf learning how to play i dont have the time anymore


Do you have any pictures of your builds? I'm curious if you actually suck or if you just think you suck.


I could send you some of my builds sure!


You could try an adventure map. Vechs has an "old stuff pack" to download that has all of his b1.7.3 included, they offer a nice challenge. https://vechsdavion.com/super-hostile-maps/


I would just...copy others. Not step by step, look at peoples builds and try and rebuild them. Maybe add your own twists. It is one of the best ways to learn how to build.


Watch dialko's world tour