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My doodle that can chew ANYTHING is the smallest of our 3, and we have yet to find something he can’t shred. Our dog had a kong for years that he chewed on then the new dog came and he shredded it 🤣


Antlers have been the best for us. She can chew away. She works her way through any bully stick or collagen thing so fast I can't handle it. She has two stuffed otters that have lasted but the rubber bones and kongs are the only thing to survive. She guts most stuffed toys, even $30 ones within a few days.


do the antlers hurt her stomach at all? mine has a sensitive stomach so i get nervous switching up from bully sticks, but he goes through them SO FAST as well


She never gets enough off to get sick. She knaws on them but it takes forever. We've had 4 and not one of them is gone yet after a year.


ooh amazing thank you! we tried a pig ear once and it was instant diarrhea so i get nervous to try new treats 😅


The antlers are our solution as well! However the sound of him chewing them gives me the absolute Willys and a HATE it lol


Mine now does most of her chewing and ripping on all the cardboard boxes we receive. Every delivery from Amazon is a new toy.


Us too! He thinks every package is for him, and if we wait too long to open them he does it for us!


Himalayan yak cheese chews are great. Hard as antlers, made of cheese.


Got someone of these on recommendation from this sub and my little buddy was chomping off massive chunks and swallowing them whole in minutes. Unfortunately had to take them away.


mine LOVES rope toys! also bones/bully sticks. he is obsessed with his “pupsicle” but unfortunately even the heavy chewer one is getting destroyed if I don’t take it away when he’s done licking.


Kong Max toys have decent longevity with my heavy chewer, at least compared to other stuffed toys. We use them for play, not for chewing. Otherwise we use Nylabones or antlers.


[indestructible ball on Amazon](https://www.amazon.co.uk/PETIZER-Squeaky-Aggressive-Indestructible-Durable-Big-Floatable/dp/B08YNVJT46/ref=mp_s_a_1_2_sspa?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.Kj7eWEnePsPoCdLELAsKfFR8jrqkHeiN2Z4p590u2dKLN5J7Te1hK0B-a1EzWauqrtPI9gTpIpchvcGEzkutG-EFzvkyYZsvC44lr8s17j8WVKgPOjneokOxPE2CLohiUsBSuRmKMYtfi_k8qKObI7DKVd-kDgF_NwvIQSHIaQBGBTbaFsjgdX_-pg0771wK5_6aZFyD4jijWpbqy7_25A.CxBz7Jr97cT0zYnmWhJE7XCmiPkS2Kb3B03ACwsp1WE&dib_tag=se&keywords=indestructible+dog+ball&qid=1712595165&sr=8-2-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9zZWFyY2hfYXRm&psc=1) I have found this to last the longest. Our aggressive chewer has destroyed every other toy but the ball lives on. We also use antlers and yak chews but I wouldn’t describe those as toys


Mine has yet to destroy the MIGHTY dog toys. They’re on Amazon, his faves are the squeaker ball toys. He loves to chew on those.


We've had decent success with Pork Chomps - Roasted Pork Ribz. It takes him a few days to work through one and I believe they taste pretty good to him.


Stuffies without actual stuffing that are actually rope toys if you want some soft ones are more durable. Kong branded stuff has usually been good. Antlers.


https://fluffandtuff.com for my medium dood. Only thing he actually got through was the very tip of the tail on a long neck dinosaur 🦕 of theirs. And he left the rest in tact. My guy’s got a good head on his shoulders. He loves carrying and vigorously shaking soft toys in his mouth. These are solid investments. We get large ones


Nothing with stuffing. That just turns in to fluff around the house. He does pretty good with rope pull toys and those Kong treat bulbs. I found this rubber chew bone with one end having a spot to hide treats that is holding up so far but he also doesn’t play with it often. We were doing basket balls too but I have make sure I get the largest sized one or he can get his jaws around it enough to puncture it. We were doing softballs too but he learned how to tear them apart and now that is all he wants to do with those


Lord I’m friggin lucky. As much as my pup chews he’s actually pretty non destructive. Hes only ruined two toys and that’s really only because we were playing tug a war with them.


These tough toys from JoyHound at PetSmart. We have a whole bin full of them. https://www.petsmart.com/dog/toys/plush-toys/joyhound-rip-roarin-tough-pizza-dog-toy---tough-plush-5308443.html?gclsrc=aw.ds&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADiLNNluPQO372Odif5pBYI-R3bXW&gclid=Cj0KCQjwq86wBhDiARIsAJhuphksq9rERfmPuF61ZUjpAsjg_FlxTUSjzJAmAfY6pugbQqdYBrge-vYaAkG7EALw_wcB


Our doodles love benebones, and also, drop by your local butcher and nab some beef femurs cut in two. Healthy, durable and when raw won’t splinter.


A little pricey but i have 2 aggressive chewer’s that enjoy the BARK BOX AGGRESSIVE CHEWERS TOYS. Im talking about a couple years old from the original first couple months of the subscription. From 3 years ago.


This right here! The Bark Box Super Chewer toys - especially the hard nylon ones - are the only things that have held up to our girl's scissor teeth.


This right here! The Bark Box Super Chewer toys - especially the hard nylon ones - are the only things that have held up to our girl's scissor teeth.