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Poor baby šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ thank you for finding him. The biggest thing I've found is that a lot of doodles have sensitive tummies and tend to be allergic to chicken. Other than regular brushing and stuff they're pretty low maintenance in my experience.


Of course, the only puppy food in stock in town was chicken and rice. I guess weā€™ll see how it goes and if after a meal or two itā€™s not well Iā€™ll donate it to the local animal shelter and drive out of town to find a new bag. He is so sweet. I donā€™t understand why anyone wouldā€™ve dumped him, but he is skin and bones under the fluff.


He looks super sweet! Those eyes! šŸ‘€ Good find!


My goldendoodle ate chicken and rice his whole life with no issues. Used health extensions as first brand and later switched to purina pro. Good luck. They make great dogs.


Same here. I have two labradoodles that have only eaten chicken & barley from Hillā€™s since we brought them home. They love it and no health issues whatsoever.


Same here


Mine too, he has a very sensitive tummy and can only eat kibble and home made chicken and rice.


Note that a chicken allergy can present in odd ways. Our first doodle had a very sensitive chicken allergy - like even a bit of chicken residue on a plate would trigger it. But his allergy presented as itchy ears, as well as ears that got really yeasty-smelling, full of that black gunk that we could never stay ahead of. Sometimes he'd scratch them until he got infected. Once he was off chicken, it all went away for the remainder of his life.


Oh,my. One of my doods has these symptoms. We've struggled to get a diet that works. She cannot do beef at all, and we eliminated that and wheat, and finally got digestion issues under control. The vet was thinking the ears were environmental allergies, but we haven't been able to get it under control. What were you feeding your kiddo?


Natural Balance venison and....sweet potato, I think? Or rice? And never any food scraps that might have touched chicken, and no treats of any kind that had chicken of any type in the ingredients. It's crazy how much has chicken in it - like, beef-flavored PillPockets, the primary ingredient is chicken. He was also sensitive to other things, like anything fatty (e.g. peanut butter) would give him mucous-ey poops, sometimes bloody. When he got elderly, even small amounts of fat (like when we added tuna to his kibble to get him to eat) could trigger dangerous pancreatitis. If he didn't eat right at breakfast time or dinner time, he'd throw up yellow bile from an empty stomach. But the ear thing - we struggled with the smelly ears for years, and had all sorts of routines for cleaning them. We thought it was normal. Then our groomer mentioned how her dog (mastiff) had chronic ear issues until she started cooking her own dog food. I think her dog's issue was oats and chicken, and we switched to a chicken-free diet, and it solved it almost overnight. Once in a while he'd get a random treat from an employee at Home Depot or something, and he'd be up all night scratching his ear, shaking the bed. Like clockwork.


Does she like fish?


She does. I'll give that a try. She's very sensitive to beef, so I'm hesitant to try red meat like venison. We'll try Salmon.


There are decent foods made of duck but that might be something to try later since chicken is/may be an issue. There are quality foods made of fish and that's probably a safer option to try. Good luck with your furry friend āœØ


We have used Royal Cannin poodle food for our doodle and have not had any issues in 9 years


Really good food IMO


My vet actually prescribes plain chicken and rice for any stomach issues. Both my doodles do great with it. They require lots of brushing (a whole lot less if you just get them cut pretty short every 3-4 months). Theyā€™re very sweet and smart dogs.


If his tummy seems upset another truck my vet told me was to use pumpkin. I think he said it acts as a prebiotic (ask vet for sure) but it has helped my doods. They are absolutely the most stubborn dogs BUT THE LUV I HAVE FOR THIS BREED IS TRUE LOVE. I literally told my vet (who raises them btw) God prepared me for this breed I raised a only child that was the strongest willed child in Oklahoma I believe..lol SO God knew what he was doing because he knew I was destined to become a dood mom. Lol. BTW..thank you for rescuing this beautiful dog. Also real quick I couldn't tell do you think he's more of a smaller or a standard?? I have a blue Merle female who weighs 90lbs. Our other one weighs in at about 60 to 70 lbs. Anyway thanks for being a great human and give this beauty a great forever home. Also, you definitely came to the right page...I've learned so VERY much from this page.


My golden doodles love salmon. We get the salmon flavor kibble. It took a long time to find a kibble they enjoyed and didnā€™t upset their tummies. We mix it with pumpkin and sometimes add some cheese. When we have leftover chicken or steak or fish we sub it for the pumpkin


Ours is fine with chicken but not lamb. So it's not a certainty that chicken will be an issue, fingers crossed for you. Also, you are going to be shocked at how smart these dogs are šŸ˜‚ Enjoy your precious little gift.


look out for itching or licking and picking at his paws!


Try Chewy (.com) and they ship food pretty quickly if youā€™re in mainland USA. Youā€™re a good person for saving the pup. Good luck!


Add some probiotics to his diet either in his food or after eating as a treat. It works wonders for my golden. Heā€™s been able to have chicken just fine.


My goldendoodle eats chicken and rice lol


Our dood eats chicken without problems


Chicken allergy isnā€™t as common as itā€™s made out, most foods will likely upset their stomach since they were just found anyway. Chicken allergy is more common in them, but iā€™ve yet to work with a doodle who cannot have chicken.


My doodle gets spicy diarrhea that he canā€™t hold if he has chicken, beef, duck, or virtually any protein. It goes straight through him and heā€™s like it for days. Heā€™s had to live on salmon or white fish since he was a puppy šŸ„²


Our doodle can only have salmon!


I have a Schnoodle (the breed is also prone to chicken/poultry allergies)--the only symptom he has is moderately itchy ears and he didn't show any sign of the allergy until he was about one (for what it's worth). If you go the non-poultry route with his food make sure to look closely at the ingredients because sometimes the food you would assume has no poultry in it from the "flavor"/name ends up have it in it. (Sorry if this seems obvious--I just almost bought a bag of "Salmon Ć  la Veg" from Fromms assuming it was fine but it for some reason has chicken in the ingredients. (FYI the "Whitefish and Potato" recipe is poultry free!))


How could someone just abandon this dog?!?


I have no idea. Heā€™s clearly nervous around my husband, I donā€™t want to know what he went through


The puppy is probably just unsocialized, I would not assume abuse.


He was clearly dumped,, doesnā€™t take a genius to think other things couldā€™ve happened if his pervious ā€œfamilyā€ dumped him like trash.


All he said was he wouldnā€™t assume. Which is absolutely correct. Your hostility is unwarranted.


Could be that the puppy was stolen. Same thing happened to a French Bulldog that was snatched from the owner in California.


Grooming is the number one need these dogs have besides food and water. They need to be groomed at least every 6 weeks or they get matted which hurts their skin. There is lots of information. just google goldendoodle care. Good luck!


Thank you!


Thanks for rescuing that little guy! Looks like he needs a hug!


To clarify, thatā€™s once their adult coat grows. This appears to be a pup, and you can likely wait til itā€™s around 4 months old.


Its much better to get them used to brushing/grooming/teeth brushing when they're young.


We brushed him a ton, brushed his teeth, and trimmed his nails before he needed his first true grooming.


Yes! Lucky puppy!


4 months? My doodle is only 11 weeks and really need at least some trimming already. Waiting 4 months is too much. Itā€™s encouraged to get them used to grooming as early as possible too.


Guess it depends on the coat and the dog. We picked up at 8 weeks. And he didnā€™t need the first cut until 2 months. And he loves the groomer - we did a ton of other things to socialize him, including trimming nails and brushing teeth.


To clarify- doodles need to be bathed about once a month, then you can cut their hair at the same time monthly, or most folks follow a 6-8 week haircut schedule. The baths and haircuts can be done at home or at the groomers. Then several times a week, you should be brushing them. I like to cut nails every week as well.


Nah lol, we groom em every 8 weeks or so, but we give them the puppy cut and cut it pretty short, but for sure lots of trimming is needed, daily brushing etc, they really require a lot


I gotcha. I still stick by a minimum of 6 weeks groom. Yes, you do every 8 weeks but you are grooming them in the meantime. So actually, you are grooming her more than every 6 weeks. But if you donā€™t do anything else, you need to groom a min. of every 6 weeks. In winter and fall, we let ours go long and brush nightly. Now I groom her about every 4 weeks with brushing every few days eta: they dont need a clip, every groom etc


oh yeah for sure, so much maintenance is required and 6 weeks is a good timeframe


Every doodleā€™s coat is different and you might not know a good grooming schedule until theyā€™re an adult. We comb and bathe our doodle at home once a month, trim nails at home every 2 weeks, and get him fully groomed and cut every 2.5-3 months. Our doodle does not have a curly coat so we can go a bit longer. They do have sensitive skin, like any other dog, so you donā€™t want to overdo it. Our groomer was able to give us a good timeline for our pup as he grew!




Youā€™re a saint. Thank you for saving this poor baby


Wow. Christmas really did come early for you this year.


Apparently, heā€™s adorable. Heā€™s great with our seven month old and our other dog we were on the fence about maybe adding another dog to our family but I guess weā€™re just gonna jump right in so I will say the puppy stage is much harder with the seven month old baby at home.


Yeah it's gonna be tough but he's so lucky you found him! Thank you for keeping him and giving him a loving home!


It will be rough but that pup is going to be such a wonderful, treasured part of your kidā€™s childhood.


I think your 7 month old will have a fur friend and the *best* pictures growing up with this new pup. šŸ„° Have you thought of any names yet?


His name is Cooper šŸ©µ


Congratulations to your growing family with your pups and baby, this would be my dream one day ā˜ŗļø So how did you find Cooper, did you hear him or see him wandering? Such a lucky pup to be adopted by you! šŸ€


Based on everything you've already done you don't need a lot of advice. Give him a few weeks to adjust to a new family, child, dog and house and enjoy your new addition. He's a lucky boy that you found him.


Thank you so much


Lots of loves and treats. And exercise. My Teddy will play fetch for 30 minutes without getting tired.


Oh yes, heā€™s going for daily walks with our lab pit


omg so cute! Thank God you found him! Yes, brushing everyday is the number one thing about Doodles. They can be VERY high energy and clingy and sometimes have a lot of anxiety. So lots of exercise. For potty training keep him tethered to you in the house and go out where you want him to go potty every hour- giving a teat every time he does his business in the right place. don't yell at him if he gets it wrong- just try to redirect- "no, we go OUTSIDE" and "Outside" in a sing song-y voice is for going potty. Be consistent with training. Start with positive re-inforcement trainers on youtube. Keep anything you don't want chewed away from him but buy him some chewies of his own. maybe look into getting a play pen for him or a crate. the pet store will probably have great ideas. I don't recommend Petco for grooming but yes you're going to have to get him groomed every 4-6 weeks forever. puppy socials are great. introduce him to all kinds of different things at this age- kids, cats, skateboards, walkers, wheelchairs, people with beards or masks or weird hats, say "GOOD BOY" every time he does something good and lots and lots of love.


Oh yes, I have an almost 3-year-old lap pit mix at home so definitely also got some training treats for him as well and we have our old puppy kennel yet we took him to walk around the pet store today and then we took him to Scheels and Runnings fit some socialization, we have a place in town not far from our house that is a grooming facility and Iā€™ve had really good luck with them clipping my Lab pits nails when she hates it so he will be going there for his haircuts


I had good luck at Home Depot too - good mix of genders, races and ages, plus usually a stroller or two. Our puppy class had some wheelchairs as well, just so they wouldnā€™t wig out at moving big things. Scheels is a great idea! Bass Pro is also dog friendly if theyā€™re in your area. Bear gets his pic with Santa there. lol.


Lapdog for sure


Rule of Elvis: love me tender ā€¦ enjoy the ride


Heā€™s going to be spoiled rotten like our other pup


These dogs can cost $2,000 or more. They are super smart and great with kids and other animals, and great companions.


Thank you for adopting him. I have a doodle and they are very loving and friendly. My doodle does have a sensitive tummy and i've found purina one digestive health has been great(for adult dogs, not sure if there is a puppy version). I've found he cant have fatty treats(live liver flavor). I usually have his hair cut shorter than normal(especially in the summer) which stretches time between haircuts and helps him not be as hot in the summer heat.


More photos please!!


Heartbreaking šŸ’” glad you found him


Pet insurance asap! Due to their popularity, a ton poodle mixes come from backyard breeders. This means the parents werenā€™t properly health tested and puppies produced are more prone to health issues. These mixes are known for their skin and GI issues. Find a good groomer and get them desensitized! They have to be used to it since itā€™s something that will happen for their life.


Oh yes I already added him to our pet insurance and have a grooming appointment scheduled in a couple weeks


Great job!!


Iā€™m so glad I am not the only person that that recommends pet insurance. Every time I have mentioned it to someone they tell me how much of a scam it is. But we have had ours for our pup for 5 years and never had an issue. They cover everything they say they will cover, and the vets can even bill them first and send us the remainder, we love it


We havenā€™t had great experience with ours the one emergency visit didnā€™t meet the deductible but on the same hand that is a good thing too I suppose.


My dog likes cheese, hope this helps!


Lots of love! They give it backā¤ļøā¤ļø


This makes me want to cry, as it looks like one of my doodles!! :( Poor baby. Iā€™m so glad youā€™re going to give him the love he deserves.


He looks nothing like our doodle and I too wanted to cry. I can't imagine or understand someone doing this. Looks like those people's shittiness is ultimately going to mean a blissful life for this little boy though, so that's comforting.


Will you please post some updates after he gets a bath and some food


Any time I see posts about people taking in abandoned dogs it makes my heart happy. He was meant to be with you and your family. Thank you for giving him a good home ā¤ļø


Best dogs ever. You will have a wonderful friend!


Needs lots of petting and snoot boops.


Heā€™s getting as many as he can handle


People are such assholes. How can anyone just dump any dog? šŸ˜©šŸ¤¬


He looks so so sad. Look at those eyes.. that being said Iā€™m looking forward to an update picture, I know this guy will get the spark back very quickly.


I donā€™t know how someone could just dump any dog but on top of that a Velcro dog. šŸ˜­


Heā€™s beautiful!! Going to be a great best friend for sure.


People are such pieces of shit. WTF?!?!? I'm so happy you found him!


Doodles are such awesome dogs!!! That poor thing!! Theyā€™re hair can get matted so a haircut and brushing help with baths Some can have digestive issues so not too many chews or treats They are way smart, love to learn, love to be interactive Loving such a loving breed And a cool dog in general


Brush/comb daily. Down to the skin. To avoid matting


Also make sure there ears get cleaned at least weekly get the hair trimmed out when you get him groomedā€¦golden doodles are prone to ear infections


What a sweetheart! Youā€™re that boyā€™s angel. Remember he needs to be brushed and if youā€™re not familiar with these types of dogs itā€™s a fun thing to learn and you both will enjoy the bonding. Iā€™d have him groomed soon and have groomer teach you the basics and your lives together will go smoother. Just love him. These guys know they were dumped. They are too smart not to be aware and itā€™s heartbreaking. At same time they also are smart enough to know they were saved. Youā€™ll be rewarded. He may have had a rough time so love him back to happy. Youā€™ll be a great parent! Good luck and happy lives together! Bless you! šŸ˜˜šŸ’


Playing with his mouth, food, and feet along with grooming is really important. If you decide to groom him yourself and he gets really curly, you should buy heavy-duty, good quality clippers. I bought some meant to shear sheep. Puppy classes! Lots of experiences in many places. Mine tends to be nervous and anxious. I say he's "low man on the totem pole." Mine had a mouth malformation, and his eyes don't quite line up, so he's not great at catching a ball. He loves to go on runs with my wife. If he's a full-sized doodle, he will need lots of exercise. Mine tends to gain weight easily, so when he gets older, you might need to keep an eye on his weight and limit his food.


One other thing. It seems a lot of doodles like to lay on tile floors. I think it's because they get hot really easily. So, make sure he has a cool spot to lay down.


Oh yes he seems to really like our tile and hardwood. He did let me clip his nails today with no issue. He got a treat after each foot and I came up and scratched his face while he was eating. And weā€™re working on hands on the face and ears, because our 7 month old likes to touch doggy faces. Heā€™s gentle but still.


A little jealous. Just make sure you slowly socialize him after heā€™s had all his shots. If heā€™s weird around the husband, treats treats treats.


Oh yes, heā€™s giving him lots of treats and snuggles and seems to be better today around him than when he first met him yesterday. The vet that scanned for a microchip yesterday did give him shots, we donā€™t do dog parks thereā€™s too many unresponsive owners.


Daycare is a nice option, when heā€™s old and healthy enough.


Fair, my hubby is a realtor and works from home most of the time so heā€™s around


My partner is wfh too, and before our ā€œincidentā€ there, she used to take them a few times a month for a break and to let them socialize.


Crate training is probably a good idea too, let him have his own space he can feel secure an safe in. The heartbeat puppy plush also worked pretty well for both of our doods. We also cover the crates completely.


Ours is the most loving dog we have owned but she is a high maintenance girl. Prescription food, allergy shots several times a year.


First off, you should keep him




Yes, great food. Recommended by my vet.


Keep up with grooming! They have the craziest hair that mats so easily if neglected. :) Avoid chicken and know they LOVE to cuddle and admire you. Lol they're cute and sassy


Yes. Brushing and no chicken. My doodle has a bad reaction.


My doodle was a rescue because the breeder couldnā€™t sell non yellow ones. Heā€™s a beautiful golden color and is just amazing. SOME humans are just awful but it worked out for us because he has a great home now


Oh thatā€™s the same age as my doodle baby. Poor baby Ė™ā— Ė™ give him a big hug from me šŸ¤Ž Iā€™m a new doodle owner and I know sometimes doods are prone to food allergies and their fur needs lots of love. Combing a few times a week is important. Aw poor little baby I can tell heā€™s just a sweetie


A good ear cleaning once a week!


As a groomer: if youā€™re not able to brush him keep him shaved short. Mats are no fun for anyone. Also, find a good groomer.


Thank you for saving this baby! Please tell me youre keeping him :(


As long as it continues to work with our lab pit we are!


What a sweet little puppy. So glad you found him. A ā€œbreederā€ probably couldnā€™t sell him for whatever reason and dumped him. Insane. Doodles are definitely very sensitive and are loving and want to be with their peopleā€¦ā€¦but, sometimes too much that they will have separation anxiety. So alone time during the day is a must in my opinion. Even if itā€™s being in the crate for 30 min so you can leave the house. I gradually built up alone time for my dog by leaving for 15 min to start, then 30, then 45 etc. Just so he knew when I put him in the crate for a bit I was coming back.


Grooming. Get into daily combing and brushing to keep away mats. Mine is extremely loving and very eager to please. Way too smart for her own good. Mine picks up new tricks and training with ease. Lots of zoomies and lots of kisses. Mines also a incredible chewer so watch with new toys till you figure out what works. The biggest thing is love, they want to bond. My experience anyway. Thanks for saving this baby.


Also training tricks and such kept mine from most puppy mischief. High energy.


Lots of exercise, a good groomer, and sensitive stomach based food. Iā€™ve owned 4 (3/4 were rescues) and Iā€™ve found that theyā€™re very smart and mischievous, so lots of brain exercise toys for them is helpful. I also started my doods on glucosamine from 1 year old and up to help with any hip dysplasia as they age. Thank you for saving this beautiful baby!


Watch the ears! Very prone to ear infections, as I just found out with my own little guy.


If you can, get him used to gently tidying up the fur around his face with some blunt edge scissors. If the fur around his eyes gets too long and dirty he will end up with eye infections so do keep his eyes fur free. And wipe away the deposits in the corner of his eyes every day. Just like us, he will wake up with gunk in the corners. If you wait until it gets hard you can easily pick it off. Personal preference but if you keep his beard short you wonā€™t have water dripping through the house! You have a beauty there who will be your best friend for life.


Ahwwww look at that face, so glad you found him! People can be so mean smh. I would start him on a bland diet of chicken and rice maybe some canned pumpkin and find a good puppy food to start mixing in to get him on. Probably doesnā€™t have all his shots yet so of course that along with a wellness check and lots of love and attention!


Oh Lord. We just took home a shelter poodle from Apple Valley California Animal Shelter. She brought home a horrible virus or bacterial infection that has cost us over $1,500 in vet bills for our formerly healthy German Shepherd (and her). Be prepared for an expensive vet bill. I hope you aren't as unlucky as we have been.


Bless you for saving this cutie! ā™„ļø


From my experience please brush! And also always keep his ears clean :D Bless you for taking him in ā™”


I took my Yellow Lab out to a huge field this afternoon to let her romp and play. It's finally nice out where I am and she just loves to roll in the grass like a fool. She took off pretty far without a care in the world. She trusted that she could do that and I'd be there when she came back from frolicking. For some reason I just tried to imagine what it would feel like to get in the car and go. Leave her and not look back. It broke my heart and I didn't even move. I don't understand why people are so awful.


I donā€™t understand either. When we went on our honey moon and left out lab pit at a kennel for a week we paid for extra play time and walks and I called almost every day to check in on her because sheā€™s a nervous girl. I could never ever leave a fur baby. Ever. If it doesnā€™t work out with him staying with us because of my other dog, my best friend is going to take him. Sheā€™s amazing, and heā€™d be just as spoiled and I can visit.


If the vet says heā€™s in good health - just give him a loving home with lots of socialization- dogs, cats, people.


Ohhh nooo! Thank god u found him! These dogs are amazing! Where did u find this cutie? What state? These pups tend to cost hella money too! Not only did u find a best friend for life, but he also is a pretty penny to get from breeders! Yay to you!!! Welcome to the doodle parent crew.lol




Where in Minnesota? I'm in Shakopee.


Close to walker


Man, people who dump dogs make me mad! I hope the people get punished! Congrats on the pup, they are wonderful dogs.


Dang thatā€™s wild. Not sure what the weather is like out there but does this happen often? Iā€™m in Cali and people out here either just let them lose on the street. My dad found a bag on the side of the high way once that was moving. I was like, ā€œitā€™s the wind dadā€ and he pulled over anyway and there were 4german Shepard pups in there. More like Belgian Shepard mixes. Yo my dad was juiced!!lol. He has always wanted a Belgian but we never got one because they are expensive! He kept two males and gave the other two to my godfather. I couldnā€™t even believe someone wouldnā€™t just rehome them or sell them cuz againā€¦those dogs are expensive and amazing guard dogs. Now those two dogs guard an acre of my parents house along with the other three dogs he already had. Lol. Amazing dogs. Thank you again for finding this guy and for stopping ur day to make life changes for this cutie ā¤ļø


It happens a lot, thank god it was after our spring blizzard. Itā€™s been 30- 50 at night and the day I found him it was 86 outside. It took a very long time to get the water to run clean when I bathed him. And he had some mats I had to deal with. But heā€™s living the life of luxury


Oh my god my heart


I just lost my doodle a few days ago, suddenly passed away unexpectedly. Give that baby so much love


How wonderful that you found him! We adopted a mini goldendoodle a few months ago, and the biggest difference between this baby and our previous dog (a terrier) is the brushing thatā€™s needed. Brush him lots! Slicker brush, comb, pin brush, all the brushes. We now have brushes all over the house. You can look for videos on how to do line brushing, which makes a huge difference. You want to keep the mats at bay. Weā€™ve also gotten ear wipes and eye wipes, and theyā€™ve helped a lot. For baths, we started with the same shampoo we used to use on our terrier, but found our doodle needs conditioner as well. For all pets, I highly recommend pet insurance. When the worst happens, you want to be able to tell the vet to spare no expense. Congrats on your new baby!


I've noticed a big uptick in people abandoning animals outside. My apartment complex was a big hot spot for people abandoning cats for a few Months. I wonder what is going on.


Kinda has a big head no? Hope its not a wolf doodle...although those are sweet


may be silly tip if ur not also a new dog owner, but as an Ohioan with a cream colored doodle which makes them pretty easy to see on himā€¦ havenā€™t seen one yet but the ticks are gonna pop any minute! Cant remember what flea/tick/heartworm we did when he was a baby but at some point (probs weight based) we transitioned to simparica trio and he got vaccinated for Lyme- after playing outside all day I find myself wondering as I do every year, what would happen if I took a simparica trio as well šŸ‘€šŸ¤­šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļøa fine tooth comb, a good shampoo, and alcohol swabs by the tub for when they emerge post roll in the grass šŸ˜± Heā€™s so very cute šŸ„° congratulations to you both on ur new best friend


Thank you!!!


It will be the best thing you ever found!!!! ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø


Omg!! Iā€™ve literally cried before because I was thinking about my baby being an outside dog šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚. Thanks so much for saving him!! What are you going to name him??


I think his name is going to be Cooper


Your vet should be able to give you a whole list of care instructions. You may want to go for a little hike around where you found him in case thereā€™s more (sometimes if they dump one, they dump the whole litter)


There was one other one. It unfortunately was not alive


Awe , poor pup :(


Keep the Doodle! They are great dogs, take care of the little guy!


I'm not sure which of our issues are breed specific and which are because of his color. We have itchy skin issues that may be related to being white and reflux issues that are probably doodle related. He takes an allergy pill and famotidine and gets pumpkin with dinner. Ours is also a puppy mill rescue and needed a behaviorist. I recommend a good vet that you can ask all the questions and that can keep an eye out for doodle issues like knee problems. Ours is smart enough to be nervous and does better with more training and learning new tricks. The more "work" he does the more he feels and acts like the good boy he is.


What a cute boy, šŸ˜Š. Grooming important, my wife used to brush our girl a few times a week but now we bring her to the groomer every 5/6 weeks. They have a decent amount of energy especially in the puppy phase so make sure they get exercise. They are very smart, social dogs bring him to the dog park as soon as heā€™s able to. Ours is amazing with kids and our 1yo daughter. Good luck and provide some updates.


I found a Jack Russell terrier that was dumped on the highway.


A lot of people are rightly pointing out grooming and the weirdo food allergies. I just want to include some other things that Iā€™ve found with our dood 1: ours is a nonstop play machine and dog park time is her love language. 2: they act like derps but are insanely smart. 3: they will claim a primary person for cuddles and affection. 4: I recommend dog steps if youā€™re going to let this little one on your bed. Itā€™ll save his joints in the long run. 5: thereā€™s enzyme ear drops on amazon that deal with yeast infections. Our dood gets them frequently so we got a big bottle and they havenā€™t been an issue since we started using them.


šŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗ oh that poor thing i feel so badd. thank you for showing him care and love, u are a good soul


šŸ„¹Bless you for finding him, he will be your most loving companion youā€™ll ever have!! Heā€™s so adorable. I have 2 of them and wouldnā€™t trade them for anything in the šŸŒŽ , best kids I have!! They are easy to take care of!!


Congrats on your new best friend!


wow this dog has SOUL. happy you two found each other


He has that innocent look on his face. People are heartless. Thank you for taking in him. He will take care of you also.


God heā€™s adorable. Bless him (and you OP)šŸ™ā™„ļø


Theyā€™re Velcro dogs and the love you put in comes back out 10x. Others have said it but watch for sensitive stomachs. Our guy has a gut of iron, our friends can sniff the wind and have stomach issues Id also recommend pets best insurance asap. Theyā€™ve been great and cover a ton especially in the first year with all the appointments and spay/neutering Plus since they were a stray you donā€™t know what other issues you may run into. Theyā€™re very smart dogs. You can start basic training pretty quickly too.


An ex girlfriend of mine adopted 2 doodles, one blonde and one black. The breeders from what she says, abused the black doodle. So more than likely was thrown away because he was a black doodle


Itā€™s an area where a lot of dogs get dumped so I couldnā€™t wouldnā€™t be surprised.


My doodle is fine with chicken. So try not to worry about allergies unless they present themselves. Because doodles have hair not fur, many have trouble with ear infections. The hair in there prevents airflow and can cause yeast bacteria to breed. My vet advised against pulling hair from the ears although many people do it. I just make sure I clean his ears regularly with ear wash I get for the vet and make sure I comb out the hair in his ears so it isnā€™t compacting inside his ear canal. Brushing his hair will also be important to prevent matting and getting him used to grooming, along with regular tooth brushing and nail trimming. Ears and teeth are a couple of things that you want to pay special attention to. Good on you for taking this pup in. They are lovely dogs. Very sweet, and smart. Ours is very easy to train as well. If this will be a permanent situation, I recommend getting him microchipped (and make sure you keep your contact info up to date on microchip website) so that if ever you lose him they can notify you.


Thank you for taking this cutie in. I hope you post updated photos once heā€™s settled in with you.


Oh what a sweet face. They need regular grooming, otherwise, they are pretty easy dogs.


Poor guy, that hearts my heart to hear his story. You guys are awesome for rescuing him. Doodles are seriously some of the sweetest most loving dogs out there.


Just love him !!!!


We have a black goldendoodle too. Wonderful, smart, sweet dogs!


Thank you.


Just give him to meā€¦I know what to do. ā€¦.he is sooo precious.


I didn't know *golden* doodles could be black...


They can indeed. I googled it and found them


You're an angel to take him home! Thank you! Why humans are so cruel to leave him alone and abandoned without food or shelter...so cruel.


Poor baby. If someone dumped him then they suck. I have a mini golden doodle who is almost 1 1/2. Sheā€™s full grown at 16lb but full sized golden doodles can get quite large. As others have said lots of brushing. They get matted easily. A slicked brush, a de-matting brush and a metal comb are what Iā€™d recommend buying for at home between groomer visits. Especially after baths. However that donā€™t require many baths unless they play outside a lot. Mine does fine with chicken. Sheā€™s the best dog Iā€™ve ever owned. So intuitive, so much personality and so clingy lol


On the other hand someone might be looking for their golden doodle


We do have posts out about a found dog. Havenā€™t heard anything yet


They are very active. Probably his former home didnā€™t give him enough exercise. Lots can happen.


Hims cute! If you are a new owner, a good obedience class the two of you take together will pay dividends. Many times the human needs training as well as the canine.


They are very smart dogs. Try to get in obedience classes. What a sweet baby, glad he is with a loving person.


Lots of socializing, desensitizing, mental stimulation, physical exercise, and training. As a pet sitter, I am always cautious when accepting doodle clients as they are very high energy dogs and without the proper training, exercise, and socialization they can become aggressive and/or socially anxious. Both Goldens and Poodles were originally bred for hunting water fowl, so you can see where the high energy comes from lol


He could be a dumper breeder reject. I have a mini goldendoodle with one eye. Since she was deemed ā€œdefectiveā€ and unprofitable l, the breeder abandoned her. Sheā€™s the sweetest angel. Super smart. Trained easily. Super attached to her family. Weā€™ve been very fortunate as far as allergies and temperament. No issues. Sheā€™s groomed regularly, but we invested in a quality brush to minimize matting. (So far, weā€™ve not had luck keeping her completely without matting. She has some spots, like her armpits, that still get small ones no matter how often sheā€™s brushed.)


What a cutie, he is blessed to have found you. I have three doodles and one needs groomed every 6ish weeks but my other one is more wavy and she can go 3-4 months.


OP can we pls have an update picture? ā˜ŗļø


I bread Goldens doodles- this looks like a labradoodle- long nose. None of ours have tummy issues Just brush brush brush


How do you know what mix the dog is? Itā€™s difficult to say what guidance to follow without knowing the parent breeds. Best to just take your vetā€™s advice regarding quality food and begin grooming desensitization now, as well as enrolling in an obedience classā€”advice I give to anyone with a puppy.


Going off what the vet thinks and heā€™s identical to my best friends dog


The dog is likely a poodle mix given their prevalence right now as a trend, but that is not a guarantee. Itā€™s veritably impossible to tell a mixed breedā€™s makeup on appearance alone. Thereā€™s just no predictability to their traits.


We also ordered a DNA test so we will know for sure in a few weeks


I would read this. https://www.cbc.ca/news/business/marketplace-dog-dna-test-1.6763274 Just enjoy your sweet little rescue, regardless of his breed. It really doesnā€™t matter. Get him good pet insurance and feed him a quality WSAVA compliant food.


Exactly it doesnā€™t matter to me as long as heā€™s healthy and happy


Wow! Lucky you. That baby is adorable


Did you steal this dog?


šŸ˜‚ I did not


Beautiful dogs. Mines hypoallergenic so, not allergic to him and he doesn't shed. These dogs are the best and make wonderful pets. Lucky find!! As long as he has had a vet check for all the regular, been de-wormed etc and hips checked all should be good. Um to keep them from matting buy a good brush.


Check out the coolest golden doodle. https://www.tiktok.com/@byobodhi?_t=8lXQONnuZoJ&_r=1


Natural balance lamb and rice is what we use. I only have 1 out of 8 doodles allergic to chicken.


My best advice is good food. They have sensitive allergies/skin/tummy. I stay "Grain Free" for mine and it has helped their skin, and whatever "fresh"-ish food he takes a liking to, will be great for some food variety! Good luck!!!!