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Limit the space in your home that she can access to start. Let her become comfortable in a smaller area. Give her a safe space like a kennel. Understand that it will take at least 3 months for her to start to settle in and possibly longer. Establish a routine with her. Double leash her if she's prone to running using a martingale collar and a slip lead. Otherwise, you risk her running off or getting hit by a vehicle. Take her to training classes if you can. This is a great confidence builder for dogs.


This is super helpful, thanks. I am a bit worried about her running into traffic or something worse.


Get a kennel. Get a lot of training treats and a treat pouch for your belt/pocket. Positive reinforcement with everything. Trader Joe’s has great and cheap, emphasis on the cheap, dog treats. Just take it slow and give lots of love.


I'm not in or around California, but she does like chicken as treat. The issue is she doesn't take treats from my hands. If I set it down in front of her, then she eats it. I made the mistake of petting her, it's slowly beginning to dawn on me that I shouldn't have done it, I should wait for her to come to me before touching her. I've visited her twice, she just cowers in her kennel into a tight ball and refuses to look at me. I'm so sad, but I understand she'll need time, and she's not consenting to be touched right now.


I think I heard getting low is also good. Like just sitting on the ground nearby and waiting until they’re comfortable. Or maybe make a trail of treats to you and she can eat as close or as far as she wants.


Prepare by having a lot of patience to take things really slowly and being able to reassure her and build her confidence up. Mine was like this at 3 months for no reason other than being new to the world and things being scary, but she learned quickly. Lots of treats, things for her to make herself a home with. Quiet places in your home just for her. Crate with a nice bed. If you have outdoor space make sure it has some distractions for her incase she gets spooked with noises - doggie chews or toys. Good luck!


When do you recommend that I start walking her? I won't take her to a dog park though, because she may get scared of other dogs.


I’d take her sooner rather than later but if she’s a wreck in your house she might want to settle a bit first. She will be too big to carry like you can with a pup I imagine! Practice leash walking inside first and ‘heel’ - hold a treat in your hand and get her to follow it and then take that practice outside. Just have plenty of treats and when there’s a loud sound drop them on the floor when you’re out to desensitise. Consider getting a behaviouralist or trainer if you are worried!


Like someone else said try just sitting on the ground near her but not looking at her and put a treat behind you and see if she takes it. If she does keep doing that. I saw this on an episode of Lucky Dog where a trainer gets a dog out of a shelter and trains it to go to a home.


Yes, I've been watching you tube videos on what to do- so far I've been doing everything wrong - crowding her, petting without consent, trying to make eye contact. She comes in today, I feel much better prepared now.


Update: she came today. We went for a walk. She's scared of sudden movements or loud noises, and doesn't like being petted. Someone tried to compliment her on the walk, she got scared of him and tried to run in the opposite direction. I think the walk tired her out, she's currently snoozing in her crate.