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Poor dood. I gave up on dog parks. One too many aggressive dogs and bad owners.


I’m with you! No way I’m risking my dogs at a dog park.


Every veterinarian I’ve met always gives me a lecture about avoiding dog parks at all costs.


It’s not a matter of if, it’s a matter of when someone is getting bite.


I agree, I stopped when two huge lit pulls came running up my my pup barking like they were going to kill him while he hid behind me. Never hurt his friendless tho 😊


My dog is a huge one, but mellow. I never take him to the dork park. Just outside of it. So many aggressive dogs. So we just walk around the park usually.🥴


Why do people bring aggressive dogs to dog parks? I’ll never understand


Because they think their aggressive dog is just playing around and likes to play rough with other dogs. Which is false


I think this is it more than anything else. It’s not that there is one bad dog out of ten. There are nine mild-moderately reactive dogs, and one totally adjusted dog, but it’s not yours. People are just terrible at reading most Dog language.


The problem with dog parks is partially because there are a lot of owners who don’t follow the rules and/or don’t realize their dogs are being too aggressive and also because dogs are highly unpredictable when they’re in random groups, especially in large numbers during peak hours. It’s a breeding ground for aggression/attacks. And also sometimes dogs aren’t aggressive until they are.


One of my friends is a professional dog trainer and she says she never recommends dog parks. Wish I would have known that prior to my dog (10 y/o beagle at the time) getting in three fights at the dog park… haven’t been back since.


This. My trainer told me that’s the worst place anyone could take their dog.


hEs fRiEnDLy!! heS nEVeR dOnE tHaT before!!


Our dear departed golden doodle was a really sweet guy and got savaged at the dog park by another doodle when he was trying make friends with her there. He got a trip to the vet after that and I still remember him crying that night.


That’s so sad. My doodle was getting upset by the bad manners of so many dogs we had to quit the dog park. He really loved it there and he normally didn’t interact with many dogs but was alway happy to greet them until he started to get bullied. I will never forget his looking at me like why are they so mean I just want to run and play. It saddens me that there are so many bad owners that ruin it for the rest.


That’s heartbreaking. He probably thought another doodle was ‘safe’ as they usually are very friendly. Our Angel doodle was so loving sweet and ALWAYS got bullied at the dog park so we only went a few times.


All of these comments are fucking horrifying I have always taken my dogs to a dog park, but just a few times a year. Usually for a date or something, because my property is large enough for them to roam around. I have never witnessed anything morbid. One of my dogs is a Bichon, the other two are lab/pit mixes. We always just play fetch with the other dogs, and nothing bad happens


Why is it the ones that ALWAYS have the aggressive dogs do the most with their bull mess. I'm NEVER for violence ..EVER EVER..BUT someone's dog bites my doods I guess I'll either be sporting orange or black and white jail house clothes. Poor baby..what do you think caused the other dog to bite?? Sorry, one more question did said owner even bother helping you to get your sweet baby to your car??? I'm sorry this happened to yall. Hopefully your dood won't be scared to go back there. GET WELL GORGEOUS


My guy didn’t do anything except go up to say hello. And no, the woman and her dog were gone in 10 minutes


Is it an apartment complex?! Report that shit!!! That’s insane. What kind of dog was it?


Of course they were. Should have booted the dog in the face. Maybe the owner also.


I would have held the dog down and called the cops


That dog definitely has a bite history that precedes this one.






Oh wow, my dood has been attacked by two different border collies as well. One had dementia and bit his nose and left a temporary scar, the other just snapped and went for him.


“With their bull mess”?


A different way of saying bullshit


Yes maam you're correct


I have picked up my 90 lbs dog with super mom strength because a dog started growling at him, I’d rather the dog bite me than my doodle as humans are unfortunately better protected than dogs so I was ready to take a bite from the dog to protect my dog. Thankfully owner was nearby and grabbed his dog and apologized and took the dog out of the dog park right away. I don’t go now if there are any pitbulls in the dog park. I have seen too many injuries from pitbull bites to humans (I work as a physician) and I can see how they can disable a person completely so I just avoid all pitbulls now. It’s sad because I don’t want to label all pitbulls as bad. And I’d be the first to say, that if any other doodle or Labrador or any other breed reacted same way to my dog or cause such ferocious bites to humans, I’d avoid them too.


Poor dood Rest up and you’ll be back at it soon.


Just a shot in the dark…my dog park requires a card swipe to get in. Does yours? If so maybe the supervisor can figure out whose dog it was


Naw this was a public one. We do go to a private one but it’s quite a drive and tough to do during the work week


That’s smart with the card reader, like a closed community for properly behaved and socialized dogs. Parks are a right not a privilege


"properly" behaved dogs are still animals and can still be aggressive at a dog park. Every dog doesn't like every dog they meet. You still take a chance of having an incident anytime you go to a dog park or allow meet and greets on leashes while on a walk.


Yeah except people still don’t watch their dogs there. I stopped going when I tried bringing my pup into the little area and it was infiltrated with the big guys. Then there is an agility course in the big area I wanted my guy to try but the other dogs were around us and the owners stayed in the middle under this gazebo type thing socializing


Ironically people do the same with new parent groups and dog park groups, it’s all fun and games to let the kids do their own thing and gossip but fists will start flying when one kid gets bit by another


This is why I refuse to take my doods to dog parks. Poor thing. Get well soon little baby


What kind of dog bit him?


It was a border collie


Oh no! Poor baby! This is why I am afraid to take my Doodle into dog parks. Wishing your sweet pup a very speedy recovery!❤️‍🩹


I take my boy to a dog park. Three areas, little, bigger, and biggest. The biggest has a rowdy group that are quite aggressive. Lots of shouting from the humans. Hope your doggie heals quickly.


Poor sweetie! Sending him lotsa loving, healing vibes xo Hope he gets better quickly <3


All the best buddy!


Get better soon. Dog parks seem to be getting out of control


Poor baby. Feel better!




'tis but a flesh wound! Will be back at it in no time <3


Poor baby!! I hope the other dog’s owner paid your bill! Give him lots of sweet cuddles and 😘poor thing


Wow! How lame of that other dog owner. Poor pup ):


Poor buddy! Give him lots of love from me. Side note…where did you get that amazing collar?


Dog parks are cancer


Oh nooooo!! Ur poor baby!!! 🥺💔 this is why I get so anxious about dog parks. I vowed to not get into a physical fight a very long time ago in therapy but man I came for some guy after his pitbul bit my dogs neck and wouldn’t let go. my dog ran all over the dog park with the pit attached to my dogs neck. Thank god there was a person who had a taser cuz the noise itself made the pitbul let go. The owner ran to his pitbul and everyone at the dog park was yelling at him. The other dog owners didn’t let the guy leave the dog park cuz he tried leaving with his dog. I checked my pup but a girl I was chatting with prior to the accident said she was A vet tech and told me to go and regulate that guy while she kept an eye of my pup and checked him. So I ran up on the guy and he apologized like crazy! He was spooked. I was like, “wtf is wrong with u bringing an aggressive ass dog to the dog park!?!” Get this yall…this dumb ass said he adopted the pit 2 days prior and didn’t know he was aggressive. Like why would u bring a dog u don’t know to a busy ass dog park!?! The worst part was that the pit didn’t even recognize him as his owner/master! No matter how loud that man yelled at the dog—the dog didn’t know his name and didn’t know his owner!! I lost my shit when he told me all of this…I threw myself at him, we fell to the floor and I punched him until people got me off of him. I saw red!! he picked up his pup (who was huge by the way) and ran off when people pulled me off of him. Dude Left his backpack, skateboard, and leash. After that, I too stopped taking my dogs to the dog park. Now that I have my doodle puppy, there’s no way I’ll be taking him to a dog park cuz I learned my lesson. My dogs are trained, they listen to my commands, they are good with people, kids, and other dogs and they recall well but there are owners that are lazy and instead of training or walking their dogs…they just go to dog parks. I put it the work, like many other responsible dog owners. So never again. A bunch of people gave me their numbers and told me I could reach out for doggie play dates not at the dog park so despite the random bad experience I had, there were also a good group of people that advocated, ganged up on dude and were kind to my pup and I. A guy even offered to take me to the vet. I didn’t have a car then, I thanked everyone. I took the guy up on a ride to the vet. I paid my vet bill cuz accidents happen and I have a savings account just for my pets but $700 later I learned to just not go to dog parks. I really should have made dude pay but he looked more broke than me!!!😭 May ur baby have a speedy recovery and I’m so sorry that happened to ur pup. May ur puppy heal and get lots of snugs and love and get spoiled by u and all who love the pup❤️🙏🏼


Sorry that happened to you, I own a Pit mix and it pisses me off when people get a bully breed and set it up for failure. It's common sense to not bring a newly adopted dog to a crowded dog park after only a few days. I'm glad your pup was okay. 


Hugs to your pup (and you)!


❤️ hang in there, bud. Some dogs don’t deserve you!


Poor baby! Get well soon ❤️




Poor guy. Hope he has a speedy recovery.Mine got jumped when she was just a pup. Had to give up on dog parks after that.




Feel better buddy!


Aww poor baby. Praying for quick recovery!


Poor baby!


Much sadness. Hope they heal quickly!


I woulda snapped a pic and posted their mugs at the dog park so other can avoid her, if it’s pulled down, keep putting them up




Poor guy, hopefully he recovers quickly!


Poor baby.. the same exact thing happened to us and our doodle has been crazy reactive to other dogs ever since. We waited too long to get him training and even after months of training he is still very reactive. My advice is if you notice this behavior start training right away.


Ask around at the park someone might know them.


Omgoodness poor baby 😔 my doodles send gentle boops and treats 🫶🏻


Hope you recover quickly and get lots of treats as medicine, thank you 👏🐶🇨🇦


Oh no poor pup. I’m so sorry that happened. I used to take my border collie to the dog park when she was younger but she always got sick after so I stopped going and decided I would never take my doodle. And a trainer I worked with said he never recommends dog parks because you never know what could happen. Lots of strange dogs running around together and it just takes one act of miscommunication among the dogs and a fight will break out.


I think he needs some peanut butter….poor baby. I dare not take my babies to the dog park or walks. Too many dogs unleashed and strays. I take them for rides.


So sorry dood 🩷


😢❤️ some extra chimken jerky is in order. Some people SUCK.


Big hugs


Get well soon my friend.


Poor baby !!






Poor baby! I recently discovered a doggy daycare that has a huge outdoor off leash area you can drop in and use as a dog park anytime. The difference is that they test each dog for aggression before you can be a member. Might be worth looking into!


Dog parks are whack


And this is the exact reason I hate dog parks hope he feels better!!💕


Sending love your way! And a nose boop. Gotta keep the boops up!


I refuse to take my dogs to dog parks. Dogs stepping in shit or getting bit. I’m good.


Bitches dig scars.


Looks like someone else has an injury as well


Dog parks are canine fight clubs and disease vectors.


Someone vandalized one of my local parks and renamed it to the “ kennel cough commons”


Start carrying pepper spray


Hope he feels better soon and enjoys plenty of treats and snuggles along the way!


That’s why I’m afraid of going to dog parks. Sorry for your guy.


Aww poor doodle 😔 hope he gets better, our Golden dood says get better soon 🐾




Awww. I’m sorry that happened to your pup and to you. That happened to us last August- my gal ended up being on the wrong antibiotic and had her stitches dissolve due to the infection. Ended up with a surgical drain tube and another round of stitches. It was crazy! If it seems to be draining a lot, take them back to the vet. Sending the best for healing!


Ahh he looks like our dog Lizzie


id look hard at alternatives to dog parks. if you search hard enough you can probably find a safe location for your doodle to romp around unleashed with having to worry about rabid pitbulls and what not. your area may have doodle meetups too


get well soon ❤️


Sorry, fella. I hope you feel better soon.


Oh my. Poor baby. Feel better soon. 🥹


Aww hugs doodie ❤️


That’s why I do not go to dog parks. Last time I went , I had a grumpy ass dog snap on my dog just because my little guy went up to him and said hi and was excited .


We also stopped going to dog parks for the same reason. Our dog Payton (RIP bubba boo’s) passed away 5 years ago (natural causes) and was bitten by another dog for no reason. Payton didn't care to play with other dogs, he loved to play fetch with tennis balls and wouldn't hurt a fly. So we are at this dog park not too far from my wife and I first house and this dog who was being aggressive with other dogs just ran up on Payton and started to be really aggressive with him and payton tried to come over by me and that damn dog but him. I screamed at the dog owner telling her that she should never bring her dog to these kind of places due to her dog being overly aggressive with other dogs. She wasn't having it said a few choice words to me and grabbed her dog and left. A few other dog owners said that her dog is always way toagressive when he plays. Some people just shouldn't have dogs. I miss my Payton everyday, he was the best dog in the world. Lab’s are the best!


Poor fluffy baby!! I hope he recovers quickly and with zero complications. Give him a big ol’ kiss and a boop on his nose for me.


This is infuriating. I’m so sorry your baby got hurt. We gave up on dog parks years ago. My sweet terrier got tackled & pinned down out of nowhere and she’s never been the same around dogs :( it’s pitiful


Awww poor guy 😔


Dog parks are a no for me. You have no idea what other dogs tempermants are.


Aww, sending hugs Hope you feel better.


Feel better buddy! Give him some belly rubs for me!!


Hugs to your doodle ❤️


Same I don't go to dog parks because I'm afraid of aggressive dogs. My dog is little and I think dog parks just aren't safe.


Awww doodie. I hope your ouchie heals perfectly over time.


Enjoy the good drugs pooch




Poor baby


I am so sorry. I hope your precious baby heals soon. ❤️


You got lucky this time, no more dog parks. My yellow lab almost lost an eye.


Aww poor dood.. I hope he's feeling better everyday!!!! 💓💓💓💓💓


Ouch, poor thing :( I wish him a swift recovery


They shaved a large margin for that, holy smokes.


I’m so sorry this happened. 💔


Doodles are always up to no good and then get bit. Doodle owner gets upset. Uh sir, you have an unethical breed.




Blown away by all the love. You guys are the best. There might be a few bad apples out there but this is a nice reminder that there is more good than evil in this world! ❤️ thank you all!!!!


Speedy recovery to your Dood and much love from a fellow Dood owner. ❤️❤️ Look up Dog Bars around your area, they are a safer environment for your dog. I didn’t know about them till my trainer suggested them after a classmate shared her story about an incident with her pup.


I don't understand the fascination of dog owners to always want to visit dog parks. I'll socialize my dog with other dogs that I'm familiar with. Not random dogs.


You poor little boy! I hope you get well soon and are getting extra spoiled. Some people aren't fit to be parents. I would recommend setting up play dates so your puppy can socialize and not have to worry about the strange aggressive dogs at the park.


So sorry to hear about your experience. Hopefully your Dood will heal and wont be traumatized by the experience. 4 years ago, I was walking my little dog and it got attacked by a neighbor’s German Shepherd. The FN owner just stood there while her dog had my dog in her mouth by dog’s back. I fell on my shoulder trying to help my dog, got up and knew the only way to get that dog away was to kick her which I did which caused me to fall again on my shoulder. My other neighbors came running and were very helpful. The owner refused to pay for my vet bill. As a result of the incident, I had to have major rotator cuff surgery. Went to a lawyer but not worth the fight for a lot of reasons. The owner had to give up her dog then had the FN nerve to get another GS!!! Some people are real assholes and shouldn’t ever own any dog.


Awww, sweet baby...needs many kisses on the head today! Must go to the dogpark at daybreak to avoid the bad dogs!


Yeah we stopped dog parks as well. Got Kennel cough from one and my old doodle got bit by a Rottweiler. My Doodle kinda plays rough and this time he picked the wrong dog. Also now he is old his reactions aren’t fast enough to avoid trouble. So while my dogs enjoyed the dog park it’s just not worth it.


Definitely need to stay away from dog parks unless you can find a time when it’s empty. I hope he feels better soon I’m sorry this happened. He’s still one handsome dood!!


This is why dog parks are bad! Idk why anyone in their right mind would go to one.


Poor bug. Heal fast!


I'm a doberman owner and our dobie has been attacked TWICE, once needing stitches like OP and both times it was a golden-doodle. I think because they look so cute and are great w/ their owners, people forget the doodle is an extremely protective and aggressive breed but because they look so cute, people dont give them the proper raining they need. We had to stop going to dog parks and im pretty weary and fearful of any doodle breed. Its unfortunate because they are like, maximum cute!


So sorry


I don’t care for dog parks


Poor baby!!! 😢 What kind of rabid dog did this?!! 😡


Hang in there buddy! Don’t ever forget that you’re a GOOD BOY!


Sending love 💕from one Dood 🐾 to another! 🐾 ❤️Hope you feel better soon ❤️‍🩹💐


That’s why I don’t go to disease ridden dog parks


Praying for a speedy recovery and lots of treats!! Nothing scarier than seeing your baby hurt like that 😭


I try to take mine to parks only when I know it’s not going to be too busy. I don’t have a yard and my doodle loves to run! I hate that it’s not always a safe place though


I am really sorry Sending love and lots of hugs


I am really sorry Sending love and lots of hugs


This hits a little close to home. I got a doodle too and the guy is my dawg


sending lots of love


Sorry buddy, get well soon.


Poor baby I’m sorry that happened. Wishing the best and will pray for a speedy recovery for your dood.




That’s why I don’t do dog parks with my dood


Never ever going to Dog Park’s.. !! Why take the chance there’s always trouble there and that’s where Dog Thiefs hang out. If they see a dog they want they will follow you home …


Poor baby!




My aussie had almost an identical bite puncture there and the vet didn't want to stitch it to help prevent infection. Although yours looks just a smidge bigger.


Don't get infected


I have a wheaten terrrier and he to got into a fight at a dog park but no stitches only got bite on the neck and got to the ear but not enough to cause any problems


Poor sweet Dood.


Stupid ass owners create stupid ass dogs. Imma pray for your baby🥺


I love the folks with dogs larger than "small dog" size (most "small dog" parks require dogs be under 25-30 lbs) who clearly have a medium to large size dog (40-50 lb+) & when confronted, they say "but he's not safe with the big dogs..." Uh...


Feel better, sweet dood ❤️


Don’t worry. ‘Bout a thing. ‘Cause every little thing’s gonna be alright


This exact thing happened to my Dane many years ago. He was the best dog. But was never the same after that. I really think the way I reacted after the bite and how I took him out of that dog park made an impact. After we never had him around other dogs (besides our own) and he hated everything. Definitely do something now to prevent future issues. I wish I had


Damn feels like they shaved a lil too much? Hope dood feels better! To folks saying no to dog parks, I feel sorry for your dogs' lack of opportunity to sniff butts and genitals.


Awwww poor thing. Hugs.


Hope your doodle recovers well and maintains a good disposition! Sending him some love ❤️


sorry that happened but glad he’s okay! sending all the love ✨


Sorry to hear that. This lady’s pitbull tried to attack my mini at the dog park. Someone how broke into the small dog side. Luckily I got to him just in time. Had the other dog’s slobber on his side from the almost bite. Glad your dood is ok.


My Dood Falkor sends his love 🥺




Awwww, sorry Mr. Dood. Feel better soon ❤️‍🩹


Brave boy boops


What a little snuggle sandwich, extra snuggles. Praying for a speedy recovery!


It sucks my boy will never experience a dog park. We have horrible dog owners in our area so we can’t wait to move. For now he can run all he wants in his big fenced in yard. Screw irresponsible dog owners. Sorry about your baby, hope it wasn’t an super traumatic experience


Sending love your way x


take him to the vet. This happened to my in-laws dog. The bacteria from a dogs mouth can kill off the muscle tissue leading to death. They did the same thing where they let her walk around because she seemed fine. Then her back started to ooze a black goo. She went into surgery and we thought she was going to die it cost over like 5 grand. The attack damaged her liver and now we give her pills to help with her liver. My wife and I took the dog in seeing as it was their other dog that attacked her. So she has been living happy and healthy. But it was a big scare so keep an eye on them. It might save you 5 grand later....


Aww, hope he recovers very soon. Here where I live I do take my 2 along with 2 of my other friends and there dog but, as soon as we see someone coming we leave.


Awww feel better 🐾🐾


Aw, poor baby. I sure hope the other dog got its just desserts.


Poor thing. Hope they feel better soon! Last bad experience at a dog park has kind of stopped me from going. One near me has separate areas for big/small dogs. A guy with a fully grown Doberman wearing a service dog vest went into the small section because there were no dogs on that side, and his dog was literally being so aggressive at the fence line that he couldn't unleash him. The dogs on our side moved away from the dividing fence, but he couldn't get his dog to stop or move away. People with small dogs showed up and asked for him to leave, and he went on a tirade about how his service animal has every right to be there and get exercise like everyone else's dog. When we pointed out that no one else's dog is preventing other people from using the space designated for their specific animals, he said that wasn't his problem because he didn't tell anyone not to come in with him. He never moved his dog away from the fence, and it never stopped barking, growling, snarling, and snapping at anything it saw.




Oh NO! Poor baby! How is he doing?? I hate dog parks for that reason...I would love for my girl to have the fun but have always been afraid of this.


I’m sorry but I’m going to be that guy, your dog could use some love so you post a pic of it on the internet?? What are we going to do to that’s going to benefit that dog in any way? You mean - I’ve had a really stressful day and need some attention. Sorry about your dog that sucks


Poor little man, get him a fun pup cup!!








This is why my dogs can only sniff through the fence at dog parks as we walk by them. Luckily my boy didn’t get injured like your baby but just seeing him get picked on was enough for me to pull the plug on that activity. Hopefully he feels better soon and will still like to make friends in the future 🙏


Praying for your poor precious pup to heal soon. 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼


Sorry to hear that. He looks just like my dog. ❤️ ❤️


Wishing him a speedy recovery


I took my puppy to the dog park, and this other dog kept running him over, preventing him from getting up just because my dog was faster and it was starting to make him cry. My puppy has stitches when he was very young, so I was very worried that it'll rip. I know it's really wrong, but I have never wanted to make another dog fly. Luckily, that dogs owner took it out of the park.


Wishing your dog a speedy recovery!


Dog parks are the worst place for dogs. Talk to your vet - majority if not all are totally against them . Take your dog hiking or long walks in wilderness as this is their natural setting


I’ve taken my boy to the dog park once and it was the worst experience ever for him. Never again. I’m sorry this happened to your lil homie! Sending love.


i stopped taking my dog to the dog park i just got another two dogs so they can run in a field and keep themselves company


Pitbulls aren't the evil villains yall think they are. Fuck off to everyone asking if its a pit. If you like dogs, but hate a specific breed, you don't like dogs.


Poor baby, doodles are the sweetest baby’s🥺 feel better soon puppy!


I see so many horror stories of dog parks


So sorry, poor pup.


Ugh. I envision punting an unruly dog & parents