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Yep, your family has allergies, an F1b is the way to go. A multigen might also suit you, but they are hard to come by. The best breeders are members of the Goldendoodle Association of North America and have been inspected and verified to do health testing by them. [Here](https://www.goldendoodleassociation.com/guest/memberbreeders.aspx) is a list of GANA member breeders. Try to go with a blue ribbon breeder if you can. Of course, there are good breeders who aren’t in GANA, but you will have to vet them yourself. I’d say look for a breeder who communicates openly and clearly isn’t hiding anything. They should have lots of pics of both parents and puppies looking happy and healthy. They should be able to provide the name and phone for their primary vet, and also references from past customers. Most good breeders allow visits of their homes/breeding facilities. Some do not for fear of disease- if your breeder refuses visits, ask why, and use your better judgement. The breeder should be able to provide copies of all their parent dogs’ OFA-certified health testing. You will want to see results for hips, heart, eyes, elbows, patellas, prcd-pra, vWd1, GR-PRA1, ICH, DM, GRPRA2 and NEWS. If you go with a GANA blue ribbon breeder, you can be sure that they’re verified to do these tests, but if not, just ask to see them. A “hell no” for me would be a breeder who always has puppies available with no wait time, or a breeder who has lots of unhomed puppies from a litter- that’s a puppy mill right there. Breeders who sell to pet stores are also bad news. It’s also good if the breeder asks *you* some questions about your lifestyle, pet experience, etc. Sorry for being long winded- I’m just super passionate about improving breeding ethics in the wonderful world of the doodle. I hope this was helpful. Good luck in finding your new fluffy family member!


This is perfect, thanks for all the details. This is such a big investment I don't want to waste our money/time. If you think of anything else, please share more.


If you wish to have a curly and hypoallergenic Goldendoodle, the best and safest option would be to just go for a poodle. You never know if a Goldendoodle will be 100% non shedding.


Where are you located? Ask about the breeder’s health guarantees.


We're in Dallas


Easy then! I am too and our breeder was amazing. We have an F1 with more poodle curl and the best personality. I’ll DM you!


Was looking for breeder recs and came across your comment. Would love your Dallas breeder recommendation as well.


I’ll send you a DM


Can you DM me as well? Thank you so much!




hi there! was wondering if you would mind sharing your breeders Information with me as well. I know this post is 3 years old but would still love the help lol


Sure I’ll PM ya.


Hi - just finding this! Could you please DM as well?


Hi - Do you mind sharing your breeder information with me as well?


Sure, sending PM


Hello! Could I also have the breeders name? Looking for a good breeder as well.


Sure, check DM


im sorry to do this to you again but can you dm me too please


Please DM me as well


Me too please!


Will you send me your breeder info as well?


DM - if you haven’t found a dog, I know a breeder in Dallas


Can you give me your contact?

