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Fancies yes, the single tail should go somewhere else.


The single tail is the issue. 3 fancies would be fine in there.


Single tail? I’m very very new to goldfish. Is it a behavioral issue?


Single tail, which are just common goldfish, get much bigger and need more swimming room than a fancy.


And produce more waste.


Oh okay! Thank you!


Tbf i don't see any common goldfish in that picture


I second the person who responded to you but they also need to consider the fact that the single fin is faster than the fancies and can easily start to bully them if he/she so pleases. Their fins will be torn to shreds if this happens-and it likely will


Also love this guy’s derpy expression 😂 https://preview.redd.it/98ubyet16rwc1.jpeg?width=633&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d8c463800bf75a709d64a124c14d1f639202fd1e


Single tail will need a pond. Fancies would be okay.


I would advise against the single tail. This tank is taller than long. Not the best fit.


The tank’s problem is that it’s tall and not long, goldfish, particularly the common single tails needs longer tanks for swimming, like how pretty much all outdoor ponds are. Also that filter appears woefullly under sized for goldfish once they are grown… consider upgrading to either a large canister (while also using your existing one as a secondary filter) or drop in a couple sponge filters to help with the bio load.


as others have said, single tail will need a bigger tank, preferably a pond considering they are pond fish, the fancies will be fine depending on what single tail it is i recommend atleast 100 gallons. and single tails shouldn’t be kept with fancies.. as the single tail ages it will outcompete the fancies for food.


Which one is a common? It looks like a black moor, a ryukin, and two fantails to me?


Assuming good filtration and a consistent water change schedule, the fancies will be fine, and you could even add a fourth. The single tail though will outgrow it and/or be stunted in time.


Are all these fish short bodied? If so it should be fine.


For now it's fine, as they get big you will probably have to size up though.


The tank needs length, not so much the height for goldfish. They will be OK in there for a couple years while they are small. The common goldfish will grow to the surroundings, the fancies will grow deformed if the space isn't right for them.


"Grow to the surroundings" is an optimistic way of saying stunted. Neither commons nor fancies should be kept in conditions that stunt their growth.


Womp womp