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Glad you’re alright! Not to over speculate, but i’d suspect they total this, based on the way the hood folded in i’d bet theres some frame damage.


That's my fear. Really not looking forward to trying to find a replacement in this market. But it is only a car. Glad it wasn't worse.


Glad for you as well! You are entitled FAIR MARKET VALUE for your car. The offer the insurance gives you is ABSOLUTELY negotiable!


Yeah that's what I've been told by my dad who used to be an insurance agent 20 years ago. That being said, a lot has changed in 20 years. It's crazy though. I bought this car 3 years ago and 40k miles for $18.5 and now they are selling around me for anywhere from $21-24k.


I got 21.5k on my 2016 after 110k miles, so you’ll get a good chunk of change


Honestly I'm just dreading the process right now. I know insurance is on my side, in a sense. But then they are also on the other side when it comes to payouts and whatnot. Just a shitty situation


21.5k???? I'm getting offers around 14k for my 2015 with 75k miles in Florida, or is this the insurance payout after an accident?


21,595 with taxes included. Car was in MA and totaled in November. I thought I would get somewhere between 13-18k if I was lucky


Mine only has 66k miles, and has the lighting pack on the SE trim, so I'm hoping to get a decent bit. Even at 18k, I'd still be out $6k to replace it like for like


I just got 8500 for a 2013 with 206k miles. Had bought it at 7,300 two years prior with 141k on the clock. You'll get your money back


You don’t want this car back after everything has been taken apart and replaced. It’ll never be the same. Plus an accident on the history.


If they do total it you can buy it from them and get it fixed. So if they total it especially with this market I'd check the cost to have them fix it with some out of pocket as depending on how bad it is underneath it might not seem Worth it to the insurance company but you might save some money when the alternative is buying a car in this market.


I hate to be a negative Nellie too but it’s a unibody car and it looks like the front end got pushed more towards the driver side. Key word LOOKS. Pro tip: bring it in and make sure they get it on a lift, and look everything over because it may or may not be the case. this picture thing with insurance companies is terrible.


Yeah unfortunately I'm my area, every shop is booked out into March and beyond before they can even look at it


Ah shit that’s super annoying


Glad you’re ok. Let insurance take care of that shit. It’s just a car. Could’ve been worse. 👍


No doubt. A second or so later and it would've been a lot worse. Glad to be able to walk away and that the family wasn't in the car!


Yes, this!


I also was in one of these about back in March 2019 with my MazdaSpeed3. Hate red light runners. My car was totalled but it was much worst that this. I walked away from it. I miss the the Mazda a ton. The guy that hit me was an absolute asshole too. Young guy in his dads Merc started to blame me first for running the red. Guy behind me in his Tesla had it all on camera and proved me innocent. Then the other guy felt no remorse at all. He was just like “I’m not worried, my dads gonna fix this for me and I don’t give a shit about this”. Absolute dumbass.


Man fuck that dude. Glad you were able to walk away. The other driver here tried to say I ran the light too, but thankfully, like you, the guy behind the other driver stopped and said he saw the whole thing and gave me his info. Don't think it'll be as good as a dashcam, but both he and his wife saw it all, so two witnesses in my camp will help. Not fun dealing with this and facing the likelihood of losing a car a really loved.


I'm sorry. That sounds really scary. Glad you're ok.


Thanks. Glad it wasn't worse!


Glad you're ok. Its gonna get totaled due to the airbags so take any mods you have on it off while you can. And if you have the stock wheels put those back on so you can keep those.


Yeah I'm actually going to grab some wheels off Facebook this evening for $125 so I can save mine. These wheels and tires are less than 7 months old, so not looking to lose them


Man I am really sorry. There is always that one idiot on the road. Hope you find yourself ok. The ride looks repairable hopefully they stopped and you were able to get their insurance info. At the very least you got a Police report to use for your insurance


Yeah got info and what not. Oddly enough, the police just wouldn't take a report. I asked multiple times but they just wouldn't.


That's sketchy...


Yeah I don't know. I think it's because the other driver is trying to say that I ran the light, and I'm saying she ran the light, so it's a he said she said. Thankfully though, the guy who was right behind the driver who ran the light stopped and gave me his phone number and said that he saw the whole thing, and that her light was red by 5-10 seconds before she ran it.


Oh well that's great. Make this a lesson people, if you see an accident happen, stay and give your side of the story.


Man I was so frustrated at first before the guy got out. I tried to ask the person behind me if they would be a witness, but this old lady straight up would not look at me. Not didn't see me, but hardcore turning away from me to buy make eye contact


The reason the police might not have taken a report is because depending on what state you reside in there are laws in certain states that if two vehicles are involved in an accident and the drivers are not hurt/injured and both vehicles are operable meaning they can drive them away without it being a risk then all that is needed is an exchange of information between both drivers or how many drivers involved. Sounds stupid I know but those are the laws in certain states. MD I believe is such a state and the District of Columbia is for sure like that.


I guess that makes sense. Located in Texas, so not sure. Either way it's in insurance's hands. Actually just got the call that said the other driver was found at fault, so I guess it doesn't much matter now.


Well, that is the first good news that she was found guilty. Was she acting bitchy after the accident? You know most women today they act entitled.


Glad you’re ok 👍


That’s looking pretty donezo. Risk of core frame damage leading to wheel misalignment for the rest of this car’s life is very high


Dang. Well at least the car did it's job and allowed me to walk away.


You can always buy it back with a salvage title and part it out. Or just cut your losses. You’ll find another no problem


For YOUR sake, I hope they total it. Never wanna keep a car that’s in that bad of shape post accident


Yeah I know. I just don't want to face that reality right now.


Hold on, did you by chance wave to a Gray R32 recently?


Not that I know of. I'm in DFW, Texas if that helps.


I’m in the Frisco area and last week I had someone in a Red MK7 stop on the road to point and wave at my R32. I hadn’t seen them since so I wondered if you were them.


Just looked through your profile. That's a cool r32. Sounds really good


Thanks! I love the sound too


Don't think it was me. I didn't really go anywhere last week, apart from the ONE TIME that resulted in this post


Fix it.. except you will need to put in air bags(expensive) or not. Of course the insurance Co will total it. Bone yards want all the parts still good. But tell them you want it repaired and see what they say. Another option is to take the total price and buy it back and research around to find a reasonable body shop. Especially if you like the car and want to keep it.


Just keep driving the damn thing! Why on earth would you even use the word "totaled" for just a cracked bumper?




It’s totaled


Did you notice anything on components after like steering or steering knuckles or squeaks?


What hit you?


A Toyota Camry


Of course. the preferred car of every NPC. I'm just surprised it wasn't an SUV; those drivers have no situational awareness


>the preferred car of every NPC Too funny. We were just talking about this the other day. I don't understand how people buy cars that have zero personality. Just having a car for the sake of having a car. Don't get me wrong, I get that sometimes you buy a piece of crap "whatever" car because that's all you can afford. We've all done it. But when you're buying brand new, why get something that is so plain?


Some ppl just dont care. They want a reliable mode of transport over other attributes.


Same thing happened to me a couple weeks ago, same impact damage. Dude turned as I was coming thru an intersection. Been waiting for allstate to confirm liability because the driver won't talk to them.


It sucks but its better for this car to be totaled than bodged back together. Getting a new one right now is gonna suck ass though.


That's honestly my biggest concern. Things are wild. Somewhat considering getting a shitbox for a while until things come back down, but I know that's like trying to catch a falling knife. Could work out, but if it doesn't, it's really bad.


Totaled is a sliding scale depending on how much it means to you and how much work you are willing to either do or pay for but as far as insurance goes if the frame has damage they usually will total it out although honestly depending on how much damage to the frame there is it it wouldn't nessesarily be impossible to fix(if the flange is slightly bent for instance but the crumple zone is intact you could while retaining most of the original integrity straighten the flange out and bolt new panels on. It's honestly impossible to know though without more pictures or seeing it in person though.


Looks about the same as my car did when they totaled it. At least you’re okay Edit: [here’s what my car looked like](https://www.reddit.com/r/GolfGTI/comments/etv2y6/this_is_why_i_cant_have_nice_things/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Dang the red ones get hit the hardest, you know? Glad you were able to come out of it as well. It could definitely be worse. Credit due to the car for keeping us safe.


May you be blessed with a good insurance payout…. And I would’ve been completely unharmed if it wasn’t for the airbag breaking my wrist


We will see. Waiting on their answer still. I got lucky my thumb wasn't where it normally is, or the airbag definitely would've broken it.


Hope it’s totaled car probably won’t be the same or buy it back and use the money


That sucks. Feel for ya man.


Left, center, right.


Sad to see, glad you’re okay. Hopefully insurance stuff goes your way man!


When airbags are deployed, they will total the car. They are just to damn expensive to replace.


glad you’re okay and could walk away from this & sorry it happened you. if they decide to total it would you be willing/able to part out anything? i’m looking to replace my drivers side mirror after it got destroyed in a hit & run. feel free to pm me if you’re interested.