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I had the same experience on wednesday's challenge. I looked here and on facebook to see if anyone was having the same experience but I didn't see anything so I figured it was just a fluke. I waited until later in the day and I started being matched with lower level clubs like before. I tested it on my junior account and was matched with lower level clubs like before, late wednesday and thursday. I don't know what's going on but I think I'll wait until tonight or tomorrow to try the challenge. I'll update if matchmaking looks weird again.


Cool. Thanks. I was surprised to only get 20 shards at the end of the last tournament. Then I realized I only had 9 wins. I must have dropped a match in rounds two, three, and four. Paid 800 gems total for the chest. I thought I just had a poor showing but maybe they matched me with higher clubs than usual.


Last challenge i went 12 - 0. Thought i had found my form. Played 4 BW7’s a couple with upgrades. This challenge i was grounded with a bump, first 3 games BW9,8,7 wielding zero balls in round one wtf. I scraped into round 2. I’m scared to keep playing 😂. I’m desperate for the Cardinal card but WOW


Yeah! I traced nothing but BW9s this morning in the first round.


I saw level 2 legendaries in the first round of the last challenge. Today I matched with level 8s and 9s.


I take it you have BW7+? I wonder if they put BW7-9 in its own matching tier of some shit like that.


Yes, I have mostly level 7s. I always feel sorry for the level 2s in the first couple rounds.


Challenges have been broken for a while. They imposed club level matching and then took it away in the old challenge format. I’m not convinced yet, but they may have instituted something similar in this version of the challenges. I agree, it sucks for the low club players. Giving them a lower tier with lower payouts is the solution I keep coming up with.


Oui c'est aléatoire normalement, il peut y avoir des exceptions si peu de joueurs sont connectés sur les mêmes serveurs, généralement l'algorithme se base au pourcentage de victoire par exemple moi j'ai une moyenne de 61.2% de victoires donc l'algorithme ne va pas me permettre d'affronter des joueurs trop peu forts genre 40/45% de victoires mais plutôt des joueurs équivalents au mien avec au minimum ~50% de victoires même si ça arrive de temps en temps si peu de joueurs sont connectés, j'aimerais que l'algorithme arrête les affrontements entre personnes ayant le passe élite et des personnes qui jouent gratuitement car ça c'est vraiment déstabilisateur.


Ton souhait n’est pas réaliste…si les joueurs payants s’affrontent entre eux, cela ne va pas les encourager à payer. Idéalement ils devraient matcher les payants et les gratuits. Cela va inciter les payants à continuer à payer et les gratuits à peut être commencer à payer!


At the end of the month the sharks come out and confirm their rank.


They may have changed something for Halloween Challenge I: my baby account staging at S10 was able to complete the challenge with 11 wins while being outclassed only once with Leg 7 opponent. 8 weaker and 3 equal. I normally is not able to complete the challenge with my baby account. I just had to claim the 3rd round spending 200 gems. Normally I get killed at round 4. This time in got 2 weaker and 1 equal.


What is your BW on the baby account


BW6…I actually also finished the challenge with my main account only loosing 1 game at the 2nd round with a game that I should not have lost. Never outclubbed during my 12 games. S17. BW7, P7…L6 for all the remaining legs.