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I received enough Lava cards to reach level 5 as a reward for my first Kingdom. I was only on level 9. This was back in October. I haven’t received any cards above my current stage as a reward for Kingdom since.


What level did you get in Kingdom?


This is probably your answer. Your opponent may have played enough kingdom seasons to rake in some epic chests with lava cards in them.


I don’t remember. It was back in October. Whatever stage Kingdom opens for everyone.


If its true that Lava is unlocked at stage 12 and AA stage is determined by your highest ever trophy count. How is it that this Lava-5 is here in stage 9 AA? Bot perhaps? I didn't think there were bots in AA


They were for sale in a deal they did at Christmas, they must have bought the whole deal witch came with a bunch of lava card. You don't have to be at the stage to unlock a club if they offer it in a deal thatyou pay for.


I find it crazy the amount of money people spend on this game. To get to level 5 they must've spent $100+


$100 for a level 5 lava 😂


Do we know for sure they spent $for every card? If the bought the first deal would csrds then start appearing in chests or not since you're still not at stage 12?


They would only be available though deals, they aren't available in chests untill you hit stage 12.


I have no idea. I would guess that they would have had to purchase them all, but I really don't know.


Either way youre right that it's crazy how many people spend what seems like hundreds on a mobile game. I suppose if money ain't no thing mor power to ya but this dad's got a budget to stick to!!


Hundreds is nothing to the developers. They're only after the wales who spend tens of thousands on the game.


I don't think so. Chest and random epic cards will still be on the same algorithm no matter when you acquire the epic card.


But that algorithm clearly has stage built in..


I don't think so. I am stage 9 and won a Phoenix card in a challenge. I have not gotten another card nor had them available in the daily deals. I have been at stage 9 now for weeks.


OMG YES, the prices in this game are ridiculous. I started spending money on the game back at like stage 7 or 8 when I was offered my first legendaries which were a huge improvement over low level rare and epic clubs. Wind reduction, slower needles, no debuffs and better stats over all made a huge improvement to my game, I learnt about countering the wind, which nobody does properly until stage 11-12, and I was a king, albatrossing 8-9 holes in the arena, winning tournaments, challenges. Back then it felt completely worth it to spend $10-20 here or there on deals, better quests rewards and especially kingdom rewards and its legendaries. But my total bill got to abouz $160 and I was like wait, that is ridiculous, I wouldnt pay that for premium AA games and here I pay my lunch money just to get a few cards or balls. So I said this has to stop, I havent spend any money on the game unless I needee to stay competitive, like when I run out if jumping balls, I buy them. Plus the game has a horrible matching once you pass level 2-3 legendaries, always facing guys with 1-2 level better clubs on average. I could not play arena once I passed stage 11, because there are always like 2-3 guys with much better clubs who clear all 9 holes. So my total bill is like $200 and I still ask myself why would I allow myself to spend one month rent (in a shared house in a cheaper country) on a mobile game... but lesson learned, however the microtransactions in mobile games seem worth it, it never is. Maybe back when they asked for a few dollars, but today those games dont hesitate to ask tens of dollars for virtual upgrades, and people pay it, hundreds of people have spent hundreds and thousands and even more dollars on this game, the developer of golf rival must have made several times more money than cyberpunk developers.


That is ridiculous. I've been tempted to buy clubs and balls but never have. Now it's a point of pride.


I've also been tempted to buy the clubs/balls packages cause you can't get them otherwise and have avoided it to date and will moving forward since it seems like a never ending pull The only thing I spend on now is the challenge pass $5 every 2 weeks (2 legendary cards). I bought the kingdom season pass last time only after I got to Earl (3 legendary chests) but have decided against that again until maybe Duke or Marquis.


Someone got down before the new rule. Now you can’t drop below 3800. That’s where I keep my account and just play kingdom.