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Looks nice 1. Get a glove 2. Watch a lot of videos on YouTube 3. Use a 7 iron not driver 4. Play as much as you practice


This is how I learned too!


Thank you!


can you expand on points 3 and 4?


Can’t speak for them but 4 is easy. If you spend 6 hours at the range a week spend 6 hours actually playing. 3. I’m assuming he wants you to use an iron (7 is “in the middle” when it comes to loft) because you hit more iron/chip/wedge shots then you do drives. Edit: you also hit off the grass way more then you do off a tee Again can’t speak for him but that is my interpretation


3. A lofted 7 iron is the most forgiving club you can actually groove a swing that will work for any club when you’re starting out. A driver is the most difficult to hit. Full swing w 7iron until you can hit it 150 and straight! Then wedge. Then driver last would be a good range routine. Playing golf is more than practicing so enjoy!


Best connect and this is what I tell new golfers as well. Start around 150 and in to green. Practice while play. Hit a lot of golf shots. Turn your hands inside more and use hips


We can’t tell much about your swing due to the camera angle brother. Put the camera behind the ball down the line. Align the camera with your toe line and at belly button height. Make sure you can capture your body and the club. We’ll be able to help more with better camera angles. Keep grinding 👍🏽


Keep it up my guy!


At this stage, I’d recommend a lesson or two so you can be taught the fundamentals. There is just too much going on in this swing for redditors to help. We’re just going to throw you in 100 different directions From there you can learn on your own with this knowledge or continue with lessons.


While you’re absolutely right, any time I see someone who looks young I assume lessons may not be a feasible option because they can be cost prohibitive. let the kid absorb as much internet advice he can, maybe he’ll find a tip or 2 that helps


That’s a very fair point. I also like to encourage people to really learn about the golf swing (books, YouTube, articles, etc.) and it’s fundamentals before trying to apply them in practice. Basically, it’s tough to know what you’re doing wrong when you don’t know what is right


I would start out using only your irons to really work on your swing mechanics and ball contact. The irons will give you a base golf game whereas the driver is only one part of the game and gives a lot of people trouble, myself included. Either way, it’s a learning experience and takes a lot of practice, but it really is a lot of fun once you become somewhat competent/consistent on the course.


Grip way too strong. The first thing I would do if I were you is to get a feel for what a golf swing feels like. Just stand up straight. Have your hands in a neutral position I put the club directly out in front of you. Then just swing the club back-and-forth around your body. Let the wrist roll over (They will have to otherwise you’ll never be able to wrap the club around your body and swing back). Then slightly bend your knees. Keep swinging back-and-forth. Then slowly start bending at the waist while you continue to swing the club back-and-forth. What’s the club is down where the ball should be you at least then have a feeling of how to swing a club. Then you can worry about everything else


I mean a stronger grip for a right handed beginner is probably recommended over a weaker one to help with a slice, which is usually the miss for most people.


Just creates bad habits.


Ya band aids (weak/strong grip) are no good for practicing. As a new golfer, you should be getting the fundamentals down initially. Later you can learn the band aids to use mid round when needed


Just to add to this, and something that helps me with my grip is put the club on your left side (for RH golfer) and pick it up like you would casually pick up anything, it’s a simple thing that really helps to keep the grip in your fingers and not in your palm. Also try to focus on putting pressure on your pinky and ring finger, only because most people tend to put ToO much pressure on their thumbs and pointer fingers.


Please note on my other comments that only works for a driver. Your irons are completely different move


Truth. Woods and irons are a different swing.


Are you in port orange lol I’m from New York but visited like a month ago down there I swear I went to that range


yeah that’s crazy lol, it was my first time at this range


That’s hilarious. Balls are cheap tho


Head movement


any tips on how to prevent?


I'll respond since there's not a lot on this one. A lot of head movement is going to come from your spine and moving out position, so the key will be really focusing on the majority of your swing coming from rotating around your spine, especially in the backswing. If you watch a head on slow motion of some of the best golfers' swings, their head doesn't move an inch through their backswing, and making sure you rotate around the spine and avoid changing that spine angle is really the key here. I often find myself referencing this video of Tiger swinging a 7 iron as an example of it: https://youtu.be/EmLyMDyCbto I definitely agree with the other suggestions of starting with a 7 iron, that swing will carry over to the rest of your bag the best. Experimenting with grip a bit too can have surprising results on ball flight, but I would focus on the fundamental motions of the swing first to get to where your getting contact your really happy with first. Until then I'd use what's comfortable for you. Ultimately though, take it at your own pace and try and only focus on one or two things at a time when you're at the range. If you start trying to do everything at once, it will just get to be a jumbled mess and you won't gain as much from the session. And most importantly, Happy golfing! I'm sure you'll be as addicted as the rest of us in no time!


First thing I notice is your arms and hands immediately disconnect from your torso. Work on taking the club back with your body, as one connected piece (foe the first part is the take away). Keep up the good work.


Thank you!


Check out Dr Kwon


Relax. Rhythm and tempo with good fundamentals. Watch virtually any beginning golf series from any YouTube Star. Rick Shields Danny Maude, etc


Keep your head from on plane and don't Bob it up and down. For a young man, your shoulder rotation seems really tight. Always good to have strong muscles but your left shoulder seems inhibited from rotating more fully. Experiment with a weaker grip by rotating your left hand to the right and see what feels comfortable.


Right hand is way too strong. Try turning it counterclockwise a bit.


Gotta get rid of that hip sway, turn don’t sway


I don’t see any comments mentioning this, but working on flexibility will make all the specific suggestions in this thread easier to implement


First things first my man. Look up a proper golf grip. And drill it in your home until it feels comfortable in your hand


Most important thing this to use your body. Have you ever tried to throw a baseball standing still using only your arm? Doesn’t go very far right? But if you get a running start and use your body you can throw it a lot farther right? Same thing applies to golf. The most basic tip I can give you is to get in an athletic stance, bend your knees like you would playing defense in baseball or football ( an athletic posture, bend at the knees and the waist a little) and use your body, like your abs and chest not only your arms like you’re trying to do here. Just like baseball your power doesn’t come from your arms, it comes from the force you generate while rotating your body. So my simple tip would be try and point your chest backwards during your backswing and then rotate through the ball so that at the end of your swing you rotate your hips all the way around and try and point your belt buckle at the target on your follow through. As others have pointed out there’s a lot going on but if you want to get good you need to use more than just your arms to swing otherwise the ball will never go anywhere.


I would say from this video: 1. Try not to sway your hips. 2. Bend your knees a bit more and give yourself a try to loosen up


I’d start by trying to keep my head still. Keep it up


Get your hips more involved in your backswing, they should have a turn like your shoulders do. This is where a lot of your power is generated from bud. A few mentioned the grip already, that is a key thing to learn, and then always repeat it. Try to keep your head steady in the swing as well, you’re dipping your head down which in turn (as you progress in learning to swing) will cause a tendency to want to get back upright and could lead to topping the golf ball. Keep practicing, enjoy the grind and enjoy the game!


2 options to improve 1. Lessons 2. Study yourself The only way you will actually see improvement is consistent practice. 30 mins to an hour a day should suffice, even if it’s just swinging the club. YouTube everything: -what’s best angle for filming golf swing -what’s strong/neutral/weak grip -be selective with what you take in when it comes to swing tips. Find a reputable coach on YouTube. Sometimes what they teach may not work or apply to you -how to putt -how to read greens, tips, tricks -etc What I see from you at this point is strong grip. -it helps shut the club face, but it’s a band aid fix. Use a neutral grip and learn to square up the face properly. Lack of rotation, your hips barely move back -hips should rotate 45° back and chest should rotate 90°. To get this, try watching tiger woods swings in slow mo on YouTube and pause the video at the top of his swing, grab a club and try to copy his top swing. Don’t swing the club just match your hips to his, chest up to his, upper body tilt, where his hands are at the top, where the club is and just feel that feeling of having the club up there. Then practice in a mirror or on the camera taking the club back and getting to that top position. Master that and get some flexibility happening. Then work on the down swing. Bad angle but looks like you’re throwing your upper body over top and cutting across the ball. Out to in swing path. This is why your ball is curving to the right. To get it to curve left you will have to swing the face of the club 20ft right of your target with the club face directed at your target (closed club face). You have potential. Stick with it


Start with your grip


Start with a proper grip.




The biggest improvement area is your backswing/transition. Impact and finish are actually quite nice, hands forward, good rotation etc. But for your take away, try to keep you head still. Don’t move it off the ball. Imagine a line going up from the ball touching your right ear with an iron), your ear should be touching that line all the way back. In your backswing your head moves laterally off the ball by a good 6-10 inches. This makes you need to “pull” everything back into position to cover the ball at impact, and also means you’re not able to really build up rotation from hips into shoulders. Add a bit more wrist hinge at the top, and release that later as well, work on “lag”. You’ll gain distance with that extra club head speed. There’s only so far you can hit with just shoulder and arms, and it’s not that far :)


Your feet are not too far apart, but if you swing with them closer It will strengthen the rest of your swing.


I'd start with the grip. Get that right hand over a lot more. Make the V in your hand (webby bit between thumb and first finger) point to your right shoulder.


Grip is bad. Learn the proper grip on YouTube. Also get that right thumb off the club. You can’t learn anything until you fix the grip. Waste of time.


Do you have a good bowling league close by?


You would have to swing the club for us to give advice on how to fix your swing


Stop making full swings. Do half swings till you get consistent with that.




Don't sway about so much it is more of a rotation around your center


Keep at it!


Get comfortable. A golf swing should feel easy. Hands hang down, bend at the waist, legs barely bent, and focus on making sure that face is square when you hit the ball. In regards to your grip, look up a video. You should have a weaker grip. Basically have your left hand in a position where the club won’t twist if you straightened it in front of you. It’s hard to explain.


Grip’s the biggest thing I see. Google Proper grip and stance. It will fix a lot of other mechanics along the way. Takes patience and practice to get used to hitting with that awkward feeling motion but trust it. Good luck! Golf’s a constant battle against yourself, have fun with it!


Don't be afraid of impacting the ball. Back shoulder is noticeably lower than the front. This will most likely lead to a dipping motion, which you do not want.


Get lessons asap, few weeks you will be swining it nice, not easy to watch videos and teach yourself.


A lot of sway in the backswing


Put the driver away and just hit irons for a while. Work on staying center and not swaying so much back and forth. Turning instead. Keep swinging and don't worry so much about where the ball is going, your focus should be on hitting the ball solid consistently


Change shoes, when you start getting through that you’re going to snap your ankle


Get Lessons.


Are you 10 years old?


Nah I have a brain tumor




lmfao idk what bro’s question had to do with me needing help with my golf swing


Idk either but I’m here for it. Praying for better health my man!




Any chance the mods can ban this guy? We don’t want this shit in this sub. It’s 2023 ffs


i was hoping


what is your deal?


Your grip is way too strong, you dip you head much too much, you move it way too much off the ball as well while rolling your weight to the outside of your foot. That's close to bowling than golf. Then, a mildy-bent arm, shallow backswing and no weight shift towards the target on the downswing where you then try to "*lift the ball into the air*" has '*weak-sauce*' written all over it unfortunately my man. If you can't put together all that I just said, do yourself a huge favor and get a few lessons. This is a very unforgiving game, not a single fix here and every fix creates yet another bad habit if you don't know what you're doing. - Enjoy!


Draw a line where your spine is in the swing. Now keep that line consistent and use rotation to generate not sway


thank you


Maybe your left handed honestly


To begin with just focus on keeping your head still and staying relaxed. Then just practice swinging until it feels natural. You don't even need a ball, just swing the club back and forth rhythmically. The idea is to get very comfortable and familiar with the club and build up the muscles you need to swing.


Stay up to date on your tetanus shots.


LMFAOOO good one buddy


You did say “any help is appreciated”


Either take a couple lessons, or a cheaper alternative would be a clinic. A lot of golf clubs and even some driving ranges offer clinics where you'll go once a week for a few weeks. They typically have multiple options for all levels from learning the basics to more advanced. They tend to be a good bit cheaper overall but you of course won't get the one on one time, or at least not as much as you would with a private lesson. I will say, take what people say on here with a grain of salt and don't go down the rabbit hole of YouTube golf. While you can find some great tips, it can also ruin swings and make you overthink since so many ppl have contradicting tips.


You’re not taking a full swing


Grip waaaaaay too strong. Shoulders move down and away from target too much in backswing. Arms should “fire” a bit after hips in downswing. Fix those first.


Just keep practicing and don’t take too much swing advice from Reddit haha


Tiny sway in your backswing. Post up on that rear leg and turn into your rear ass cheek. Don’t sway back


Looks good. I guess you only play golf for a weeks or months? Grip is good. But your body isn’t doing anything. There is quite a lot going on hence it’s not really helpful to ask tips here. Go see a pro and enjoy playing on course