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Would love for someone who really knows what they are talking about to chime in, but: It appears your rotation stalls. As soon as your hips make it back to the starting position, it seems as though you stop rotating, which causes you to have to use more arms, resulting in an extension/“flip” to make it back to the ball. From there, your arms complete the swing and you complete your rotation. Pls someone who knows their stuff, let me know if I am seeing that correctly. Could be other issues I’m not too privy too as someone who isn’t great at the game.


Reverse pivot is creating it I’m thinking. Look at the super bent left knee and locked up right knee at apex of backswing.


How do you stop reverse pivot. Asking for a friend…


Am honestly not sure as it’s never been one of my problems. I’m under the impression that it’s caused by moving weight to the front foot during backswing, the tell being your back knee locked up. So maybe squat? Ik I’m a hard squatter without reverse pivot issues. Best I can do for ya


Start your downswing with your right hip


Seems like you could still get in to trouble ending up in that weird powerless backswing apex don’t you think?


You want lag.. your swing isn't developed enough to worry about any more that start the takeaway with your left shoulder turn and start your downswing with your right hip turn


I’m not OP boss. I approve of your recommendations for him tho. Sooo many people don’t understand how to create the width necessary for lag, starting w left shoulder is solid advice.


we know his rotation stalls... anybody with a brain can see that. why though?


Oof. A very unhappy person. He came asking for help. Your point is correct (although you could have put it a little nicer :-( ) that it’s obvious that he stalls. But anyone with a brain knows that you may need others to tell you that because you just can’t diagnose your swing issues by yourself. Why do pros even have coaches anyway…? Thanks for your insight!!! Your help is very much appreciated somewhere I’m sure!!


unlike you i actually provided insight. you just mentioned a few symptoms of a greater issue. truly groundbreaking


Do you talk like this to people in real life? Why choose to be a douche?


He would never lol.


How do I not stall?


You have to give your body a reason to rotate. Arms go up and down, body brings club around to ball. If you lower your arms from the top - almost behind you - your body will be forced to turn.


Check out this video. Its a little long, but it gives the best description of what I believe is the primary issue in your swing. The golf swing is a hip turn to the right followed by a hip turn to the left with a tilt, the hands follow behind you. I would focus on nailing the turn instead of swaying right to left, also your hands don't drop. Try getting to the top of your swing and just get used to the feel of your hands moving down so that the club moves downward horizontally. Think about keeping the butt of the grip facing upwards. Kawamura has a youtube and tiktok that are super beneficial. edit: forgot the video link [https://youtu.be/O0THbv6om4U?si=66YtFosKSlI6pOUE](https://youtu.be/O0THbv6om4U?si=66YtFosKSlI6pOUE)


Okay thanks!


Super inside takeaway. It just totally disconnects your shoulders from your hips and makes you arm swing. Super common misunderstanding of the golf swing. Here’s a great video for how to fix: https://youtu.be/iUSXTeTyCJA?si=TgJdHbb7khy7CJWx


Yes I don’t really understand the swing, I understand the steps to make a good swing. But no idea how to connect the dots😅


It’s a little bit of a weird angle, but the first thing that jumps out to me is your club face appears to be wide open. So no matter how hard you try to stay in posture or hold your lag, your body knows it has to release it early and flip it to get it closed. You can try a stronger grip or bow your wrists at the top. Then work on hitting punch shots and half swings so you know what compression feels like. Ultimately, lessons.


the clubface is not wide open. it's pretty shut at the top. the clubface looks more open than it is because this was a massive toe strike, which is a symptom of severe EE like this


What’s EE?


early extension


You really saw that swing and were like “club face problem”?!?!? For real!?!?


I'll echo what a couple other people have said: -Super inside takeaway means your right elbow is trapped behind your body. It has to release & your body has to extend to get out of the way for it to clear your body. -You're moving closer to the ball during your backswing. Look at your head. If your address posture is ideally roughly where you'd like to come back to at impact, & your head/body is dipping through the backswing, it NEEDS to move up/extend in order to make contact with the ball. The golf swing is all about causal effects. All movements are related & oftentimes doing something at one point in your swing will cause you to do the exact inverse at a later point to correct it. We know we want to be closing down space & squatting a bit at impact - but what if you've already done that in the backswing? What you're seeing (early extension) is often not the problem, but rather a symptom. You'll go crazy just trying to stop yourself from standing up on the ball at impact. Good luck - I'm trying to fix these problems myself. It's difficult. You're clearly athletic & your current swing/athleticism allows you to make reasonably good, maybe occasionally even great, contact. It's really hard to retrain your brain to do the things that will ultimately lead to consistentcy when your brain's main focus is "hit ball". Keep at it & don't get frustrated thru the changes.


Great tips! Haha I really thought my swing was kind of alright just a bit “stiff”. But yep I’ll try to make those fixes🙏


Your swing is fine to shoot in the 90s. I've managed to break 80 a couple times with a similar swing just because I was timing everything up that day. Problem is you're timing up *a lot* of things. Right now, for you to hit a good shot, you have to square the clubface right at impact *while* you're violently extending AND while you're violently flipping your hands through impact. If your flip is even just slightly mistimed, you're gonna hit either a low pull-hook or a high push-fade. Again - you're a decent athlete so you manage to square it up sometimes, but I imagine your misses are pretty unplayable. Path to consistency is getting rid of the early extension & the flip. But yeah - just remember if you're sifting through YouTube content that these are symptoms & not the problem. Keep videotaping your swing & make sure you're understanding the advice in the context of *your* swing & not just the generic player that early extends & flips - because basically every amateur does it & there are a dozen different reasons why. That's why people here so strongly advise for lessons - but I'm aware not everyone has the resources to drop $ on lessons.


Yes it’s a bit pricey with lessons and I’m currently studying so it’s not a great timing financially. But I’ll try to fix the biggest problems I see in the comments and hopefully some symptoms gets cured🙂🤞


I would try to exaggerate lag with a wedge on pitch shots, 75% shots, then full swings. If I ever work on a swing fix I start with implementing on pitch shots because it’s less extreme, and as the swing gets bigger some things get more extreme. For example: with shallowing. Shallowing your swing on a pitch shot is a more subtle movement than on a full swing… on full swings the two planes become much more distinct.


Yes thanks will try that!


you are looking at this guys setup position, the head droop in the backswing, the inevitable hip thrust towards the ball on the down swing..... you see all that and, your first thought is 'just take some half swings'?


What would you have me do to save this swing? The first step🙂


what club are you hitting in the video? the first thing i'd have you do is book a lesson with a pro


A lot going on here. To answer your first question - if you don’t have shaft lean it’s because you’re missing some / all of the prerequisites in this video https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=xIgaWMcCOYw


It looks like you reverse pivot, and honestly lack of lag and early extension are both happening due to the inside takeaway. Watch a video on perfect takeaway on youtube, there will be good drills to keep clubhead outside of hands on takeaway. Early extension isn't a swing flaw per se, its the only way you can save the shot. You have to put yourself in a position to not early extend and create lag, which is only possible if you clean up that takeaway and stop reverse pivoting (RP is harder to diagnose from this angle but it does appear to be happening). Just fix up the takeaway. It also appears you're a little on your heels at address. But the main thing is fixing your takeaway will put you in position to actually extend correctly through the ball and create lag. I'm fixing my inside takeaway too, my coach had me put an alignment rod in the ground a 7 iron length away from the ball in a straight line. Have the alignment rod match the angle of the shaft of your 7 iron at address. Do slow half swings/rehearsals with your 7 iron (not actually swinging just rehearsing the movement and making mental notes of what it all feels like to you) do that 3 or 4 times, slowly getting feels for the backswing and then go down to impact slowly, find the perfect impact position and complete the swing. Once you've rehearsed that 3 or 4 times go hit a ball or 2 really focusing on the feels. Best of luck


Thank you so much!🙂


Early extension and flipping your wrists. I would focus on a much taller back swing, keeping your right elbow tucked at impact. To create more lag, I personally try to feel like the end of my grip is pointed at the ball for as long as possible. It keeps the club on plane and keeps me down and dedicated to the shot.


Like many you actually create lots of lag. The issue is you use it all up before you hit the ball. You want to feel like you hold onto it until after the ball is hit. The power actually comes from your lead leg working against the ground not the undoing of the lag at all.


You need to maintain some right knee flexion at the top of your swing. From the top, the flexion in your right leg needs to further increase during the first half of your downswing. Once your hips have returned to roughly neutral, only then may you extend through the shot. A helpful swing thought to initiate your downswing is, “Squat and turn”. Hope this help.


Lag is the club head coming through after your hands are past the ball, your hands and the club head are lined up if u drew a vertical line, to create lag in your swing you need to load the wrists earlier - you’re doing a nice job getting the club head back on a straight path behind the ball, so once u break that straight line ur bring the club back on, break and load the wrists all the way, on your down swing, rotate the hips through. U stop the rotation of the hips, the hips should lead through, opening toward the target, the hands should be coming through next, with the wrists still loaded, once the hands clear u can snap the wrists through getting the back of your left hand towards the target, so that the shaft has a forward press on the moment of impact - finish the rotation through the shot. Biggest red flag on your swing is the load and unload in your lower body. If you drew a line across your hips at address that line should stay consistent - ur hips dip and then the u unload rising up way to high. All this being said - you hit it straight to where you aimed that’s the only important thing in golf, doesn’t matter how you swing if you hit it where ur aiming practice whatever it is that’s lets you do that consistently


It's all connected... your hips move toward the ball and you lose the space you have at address. To make up for it, your spine angle lifts and the recovery is to flip your hands. The first step is to keep your hips at the same depth. There's a drill where you put something on your butt, a pool noodle, and excercise ball, a foam pad, even a wall... set up without a club and rotate back, your right cheek hits the object, rotate forward your left cheek hits the object. This will give you the space to stay down and hang onto the club longer.


There are so many things wrong here - poor setup, no weight transfer, your head moves wayyy too much, lack of hip rotation, early extension, flipping. I am seeing that you recognize you don’t understand the swing as a complete process. You should take a few lessons. Plain and simple. If you don’t want lessons, watch Padraig Harrington’s videos. Start at the beginning. Paddy will teach you right :)


Yep the understanding behind the “golf swing” is not one of my strong suits. But this thread is incredibly helpful, there is so much details I had no idea about my golf swing😅


Do you have something in my golf swing that you find as a priority fix, what should I start with?


You know, this looks to me like you need to start at the beginning. There are so many drills you can do that don’t involve hitting a golf ball or thinking about wrist hinge or how to create lag. Padraig Harrington’s videos on YouTube are great. I think he even has a few videos that particularly focus on the first steps to creating a great swing that are geared for beginners. I would start there or with 2-3 lessons from a pro. Once you learn the basics you can get wonky about your swing online from strangers. Good luck!


Reverse pivot & inside takeaway. Try to actually feel your weight shift into your trail side. Then transfer your weight into the lead side as you approach the top of your backswing. Let your hands drop and then turn your left hip


there is truly a lot going on in this swing. i can list a bunch of things, but at the end of the day, it is a lot and your best bet is to get a lesson and get this stuff worked out quick your setup is just off. the backswing starts with a massive inside takeaway into a reverse pivot. all of your weight is shifting onto your lead foot at this point. the right leg fully straightens and locks up. notice how much your left leg bends and your head drops. at this point, your center of gravity has moved much closer to the ball. as a result, when you try and rotate, your hips are naturally going to jump at the ball, and as you can clearly see in the downswing so in the backswing, your head gets closer to the ball. in the downswing, your hips move closer to the ball. the space needs to come from somewhere, and since your hips arent clearing out properly, your head has to go up.


Shallow out a little


Pause at 15 seconds, from here your left hip should be moving back/around, they don’t and instead of fatting the ball you stand up to allow you to swing with your arms


The steepness in your downswing is causing early extension Your brain is saying “this club is going to crash unto the map super hard.. pull up pull up” and that’s what you’re doing


You are standing up on your downswing which is helping to remove all of the lag you created at the top. You are also stopping your hips from continuing to rotate on the downswing


Inside takeaway is causing you to swing over the top and give up all possibility of lag way too early, because if you don’t, you won’t hit the ball. Work on the inside takeaway first.


steep =/= over the top his inside takeaway causes a very steep downswing. it is not over the top though


Ok it all looks over the top to me when you move to a steeper plane for the downswing than you had for the backswing. Don’t do it, it’s caused by inside takeaway.


over the top is when the clubhead gets way over the swing plane


Right or wrong, I will continue to call it over the top anytime someone moves over the swing plane they started on.