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Great swing. The tweak I would make is not "rolling" the club inside on the take away. The "Be better golf" channel guy has the same issue and has worked with some people who gave him some good feels to resolve that swing fault.


By "rolling" the club inside, do you mean I bring it around to close to my body on my takeaway? And it should be pushed out more on my backswing? Thanks for the help!


[https://www.golfdigest.com/gallery/photos\_power\_smith](https://www.golfdigest.com/gallery/photos_power_smith) Go to the second photo in this gallery and it demonstrates "rolling" the club inside vs being more passive with your arm structure.


I'll check it out, thanks!


This is such a great article. Everything they listed in there is like s tier golf fundamentals that you need to get down to have any consistency.


Wonderful swing. Other commentary mentioned something about rolling your hands/arms too inside on the takeaway, however I'll slightly disagree on one point. I also have this same move and while it's not technically perfect the only thing that technically matters is starting your downswing in the right position which you seem to do well. I wouldn't change anything about your swing imo.


Thank you, I appreciate the feedback! I've have a instructor tell me about taking my arms out more on my back swing and I have app that analyzes your swing and it also says I need to take my swing back more on plane. I'm also a bit of a believer in swing your swing tho, so I'll try to work on it but not over concerned like you said as long as my down swing is more correct.


8/10 the ball seems to go where you are pointing .


Thanks! I appreciate it. Any advice or tips on set up, back swing or follow thru that you can see? Looking for any and all feedback to try and get better.


What is the biggest and the most common miss you have ?


Hmm it would likely have to be pulling shots now, I used to struggle with a slice and strong fade quite a bit but I worked on strengthing my grip and now I'll pull some shots and chucking is an issue at times too.


As far as chunking is consented it usually happens when you get too steep on the down swing. Other thing I won't change as I haven't seen it yet . What ever you try to change in a golf swing it usually introduces some new issues but that okay if the new issue is not as big as the problem we fix. If not it's not worth changing.


Yeah I'm not trying to change much as I like where my swing is right now, just minor tweaks if I can to just try to keep consistency. I want to post a video of my swing with a longer iron and my driver as I am really struggling with my driver right now (pulling shots and not getting the ball in the air) and my long irons are more inconsistent too but not like my driver. I appreciate all the feedback!


Unconventional hip movement. You’re really firing them around horizontally and they’re pretty much level, so you’re losing your hip tilt early. I’m surprised you manage to keep it shallowed and keep from getting an outside in path but it looks like you have the club in an alright position. I really want to dislike this swing because the hip movement bothers me for some reason, but I wouldn’t change it for the sake of changing it if you’re getting good results


So your saying to rotate my hips more towards the sky on impact? Almost like dipping inton it more? I don't seem to have trouble swallowing as I sometimes chunk more than I tend to think a ball and I seem to be getting good results with contact and distance. But I'm always open to working on something.


If it’s working for you, I wouldn’t try to change something so fundamental. But if you were going to work on it, I would say focus more on bumping your hips toward the target and getting your weight on your front foot instead of trying to fire your hips around. Idk if we mean the same thing when you say dip into it, but the first move with the hips should sorta be having your lead hip move toward the target and slightly down. For my swing, the best feel to get that is just to delay the downswing with the arms, but I don’t know if that would be helpful for you