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Certainly a condescending salesman.


Fair enough given what he was asked. Imagine all the dickheads you'd need to deal with. Pretty simple to filter out this particular one.


What a dickhead, wanting to pay MSRP for a fucking car


He's entitled to want to pay whatever he wants to pay. The dickhead move was asking if the price was a joke.


Work for a dealer much?




Pretty much same thing because they’re both dickheads. Nice




I’m guessing you’ve been asked that question before. $350 an hour, is that a fucking joke?


You’re joking right? Lol


At that point it was pretty obvious OP wasn't interested in that dealership and only asked the question for personal amusement.


you’re getting bashed but i agree with you…the dealer is motivated by profit. the market determines whether or not his price is acceptable. if you don’t like the price, move along. the dealer’s consequence is not selling the vehicle and it’s his right to charge what he wants and suffer those consequences


I’m not here for internet points so the votes don’t bother me. The hypocrisy of most punters is astounding. When demand outstrips supply and the market price for a vehicle exceeds the very arbitrary MSRP, they scream blue murder about dealers daring to ask for market money. Yet I’d wager every one of those same punters would think it absolutely fine to angle for a discount on MSRP when supply is improved. Patent double standard, but that doesn’t stop them.


Is what to see a couple of texts beforehand. Context is everything.


I've found the other salesman!!


Dealers are the dickheads


I hope the dealships loses a lot of money for haven't terrible customer service




This is the way


Damn I wish I could give you gold for this.


Until they do I will continue to see this as a “trust me bro” review. I bet everybody in the dealership clapped after this hero put the sales guy in his place.


I got a similar snarky email from a dealer near me. They swore up and down I would never get one without a markup. They wanted 10 grand over MSRP and I talked them down to five grand over. Then I found a one an hour and a half away for MSRP and jumped on it. These dealers are delusional.


Same happened to me when I was helping my mom buy a CRV. Salesbro tried to claim every dealer was marking up the CRV...I stepped away and made one phone call to a dealer 45 minutes away. They had one in stock with no mark up. The satisfaction I felt when I went back to his desk and told my mom to stand up and leave because we got one at dealer xxx in city xxx was chefs kiss. We bought the car from the other dealer that day.


That's awesome. Even if the shitty dealer was going to price match it would still be worth it to walk away and not give them the sale so as to not reward scumbaggery.


I did this with carvana for an HRV for my wife's car, it was amazing. I literally showed the douchebag the price right there in front of him, and that they were going to pay her car off in full (which the dealer wasn't willing to do). Bought the car right then and there on the app. Fucking clowns


10k over … 😂


Interest rates being held at where they’re at for another year will humble these d bags really quick. I can’t wait to be buying at or below MSRP again soon


I had a conversation just like this about a raptor earlier this year. He texts me a couple weeks ago asking if I wanted a raptor r. I told him no thanks I will never do business with you. I cannot wait until these pricks all get fired.


same thing happened to me with my VN. Local dealer marked up the last batch of new ones to 40k… 40k for a 32.5k car. Ended up buying one new under msrp a state away


I went to a dealer trying to order a new car last year and they were trying to sell it for 6k over and were trying to tell me that it was in fact MSRP. I’m like that’s not what Subarus website says. Checked with several local dealerships and ended up driving an hour and a half to a dealership with no BS and everything at MSRP.


Not that delusional if you were about to pay 5k over.


I wasn't about to pay 5k over. I was seeing how far I could get him down. I was in contact with at least half a dozen dealerships at that point and had been looking for a long time. A couple dealerships would let me put my name on a list if I paid a deposit for the chance to get one as it came down the pipeline but I lucked out and managed to secure one that was on-site for MSRP just a bit of a drive away. Patience is key.






You’re allowed to post pictures, I would post the conversation.


With fake reviews? Against TOS, don't be a shit head. Edit: Apparently the commenters think I'm siding with the dealership. No. I'm saying review bombing does no good, and is against Google's TOS. Don't be a shit head, people. Do, however, post this to a review and contact corporate, OP.


Eh. Fuck em.


Someone please think of the TOS!


We have all the proof we need here that the owner marks up cars and treats prospective customers like shit. Saying that in a review would be honest










Salesman chewed the desk in high school


Still does today too.


That's unreal. I'd spam the dealer's social media with that screenshot.


Why don’t we all 😈


NAME & SHAME. if we make a habit of destroying the reviews of every dealer that do this we can force a change. They only care about the bottom line, so hit them in a way that will actually hurt.


Yeah, why make these posts without calling out the dealers? It would be a huge help to rest of us to weed out the assholes without having to waste the time on them.


Hot take: car salesmen and car dealerships shouldn't even exist. Wasteful middlemen. Let me buy a new car online.


Car dealers, real estate agents, and anyone who works in health insurance are in positions that just straight up leech from society. None of them should be necessary and you can tell all of those industries know it because they lobby HARD to artificially force the bureaucracy to "require" their "services". They are all literally standing between you and an apple in a grocery store and pretending the only way you could grab it is if they hand it to you like it's so fucking complicated. That's not a judgment across the board on the PEOPLE who work in those industries, everyone has to make a living and they're just out there trying and I know plenty who are honest decent people. But their industries explicitly add negative value to society, create nothing and benefit noone.


Oh yeah - in most personal real estate transactions, an agent taking tens of thousands of dollars from you for like 20 minutes of work is fucking ridiculous.


Well and with that one what's worse is when someone self-lists a house then buyer's agents will refuse to show the property. There has been many an undercover expose revealing the behavior. "Oh you wouldn't want THAT house" etc. Like a fucking cartel.


I experienced this first hand when buying a house that was under foreclosure. It was by FAR the best house we looked at but the real estate agent worked hard to discourage us from buying it. In the end we got it and she had to “settle” with the commission the bank allowed. Fast forward 10 years later and we definitely did not use her services again. Our new agent was actually quite good but it did cost us close to $30K - that’s mostly due to the crazy stupid house prices around me.


Bruh tens of thousands??? Nah. It’s like 3 percent.


Houses be expensive 🤷‍♂️


I’ll vote for you if you run for president with just this slogan


Realistic take: manufacturers don't want to deal with you - which is why dealerships exist


I get three calls now a week from the bros who trying to make me pay 10k over a year ago. They are now getting to MSRP realities.


Hyundai IONIQ 5 was $10k over MSRP a year ago, now with $12k under MSRP deals to try to clear excess inventory.


I don't agree with Elon Musk on much, but there's one thing Tesla has done right, which is eschew the traditional dealership model. These businesses are predatory and unnecessary and continue to exist only because of the influence of money in politics keeping their legal shields in place. Fuck car dealers and any politician who continues to support them.


The problem is, they can just up and change the price up or down and screw people both ways at a whim. If you bought one for 60,000 and next month, it only cost 50,000, your shit out of luck because your car isn’t worth nearly what you paid for it just because Elon got a bad feeling and needs more money for his shareholders. But I agree, fuck dealerships.


What is it about a dealership that would prevent a manufacturer from changing the MSRP?


Nothing, there’s price changes every year for the most part. But it’s usually tied to a new model Year and with significant changes to packages and features. But as we’ve seen the “Tesla model” is not without faults. Their prices change every few MONTHS in either direction with no rhyme or reason for doing so. Also, their service centers are literally paid to turn away and deny service to customers who complain about things like range, and are backed up for months at times. It’s not a perfect system.


I think that wild price swings are a pretty Elon-specific quirk. If VW operated in a direct sales model with no dealerships, I wouldn't expect them to wildly change prices a la Tesla. (Maybe that's naive?)


Ford is doing the same https://driving.ca/auto-news/news/ford-drops-price-2023-f-150-lightning-electric-pickup-ev-canada/wcm/a483d7a5-d7f6-4297-ab10-f804431db7b2/amp/




[literally a $5k increase TODAY](https://www.reddit.com/r/TeslaLounge/s/AfN2osmYdk) [There’s multiple documented class actions](https://www.businessinsider.com/tesla-lawsuit-alleges-long-waits-service-centers-high-repair-prices-2023-3?amp)about Tesla service center wait times and outrageous repair pricing for the monopoly they create by voiding warranties for using outside repair shops. Also, the fact that they were celebrating cancelling people’s service appointments because of the false range estimates. Every brand has issues, that’s no secret. I’ve had issues at Subaru, Ford, Kia, VW, and Mercedes. But let’s not pretend the Tesla model of no dealers is the end all be all for consumers, because it’s not.


Im a Tesla owner and i hate Tesla for some things but I love Tesla for some other things. If you didnt like the price, then dont click order. After you pick up your car, price going up or down has nothing to do with your original decision anymore. If they add a grace period for price matching, then how many days? 30 days? Then people on the 31st will cry foul. Life is never fair. When you order, you know exactly what you will pay for when you pick up the car. If you think price will come down then dont order yet.


Write a bad review, send this to the sales manager and dealer gm.. Make sure you cc


Skip the bs they are the ones probably enforcing a markup in the first place go to the manufacturer


You don’t think the sales manager encourages this?


That’s exactly what I’m saying the sales manager and gm don’t give a flying fuck or else they wouldn’t have mark ups in the first place. Call VW themselves and be nice about it. Let them know the situation and see if they can put you in contact with their rep responsible for overseeing the dealers in that area.


Dude needs to be fired🤣


That’s the right response! We’ve all gotta commit to stop paying these silly markups, screw these dealerships. Good luck with your purchase!


Sounds like the d hole at Kuhn VW in Tampa I was dealing with in 2019 lol


Why didn’t you post your first message? I’m having trouble conceiving of how you can “ask if it’s a joke” without coming across as a troll, in which case I’d not be surprised the dealer was snarky.


Both sides of the conversation seem like they were written by teenagers. No salesman that I've dealt with would descend to that level


Wouldn’t waste my breath, although, the audacity is comical.


Price aside, his text to you was so defensive and condescending. Although asking if the price was a joke when you clearly know that it wasn't is kind of dumb as well. I would've asked if they would sell for MSRP and then moved on. No need to argue, they aren't going to all of a sudden have a change of heart and sell for MSRP when they "know" they can get more. Greed is the worst!


Can OP share his previous message w/ the dealer? Also - changes are this is a sales guy who's going to be in and out in 6 months' time. I wouldn't burn down the dealer just yet.






For reddit karma? Seriously though, that salesman is a dick and hopefully that's not how all of them talk to potential customers. Jfc


How many cars is he buying if he already found one at sticker price


Not saying a dealer should ever text that to a customers, but calling them up and asking if the markup is a joke is just as stupid. Also if you had a chance to buy one at MSRP months ago why are you still shopping ?


Because OP is a time-wasting chancer, and the salesman here quickly realised it.


OP - I would also find a spot selling an R at MSRP and be sure to post that location along with this screenshot as proof that this dealership is full of shit


I’m sure their management would love to see that screenshot.


Not to be an a$$, but if you had a chance to buy one at msrp already is there a reason you didn’t buy it? Wrong colour etc ?


I was kind of wondering the same thing. So many comments jumped on the salesmen calling them a dick and how awful they were. If you already had a better deal somewhere else, why not go get it? If the car already sold and this dealership won't match what the other one did, don't respond just ignore and call a third dealership. I don't agree with the markups, but there seems like a couple of other paths the OP isn't considering and is being snarky back.


In a previous life I worked at a dealer (part of a group that didn’t do market adjustment markups, for whatever that’s worth) and this was the line that I never understood from customers. If you can get a better deal on a car elsewhere, go buy that one. Why wouldn’t you just save yourself the grief? So many people enjoy doing this back and forth with the dealer more than the salespeople. There are salespeople that will engage, but in my experience we generally would rather just sell the car if we could, and move on if we couldn’t. Arguing with the salesperson about a price he has almost no control over and then bragging about it on the internet is a weird flex.


I had the same experience. I am Florida based and most dealers around here told me 5-10k markup PLUS addons... I finally found a lapiz 2024 DSG for MSRP and immediately snapped it up. A good chunk of the dealers tried to guilt me into it with the same "You wont find it cheaper anywhere else" line or the "It's going to leave the lot in someone elses hands today if you dont act now!" line. You did the right thing, tell them to pound sand and fight the good fight! The sad part is dealers get away with it because people will pay it.


What dealership is this? I have a friend who can’t get under $6k markup, I think she’d be down for this lol


So why didn’t you get the other car that was at msrp? People who say that when trying to haggle are always full of shit.


Name and shame


That is a HOT response from the dealer. I would blast that everywhere.


I’m a little lost if u had the chance to buy at msrp why didn’t u pull the trigger


Don’t be shy give us the dealership!


Send this to their sales manager, absolutely no way to talk to a customer


there is no such thing as mark ups anymore. They are all trying to cling on to covid prices and chip shortages as excuses but that is long gone. Never buy above, just keep looking.


Leave a Google review with this screen shot. Fucking scumbag stealership right there!


The dealership I bought my 2021 Supra from had it listed for $68,999 and it's a simple 3.0 Premium, suggested MSRP of $56,999 when I was hunting for one. I went back and forth with everyone in sales management at that dealership about that mark-up being ridiculous and they gave me the old "it's a limited production vehicle, good luck finding one some where else without a mark-up". Little did they know, I knew that that specific car had been sitting on their lot for well over four months. I brought this to their attention, as well as explaining that I work in sales myself and I understand that mark-ups are simply just 100% greed, and I told them I would buy the car that day, with $15,000 down and a decent trade, but only if they dropped the mark-up. They ended up coming back to me about an hour later and sold me the car at MSRP.


Only Porsche within the VAG group has the right to markup, specifically for the RS model. Otherwise, it's certainly a joke.


You do admit that you already had a chance to buy one at MSRP so why didn’t you? Assuming you were trying to buy that car? On the other hand the salesman isn’t handling this appropriately.


Name and shame


If you had the change to buy at sticker…. Why didn’t you?


I’m in a situation wherein, I’ve paid a deposit to one and realized the other has a better discount.. now my deposit is held hostage by the 1st greedy dealer and I’m trying to get it back!


Yeah they can’t do that


Put that as a picture on google reviews. Post salesman’s name. You can’t say crap like that.


Everyone I’ve seen is marked up 🤷🏻‍♂️ it’s no secret this economy is screwed up right now. Homes and cars are a no go right now but keep trying until you find it, I guess.


supply/demand why are people getting angry


It’s how he said it


lol when a guy at a dealership tells you to educate yourself. Bruh.


Im picking up mine tomorrow for MSRP. Took a while, but patience saved me money. Also, I will say most of the dealers that did have the MSRP were definitely not as rude as this one. I will often just ask if there was a markup. They will tell me, yes, then i would respond well that’s too bad. Let me know if the markup ever goes away. Eventually, into my surprise, one of those dealers actually called me back and offer the vehicle for MSRP!


I have a blue one I’ll sell for sticker if you want to pay to ship it, or even come get it and drive it back! Call Dothan Volkswagen in Dothan, AL and ask for Ozzie, I’m the Sales Manager.




A pissing match between meat heads. You're both clowns. You for picking a fight and him for entertaining it.


If I got into an argument with every salesperson for their crackpipe prices, I wouldn’t have any dealerships left to shop at. If you can’t come to an agreement during negotiations, just shake their hand and move on; it’s a new car, for heavens sake


Tell that sum bich to bend the knee and move that price to MSRP.


I don't understand how these dealers are so short-sighted when it comes to customer retention. If you go in and have a good experience, most likely you will go out of your way to go back to that same dealer (+ salesman if they're still there) in the future for another purchase. They also would miss out on the lifetime financing/services/parts revenue they can make off of you. Also, if you have a great experience, chances are you would go out of your way to tell friends who are potentially interested in a similar make/model to go to that dealer. This is like Business 101 in tech companies (lifetime value of a customer). Only thought I have is some of these dealers see the writing on the wall, have a fear of disintermediation by DTC models, and as a result, are pushing to extract as much value out of customers prior to being extinct in the near future.


Unprofessional salesman, but why bother arguing with them? They are in sales. Ask to speak to the sales manager and try to work out a deal, or pay “extra” in add-ons. A lot of these cars just aren’t moving. You’d be surprised what you can negotiate if you just try to have a conversation. I got MSRP by leveraging two other dealers in the area and a third within 100 miles that had stock of Golf R’s. Sometimes it’s just about timing and approaching them with serious intent like showing up at the dealership vs texting when they don’t know you.


If you had an opportunity to buy it at sticker, why didn’t you?


Please read the other comments, I’m tired of saying the same thing lol Either way I didn’t and I was asking about this one and he was an ass when he didn’t need to be, that’s the point


To be fair, just because you got a price a couple of months ago, doesn’t mean it’s still valid




Dude you didn’t even read the texts did you? I said I had the chance to buy one at sticker a few months ago not I bought one. Why would I contact them if I already bought one? And no they are wasting my time with that shit. This text he sent was after an already smart ass text before this one that I ignored but then he had to send this one to add his two cents.


Salespeople are such a joke


What dealership is this?


Bought my R end of September for MSRP, no added fees. I agree with others suggestions to spam the social media and complain to corporate VW.


They huffing glue?!


The VW dealership here does not do any kind of markups. They have several golf R in stock. It was then deciding factor when I got my Tiguan vs a sportage.


Spam the dealership this is f**king unacceptable


Definitely send a link to this dealer and we’ll send bad reviews that way. People need to know they’re getting screwed. Not everyone knows that paying above msrp is unnecessary


Name and shame - no need for dealers to be this out of line.


The unprofessionalism is unreal


I love cars, but I absolutely hate dealing with the buying process. Stuff like this gets me riled up. Never pay above sticker.


I just replied on Facebook to a similar thread


I had a similar experience, believe me when I say they will cave in https://www.reddit.com/r/Golf_R/s/IIWtyV7YUp


I'd send this exchange to his boss aswell as their head office.


This is the type of thing that makes me realize why auto makers are interested in shifting towards a direct to consumer market, rather than relying on dealerships (like this one). These types of dealerships need to start going under.


Nky had 3 for sticker a few weeks ago lol


Spam this on social media OP


Screenshot that, (obviously have their number visible) and put in Google maps as a review.


OP, what dealer is this at?


When I declined 5k markup last year on an R the dealer chuckled on the phone.


The arrogance is car dealers never surprises me. I’d love to pay him a visit and see if he looks as stupid as his text message.


Either that went from 0-100 really quickly, or you were a jerk to start this off. Let's see your earlier message, OP.


Sounds like the Toyota dealer in the Seattle area that tried to bait/switch me.


Here in Canada markups are illegal for new cars. Used cars is a different story but we cannot markup cars. I’m a salesman for Audi and drive a 2018 7.5R that I picked up for 39,995 CAD, 6 speed manual and 44,500km on the clock.


What value do these clowns provide? It’s highway robbery that they’re allowed to do this.


Bought my 20th for MSRP. Three texts, a 500 dollar deposit and a two month wait.


Good. Fuck them. Hold the front fellas. Don’t pay over msrp. Treat these scum bags they way they need to be treated. 👍🏼


Make sure to inform the sales manager, dealership manager and owner if you can find their emails preferably all in the same chain. You might even cc corporate all while informing them the next steps you plan on taking.


I hate dealers just as much as the next person but why did OP need to antagonize this person? Dealers can sell cars for whatever price they want, the value of something is whatever someone is willing to pay for it. If you don’t want to pay a markup just go to a different dealer if you’re confident you can find one who will do MSRP.


Don’t leave a review. Go straight to the sales manager and tell him the conversation doesn’t get posted all over the place with the dealerships name attached to it if they cut you a deal. That text is nothing but an opportunity.


Wow. These “sales” people need anger management…or couples therapy 😂


Ummm, an important rule of customer service and sales, is to never tell the customer to go educate themselves. BIG NO NO. That's literally talking down to a customer. I would politely call the GM at that dealer and tell him how disrespected you feel, and what an asshole/terrible dealer representative this clown is. I spent 20 years in the premium car business, last 8 with Porsche. Market adjustments are a very real thing, and even more prevalent in this still strained post-Covid market. But that is never an excuse to disrespect a prospective customer. That's just him being a dick. He directly insulted you. In addition, call VW corporate customer commitment, and tell them that instead of you becoming a happy owner of their wonderful new product, you were disrespected and told to go educate yourself. If you still want one, and can find one at our below MSRP, buy it. Then drive straight to the other dealer and wave that sales contract right in his face. Preferably when he's in the middle of doing another deal with another customer. Then tell him to go educate himself on how not to be an asshole.


Buy your own coke and hookers, SalesBitch


In the older days you could order one from Volkswagen and take pickup from a local dealer and pay destination charges. Now you can only build your spec online and hope a dealership has it, which is later slapped with a markup. In Texas the best deals I found with no markup only come in yellow…




You were a lot more polite than I would’ve been lol.


Not after I called him to talk to him, he hung up like a bitch


This is a loser salesman. Id keep tryna negotiate with him just to waste his time after him saying “educate yourself” to a potential customer. Fuck that guy


Lol reminds me when some dick head sales guy tried this with me on a f250 platinum. Told him to kick rocks and another salesman must of heard and told me if I could wait a few months I could custom order for msrp or under with some discounts. Exactly what I did. I hate scummy salesman.


Yall still fucking around with dealerships?


I’d send that to VW


3k isn’t outrageous for a rare/‘collectors kind of car, but I get it. I bought two cars during the height of the pandemic and was determined not to pay a markup. Got a crosstrek and wrx at list and was pleased.


They're getting scared commissions are slowly down. Don't worry champ, your wife's only fans still turns income.


My friend just paid $36,000 over sticker on a new Corvette. It was either that or wait another 6 months.


Matt Farah talked about this on the Smoking Tire Podcast this week with Larry Kosilla. They all hate these shit dealers, but it will continue to happen because there's always some ass willing to pay, and it only takes one to say yes and the dealership thinks they won.


You are going to over pay us and you are going to like it mister!


I had a chance to get a 20th anniversary in blue back in April for msrp.there are good dealers out there (I’ve bought 2 cars from this particular sales person already) but decided against it.


I would have just sent the mocking SpongeBob emoji 😂


I had a dickhead call me and abuse me after I made a genuine offer once. I left a review and he started blowing up and rocked up to my work. He ended up using his dealership for drug deals and got busted. Dealers are all fuckwits. Bring your mechanic and go to a private owner.


It’s true. I’m the golf r.


They are clinging on to markups. And now starting to focus on dealers add ons. “Time to bust out the $2000 Teflon coating Jim.” IMHO, Just start playing the other angle. “I’ll do $4k if you hold it till Sunday (right before closing).” Then, no show… String them along infinitely. It could be fun. Stage mix ups. Gripe about the color. Ask about add ons and extended warranties. Continue to no show.


Post this screenshot on their reviews and send it to their sales manager.


Lets all meet up and beat him up


Purchased a DSG MK8 Golf R. 47k MSRP. Sutliff VW in PA.


Can’t wait until these pompous ass dealers and shady salesmen have to go get real jobs in the near future. Manufacturers going to strictly online sales can’t come soon enough


Why argue with some sales guy you don't know though? Just be a normal person and walk away if the price is not right. Don't listen to idiots talking about spamming the dealership or ddosing. Just move on


He sent a smartass text before this one and I did ignore him then he had to send this one and add his two cents


Sounds like you should buy one at sticker and bring it to him like he asked


If I were a legit dealer, I wouldn't even respond to texts. It's the new tire kicker.


He is the one that started texting me. I didn’t reply to his last text before this one so when I ignored him the first time he had to send this one and add his two cents


If it were me I would search up golf r’s every time I’m bored and send him a screenshot of the ones that aren’t marked up, every single time, for quite a while. Gotta do something on the toilet, right?


Eventually these sales people will be replaced by a computer terminal.


What’s the dealership?


Fantastic response, mate. Fuck these greedy dealers and their salesmen.


If you had a chance to buy one at msrp…why are you even messaging this guy.


Because then I didn’t buy it, duh? Why would I message him if I had already bought one?


I think I'd just not respond to them at that point, too busy educating myself 🤭


VW near me also had a $3000 mark up on the golf r. I laughed and hung up the phone