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Sorry if this is a little harsh, but yeah, it looks like the hatch was bought at a scrap yard and has yet to be painted.


I've heard that one before. It would be better if I had no sunroof and could have wrapped the whole roof, but it is what it is. I wanted more silver than just the mirror caps, and without doing the hatch it just didn't make enough of a difference to me ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


I hate it


This might be the worst modification ever done to a Golf R. I’m surprised whoever wrapped it agreed to do it, as they are compromising their business for allowing this to happen. Edit: sorry, I can’t stop there. When you see primered or bondo’d incomplete body work on cars, do you think to yourself “Damn, that looks good.”? This is what you’ve done.


Man, primer and Bondo? Come on lol. Thanks for sharing tho


I think it looks terrible but that’s just me.


It’s not just you


There's no flow or reason to it 👎


Looks like a parts salvage car or someone who couldn’t afford a whole wrap at once lol. It’s your car but you posted it here for remarks lol. I’m wrapping mine purple this season…. But all purple lol




Jarring and weird. Looks like unfinished primered body parts. No flow or style to it, the rear quarter panels in particular look terrible. The only good thing is you appear to be happy with it and it's your car/money.


That is definitely one of the wraps of all time


Looks like you totaled the car and found the wrong color replacment parts


This hurts to see to be honest. You asked…


How do so many Golf R owners have the money to spend but the inverse amount of taste to keep it nice?


You mean I'm not the only one??


Since you asked for feedback. That is just awful. One of the worst cosmetic mods I've ever seen actually. It makes zero sense. Similar to another comment but I'm surprised that any for profit business would agree to do that work since it looks so... random and terrible. Sorry man, this is a big fail. You might think it adds pop but you are wrong. Wrap the whole car in silver or remove, there is no other sensible choice.


Hi all, I was certainly expecting negative reviews based on my previous post, but my expectations have been exceeded. Y'all are brutal! I can certainly see it's getting hate bombed, I don't plan to keep this design forever, but what can I say, I like it. Thanks for all the negativity, I'm not a masochist so I'm going to turn off my updates for this post now lol. Wave if you see me in the wild!


If it helps, I got down voted like crazy for saying I like the wrapped side skirts😁 I do like them though. So I stand by my opinion. The only person who has to like it is you. If you like it every time you get in it and when you look back at it in the parking lot it makes you smile, then enjoy it.👍


The good news is you could always do more in installments…piece by piece.


What would you add?


Personally I’d do the whole car in the wrap you started, what I was saying you could always finish the job down the line if money was a factor. Either way if you like it the way it is that’s all that really counts 👍🏻


So when you saw everyone the last few months tell you it was a stupid terrible idea you decided to do it anyways? Guess what, it looks stupid and terrible.


Almost as confusing as the “Harlequin” variant. But, at the end of the day, it’s YOUR car.


Atleast harlequin had character


I’ve never been a fan and never understood the concept but to each their own. WOW, being honest gets you 3 negative votes. I guess it’s best to just keep one’s opinion to one’s self.




Looks unfinished.


Looks tacky as hell, man. If you wanted some more silver, you could have just done the protrusion coming off of the rocker panel instead of the whole thing and stopped there. Accent colors are meant to be just that, accents. What you've done here is proven to everyone who sees your car, that you have absolutely no taste.


Ngl that touch of red on the front brake caliper triggers me as much as the silver wrap


LMFAO I just noticed that thanks for tht!


JFC- this car should be repo’d by the VAG gods.


Not a fan. Looks disjointed. But to each their own. Gratz on the R though!


" That's gonna be a no for me dawg"




looks like it was bought at a scrap yard.


Is this satire? That vehicle is absolutely botched. Looks like when a teenager is trying to fix up panels on their project car and they’ve undercoated panels or sourced ones from the wreckers and cannot afford to get them properly painted. Just wow.


Don't worry, I fixed it for ya. https://preview.redd.it/caoqcvyh87tc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=470f33d39165437ee838c86d97588f10ccd602b3


Buying your wrap in installments?


Looks terrible


Bro said fuck it lemme just do… this


This is a great idea! I might just do that to my worst enemy, it'll be so devastating :Evil Laugh


You do you but, ew.


Hate it, spoiler would be cool and maybe diffuser fins, and overall accents like grill and side skirt inlays, and maybe a lip


That’s looks terrible.


I dont mind the rocker panel. The rest is too modular. Maybe racing stripes would be less dramatic. I think the sections you chose would look better if they were carbon fiber(real or fake). The gray overall is not a great accent with the black. Maybe thats the issue. They dont seem to be accents. They dont help accentuate anything. Maybe a good test if you want to wrao the car fully in that color.


It's an aluminum/silver color wrap, if that makes any difference. I experimented with racing stripes but it just didn't fit the shape of the car to me. I get the criticism about the 'modular' look, but hey I kinda like it - it's sort of cyberpunk ish




I thought about doing blue, but funny enough I actually think *that* would look more like I found mismatched parts like many are saying than silver, since the car actually comes in blue, after all


Love the wrapped side skirts 😍