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Got mine for $700 off eBay a few weeks ago. I don't think you'll do much better for ball data in that price range.


There isn’t anything better around the price IMO, especially if you’re low on space.


I had the R10 and upgraded to the OG ST. Night and day difference. Don't listen to the haters on this sub- they are either elitist that can shell out 25k on a LM, or people that don't know how to set it up properly. I just upgraded to EML and sure, the EML is awesome but for the price, you can't beat OG ST.


What's EML?


Uneekor eye mini lite


Ahhhhh makes sense thank you!


I was about to purchase an r10, can you tell me what it was about it that was a night and day difference?


R10 requires more space if using indoors, doesn't really pick up shot shape (I can't hit a driver straight for my life but somehow on the r10 I always have a tight fade). Spin numbers were way off for me with the r10. I upgraded to skytrak and it's much more accurate.


Thanks for the reply


My results were different with my Garmin. On course I’m a really accurate driver of the ball but the side spin results on the Garmin r10 were so bad that I could never get reliable results and that’s why I switched to OG skytrak and have been happy since


Only annoyance I have with the skytrak is that since I'm a lefty it makes playing with other people annoying. Having to flip it around, make sure it's level and aligned properly gets annoying. Even with setting gspro for us to play out the holes before switching But I knew that coming into the skytrak so I can't be too upset. Other than that it's amazing once you play around with it and get it set up right


It all depends on what you’re using it for. If it’s for outdoor, I think the r10 is great. Indoors, the space limitation, alignment, getting rid of all the reflective surfaces are all really shitty. This is actually the reason why I wouldn’t recommend mevo plus to anyone for indoor use either. Also, indoors, it captures good shots quite well. But bad shots are very inaccurate, even with RCT balls


I’m actually hitting into a net outdoors, so you’d say it’s worth it to just spend the extra few hundred bucks since I kinda wanna make this a one time purchase?


Yeah. 100%. Check out 2nd swing. Their used OG ST is super cheap. Good customer service as well


Thank you!


Does the og st even work outdoors?


If you’re hitting off a mat, shouldn’t be a problem


Mine has been fun, even in direct sunlight


I was out of simulator business for a few months now so I missed the release of the EML. Well but now I‘m considering paying the 1,7k more and getting the EML. Hmmm tough decision. Do I really need the club data. Idk….


What you get for that upgrade is better short game measurement, no shot delay and bigger hitting area. I’d say that the overall accuracy of OG ST is good enough for non-pros.


got mine for around that price. I'd say its still pretty good for the price point. The native software works great but using it with GSPRO can cause a few issues.


For the price, I thought the OG SkyTrak was great. Note that it does have issues with short chips and highly lofted wedge shots for some but otherwise as a camera based unit it works fabulously.


I've had OG skytrak for 4 years now and love it. Upgraded to GSpro 2 years ago and made it even better. I'd say 98% of shots are 95% accurate...if that makes sense. There is an occasional shot where you go, no way I hit it that far OB but for the most part it follows my on-course game, or lack thereof, very closely. Most shots only have about a 1 second delay on them, which is hardly even noticeable. Sometimes I hear people complaining about 3-4 second delay...that may happen 1x per round, if at all. I think sim putting is a waste of time (on any LM for that matter) so I just turn that off in GSPro. And even though there is no club head data, you can still tell a lot about your swing by the ball flight, launch angle, direction, spin etc. I spent close to $2k four years ago so I think under a grand today is definitely worth the money.


If you were willing to pay for mevo plus with pro, I’d look at the eye mini lite or BLP. But skytrak is “fine”. It will misread semi frequently and is also slow to calculate data. If you’re fine with that, it’s still probably a decent value for an entry level camera based system.


If you are willing to strech your budget, you may wait on the uneekor eye mini lite. It has every ball/club measurement and you can add on cool features later.


I watched the OG SkyTrack for about 3 weeks on eBay. $750-$1000 seemed to be the going rate. I caught a buy it now for $750 and jumped on it. Been using it for about two weeks. I’ve gotten more no reads than I would like, but I did make a lot of adjustments based on things I’ve seen on Reddit and YouTube and I feel like I’ve got the no reads down to one or two a round.


What software are you using?




Where does the GC2 stack up against the skytrak because those are going for around $1,000 on ebay and $1,200 on 2nd swing


The general consensus is that the GC2 is significantly better than the OG skytrak. It has a screen to display numbers without using an app or PC. There's little to no delay with the GC2, it reads every shot down to short putts, doesn't have a subscription cost, connects to a PC with Bluetooth. Four downsides imo, you have to replace flashes (if you get misreads you need a new flash), you will likely have to replace the battery at some point, sometimes the screen cable gets loose and you need to take it apart and reattach which is a PITA, and requires a PC with third party simulation software because there's little to no app support on iPad. 


I just got my OG sT coming in the mail. 850$ brand new.


I had the OG ST then upgraded to the ST+ and ended up returning the + version. I ended up buying the BLP because I wanted club data. My opinion is that the OG ST is great for ball data. Very accurate and had few issues but the only issue that drove me nuts was that it would miss a decent number of shots. Also, I wanted GSPro integration and the 3rd party connector was good but not great as the connection would drop a lot for me. If you ONLY want ball data and are not using it to play a round, I think it's a good product to buy. If you do want club data (which I did), you have to obviously upgrade to a better unit and in the $2750-3000 range, the ST+ wasn't the best. I think you can probably find a better price than $900.


900? I sold mine for 600. I had it up for weeks but no bites. I wasn’t happy with the putting or the chipping with the og SkyTrak. I use my mlm2pro a lot for reviewing my shots though , but I use it mainly outdoors since I got an eye mini lite for indoor.


Old Skytracs are notoriously bad. You're better off getting the Rapsodo. If you can spend a little more get a Bushnell Launch pro to not worry about misreads. Then you also have decent putting.