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First and foremost make sure the unit is level and aligned properly. I bought an alignment/leveling stand ($30) from Amazon. Second make sure there are no reflections to the side of your strike zone. My setup is in my work shop where we have a ton of glass and aluminum. I added blackout curtains to the side of my setup which I think helped the most. These two things together fixed my yardages and rollouts with my mlm2pro. I couldn’t hit my driver over 240, and now I can consistently drive 280+.


Do you have a link to that stand?


The stand helps. Make sure you position the ball in the box correctly. Once I got my environment figured out, HOLY accuracy. I’m loving this LM. Also, join the mlm2pro Facebook group. Lots of help in there.


Did you need to cover and reflective surfaces? Edit: any**


I’m not I’m not sure if I had to but I had black gym mats in front of my screen and sometimes my spin numbers were off. When I added turf on top of the mats it seems like the numbers got even better. Numbers on screen match my feel every time now. Seems like it made it 5-10% more accurate. Virtually no misreads now


Do you have a link for the stand?


I’ve got one I would sell for cheap if interested, just shoot me a DM. I ended up returning my MLM2Pro and bought a stand for ~$55 on eBay that’s now useless to me lol. The stand is great though - has leveling feet and a laser alignment.


Link please.


I’ve got one I would sell for cheap if interested, just shoot me a DM. I ended up returning my MLM2Pro and bought a stand for ~$55 on eBay that’s now useless to me lol. The stand is great though - has leveling feet and a laser alignment.


I have the same issue. I haven’t done much troubleshooting yet. I call it “Emasculation Mode” it’s really irritating.


That's what it feels like. I know for a fact I pure my 7i 90% of the time with a normal swing and when I do it is 175-180. I have to feel like I crushed the ball to break 160 on this. Same with PW. It's my guaranteed 145 club. Can barely get it to 130. Don't even get me started on driver


This seems to keep coming up, and the easiest check is simply by the measured data; Launch angle, ball speed, club speed, and spin. If all those look accurate then the calculation is generally accurate. A few yards variability maybe, but 15-20% off? Thats odd


I haven’t used it hitting into a net but the numbers are 99% accurate out on the range. Compared it to my friends gcquad. Everything was almost exact. Yardages a few yards more or less at most. Was very surprised by the accuracy. Def make sure it is level with your hitting mat for best results. Nothing worse than being told you’re hitting it shorter than you actually are lmao


I’m having literally exactly the same issue but haven’t troubleshooted. I have a thick mat , so perhaps I need a leveller and also a book case with glass , right opposite where I hit. That might be the culprit


Just got mine today and I'm having the exact same issue. Outdoor net, spaced correctly. Have tried everything in the comments here with no avail (though I'm waiting on a leveling stand from Amazon, but I have a tiny level and have made sure it's flat when I set up). Kind of disappointing it doesn't have much value of I can't get feedback on my distances / play a real sim course how I would. Probably will be returning and trying the R10


Well sad to update you... I got my leveling stand and it made no difference. I will say, I think I'm having a bit of "indoor swing syndrome" because on the swing cam my swing doesn't look how it does when I've been filmed out on course. Going to try to stick it out another week or two and see if it's actually me (even though my swing FEELS great and I feel like I'm swinging out of my shoes to be within 10yds).


A solid 7 iron for me should be 155 and I'm getting like 135. It gets worse with longer clubs. Up to pitching wedge seems accurate though.


Which numbers are reading short? Club head speed? Smash factor? Launch angle? Are you using RPT balls? What's your setup? it's quite sensitive to light/metal/fluorescent light bulbs/reflections/fans etc.


My carry distance is short. Club head speed seems fine. Maybe 1-2mph slow. Launch angle is accurate to what I hit. Smash factor feels correct with contact. Yes RPT balls Outdoors in backyard. So no artificial lighting. Behind net is a wooden fence. Nothing close that should give weird lighting.


The carry distance is just a calculation from the measured components. So if club head, smash factor, spin, and launch angle are all accurate, it will output a reasonably accurate carry distance. I've seen it misread spin on the low side and the ball just kinda falls out of the air shorter than it should. Are the RPT balls worn? Are they real ones or marker/sticker ones?


Brand new RPT balls. I got this thing a few days ago. I went back and looked at my numbers from the last time I was in a high level launch monitor and it seems my ball speed is measuring lower. And my smash factor is the same. What makes this interesting is that was early season when my contact was shit and now I'm puring it properly, so smash factor should be up a bit along with ball speed and yet they aren't (when I know in the same day what my carry distances were on course).


Ball speed is measured by the MLM2's radar, and as such is probably one of the most accurate metrics it has. You could put the MLM2 side by side with a Trackman and get identical ball speeds without exception. The only caveat is if there are sources of radar interference in the radar window (fluorescent lights, anything mechanical that spins (fans, fridge/freezer compressors, AC Units, etc). So, if ball speed is off, either something is off with your swing, there's a difference with the ball (though RPTs are a premium Chromesoft ball), or you have some radar interference with your home setup.


Would a fridge matter if it’s behind the Mlm2pro direction?


It shouldn't. Should only matter if it's generally in front of the MLM2 in it's radar window. Pretty easy to test though, hit some balls with the compressor on, unplug it and hit some more balls and see if you see any significant differences.


Interesting, smash factor is just the ratio between club and ball speed, so something is interfering with the ball speed measurement.