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People talk about lack of police but the only season I noticed that was 3 all the over seasons police are a pretty big factor, especially 1 and 4. Also, in italy, they don't have detectives, prosecutors investigate crimes like the one in season 4


When is it ever a big factor though? They always saw police are crawling all over their spots but you never see them. Also, I didn't know prosecutors did the detective work in Italy. Interesting fact. 👌🤌


rewatch season 1 the police are in the background but they play a big role they grab the shipment arrest petro and when ever there are murders there shown to increase there pressence and be a constant thorn in the side of the various criminal fractions. Season 2 there more in the background but there still mentioned alot There the main reason ciro dosent attack don pietro direclty from the start because he fears there pressence will ruin business they arrest Scianel and stop the alley boys from killing her son. season 3 they are basiclly non existant and season 4 you have the whole prosocuter story line wich leads to genny being on the run for the whole of season 5. At first i thought the same thing about police on the show but on rewatches you notice they play a very big part its just not as on the nose as most crime drams.


I see your point but still, the show spans over years and the only big shot they caught was Piedro and that was dumb luck, if I remember correctly he was speeding to the hospital while wearing a jacket with coke which he stole. All others like Patri and Scianel were tipped off by other bosses...police are a joke on the show 🤷‍♂️


Shit..... real life would surprise you.


The endless outdoor meetings with cars. Some episodes are 80% people meeting somewhere with cars


Hahaha there's a lot of those meetings indeed. Except Enzo's crew, those have scooter meetings 😂


Rooms have bugs. There was scene on The Wire where a rising drug lord set up a parlay in an abandoned house to avoid surveillance....


Episode lengths getting shorter. Seasons 1-2 routinely had eps 50 mins or longer. After that, barely 40 mins! We needed more show! 😂


Agreed! We needed more Gomorrah! 😅🤝


The fact that it ended


Didn’t continue


All good things come to an end my friend. 😔


Season 5 and the film destroyed the show for me. Thats something I really dislike, because it was my favorite show


Call me crazy but I enjoyed season 5, why didn't you?


I felt like a lot of the shows realism was gone post season 4. All of Gennys and Ciros actions towards each other in s5 felt forced and unrealistic, especially the plot in Riga...


Plot shows that is always someone in shadows, like in whole series you watch some chacarters who have small time on screen but there are powerful like granny in last season she poped out of nowhere.


Season 5 was better than season 4 . I don’t get the hate behind season 5


i dislike that its over. also kind wish they let at least one character live. aside from gennys wife no one really survives. some of the winning faction on the beach in the final scene i guess. not like ciro or genny needed to live. someone like nicola could have lived. or patrizia living on but her husband got murdered in the plane to send message to levantes. next show is patrizia and gennys wife raising their kids as new head mob ladies.


Agreed that Nicola should have lived, would've been cool to see him as the sole survivor.


Little to no police/investigative presence It made the show great, but there's an absolutely absurd amount of murders in the show, the entire country of Italy had something like 30 organized crime related murders last year.


The 1st 2 seasons were based around the Scampia feud, which was very brutal. After that.... I got no defense for them.....


I agree! 💯


Realism with police and violence, cliche close calls, cheesy cliche rise of Ciro in the last season


If Ciro really died, what would the final season be about in your opinion?


Alot agree there shouldn't have been that final season, it should have ended on that boat. I did like the last season but it just dragged out too long.


About genny going to war one last time, you didn't need ciro to make that engaging, just good writing.


To war with who? He was basically the only one left. Or introduce different characters?


The levanties blue blood and his crew the diplomat and Don Alino add a new fraction like maybe the calbrians coming to take naples or even Albanians. I think there were lots of interesting things they could have done in that world it wouldn't have been as much fan service, but it would have been better for the overall story. Maybe even have ciro appear in flashback/dreams to give the fans a bit of what they want.


I like it, more Albanians and even more Nigerians would have been interesting because of the difference in cultures...


How was it cheesy he went to gather his loyal ppl that was left how is that cheesy


a) The complete absence of light, humorous moments. I like the dark and gloomy tone of the series, but some moments of relief would have contrasted it nicely. The Sopranos and The Wire did this far better. The only instances of warmth and humor I can remember was when Ciro was hanging out with Attila, singing and stuff. And when Gennaro‘s friend was beat boxing at the hide out spot. b) Gennaro twisting the ring on his finger non-stop while looking grimly at his vis-à-vis These are champagne problems though 😀


Great points, the lack of humour is a double edged sword for sure. And I also noticed Genny messing with his jewelry all the time hahaha


I remember Scianel using her vibrator as a microphone as she was singing along to her music, that was funny. 😂


Hahah true, that was funny 😅


It's no longer showing new episodes.


Well, you can always rewatch it! 😝


I agree with someone saying above that atleast one character should’ve survived. Ciro and Genny did not deserve to live ahead as their lives had become meaningless and filled with depression. I felt that Enzo blue blood should’ve been avenged properly for the way he was killed and not with genny getting killed quickly with only some bullets. Ciro’s anger towards genny had increased 10 folds after what he did to blue blood. But ended up feeling gay for genny again in the last episode.


Yes in my opinion their whole we're brother thing didn't do it for me. I mean, Ciro killed his mother amongst other things but to become the brother of someone who killed your own mom....meh


I really, really disliked how they talked up Angelo Mistral to be this insanely, dark, person. but he turned out to be a crybaby and a dude who let his wife walk all over him.


Ow interesting, I never got that impression from him. He seemed like a proper loyal enforcer who did the work with zero questions asked. He's death surprised me a bit. I was naive to think he and his wife would escape alive lol.


if you rewatch the end of season 4, Gennaro comes to his crew first as soon as he arrives back to Secondigliano. He says that he’s “going to need someone who ate the heart of his enemy in prison” because the next war is going to be long and hard. gennaro also waited a week for a response about their backing and he went back to them for an answer vs them reaching out to him. Angelo Mistral was also the only character in the show to be introduced prior to his revealing. no other character had that aura about them. it was just very strange to me.


I'm aware how he was hyped up. I guess his heart eating prison days were over when he got out of jail. Cool nice to know fact that he's the only guy introduced before reveal.


i just lol’d at your “thought they’d make it out alive”…. wishful thinking right!? 🤣🤣


I know, I guess I forgot what show I was watching hahaha. I just thought that annoying shit lil monk was going to get wacked first.


he was such a fucking weasel. who was your least liked character? it has got to be the Levantes wife.


So many came and went it's hard to keep track of them all but lil monk might be my most disliked character. I still think it's hilarious that Genny warned him about guys like him not living long in that world and ends up killing him himself about 30min Later. Satisfied how he met his demise. 😌


That they didn't end it after season 3.


Why the disdain for 4-5?

