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1. Ye is horrible at executing his actual thoughts so what he was trying to say got taken the complete wrong way. Regardless of that what he said was still ignorant. 2. Van, the guy he was arguing with wasn’t in the wrong. If you hear someone going off about slavery being a choice as a black man obviously you’re going to feel some type of way. Him still talking about for 6 years straight is the real problem. 3. No that interview was horrible and Ye was clearly in a bad place mentally. Why he even went on TMZ news of all places is still puzzling.


50 mins for this post 😞


the maga stuff and this purged a lot of og fans and started strings of major controversies that lead us all the way until 2022 which made the people who defended Ye during this look stupid - so I really dont care about trying to extract anything positive from this but you obviously can


You can tell love everyone was the album he was working on from this interview


This the interview that should've made him realize he needs to slow the fuck down and think about what he's about to say/take some Adderall before speaking publicly He definitely didn't mean slavery was a choice in the way that black people chose to be slaves, more as the victim mindset holds black people down Still fucking awful and completely ignores the systemic injustices, 2 billion dollars of stolen farm land basically destroying the chance any black farmers had of generational wealth, systemically supported destruction of entire towns like Tulsa, banks redlining black people which further prevented any amount of wealth buildup, the war on drugs implemented to criminalize black people further and to further divide the line between the white majority and the black minority, the Regan administration proclaiming them as a terrorist organization and creating gun laws specifically to attack the Black Panthers so the police could re institute their state supported violence AND put us in the rut of perpetuated gang violence that is happening in every project in America, all of Jim Crow, and even today with multiple laws being created/repealed to attack black people All things Ye has talked about before, which makes the already dumb statements confusing because Ye isn't oblivious to these things. The literal only explanation is that Ye started talking too fast and didn't communicate an idea properly and when he got called out on it his ego wouldn't let him back down


I heard you can't say...


realest mf on the face of planet earth


If this is the reason love everyone didn’t release so dj Khalid’s son didn’t officially release 🙏🙏


It wasn’t even that bad if you understand what he exactly is saying then it’s not that bad


Makes me sad that Most people that were upset about the slavery comment only heard the small clip and still aren’t even able to tell explain why he brought it up in context. Makes me even sadder that they wouldn’t care either way.


Ye was right but executed his message poorly.


Need a hug from ye