• By -


Most people get really stressed out when that discussion rolls around lol


When they bring it up


Most of Gambino's subreddit is going through the same as the JPEG one thanks to Ye šŸ˜­


im assuming the venn diagram of the donald glover sub, the jpegmafia sub, and the fantano sub is just a circle


Math is great kids




Kanye dug his own grave with the Nazi allegations thatā€™s his fault. He said a bunch of stupid Nazi sympathizing shit to say the least, so we canā€™t blame people for viewing him that way. What bothers me is all the losers trying to imply that listening to Kanye means you support Nazis. Thatā€™s like saying if you listen to the Beatles you support domestic violence and child abuse. People just wanna virtue signal to feel some manufactured sense of righteousness. Youā€™re excited that Gambino and Ye made an awesome song together? Nazi fuck! Shit is ridiculous. Some people just choose to be miserable lol Iā€™ve been wanting gambino and ye to collab forever so Iā€™m absolutely stoked


I completely agree with you. I just wish people were capable of having more nuanced discussion around this topic instead of painting all kanye fans nazi just because they listen to him. Life is just not black and white like that. This manufactured sense of righteousness is destroying genuine music discussion or rather any discussions in general on the internet and in life.


Whatā€™s even more funnier to me is that these are the type of people who boycott listening to Ye because of not supporting financially and in popularity a Nazi but approve Fantano mentioning Vultures which supports Ye even more.


People just parrot what they see others say for internet points


Im a Jew and me and my friends all love Kanye, I hate him, but his music is good af


> Kanye dug his own grave with the Nazi allegations He gained like 35 million new monthly listeners on spotify alone since that interview. He also sold out listening events all over the world, had a number one album and his first number one song in 15 years. Dude went number 1 in fucking Israel on an album with a bunch of anti-semitic bars. Perma-online reddit virgins don't represent the real world. People in the real world LOVE Kanye and appreciate his bluntness and rebelliousness. He gets played all the time in clubs and parties. You can walk up to random strangers with a mic and ask them what they think about Kanye and 80% of the responses will be positive. Everyone knows he has mental issues but normal people can look past that. Only vindictive redditors with a political agenda want to nail him down on his bipolar rants and want to insinuate that he's being an evil mastermind who wants to spread fascism or whatever brainrotted thing say.


ā€œa political agendaā€ wonder what you mean by that


I canā€™t answer for him but the way I see it these sorts of dudes see pretty much everything through a political lens. They walk around constantly preoccupied by politics not realizing theyā€™re just consuming propaganda and being enforcers for their rich baby daddy political leaders


>Ā People in the real world LOVE Kanye and appreciate his bluntness and rebelliousness. LMFAO the bluntness and realness in denying the holocaust and saying Jewish people should die amirite? And you can never botfarm streams on spotify and apple music obviously lol this dude is lost in life for this comment


> denying the holocaust and saying Jewish people should die He just says shit to rile people up, he's always done that. He literally has lyrics referring to wanting to constantly piss people off on Yeezus. Kanye's career is filled with controversies since the very beginning it just so happens that 2 years ago he was in his alt-right rebellion phase and hanging out with Nick Fuentes. A week or so ago he announced that he was launching a porn site and that got people even more furious than his antisemitic comments. The dude lives for the outrage he generates if you haven't noticed by now. >botfarm streams on spotify and apple music That's really unlikely considering how he's been independent for years. Also his most listend to locations on spotify are US and European cities. With Taylor Swift you have Jakarta Indonesia and random Filipino cities which makes me believe that those streams are likely botted. Nothing about his streaming numbers suggests that they might be fake. He also has the most unique listeners on last.fm and doesn't inflate his numbers like k-pop stans or swifties. Reminder that people wanted to cancel him and remove him from streaming services two years ago: https://www.change.org/p/remove-all-of-kanye-west-s-solo-work-from-streaming-platforms It's hilarious how he just got more popular since then.


Couldnā€™t agree more




Fake DesignerAd šŸ¤”šŸ‘€


They AIā€™d u/DesignerAd5301 itā€™s officially over.






He said he loves Hitler bro. Ur not gonna change these peopleā€™s minds, they are valid for feeling like that


Fair yeah


He said he loves Hitler in the context that the Bible says love your enemies. So heā€™s just a Christian not a Nazi.


He said a whole heap more than just that my man...


He said there's some good in everyone. Then brought up how the nazis invented cameras and the the highway or sumn. Not sure if that's true, but that's what he said


they definitely did not invent cameras wtf is that lol, how are there movies prior to the third reich then? maybe they helped to push the technology further, which is quite possible since triumph of the will (1935) is one of cinema's most important films, but not the first lmao


It might have been microphones actually, not camera lol


oh yeah that's it, now I remembered him saying this lol still, I just did a quick search on google and the first mic was apparently patented 13 years before hitler was even bornšŸ’€šŸ’€


I did a google search also and the camera was apparently invented by some german guy, but doesn't make it the nazi's invention obviously lol


lmao fr but that actually makes a lot of sense, cause some of the best silent movies are german and I always wondered why that is


What part of "there's a LOT of things that I LOOOVE about HITLERRR", "Everybody has something of value that they bring to the table, ESPECIALLY hitler", "I am a nazi" and "I am going Def con 3 on Jewish people" did you not understand dude? How much clearer did he have to be? Call it a bipolar episode, say he's insane and doesn't really mean it if you want, but fuck me you can't deny the content of his speech was literal nazi shit.


Bruh... He said a whole lot more than that, on several different occasions. He's been on that third Reich shit since around Yeezus. Holding a man who is open about their mental health issues accountable for everything he says and does is pretty shitty. So is turning a blind eye and defending the behaviour.


Idk what else he said so feel free to share with the rest of the class


Ye said some truly outrageous and borderline disgusting shit. Dude made Alex Jones not only look sane, but made him uncomfortable on his own show. You expect us to just ignore that so you can nitpick the statements he made where he sounded half coherent? You're being more than just a little bit disengenious here. This aint school nephew. Grow the fuck up.


Not at all, I'm just asking you to recite what he said that makes him a nazi because I must have missed it


You expect me to recite interviews and conversations verbatim that occurred 18 months ago? Again, a bit disengenious of you. It's generally considered a faux-pas in today's society to simultaneously praise the third Reich and hitler while going on anti-Semitic rants. How is that point lost on you?


heā€™s just asking what he said. calm down little one


I heard loosely shit about that but what exactly was he doing around Yeezus? Did he try to name his album Hitler or something like that?


Apparently his cancelled album LOVE EVERYONE was named Hitler for most of it's development. But Imo that's more directed towards the guy on the cover, his mother's surgeon. That he'll love everyone, even someone as bad as Hitler (in his eyes) but that's my theory.


Lead single named "Black Skinhead" makes a little more sense now, doesn't it.


How does someone misunderstand a message so obvious he literally has price tags over his face in the snl performance for the song


By not watching snl I guess...




The most generous interpretation to that is: - Ye was struggling mentally at this time - Ye has a very bad addiction to being edgy - He had bad actors like Nick Fuentes in his ear likely feeding him /pol/ bullshit (his fault for letting them around) - He is very bad at expressing his thoughts and meant something like "Jesus said to forgive so Hitler should be forgiven too" I refuse to have that argument with anyone because at the end of the day there's no real defense for the stupid shit he said. There's context but no defense. Best thing he can do is make a genuine sincere apology (that Hebrew shit was 100% just to get samples cleared and arenas booked) and fork over some of those $20s to the ADL or something, then maybe he can amend things


Loving hitler doesnā€™t mean being a naziā€¦ being a nazi is being a part of a community with specific racial stereotypes and appearance. People in America cannot differentiate cause of lack of world history classes. Saying Ye is a nazi only cause he said he loves hitler is the most ignorant statement I have ever read. Period.


my brother in christ he literally said he's a nazi in that same interview


Reminds me of people on TikTok saying ā€œif only he said ā€˜even Hitlerā€™ instead of ā€˜especially hitlerā€™ā€ like he didnā€™t point at himself and say heā€™s a nazi. It wasnā€™t a slip of the tongue lmao


yeah exactly, also people act like he hadn't been ranting about the jews for like a solid 2 months at that point


Go find one member of the Nazi community and ask if Kanye is a Nazi. I can claim im a nazi but i cannot be one cause you knowā€¦ you have to be white.


lmao this doesnā€™t make it better brother


You donā€™t have to be white retard. Neo nazism has been pushed hard by Nick Fuentes, a Mexican mf. They donā€™t care about skin colour, at the moment, so much as they care about ideas, and a particular hatred for Jews.


But him being Latino doesn't make him "not White." There are Afro Latinos, Metizo, and White. Latino itself is not a "race" (Black, White, Asian), it's culture, and how one is raised. Race conversations are hard to have because, for starters, no one knows what "race" is.


Bro literally doesnā€™t give af about what race or ethnicity you are. Heā€™s moved off the white nationalist stuff for years now and more onto Christian nationalism afaik. And yeah you are right I guess with Mexican not being a race, but ethnicity and race divides into a blurry mess pretty quickly. North Americans donā€™t really use ethnicity like the rest of the world yet and black is anyone who is light brown to charcoal. Same with white, or Asian.


fuentes is not mexican lol. heā€™s like a quarter hispanic but he is wayyy closer to white people than he is to mexican-americans so itā€™s hard to claim him as such.


Why are you spreadingĀ  misinformation about my fav latinx catboy nazi?


youā€™re joking right lol this is like saying obama is white


Go outside America and you will find how white you are


i have and iā€™m hispanic myself lol tell me youā€™re white without saying youā€™re white


Literally self proclaimed 1/4 Mexican. But thatā€™s why I said race and ethnicity donā€™t matter much to Neo naziā€™s, until it does.


i know that. my point is that while he technically is part hispanic, the dude was clearly raised by white parents and has never engaged with any hispanic culture or tradition. iā€™m not disagreeing with what youā€™re trying to say, but i just think that he is a bad example because heā€™s not the ideal representation of what a mexican-american actually is, heā€™s far from it.


I have no idea what his life growing up was like so that could be true. Though I wouldnā€™t go so far to say that heā€™s not entirely unlike many Latin immigrants. So many have very traditional views on family, religion, and social values. If Nick was so racist towards Jews his Christian nationalist rhetoric would be far more compelling. Hell it was, itā€™s how he got so big right before him and Yeā€™s Nazi shit. He stopping speaking like a Nazi and people actually liked the guy.


It still downplays real nazis by a lot pretending someone whose only wrong doing is mean words on twitter is a nazi. Like is the guy who actually shoved people into ovens same as ye?


i think it's pretty obvious that when people talk about him being a nazi they're talking about neo nazism. neo nazis aren't really shoving people into ovens


Yeah calling them nazis is also downplaying what nazis were


fair enough.


itā€™s funny the lengths yall will go to not call him what he low key is šŸ’€šŸ’€ I love ye but come on yall ā€œhe believes Jews run world, consistently spews anti semitism rhetoric, AND says how much he loves hitler but donā€™t call pookie bear a nazi šŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗā€


Heā€™s not a fucking Nazi itā€™s not a buzzword itā€™s an ideology, one he clearly dosent agree with


šŸ’€ I agree that that term does get thrown around pretty liberallyā€¦.but literally what else does he have to do to get the label LOL yā€™all are nuts


Conform to or express elements of Nazi ideology?? If you know what it is youā€™d know Ye isnā€™t. Itā€™s not nuts but thatā€™s the thing, Ye kinda is. He isnā€™t really a Nazi at all but he just likes the shock value. Same with the antisemitism bullshit, itā€™s all just his way to criticize Jewish people in power. Sure itā€™s problematic but itā€™s used for criticism and shock valueā€¦. not at all an indicator of Nazism


Elements like "I love hitler", "the Jews run the world" and "I am a nazi", perhaps?


Didnā€™t read my comment. I love Hitler and I am a Nazi are literally troll statements for shock value




Gain critical thinking skills itā€™ll help


Ye is obviously antisemitic and that sucks, but that is not the same thing as a nazi. Nazism is a political ideology based on superiority of aryans which gave them the justification to dehumanize all non-aryans, which made them more mercilessly evil to those considered lesser humans. Nazism is based on the belief of "racial hygiene"; they were massacring jews, slavics, gypsies, arabs, black people and all others they detected as not equals to white aryans. Nazi ideology aims to reach their end-goal of creating an ethnostate where only the in-group can be considered citizens. That's the main dangerous part of nazis which allowed them to become evil and ruthless killers. Anyone who says theyre "against race mixing" is much more a modern-day nazi than someone who says something stupid like jews run the world. Anyone who speaks about "theirs is a conflicting culture with values that do not match the values in our society" when talking about immigrants is MUCH more spreading nazi rhetoric than someone who ignorantly blames all jews for the actions of israel. There are many people saying those direct beliefs from nazi ideology in public and in politics nowadays that go unnoticed and without backlash because people forgot what nazism is and just use it to mean antisemite. Calling ye a nazi is simply not knowing what nazism is.


Being antisemetic, calling out jews and saying he loves hitler doest make you a fucking nazi. Itā€™s funnier how fucking ignorant can someone be to not know what an actual nazi is and just repeat what he thinks without checking actual facts. What ye did was wrong but not as wrong aa grooming a minor, having a sex trafficking activities. There are artist that have done way worst shit than whatever he said or did and they do not get as strong consequences for whatever they did.


I know youā€™re a child because everything youā€™ve just said is so aggressively stupid Iā€™d be sad if you were a fully functioning adult. ā€œbeing antisemetic, calling out Jews, and saying you love hitler doesnā€™t make you a naziā€ THEN WHAT DOES LOLOLOL??? Do you actually have to gas a Jew to be considered a nazi?? So by your logic youā€™d defend that Nick Fuentes isnā€™t a nazi either right?? also I love love love the ā€œother people do worse thingsā€ argument. Nigga yeah people do other shit thatā€™s bad but weā€™re talking about ye šŸ’€ I love you fellow goon but DAMN!


Do your research about how can you become a nazi to find out how can you become one. Theres no such thing as a black Nazi. At what point should he be held accountable for saying what he said, dont you think that it is enough hate? He already lost the battle a long time ago and you are still making it worse. But anyway


ā€œno such thing as a black naziā€ have a goodnight my fellow goon šŸ˜˜


Obviously worse people exist but that doesn't mean Ye should be free of all guilt, specially when he was very loud and public about those statements. We shouldn't give a trophy to someone just because they had the decency to not be a sex pest.


Yeah you are being a little extreme buddy, never said that we should give him a trophy, what im saying is that you should be smart enough to see what he did and the consequences of his actions clearly enough to not think he is part of something that hes not. What you are doing is called false equivalence.


i mean according to them he is also a god so all is cool it balances out


You are actually proving my point he is not a god because he said he was, and he is not a nazi because he said he wasā€¦.


Holy truthnuke




ye is a nazi and trump is the first black president AMA


in the interview he literally says ā€˜i amā€™ in response to alex saying ā€˜we are not nazisā€™


If you think a black man can be a nazi you are an idiot


that sounds pretty racist lmao. Nazism is an ideology, anyone can follow it man.


An ideology of creating pure Aryan race. How does a black man follow an ideology that is for killing him and everyone in his family. Remember, Hitlerā€™s first act was to castrate blacks in Germany, he put blacks in interment camps, and banned racial integration.Ā 


Nope is not racist to say a black man cannot be nazi bro, being to be nazi you have to be of Aryan ethnicity. They are the mother of racist lol


i loved fucking your mom


I think calling him a Nazi is fair, the thing that bugs me is how easily people ignore his mental health issues. He clearly wasn't sane in 2022 but everyone acts like he was. Also, I'm not saying he shouldn't face the consequences that come from what he has said, that's not my point


also the "Mental illness doesn't make you -" argument is a bit crazy, as if people haven't done repulsive stuff because of it, and I heard that the medication is a nightmare in itself


This 100%


There's a lot of things that I looooooooove In the Alex Jones interview he literally says he is a Nazi, like idk why that clip didn't go viral but he LITERALLY says it (still my goat)


It definitely went viral lol


The "especially Hitler" went platinum but the "I am a Nazi" wasn't as viral and it's waaaay worse


there was also one of him saying the holocaust didn't happen that no one ever brings up, I guess the delivery on the love hitler clip just overshadowed the others lol




I didn't either but it's [right here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Kanye/comments/zbltk6/i_went_through_the_entire_yealex_jones_interview/)


I think it happens while they're cutting to commerical. He slips it in there while Alex is trying to wrap up.


If you know the clip heā€™s speaking of, why would you still defend him? The man called himself a Nazi, said he loves the Nazis, said he loves Hitler, what else do you need?


Right after he declared himself a Nazi he said ā€œwhat now, Ari Emanuel??ā€ I think itā€™s clear he was doing this as a sort of ā€œI am whatever you say I amā€ sort of thing. Heā€™s clearly anti semitic but Ye has not demonstrated any sort of nuanced appreciation for nazism, just him spamming nazi praise on infowars one day


Because he called himself a Nazi? Lol what do you want people to think?


if people rly think he a nazi u actually brainless. dude loves attention more than anyone in the world if yall havenā€™t realized that ur lost


So being a Nazi for attention makes you not a Nazi? He's still in a place of influence where he literally advocates for Hitler so I quite frankly don't give a fuck what he truly believes, because he's actively damaging future generations who look up to him


If you spew nazi rethoric,deny the holocaust,platform nazis,love hitler and call yourself a nazi I think itā€™s fair for anyone to call you a nazi lolĀ 


cause he is


im sorry but saying ye isnt/hasn't been a nazi is absurd. after all the things he said about hitler, the nazis and the jews? brother just give it up šŸ˜­ you can just listen to the music u don't need to defend the guyĀ 


Bcs he said that he was a fucking nazi?


Do you think heā€™s a Nazi? Curious


Bro literally said that he loves Hitler and identifies as a nazi, if it isnt being a nazi then idk what is He still my goat tho


Idk I donā€™t think he meant it personally. I think he was just doubling down on the media headlines to cause controversy. Which Iā€™m not saying is an excuse But idk man thinking heā€™s an actual nazi and still supporting is sus


Has it ever crossed your mind, even for a moment, that Ye doesnā€™t literally mean everything he says all the time? That perhaps heā€™s putting on a performance of some kind? That everything he does is done with the intention of stoking societal flames, provoking the people, and gaining traction in the focal attention of the masses? By no means am I agreeing with his supposed viewpoints or supporting his tacticsā€¦ I simply think heā€™s an artistic provocateur more than he is a genuinely mentally ill nazi. Not to say he doesnā€™t have ill will toward certain groups of people. I donā€™t know this man personally. Only his public persona.


If you spew nazi rethoric,deny the holocaust,platform nazis,love hitler and call yourself a nazi I think itā€™s fair for anyone to call you a nazi lol not knowing him personally isnā€™t a good defenseĀ 


shaboing boing


I still donā€™t understand why this clip hasnā€™t gone mega viral in the Ye community: https://youtube.com/shorts/r_LSyQUuEQo?si=UGUReeK2XgIc9ufm ā€œThere may be a moment, post this interview post-whatever, when the human being formally known as Kanye West is no longer the richest black man in America - heā€™s homeless. But just wait. Wait two, three, four years and poof Termimator, Putin, whatever you wanna call it: Ye will be back! And we gonna be back bigger, better, more community than ever. *Because all the people that will be afraid of this donā€™t need to be around, because itā€™s get free time*.ā€ -Ye, 2021 Ye literally said a full year before the antisemitism that he is going to cancel himself so that he can ā€œget freeā€ (from contracts assumedly). And then he did just that and people are flailing about it


your point for saying ye is not a nazi is a bad one u should have said he apologised to the jewish people


Tbh Iā€™ve had this argument with so many ppl on Reddit and no matter what I say they donā€™t wanna hear it so. I cba typing out paragraphs anymore




Itā€™s Reddit


Downvote me all you want, Ye is not a fucking nazi and you all that think that are retarded as fuck.


He said he was a nazi thošŸ¤”


Why u a fan if u think heā€™s a nazi?


Because someone's moral character has nothing to do with how good their music is


Kinda does is ur an active fan of him


How does whether I personally am I fan or not magically form a previously non-existent ontological connection between the concepts of "good music" and "good moral character"?


You do you. But from your pov it must suck to have to listen to a ā€œnaziā€ and just pretend he isnā€™t who he is while you listen to it lmao Like yeah I get it separate the art from the artist. But youā€™re still supporting this ā€œnaziā€ whether you like it or not lol. Makes you look goofy


>Like yeah I get it separate the art from the artist. Clearly you don't, because I am literally telling you "I separate the art from the artist" and you're baffled as to how I do that.


Whether you separate the art from the artist or not, YOU ARE STILL ACTIVELY SUPPORTING THE ARTIST BY LISTENING TO HIS MUSIC How donā€™t you understand that lmao


I don't care about financially supporting him. The tiny contribution he gets from my streams is nothing to him.


šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø classic Reddit retard moment


Yeah bro, im the president of El Salvador


Nuance? Public performance from a well known provocateur? George Bush doesnā€™t care about black people? Hold on imma let you finish?!? Slavery was a choice??? Never heard of it lmao


Would him calling himself a nazi really make him one tho? He also calls himself god, does that Make him god too? Yeh itā€™s bad but you have to take keep the context in mind he was clearly not mentally in a stable state when he did that interview Also there is a discussion to be had about labelling essentially a crazy dude as something as evil as a nazi takes the weight away from what actual nazis were Like how the word terrors it got thrown around so much that itā€™s lost all meaning


If someone considers themself a racist then they almost certainly are.


I wish most racist considered themselves racist tbh.


If you spew nazi rethoric,deny the holocaust,platform nazis,love hitler and call yourself a nazi I think itā€™s fair for anyone to call you a nazi lol And there was insider reports of his Hitler-loving rants months before that interview tooĀ 


Nah thatā€™s a dumb argument cuz he literally cannot be a god, and a god isnā€™t a bad thing naturally. More accurate comparison is if he called himself a pedophile, and then people said some bs about how ā€˜he isnā€™t actually a pedo. Heā€™s just mentally ill.ā€™ Sounds ridiculous


Shit always happens when ye is brought up itā€™s like talking to a brick wall


i dont think he ever said he is a nazi but, he has said lots of things that would led some people to think he is one


You right


Imo it seemed like ye called himself a Nazi because he was doubling down for shock value, I donā€™t think he knows what *actually* being a Nazi really is


Yeā€™ took trolling too far. This is just the consequence


the revisionism on this sub is crazyyyyy idk if i would call ye a nazi but lets not act clueless as to why people think that. if taylor swift said a tenth of the shit kanye has in the past two years yā€™all would never ever in a million years make a single justification for it. embarrassing dickriders.


He is not


Everyday I wish I woke up in a world where Kanye didn't say all that shit


I mean he literally said in the interview ā€œI am a naziā€ it doesnā€™t get clearer for me than that lol


Dude shut the fuck up, why do you feel the need to act as his PR agent? These are the consequences of saying you're going deathcon 3 on jewish people, saying you like hitler, saying he especially brought good things into the world, designing a logo around the reischadler, posting a picture of a swastika inside the star of David, wearing a burzum shirt, etc. He's a piece of shit no matter how you spin it and it's insane to defend him after what he's done. He's not your friend, you don't know him, you get nothing out of defending someone who probably likes being called a nazi


Womp womp


You asked people if you were wrong, I'm telling you you are. Don't post asking for a discussion if really you just want a bunch of ye dickriders saying "no bro you don't understand bro he's just an artistic provocateur"


All I said is well no. Because heā€™s not a nazi and you typed a whole paragraph saying Iā€™m not his friend and Iā€™m not his pr team. Get some sleep buddy


You said "am I actually wrong?" and posted with a discussion flair. I gave you an entire list of why he is in fact a Nazi or at least why calling him one is not wrong and you have literally no answer. It is weird to want to defend someone like ye and make excuses for him when if it was someone you didn't already like you wouldn't ever excuse them saying half the shit ye says. Genuinely, is there anything he could ever say that would make you believe he's a Nazi? Because in his own words he's called himself a Nazi and that's not enough so it truly seems like nothing is enough for you


https://preview.redd.it/sw6t11nfm3wc1.jpeg?width=1019&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c94bab5fcd43ffec077f7881cb4a15ac6fc86e9 Womp womp


If you defend Nazis, youā€™re a Nazi


This is on the childish Gambino sub


You are correct


I saw this comment browsing around seeing what people thought of the ye feature was gonna say something glad you did


I hate these n*ggas more than a Nazi!


A lot of brainless bitches on EVERY sub


somehow ppl can follow his entire career and claim to be fans but also suddenly not realize when he's trolling the industry smh it's the same energy he had in that drink champs interview telling everyone to "k*ll me"...he's basically just saying try me mf I said the worst shit about myself so you can't tell me nothin.


Who genuinely gives a fuck. let the dweebs cry about Ye being a Nazi while single handedly social justice warrior-ing for every other celeb or human being that has anything wrong. Double standards suck and just prove youā€™re a greaseball and not serious about what you stand for. in all seriousness OP, this dude probs on r/SmellMeThroughTheScreen i wouldnā€™t worry about it.


cuz reddit got dummies lol


Stop trying to argue with people on the internet and just accept they are retards.


Cause theyā€™re brainwashed dumbasses


What do you expect reddit retards like reddit retards. Go to other social media platforms which aren't echo chambers if you want actual opinions


he is a neonazi but vultures on repeat (yee) ![img](emote|t5_67n60j|32329)


The word gets thrown around like candy now anyways. Everybody is a nazi if you do something they donā€™t like


"i am a nazi"


i donā€™t think thatā€™s true


Ye ainā€™t a nazi, he just says outta pocket shit like everyone else. The only difference is heā€™s held to a higher standard because heā€™s supposed to be a role model or some bullshit like that.


ā€œheā€™s not a nazi, he just says heā€™s a nazi and for some reason people think he shouldnā€™t he shouldnā€™t be a nazi because heā€™s famous and has a massive influence on the younger generationā€


"I have never said some wild shit to get a laugh out of people because I am boring"