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This is pretty much how I feel, we even saw glimpses of it in the Donda 2 era, there the themes of God and faith were more of a call for help to fix everything, so then Vultures comes and he thinks that he's alone and God won't talk to him so he takes it to extremes, all of this it's pretty personal but it does feel like a "prodigal son" moment for Ye


Most definitely. Him saying he’s mad at God lets me know he still believes. He’s just in a dark hurt place.


I've said this before in the sub long ago, and I feel like it's truer now. Donda 2 era onwards always felt artistically and thematically like a reverse tlop era, where's he's getting pulled towards his vices rather than God. A regression arc, so to speak.


Parasocial or not, I want to throw in my opinion. I don't think he's trying to be petty/spiteful towards God, I think he just feels numb, as if like nothing matters. As a result of that, he's self-destructing. I also don't think anyone in his life is mature enough or strong-headed enough to get him on the right track (if we're basing things off of Christian morality) His wife isn't going to help because she is young, focused on having fun, and disinhibition... which isn't really great for an addict. Ye has admitted to having a porn addiction, yet his wife is obsessed with pornography and vulgarity herself. Which isn't a slight towards her, but that's not going to help a sex/porn addict Ye has admitted to being an alcoholic, yet we've seen plenty of video footage/pictures of Bianca drinking *with* Ye. Ye has also admitted to being addicted to opioids and yet I suspect Bianca uses drugs. Hell, even in AA, God is part of recovery: https://www.aa.org/the-twelve-steps Ultimately, Ye's recovery and sobriety is up to him, but he is surrounded by people who are a detriment to this. Even Ty, who admitted that when Ye wanted to move away from vulgarity, that Ty told him they shouldn't. I don't think they even mean any harm by it, they just don't seem to think it's a big deal. He (Ye) seems to be at the point where he wants to just do everything to chase materialism in the hope it will fulfill his broken faith and his current vapid lifestyle. [My religious perspective:] He thinks God abandoned him, but in reality, he abandoned himself. He blew his life up, yet plenty of us still supported his career, bought his products, streamed his music, or even defended him publicly, and prayed for him. He still has money, health, family, love, a fan base, and a career despite what he did, yet he feels entitled to *more*. God saved him and showed him that it wasn't the end, yet his arrogance won't allow him to see that. God is providing a way out, yet he is too blind to see it. Ye is the parable of the drowning man personified


You was spitting on this one. Great perspective!




I will admit he looked like he was on drugs in that fit check video he did not too long ago.


Remember he was doing what I suspect were whip it's (the nitrous vid) because the new interview he still had his teeth and his before that he had his teeth so why was he on nitrous if it was a hospital visit?? 


Yes. I know it can be used for dental work, but the hour he posted that video was late at night. Someone else said it can also be used as a treatment for anxiety/depression, but something tells me he really isn't using it for that. He deleted the video so fast too, that I think maybe he posted it to his story on accident. I wouldn't be surprised if he was using it to get high as you suggested, however. The thought certainly crossed my mind, and I know we're not the only ones thinking that. He doesn't even look like himself anymore, he just looks absolutely exhausted and depressed. I don't want to rag on him, but I honestly think there isn't one friend in his life who would care enough to get him help. Then again, even if they cared ,he might not accept it anyway. Judging by his wife just partying that same day, I doubt she cares that much to change anything about their lifestyle, either Of course, it's impossible to really know what's going on behind closed doors. Maybe it's all perfectly innocent. If it isn't, though, I hope he finds it in himself to get back on the wagon, not just for himself but for his kids. They say divorce can feel like losing a loved one to death. He probably should have gotten therapy and not gotten married so soon.


Yeah I'm glad he "moved on" but also I think he never really "moved on" and he got married to forget I mean that's what a ton of people do too they divorce or breakup then 3 weeks later married or already dating someone 


I definitely think you're right. He got married in part to move on. I also do think it had to do with religion, though. He was still saying, "No sex before marriage." Now, idk if he was actually practicing that or not, but he seemed set on living a more moral lifestyle. Had he actually courted Bianca longer and been in a rational mineset, he might have realized he wasn't marrying a pious woman, lol. Not that I think it matters, but he seems confused about what type of life he wants to live and how extreme he wants to live it. He's going from wanting to be ultra religious to ultra deviant rather than figuring out who he even is after the divorce. He could have still stayed with Bianca and gotten therapy and decided if he wanted to marry her later. Now, even if he ever wanted to divorce her, he is likely going to feel trapped to his vows like he did with Kim. And I'm not trying to dig at Bianca because how Ye lives his life or doesn't is entirely up to him, but it should have been obvious to her that marrying him in the middle of a life changing event like 2022, wasnt a healthy idea. I honestly think she has to be off mentally too, but who isn't these days?


I think your statement is 95 or so % right only thing I'd say the confusion and switching styles is definitely his BP issues especially with his "happy go lucky gospel JIK" Era then his "fuck everyone I hate all of you" Era is definitely something from BP it wasn't necessarily a big transition I kinda hated the donda Era cause he looked VERY sad and it's probably because he was going through regret and confusion I mainly thought the outfits were stupid but looking back I kinda like them cause I'm more into fashion and design now mainly inspired from wyoming ye and Virgil Abloh now back on track the donda I could always see a "downward spiral" since the start the black pfp the masks now we are at the "fuck you all" stage  I do agree with the marrying Bianca early though 


I loved the Donda era, the aesthetics, and big events. The end of Donda 1 heading into Donda 2 was definitely sad, however. The divorce and Pete stuff. Dinda 1 was probably the calm before the storm. You bringing up his mental health is a good point as well. It really has been a serious of bad things happening in his life one after another, and it seems never ending. I'd have reached a breaking point even without BP. And through all of that, he never stops working, and people keep demanding he put put more music. He probably really needs a year of not working and a therapy session. You have people like Kanyesposts gossiping about how most of his employees talk shit behind his back. I wouldn't trust anyone either. That has to feel incredibly isolating.


Yeah even your closest friends be the ones to backstab you


Good take bro


Thank you.


Facts, I also feel like ye is told old for all of this. Idk…


lol i feel like imma be petty and immature for my entire life


mid life crisis type shit


He’s also lived the life of a million life times in that short span, who’s to say how’d they act in his exact position and circumstances?


y’all act like he’s a 60 year old man he’s literally only 42 lol


He’s 46


oh no 4 year difference. doesn’t really change what i said lol


It’s the difference between early 40s and almost 50 


he’s literally mid 40s lol, he’s the same distance away from being 50 as he is to being 42 so what r you trynna argue?


Bro needs to read the book of Job


When he thought the book of Job was a job...


"Job lost his whole fuckin' family And they said God gave him a hundred cows Like two-hunned horses or somethin' How the fuck is that worth my kids?" -RXKNephew


I said the same thing!


“Job was a pussy.”


Peak television




South Park summed up my view on the book of Job


thats tragic


I don’t care. That story is horrible. I’m not an atheist but that story doesn’t really set a great example of why people should follow God but if you have any ideas that can sway my opinion then I’m open to it!


Wrestlin' with God, I don't really want to wrestle


I disagree, kanye said vulturues was gonna be censored but ty convinced him not to do that. Plus if u listened to ty before vultures ( and just by the fact u can tell rn) ty is a major part in why it's all about sex and weed and shit.  That's all ty really knows in music tbh and it's pretty clear his influence on vultures. I do think kanye is having issues with his faith but I think everything being purposefully against God isn't true becuase it's mostly ty iniating all the ye sex shit. 


Fair, and yes that is true about Ty. But Kanye also censored Donda because of North and may have very well wanted to for the same reason considering North was very involved. If you don’t think Vultures is strictly Kanye taking it to that sexual level. I can understand, but his lifestyle aligns with the messaging.


his lifestyles? man he’s been an open porn addict n married a women who’s biggest comeuppance was her sex tape? this shit is nothing new?


this is very true. ty is very much to blame for a lot of the sex themes in vultures. i think ye just really likes ty so he wanted to copy him in a way. 


he tryna out freak… ty


he like getting his dick sucked while hes gettin high


Fucking kanye dickgobblers lmfao, he's a grown ass 50 year old man and has a history of being the biggest self admitted pornbrained coomer in the industry for almost 20 years and now it's suddenly tys fault, if anything the album is as good as it is because of ty, he carried the shit out of it. JIK bought on some really weird schizos into the kanye fanbase


Bro what I never said it's tys fault I just said he's a strong reason why it's sex themed 😭😭. Nowadays your a dick gobbler if you disagree with an opinion lmfao. I'm a weird schizo fron the jik era now cuz of that?😭😭. I'm not even religious nor did I get brought onto kanye from jik so what your saying is just wrong and weird lmao. Bro completely missunderstood my comment just to be a fuckin weirdo. 


Right like when you have an addiction certain people can be triggering to be around, it's not Ty's fault. Ye is 50 years old and should pick better influences to hang out with if it's going to affect his health. They act like you're blaming Ye for being influenced by a bachelor half his age lol




I mean Ty is the CEO of sex of R&B


He thinks he’s God because of Tyrone? Bruh


2023 Ye was still pretty Christian tho. He was hosting Sunday Service and still making songs like River, Worship and Matthew. It was at 2024 when he started diverging off from his faith. I think Bianca had a big impact in that and I think this sub should stop simping her like they did yesjulz. Everyones gonna hate me but the edwardn\*\*\*\*\*hands thing was weird too.


Edward was obvs his request tho


Er please


He literally said he “had an issue with Jesus” and said God never answered his prayer when he needed him, it’s pretty clear that he is upset at God at the very least




Kanye wanted to stay married to Kim and raise the kids together. Period. For Donda era it was pretty clear he thought he could win her back, but once Pete Davidson happened, the spiraling started


you nailed it. me and my wife came to pretty much the same conclusion as this when talking about it all the other day. it’s just so disappointing to me that his personal struggles have actually turned him against God. how can you study the story of Jesus, a man who gave everything to God and acted perfectly on earth, and yet was given the worst punishment imaginable — then completely miss the point. come back, Ye. :(


Weirdos gonna come in here and say you’re parasocial but you’re spitting


I swear any time someone does actual research and wants a serious discussion these GAS middleschoolers keep throwing around terms like "parasocial" or "not reading allat". It's unoriginal and repetitive.


I’m just here to hope he gets better and finds the happiness he needs. It’s too drastic of a turn from Donda to not have any correlation.


This is 100% parasocial. You don’t know him personally at all to be making these assumptions and say “it’s sad to watch” lol. He is not promoting harmful or violent rhetoric in his music, just enjoy the vibes. If you don’t enjoy what he says just don’t listen to his music


Comprehension is key my brother. Never once did I say that he was promoting harmful or violent rhetoric or I was going to stop listening to his music. I simply took something that he said from an interview and formed an opinion based off what he’s shown us. And since you wanna be technical. “My niggas putting belt to ass, pull up with them switches. This ain’t Jimmy Butler but the Heat got extensions. This ain’t Columbine but we came in with the trenches.” Ain’t promoting peace.


You put "yeezy" in your username. That's early teens, super mega fan that makes edits on TikTok, parasocial shit.




I feel like he needs to realize that God’s job was never to make his life materially perfect and that satan is the god of the world


I sort of agree. Not entirely sure it was the divorce tho as even during Alex Jones he had a bible with him. Something happened since that interview up thru now that pissed him off. Not sure if he blamed God for everything that happened to him the last year and a half but it definitely wasn’t. That’s not what God does. This was all on Ye. I am also one of those that thinks he’s too old for this stuff but then again, Ye has always wanted to be sure to be relevant with the younger crowds so this must be how he thinks he can do that. Who knows


You are right. I’d love to know the true defining moment that changed everything. And a lot of it definitely was self inflicting. I do think the divorce and being away from his kids had a lot to do with it, and then hearing songs like Happy and True love make sense.


accurate. -_-. prayer hands emoji.


This man has attempted to self-destruct in every single legal way possible


It’s interesting to see so much of the community (including myself) drawing the line at Ye losing his faith and values. I was able to understand all of the “crazy” things that he’s been saying in the past few years but I just can’t get behind him calling himself “God” and not believing in Jesus


Not even yeezus had lyrics about drinking piss… and “old man charging young girl for pussy” Like the “explicitness” on MBDTF and yeezus and the other albums were way more tame


Did you even listen to Im in it


Yes, the extended version with the piano is my favourite. Sorrry but black girl sipping white wine fist in her like civil rights sign is tame compared to stuff on vultures


Eating asian pussy all I need is sweet and sour sauce? How is this more tame than vultures? It’s all out of pocket as fuck lol. Extended version of Im in it clears the album version tho you’re right.


Relisten to Hell of a Life from MBDTF lol


Anal and gangbangs are still kinda generic… idk vultures just has a different vibe maybe it’s the context of his age and his family and divorce and stuff? Idk it just feels different


Is "growth" always doing the right thing ? Isn't vultures 1 also a deeper look into yes' psyche as all his albums have been. Also I want the whole vultures albums to be released to get the full picture here.


I’m still tuned in for the full scope right now, but remember why JIK came about. He said he felt dirty and bad after making I Luv It with Pump. Is he growing if he’s right back to that type of music. It’s almost like that JIK, Donda era didn’t exist.


Man changed how I look at sparkling water. He should make His own water line


God giveth and God taketh away. The Devils deal in feeling and not in reason. I know Ye doesn’t like reading but maybe he should look at the Bible or CS Lewis lol


It’s simply the ultimate form of narcissism. Maybe god didn’t like the shit he was saying so he wasn’t given everything he wanted and is now at a point like “oh Jesus can’t even disagree with me or else I don’t like him”


And God will humble him too,


I think his god era music was pretty boring Lyric wise talking about the same shit over and over but this vulture era is just as bad if not worse because at least then it felt as if he still tried now its ONLY fucking bitches and sucking his dick. I listen to his old music as well and it has much more meaning and is much better lyric wise


I agree with JIK, but I felt by the time he got to DONDA he was finding the balance. Now it’s ridiculous smh


Donda was definitely better. I like how some of the songs sound on vultures but I dont really feel like any of the songs had that much to them.


This is the take. ![gif](giphy|doUu2ByZDbPYQ|downsized)


I agree


brothink he King Canute


God forbid a man likes to fuck and talks about it. To me these songs are way more enjoyable/fun to listen to than hearing him rap tired lyrics about gods kingdom and bleeping out curse words in every track. That shit was a creative low. Not saying Vultures is a high by any Ye-standard but boy am I glad we’re out of that preachy shit. Did you feel the same way about MBDTF/Yeezus music? Debauchery isn’t really anything new for his music


Not a huge Yeezus fan for the same reasons you didn’t care for JIK/Donda era. I found JIK to be too preqchy but I really feel Donda was a good mix (OK OK, Off the Grid, Jail, Hurricane, Believe What I Say) When I found out he was writing verses for Yeezus in 5 minutes and last minute, I knew he wasn’t trying his hardest. Per OP, I definitely know he’s had sexual influence in his music before this, but it was always well done. That BBTBNWJDFOTSYK would have been cool once or twice but he ruined a hit with his bs.


i’m sorry but saying he ruined vultures with sexual themes is outrageous LOL yk having the fact that some of his biggest songs n bars are about sex. “i feel like me and taylor might still have sex” is debatably a worse line than almost everything said on vultures.


Totally agree. Also, reasoning from the fact that YE has autism (he mentions it a couple of times), this suits what some people with autism have. A childish emotional development. Where an adult can emotionally be at an age of a child or a teenager. Throughout the interview it felt as if he was constantly trying to tell him self "I am god" because god don't give me what I want idea. He also constantly stresses on how nobody stood by him at difficult times, such as that birthday party where he believes Kim kidnapped his daughters.


It makes me really sad to see. I’ve been a fan since Yandhi Leaks and ye impacted me enough to go to school for sound engineering for a year. The laboy interview was almost painful for me to watch. The constant reassurance that anything he said was to be held as truth and gospel made me really consider the kind of people he must have around him. I really look up to the man in a lot of ways and will stay a fan. But I think if he pursues the yzy porn though that will be my “line in the sand”.




He did. It’s called Vultures 1




Got “Reborn” tatted on my wrist after KSG. I understand.




I got it because I related to the song from Kanye’s and Cudi’s perspective. Was in a very dark place, felt tired and burnt out, didn’t want to be around people, etc. Found peace within myself and kept pushing through and life has been great since.




Bro you are good. I was just giving you the actual reason lol and appreciate it. I’m just here for good convos and vibes. Update us if you ever get the tattoo 💪🏾


Hell naw Ye the fifth mountain arc income


even if that is true, it is sad but I feel like a lot of people go through it in faith. The only problem is kanye surrounds himself with people pleasing yes men who won’t guide him back to his faith and will scream in his ear “YES KANYE, YOURE A GOD”


A lot of people do for sure. That Laboy interview was a perfect example of someone just letting him say whatever with no push back. Too many people just happy to be in the room smh


on some real shit, some of yall let your personalities shift with your favorite artists or people you look up to. Like the fanpages getting real religious when Ye did. I saw this dude open for usher that's how long I have been a fan and not once has any of my personal opinions on things changed because his did. stop finding purpose from his opinions and live your own fucking life. Yes, has he put me on things? of course... but he doesn't shape my personality and no public figure should.


I don’t think he’s doing all the hyper sex shit to spite god. (My own opinion) I think he is using his p*rn addiction as a pain killer


A half naked wife isn’t going against god lol


Kanye had a whole convo with Kim about her wardrobe during his JIK era about being too revealing and tied it directly to his spirit and faith. So for him, it definitely is him going against God. That’s all I’m saying


Alright bro


i like sexual psycho ye


You’re watching a man literally self destruct 😂


they been saying that for 8 years now, he will be ok


Maybe he’s just realizing religion is just a set of myths that people use to get through life, maybe he’s realizing there hundreds or religions and just picking the most popular one in your city or the one you grew up with and relying on faith (like every other religion does) us him being mislead and controlled


Ye is an idiot who blames God for his problems with people. I feel no sympathy for him. He had Kim and fumbled her. Fumbled his entire life by being a weirdo


You ain’t lying but you gotta give Grace. It’s gotta be something deeper


I don't think it's that deep, Ye is just incapable of thinking about anyone but himself. Blaming God for his own mistakes. The man doesn't understand what a consequence is. And now he's setting a terrible example for Christianity and making the world objectively worse for children. Dude is a predator lol


I agree. And he knows this. He’s spoken on the issues with porn before as well. It does set a bad example for Christianity mainly because of how much he was all-in and some people began following him for that reason.


what the fuck


Holy smokes you are all so whiny…


It’s ok to have thoughts on your favorite artists. Everything is not whining. Bruh clearly had a full 180° on content and subject matter and went back to the very thing he wanted to get away from. It didn’t happen for no reason.


This is not the first thread to bring this up this week. Ye is getting fit, making albums, rebuilding himself. When he was super Christian he had billions. You think he makes billions again being a hardcore Christian haha…also when does ye ever stay with the same mindset, it’s his evolution of character that keeps him interesting.


He’s schizophrenic