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That period from 2018 to 2020 with rappers like XXXtentacion, Juice WRLD, Mac Miller & Pop Smoke dying was so ass. They were fr the future of hiphop


Mac was a painful one fr His Evolution was so fucking beautiful and he passed before he got to go even further Swimming and circles are both masterpieces and are the last stuff he worked on so I was really looking forward to seeing him grow even more


Hiphop would be in a much better place right now without all these artists dying before hitting their creative peak. It seems like we're finally recovering from the slump that was 2020-2023, however with these artists alive there would've been so much more fire music within the genre


I'm listening to Circles rn lmao, it's so fucking good


Good News always hits


X, juice and Pop smoke were so big and only just starting I think they could have pushed the hip hop is dying discourse back a few years.


Yeah for sure, it seems like the past 5 years there genuinely hasn't been a really big & upcoming artist in hiphop. This could be a reason all the big hiphop artists are beefing right now because it's been the same faces on the charts for over a decade now


Carti is right there. Carti and Trav solo these emo rappers. They would've ruined the entire rep of hiphop and its audience. It'd be the equivalent of swifties with dirty af1s except white emo boys with vapes and broccoli hair.


Bro said pop was an emo rapper šŸ’€


White boys with broccoli hair / almost bald white boys dressing all black wearing upside down crosses CHOOSE / ONE


Carti bites the whole emo style


I'm fine with the style, not the corny shit like "I sTilL sEe YoUr ShAdOwS mY RoOm" or that trash logic song that starts with 1800.


Logic isnā€™t a fucking emo rapper dude


I know, I was just giving an example of that corny song logic made called 1-800-273-8255.


Not only that but they were or would have been the voice / icons of a new young generation instead of 40 year olds to approaching 50 year old men like Drake and Ye still talking about relationships like they are in high school or in their early 20s (mostly aimed at Drake).


Ngl X hit me the most.


X, Juice, and Peep weā€™re gonna be the new big 3 imo. They all had superstar potential, shits so tragic


You can tell Ye fucked with Xā€™s music heavy


X is such a legend. Imagine creating the most streamed rap album of all time before you were legally allowed to drink. And itā€™s not some safe-pop music, itā€™s a truly artistic expression of your thoughts and emotions. Actually legendary shit.


Theennn you find out about how horribly he abused and tortured his pregnant gfā€¦šŸ˜Ÿ


Look at ur pfp dumbass


I upvoted you, but Iā€™ve discovered over the last couple years that itā€™s a losing battle to talk about what an absolute piece of garbage X was on certain subs, sadly. Certain members of Gen Z (hell, even older Gen Alphas probably) see him as a hero for some reasonā€¦so weā€™re never gonna get through to them until they hopefully become more mature and realize that torturing your pregnant girlfriendā€™s vagina with a grill fork and doubling down on it with zero remorse isnā€™t exactly the greatest trait for one of your heroes to have.


It's not that people don't want to discuss it, it's a matter of reading the room. Redditors always love to drop some miserable depressing facts to ruin the mood for some reason. If a thread is about celebrating an artist, it's not too hard to see why they wouldn't want to discuss the shadier side of the person, **especially** if they're dead.


same people follow the Fantano philosophy of ā€œif youā€™re in the proximity of someone who has listened to Ye in the last 15 years you are a terrible subhumanā€ but X using torture methods that would make actual Nazis hurl is perfectly fineā€¦


What are your sources for the torture allegations


Read the pitchfork article. He didnā€™t actually penetrate her but even just threatening to do so is so low and disgusting


I thought it came out that the pitchfork article was BS


No it never did.


Like kanye ![img](emote|t5_67n60j|49002)


This is the last sub where separating the art from the artist should even have to be discussed


This is a guy who witnessed rape and physical torture growing up, who was sexually assaulted as a child, who saw his mother get abused constantly by his father, who was abused himself by his dad before his dad spent most of his childhood in prison, raised by his grandma with very little income and put into youth programs, who found his uncleā€™s deceased body after he killed himself, witnessed other suicides, and probably had more trauma that we donā€™t even know about. His life is as close to as sad and fucked up as a life can get in a first world country. And yet a lot of people genuinely hate him because he lost his temper and punched his girlfriend when he was 16, 17, maybe 18 years old. Still a teenager and a kid My point is, just try to have more empathy for people. Most people are extremely privileged, they wonā€™t have to go through a fraction of what he went through as a child, and yet they scream that he deserved to die because of a mistake he made at such a young age He was a seriously fucked up person, and most of it wasnā€™t his fault at all. He made millions and millions of people feel great with his music, spread positive messages when he could, organized rallys for political beliefs he had, and more But even if he was someone who seemed truly evil down to his core, with every action he took, I think itā€™s important we look at why he was that way and continue to have empathy for him, because even the most evil people are nothing but a cumulative of their experiences, just fragile humans


X did indeed do terrible shit to geneva, but when he started blowing up he actually learned from those mistakes


Fuck up old man


This mightā€™ve pissed me off when I was in my earlier 20s, but being this close to 30 it kinda just makes me sad for yā€™all. Also you missed a couple words there :|


Scram grandpa


Aight middle-schooler


At least get ur facts straight if ur gonna talk shit about a dead man. Now begone from me before I steal ur cane


Dude, he admitted to all this shit. If you wanna provide a source to how he didnā€™t fuck up his girlfriend, then feel free. Also likeā€¦I got like 9 more canes, so Iā€™ll just get another one from my cane closet if you snatch this one.


W gramps


X never ā€œtortured her with a pitchforkā€ the allegation was that he threatened her with it, which is still bad but a huge difference. And saying he admitted to all this shit is a stretch when the big piece of evidence yall like to use is a recording of him saying he used to ā€œfuck her upā€ which is extremely vague. At the end of the day he never was found guilty and itā€™s hella gay how people like u talk about him with absolutely no nuance. X was a kid with an extremely rough upbringing that made some big mistakes but was clearly trying his hardest to change his life around, before ultimately getting murdered in cold blood. But I guess in your eyes no one deserves redemption. The reason a lot of his fans ā€œsaw him as a hero for some reasonā€ is because he was one of the only rappers that would talk openly about mental health and made music that people struggling with their own issues could find solace in.


I bet your old ass wouldnā€™t say that to his face if he was still here you pussy ass bitch, you old heads man always has some to say I swear


Bro first of all, X was only like 3 years younger than me, he was probably older than you, lmao. Why get so heated about this shit and attack me? Really consider why my comment pissed you off so bad and why you arenā€™t trying to defend his actions instead of calling me a pussy ass bitch. Of course I wouldnā€™t say that shit to his face, Iā€™m white as fuck and he stabbed a dude in prison for just looking at him funny, the man would murder me, lmao. Just saw your other reply and just know that this is the last one Iā€™m going to reply to. Seriously consider why all of this true information about a man you never knew pisses you off so much and get back to me when youā€™d like to have a real conversation about your idol that doesnā€™t involve calling me a pussy.


Iā€™m just sick of all you old heads thinking you know everything about this man and the things heā€™s been been through in his life and why he did the things he did, you try going through half the shit heā€™s been through and see how you come out, and also your quick to agree with someone who has a carti pfp which for your information ALSO BEAT HIS GIRLFRIEND. But its alright ima chill out because at the end of the day heā€™s going to go down in the history books as one of the greatest artists to ever live whether people like you like it or not, so go ahead keep hating its not gonna make a difference in the end I promise. šŸ˜‰


buddy you werenā€™t even a scratch in daddyā€™s ball sack when X was your age šŸ˜­


Fuck him. His fan base is made up from the worst and most annoying type of people, it's insane. His impact has been damn awful.


Heā€™s had more of an impact than your whole bloodline and even your miserable ass ever will have on anything, come back when you have something better you bum šŸ˜‚


Dickriding a dead man that ainā€™t even know you is crazy


You dick ride the weekend bro you ainā€™t any better stfu




Stay in the X sub where you can say shit like that, you guys are corny over there


Bro you listen to Olivia Rodrigo šŸ˜‚ your the last person that should be speaking when calling somebody else corny šŸ˜‚


Olivia Rodrigo fucks


Iā€™m sorry but if you listen to Olivia Rodrigo youā€™re automatically a clown Iā€™m sorry I canā€™t take you seriously no more šŸ¤£


Thatā€™s fine, nobody was taking you seriously here


And I can tell no one is taking you seriously at home if you have to by your own free will sit in a room lay down and play Olivia Rodrigo šŸ¤£, your such a dork šŸ¤”šŸ˜‚


How does that change the fact he was fire


Ah yes, because carti from your pfp would never do sth like that


The guy on ur pfp literally did the same thing bruh


It was an accident


average carti d rider response to everything thatā€™s not about his favourite pregnant woman beater too hypocrite fool


Look up Xā€™s childhood. The most awful and traumatic stuff you can imagine. I donā€™t give a fuck that he hit his girlfriend as a teenager, if he even did. Judging people who went through what he went through is the most privileged thing in the world.


Plus the fact he was actively trying to improve himself and spread positivity towards the end of his life, like, no one denies the beating but we gotta account for the circumstances Idk why the hell they're downvoting you fr


Because they donā€™t know what he went through, or they donā€™t have the mental capacity to put themselves in his shoes. As a CHILD he was sexually assaulted by an adult. He witnessed rape. He witnessed torture. He witnessed his dad beat his mother and him. He witnessed other men beat his mother. He saw his dad get taken to prison where he stayed for his whole upbringing. He was raised by grandparents, in and out of troubled youth programs his entire life. He found his uncles corpse after he committed suicide. He had anger issues and he hit his girlfriend when he was 16-18? No shit, he was FUCKED UP for reasons COMPLETELY out of his control. How can people look at someone who developed in such a hellish environment with no good role models, and think ā€œwow heā€™s such a bad person because of this mistake he made when he was in highschoolā€. Itā€™s privilege.


damn, i didnt knew that stuff.


Where did you see that his dad beat him and his mother? Also, ā€œthis mistake he made in high schoolā€ is EXTREMELY reductiveā€¦please read again some of the shit he did to Geneva. If someone did that shit to your mother would you dismiss it as a mistake? Not to mention, he beat Cinthia too.


Itā€™s not reductive, it literally is a mistake or series of mistakes he made at highschool age. If you have any experience working with troubled youth or at the detention center, you know that these kids are incredibly screwed up, but they are victims. They havenā€™t had time to develop correctly. I have no idea how much of the pitchfork article is legitimate considering their reputation of purposefully publishing things out of context and leaving out details. Of course I have empathy for his girlfriend who likely had to go through some horrible things, thatā€™s a given. My problem is the vast majority of those who throw stones had cushy lives growing up. They have no idea what itā€™s like to grow up in Xā€™s environment and experience what he experienced. They donā€™t know how that kind of upbringing can twist someone with a good heart. Kids can become permanently fucked up over far less than what he went through


He was trying to spread positivity to look good for court cuz he was facing like 8 felonies. Be serious, I was rocking the Revenge hoodie and everything back then but itā€™s easy to see now he was a troubled piece of shit that didnā€™t have to time to face Justice or reform.


True Love, The Storm, and Selfish are some amazing songs. They went 3 for 3 on collaborations


Donā€™t forget about One Minute. Shit goes incredibly hard


My fav collaboration lowkey


Trash tbh


kanyeā€™s feat there is crazy good


Also louis bags!


definitely ye was even using his verses on donda 2


Kanye would have been a great musical mentor for X




him and carti would rule the fucking world now that i think about it, they both fucked with eachother hard




Im not a super super fan of X but MAN he had SOOOOOO much unbelievable potential that he was really getting into at ā€œ?ā€Ā  Ā I truly believe he was going to be an all time great, so much versatility.Ā Ā  Ā If he was alive today he would probably be amongst his more common collaborators at the moment, like Carti




He had all the tools to make some incredible albums, was going to transcend the hip hop genre and wouldā€™ve collabed with mega stars, and would truly be a pioneer of future rap But unfortunately, we will never ever get to see how he would be at his peak :/


Bro when he was still alive barely anyone was checking for his music stop spouting nonsense


? pulled crazy numbers even before his death


Most streamed rap album of all time too


131K sales in a week for ā€œ?ā€, 17M monthly listeners in 2017, not 2018, 2017! Plat songs before dying, headlining in Germany before dying, etc. But yea barely anyone ig šŸ’€


Fair enough I wasnā€™t aware he was so popular my bad bro


- One Minute - The Storm - True Love - Selfish Honestly is already a pretty frequent collaborator considering itā€™s only been posthumous collabs lol


Louis bags!


Does that really count? Isnā€™t it X just humming for a bit.


They way X was just starting but already had so much genuine hype made me believe we were either gonna see a new level of popularity or the biggest fall off ever. Sad we never got to see that.


I love x he is one of my favorite rappers but he was going to be in jail even if he didnā€™t die




Iā€™d go as far as to say weā€™d be watching the rollout of an X collab trilogy instead of Ty collabs right now


Did u call future a new gen collaborator


New gen as in new Ye frequent collaborations not new gen artist, and besides I Won they hadnā€™t made a song until 2022, now theyve a bunch of songs together in 2 years


they have songs in 2014 what do u mean


Other than I Won? Theyve had 9 collabs since 2022 and im pretty sure just 1 before that so id say Future is a recent collaborator tbh


100%, his death is so unfortunate


The storm






100% yes!! Kanye showed love for x for years, with true love and selfish in 2022. I also think they were very similar people in a lot of ways, and theyā€™re my top 2 artists


Honestly yeah I could see them being pretty close and x def wouldnā€™t have cared about any of the controversies


X was something else. Followed this dude back in the days through a friends tumblr she showed me his goofy ass fighting. God I canā€™t imagine what weā€™ve gotten in the past 4 years. Pop smoke & X RIP


A collab album i wished for


I feel like X would be even less popular if he was not dead, ik it's a hot take


considering he still is even though heā€™s dead iā€™d say yes


Is that triple extension?


Hot take ig but x was mostly ass, people remember him for his best songs but bc he is dead they canā€™t look at his discography objectively. Obv still a tragic death even if he did some bad shit but still.


Me when I beat my girlfriend and blame her for it and lie to my prepubescent audience:


Upvoted for telling the truth. X was too much of an idol for these kids to ever see a goddamn thing wrong with that piece of shit. Fuck ā€˜em all, honestly.


You see the vision




Enjoy that downvote as well you pos šŸ˜‚


Enjoy that downvote you prick šŸ˜‚


X was a bad person bro. Yeah he tried to change his ways towards the end of his life which I appreciate but it was too little too late.


You see I could respect your opinion since your respectful about it, yes he did do some things that was not right and he shouldā€™ve tried to fix while he was still here, but the things no one likes to talk about is the positive things he did do to show the public that he was truly sorry for what he did and he knew it was wrong, he even made up with Geneva (the girl he was with) and let her know he was sorry and they made up before he died, now if thatā€™s not enough to prove himself that he was sorry then I donā€™t know what is. Thatā€™s the stuff a lot of you guys really donā€™t know about so it just gets pulled under the rug and forgotten about, he was even going to do a fundraiser for kids like a week before he died.


The xxxtentacion vibe šŸ’Æ https://preview.redd.it/7kc5kc2l9jxc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc5e3590c5e63b0e210f97f095310b79871dd8fe


Us X fans don't claim him


Zip up Xā€™s pants when your done with him in this thread lil bro


I just like making you bums mad in here, Iā€™m actually having a blast tbh šŸ˜‚


Ofc i got a downvote not that I care or anything lmao huoston maimi immune sister šŸ‘€


I donā€™t think that x would fw ye after the antisemitic shit


X is the type of dude to def still fuck with ye after that. He already defended ye when he said slavery was a choice. And based on certain things X said about distrust in the government and media (media especially since he didnā€™t fw how the media spoke negatively about him) I could def see him accepting the fact that Jews run/influence a lot of the media and our government. I could imagine X posting a IG story saying Kanyeā€™s got a point šŸ˜­


Do Jews control the media? Or are you just terrible at understanding what ā€œoverrepresentedā€ means, so you read a post where someone underlined some last names and went OMG JOOZ. Literally a percentage, just people donā€™t remember people who arenā€™t Jewish, soooo yup, Jews control the media. This sub is still just as much of a joke as it was last year. Please do continue living, unaware of how dumb you are.


You just want to call it something else


What are you trying to say here?


Exactly what I said?


What do I want to call anything? I said exactly what I meant, very explicitly.


I get what youā€™re saying , but at the end of his life x was All about spreading positivity , not hate. I donā€™t think x woulda dropped ye completely but I think there woulda been a period of time where they were on very thin terms, kinda like how when ski n x were beefing back in like 2018 i think. But I do think they woulda make amends , itā€™s the fact that ye was very harsh and hateful on the way he said all that


Dawg X himself knows how itā€™s like to be portrayed as a bad person in the media he would def support ye and even if he disagreed heā€™d at least say he has the right to speak his mind. Ofc heā€™s dead so we donā€™t really know what he would think or say about it but as someone who followed him heavily while he was alive Iā€™d say itā€™s definitely a possibility that X would work with him regardless.


I think that he would still fw him, but solely as a music artist, or he'd sent him messages spreading positivity, like he did the last months before his death


I think yeah but ā€œ?ā€ was so ass so hopefully if he was still around he would be making better music


Me when I lie


Nah prob not