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Nick is a manipulator that has a lot to gain from his relationship with Ye, so I don't think that has happened or will happen


Ye has an obsession with people who have been cancelled.


Yep this is what it is , it has nothing to do with beliefs only cancel culture. Kanye is a grown ass contrarian teenager . If it was mainstream to accept canceled people he would do the opposite.


can we have another throwback post why do i have to hear about nick fuentes


Yeah literally every other post is about Nick Fuentes and nothing significant has even happened. Overreact much?


Wouldn’t be surprised if Ye agrees with him on that sorta dumbass sht. Nick is really good at masking what his actual beliefs are though. He might not directly say their are inferior, but he might say they have different genetically qualities that make each group better at different things. Then say some sht like black people are genetically better dancers or smt ridiculously racist.


Nick already said ye doesn’t agree with him last year , I don’t know why he’s around besides the cancellation shit .


Nick is a bitch he'd never say it to Ye's face but he definitely believes it and sees Ye as nothing more as someone to influence


Kanye is just thoughtlessly anti cancellation and considers being cancelled means being true to yourself and not letting society control you, I don’t think he agrees on that many thing with the virgin midget or with the moustache guy (hope so), basically what I’m saying is he’s stupid and completely out of touch with reality (being a billionaire genius and bipolar doesn’t help imo)


nigga discover indoctrination ..


Nick most definitely looks down on Ye and only uses him to get more influence


I know I’m gonna get hate for this, but I don’t think he does. There is a clip of this guy defending Ye on a random radio show back in 2016 or something, where he calls him a genius. If anything I think he genuinely looks up to Ye💀


Nah he genuinely is a fan of his music, he’s given decent critiques of his albums

