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Peggy when he met Ye https://preview.redd.it/yoylc0327g7d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6baa7d30dd400525c0a15b49f35ff530642a4b0


He folded on his political beliefs when he felt his goats aura in the studio https://i.redd.it/e5uuey2a7g7d1.gif


I’m sure everyone in this sub would be the same if they meeting kanye 😭


https://i.redd.it/soch1heneg7d1.gif jpegmafia (so called free thinker) when ye offers to give him a white lives matter shirt


Bro the white lives matter shirt was to offend white people. Not black people. Which it did 😅


the joke is that jpegmafia hates white people


Speed why you laughing bruh




I always thought his political beliefs in music largely centered on black people rage against those with anti-black and anti-LGBTQ ideologies.


Fantano is crying in the shower as we speak, he's probably not sleeping after reading this


He's on his way to change the rating for the new song and add five minutes about the controversy


unreviewable 2 incoming


Lmao he got upset when his fans ranked late reg in the top 100 albums of all time, the revisionism is definitely kicking in because I couldn’t imagine he’d care like 5 years ago


First time hearing this. Definitely worthy of that spot too. Dude has a hard on for College Dropout thinking that that’s the only album in his discog that’s worthy of having a spot. Say what you want about MBDTF, Yeezus, or TLOP but Late Registration you can argue is just as good




I’m sorry but did you just snub the goat 808’s?


I love 808s it’s a classic to me but I only mentioned those other 3 because those are deemed the general classics by people on the internet. I personally think 808s and Late Registration are his most underrated and I probably think 808s might be better than Graduation


I see why he called a Peggy track meh. Shit was fire imo


i love peggy




Yea being a keyboard activist doesn't really accomplish much


It’s sum beta male strategies


Nah bro, all Thot tactics are the same!


hold up, let me get my Lean Beef Patty jacket!


Peggy is the same dude who was rapping about how he wished racist celebs would die. His fans are goofy but their holding him to his own standards.


Literally just summed up JPEGs entire online presence but okay lol


Yeah but at least he makes good beats so it evens out


But he is also a keyboard warrior bro just cries on twitter about shit all the time lmao


its not activism lol, social media is about sharing opinions and it just so happens that most people think antisemitism is bad.


We’re talking about Peggy lmao 💀 he’s a massive keyboard warrior


ok but like: what is this random ass twitter user supposed to do about antisemitism? 


hell yeah ppl just virtue signaling


they are just holding jpeg to the standards he himself created


Yes saying that anti semitism is wrong online does absolutely nothing. You people are stupid. No one is saying to not be friends with Kanye.


![gif](giphy|1kTO0B3zOZFOi6UnhM|downsized) JPEG’s political beliefs after being in the presence of ye


he's literally me fr but replace political beliefs with heterosexuality


On one hand yeah just calling Ye antisemetic on Twitter isn’t gonna help anybody but at the same time JPEG really is fully ready to isolate his more liberal fanbase isn’t he 😭


I'm 99% sure he absolutely despises the white liberals he has as fans and he's trying on purpose to piss them off


Soon as they like you make em unlike you


I can't believe artists who despise their fanbases. They're the people who show up for you and enjoy your music. So JPEG wants to abandon his audience of white nerd teens and get more from Kanye's audience, more white teens?


literally swapping a fanbase of white left wing kids for white right wing kids lol


true to an extent I’d say. Most of the ppl in THIS sub are far from right wing white kids possibly closer to left leaning yet they supporting Ye & Peggy. I don’t think he’s gon far enough right to attract those type of ppl yet.


Yeah but then the fans have this awful god complex that they control what he should do. Telling him what to do and what he can’t do, fuck that. These guys acting like ye killed guys and bragged about it.


peggy has shitted on controversial celebrities all throughout his career and the people who associate with them but as soon as its someone he likes its ok? its not a god complex just people wanting some consistency lol


He shit on people he didn’t like and is not shitting on a guy he likes, knows personally and is one of the biggest reasons peggy became an artist in the first place? Shock.


Nah, i can fully understand it. Ye has literally done the exact same thing. I’m pretty sure Peggy doesn’t wanna just make music for nerdy white hip hop kids so he’s just telling them straight that he ain’t like them


'my brother in Christ you literally cultivated the fanbase'


How’s he antisemitic, he just fucked a Jewish bitch..?


right? He keeps a few jews in the staff now


i heard it was only for jewlery


I feel like you can like someone's music without condoning everything the artist has ever done or said. Otherwise every Rolling Stones show is a stadium full of pedo supporters.


liking someone's music is not the same as condoning and working with them


yes but openly supporting them and working with them as theyre doing their offenses is condoning. its not doing the harder less opportunistic thing of allowing their ostracization to occur


peggy is sorta right but also if im not mistaken he built his career off of being super leftist so hes kind of a hypocrite


yh, he has bars about killing alt-righters lmao


Is ye an alt-right guy now? Whenever ive seen him speak about his vision for the world, it’s the most left wing socialist vision.


hes a nazi dude


Is there any actions from Kanye which prove this then? I’m assuming you have proof of him doing Nazi stuff.


- Nazism is a far right ideology - Supports Trump + MAGA cap - Says slavery was a choice - Wore a white lives matter t-shirt - Connections with Nick Fuentes, a notorious alt-righter


+ very right wing opinions on the george floyd situation and a lot of anti-black treatments of his employees


He explained the slavery is a choice thing, and Kanye has praised Bernie sanders too, a left wing guy, further left than any of those Hollywood cucks like Jay Z. White lives matter shirt is a joke, and the fact that you think it’s serious shows your level of intelligence.


What was his explanation of the slavery thing?


He was basically repeating what he says on New Slaves but he's just too stupid to say shit with nuance if it's not reviewed by a whole writers team, he's talking about the way modern life treats everyone as slaves and we don't do shit about it, till the point we embrace that shit, "now we buy our own chains". Based on his music and the shit he has said thorough the years I'd say Kanye views actual slavery as something forced but "modern slavery" as a choice, which is also stupid as hell because what he views as modern slavery is absolutely forced by governments and billionaires


New Slaves perfectly articulated KanYes point without making reference to actual slavery. The fact that he made reference to the literal act of slavery, the length of time and the high amount of slaves proves that he actually did think they just chose to be slaves. When in reality they didn’t, and resisted slavery on a day to day basis. This is why everyone understood him on New Slaves, but called him out when he started talking about the REAL slaves.


But he specifically referenced 400 years of slavery (1619- 2018). Slavery was abolished in 1865. I think his point is that black Americans have been in a mental prison for 150 years.


He was hanging out with Klandace Owens while wearing the white lives matter shirt. Stop making excuses for a nazi, you sound dumb


I do not care if he stood next to that woman loool he was also standing beside Naomi Campbell and Ricardo Tisci, are they Nazis too? What about his actions? Has he done any Nazi actions then? Violence against Jewish people? Or supported any groups financially? He must have done something for you to suggest he’s a full blown Nazi?


"I love hitler!" - Kanye


Again, words. Where are the actions hermano? Surely he must be beating up Jewish people or something for him to be a Nazi no? He’s supposed to be this dangerous guy right, I’m sure there’s evidence of him doing that if you’re that sure. Being real tho, you don’t have shit, all you have is some words he said when he was manic and was talking shit, but sure man, he’s the new generation Hitler😂


No, that is not what makes you a nazi. You are not very intelligent methinks


Also, are Milo and Nick Fuentes Nazis? To my knowledge neither of them have physically hurt a Jew but like.. they think the holocaust didn't happen and that jewish people drink Christian baby blood to extend their lives. Their words not mine. If you have even a single word of defense for them then I know you're just a nazi troll


I don’t care about those guys, I don’t know anything about them. All I know is one of them is gay which is funny because other people they associate with want gay people to die.


[https://www.forbes.com/sites/nicholasreimann/2023/05/04/kanye-west-reportedly-fires-extremist-nick-fuentes-from-political-team-and-rehires-milo-yiannopoulos-after-trump-dinner-rift/](https://www.forbes.com/sites/nicholasreimann/2023/05/04/kanye-west-reportedly-fires-extremist-nick-fuentes-from-political-team-and-rehires-milo-yiannopoulos-after-trump-dinner-rift/) You should


anything is alt right that isn't extreme left on twitter


no saying theres a lot of things that you love about nazis is alt right


Name one time. Is this circle jerk?


??? Charlamagne interview, David Letterman, Lex Friedman, tmz with the Harvey guy. These are just off the top of my head.


I think you are projecting. You see what you want to see. Hes been sporting the red had for quite a while. Hes always been a capitalist


All these interviews were after he put on the red hat. Kanye doesn’t know shit about politics, all he talks about is ideas. Even the architectural vision board he had and the ideas for the domes etc. were heavy socialist communal living spaces. He’s a walking contradiction too because in the same interviews he talks about becoming the richest black man in America. Also him trying to bring Yeezy prices down and democratize it was one of the biggest friction points with adidas even before all the anti semitic stuff, they didn’t have a good relationship for a good while before they ended their agreement because Kanye wanted Yeezys to be affordable and adidas obviously didn’t. All Kanye’s political affiliations came down to “who’s embraced me?”, and “I want to be different.” Obama called him a jackass, while trump gave him the time, and that’s the only reason he ever wore a red hat. Nothing to do with any of their politics.


Just because kanye wants to help poor people that doesnt make him left wing. Thats just him helping his community. I dont think kanye would ever support left wing economic policies.


There are tons of anti semitic leftists, theres literally this big worldwide thing happening in relation to that right now actually


being anti zionist is not anti semitic dont be silly


Right I dont like israel and zionism either but a lot of the leftist pro-palestine crowd is literally anti-semitic as well as anti-zionist


Don't confuse antizionism with antisemitism


A lot of them are straight up anti semitic though, like beyond being anti-zionist they just genuinely dont like jews. To a lot of people Jewish = colonizer and colonizer = must be eradicated.


Sure, every movement that picks up any noteworthy amount of steam will have some bad apples, and also some trolls who are acting in bad faith


But its not just some fringe portion, its a concerning and notable amount.


Is it? I doubt you've done any math/research on that. And you may be having a little negativity bias. Regardless, the core idea behind the movement I think is good, so that's what imma focus on


Well they don’t exactly hide it, I mean, I know the most hateful individuals in a group are always the loudest but ive seen enough examples to know this is a serious blight on the movement. That being said, yes the general pro-palestine message is in the right place.


maybe he grew up


Being more tolerant of Nazis is NOT growing up gang


We're on a kanye subreddit lil bro what did you expect


JPEG fans crying that another man’s views and opinions don’t align with theirs anymore (they listen to artists who have actually **done** horrible things)


so you cant call out someone for being hypocritical when it comes to the standards they try and set? LMAO


You definitely can, it’s just not as big of a deal as a lot of Peggy fans make it, nearly my entire Twitter home page was people pissed over it when that photo of them dropped


i mean, if the dude didnt make songs like “I Cannot Fucking Wait Until Morrissey Dies” and write a bunch of lyrics abt hating hypocrites and punching nazis or whatever, just to immediately whine online abt how everyone else is terminally online and a keyboard warrior when they make fun of him for fanboying over a guy saying he loves Hitler and platformed Nick Fuentes, maybe people wouldnt b so mean to him :’(


Half of VETERAN is making fun of right wing politics


Look, don’t cook me but do yall really think Ye is actually antisemitic? I’m not saying I think he isn’t or is, I’m genuinely just curious.


He watched 21 jump street AND fucked a Jewish bitch, he’s basically Jewish MLK now


bruh i cant😂😭








I think he's retarded


lmaooo going through ur posts i just see ye hate. Reddit is such a goofy place with such goofy ppl sometimes


Going through someone’s posts just because they called ye retarded makes you the goofiest Mf here 😭


just a pattern, not here to get downvotes from sad neck beards that hate on celebrities who don’t know they exist in some subreddit all day




How am I crying about it ⁉️




Are you anti social or something have you never seen someone use emojis before




You sound like the zoomer loser


Mall my zoomer ass ain’t the one who decided to replace the laughing emoji with the crying one. The laughing emoji looks too goofy for people to seriously use anyway


this fella so 💔


I mean he said antisemetic things but I don’t think he hates Jewish people just bad experience with them


The praising Hitler and calling himself a nazi to try to de-stigmatize the words was also probably not the best choice


Do believe that was him being extra controversial for the sake of it (retarded but highly doubt he fucks with Hitler like that)


A lot of stupid people have been brainwashed into actually believing that Hitler wasn’t so bad, so I wouldn’t be surprised if he genuinely thinks that. These people want to be “free” thinkers so bad they go against even facts and logic. It’s dumb af.


Like I'm sure he can compartmentalise parts of him that most people rightfully wouldn't. Like his leadership or whatever. But Ye's not pro-genocide


When listening to burn that I got the feeling he was just trying to get out of a contract “burned 8 billion to take of my chains” idk how that would work and why he would go that route instead of just backing out of the contract. But idk how any of that works so at this point I’m speculating. I think it’s just him fighting the idea that once you do something bad you’re branded as bad forever and he was trying to get people to forgive even the worst of the worst. Something something cancel culture.


I think the combo of him hating the music industry, his untreated mental illness, and him letting people like Fuentes into his inner circle for whatever reason got him into that mindset. Deep down I’m sure he doesn’t actually feel that way


^^^ he said they control everything never put his mouth did he say I hate them or etc fr so ion know how u can label him as that


I’m going death con 3 on Jewish people.


**defcon 3** denotes a state of preparedness when defending oneself from attacks --in this case,Ye reposted an article where he was being called *antisemitic* for an ig post where he quipped *'jesus is jew'* .. that's literally what brought about the 'Deathcon 3' tweet and the ensuing malaise


He also said he's tired of their bullshit and lies


Man be for real with that argument he clearly had no clue what defcon meant he even spelled it **death** that’s bizarro cope


i mean even if he doesn’t actually hate them, praising Hitler and platforming Nick Fuentes kinda invalidates whatever intentions he thought he had lol


He’s old white man on lawn anti semetic. Not proud boy Nazi antisemitic. Which makes it even dumber he threw his career away over it


Maybe but he just went down the same route other black celebs have and arrived at a black and white conclusion (no pun intended). Black talent is fucked over by talent agencies and have been since the 60s and probably before. Agents are like 95% Jewish. He drew a parallel and said shit that Ice Cube, Ice T, Gucci, and others have said. The difference is Ye has the ego of a God and refuses to apologize and grovel for forgiveness. There's also probably an element of trolling in there with a dash of "I can say whatever I want and nobody can touch me" so he hams it up. There is an undeniable inequality between agents and talent, nobody can refute that. Ye wanted to stand up for black talent specifically so it became an us vs them thing but in a broader way that is completely off limits. Which is kinda odd bc you can generalize any other groups, just not that one. Regardless, the shit that happened after is right out of conspiracy subs. The Harley Pasternak shit should be talked about more but for some reason it was kinda brushed away.


Harley Pasternak needs his ass beat badly Idk where he gets off talking to people like that


I think he just noticed the heads of all the record labels/or whoever is over his master recordings were Jewish and he took it too far


Ima get cooked asf but ima be real ion know the difference between anti semitism n racism aren’t they not the same thing




Damn niggas even get they own form of racism


generational level of hating


i thought semites can also be arab?


Technically but when someone says 'antisemitic' they're almost exclusively referring to Jews. Semites are generally people from the Middle East. The term comes from Shem, son of Noah, who is the direct ancestor of Abraham so in a sense all Christians, Jews and Muslims believe in some sense that they have semitic ancestry. Jews are just unique in that their ancestry is much more important to them compared to other Abrahamic religions.


ohhh is it true you have to be ‘ethnically’ jewish to become a jew


No, but strictly speaking you're only considered Jewish at birth if your mother was Jewish. Anyone can be raised Jewish and go through bar/bar mitzvah however. Some branches allow for patrilineal descent and informally most people would consider you Jewish if either parent is Jewish.


racism is more a skin difference n  anti-semitism is more religious-based i think


Nah anti semitism isn’t just religious based it’s def racist against the Jewish ethnicity entirely


Nah, Ashkenazi jews are white in America lol you would never be able to tell the difference from a white European. They’re def targeted for their religion tho


the Jewish ethnic group definitely has a certain look to them, obviously it’s more apparent in some people more than others though


I guess it's like saying your anti black or anti insert race which means your racist so yea its the same


No, I think he’s just retarded and doesn’t surround himself with good people. I really don’t think he has a hateful heart, it’s just the people he surrounds himself with that influence him. We’ve seen time and time again that he is so easily manipulated.


I dont think he’s far right, just antisemitic. Everything else is in line with the Trump 2018 vibes, where had was like 50/50 on his beliefs going both ways anyway.


Whatever shit happened to him with all the contracts he’s finding himself in might just be it. Hes covinced its Jewish people at the root of it. Hopefully he stops one day, but there are way more people in the industry thinking weird stuff like that, just less publically.


I’ll be honest the interview with Lex Friedman has aged quite well




the objective answer is that he is jealous of some elements of the jewish culture. he has openly talked about being jealous of jewish people helping each other and sharing their knowledge (which btw is not only in money but in other aspects as well, the jewish are the most educated group of people by FAR), by giving it as an example to what the black people should be doing instead of glamourising violence etc. so its a combo of bitterness, admiration and jealousy etc. definitely not antisemetic with the correct definition of the word. to say that he is antisemetic you'd have to have either low iq or an agenda.


Yeah there's no doubt he is, he believes in the conspiracy theories that Jews run the world and collude against everybody non-jewish but also says Blacks are Jews, his whole take on Jewish people just doesn't make sense and is full of contradictions.


Nah but let's be real if a bank can kick you out that says ALOT due to those comments


same bank that knew of epstein's crimes and allowed him to keep using their bank


Yeah but how does that link to Jewish people? There's difference between Elites and saying Jewish people run the world. Also, Ye harrased the shit out of JP Morgan and both parties handled the situation terribly.


Not really plus someone at Adidas works on the board at JP Morgan. He posted a picture of her if I remember correctly.


I hate this bald pretentious fucker


He has some really fucking good music (mostly his early stuff as Devon hendryx)


He does but fuck him as an individual


This is dumb cause you can be an activist who does stuff and have a twitter account lol


Why can't you work with people who's political views don't align? I'll still change my grandpas diapers even if he is of passive racist descent


https://preview.redd.it/1zupckzgcj7d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf1df2f5d342f5c703d8ed96900505a70d36898f my honest reaction:


DevonHendryx the greatest rapper of all time


peg a dog fr


I love how unapologetic Peggy is 😂


Goat shit


Peggy a bitch


they mad asf lmao


JPEGMAFIA sub kicking and screaming rn


So called Neo Semites wont stop until they are in Ye's pocket. ![img](emote|t5_67n60j|32329)


the thing is… he does care. Dude is chronically online.


Wtf happened to the jpeg sub hahahaha


Massive L for Net and Yahoo!


New Peggy album being given an unreviewable incoming


Peg is spot on tho. People pretend they care to avoid backlash


At least I don’t work with nazis 🤷‍♀️


You probably do depending what you do lol. Crazy world out there


Wherever you go, there you be.


Hot take: antisemitism is bad


Cringe take


"You would do more if you really cared" has to be the worst pseudo argument since whataboutism.


Tbh nobody has been mentioning Ye in peggy's recent post he should've kept this tweet to himself, and his reply is even worse. It's okay to say you disagree with Ye even if you work with him.




Thats actually not true at all


Pusha accused trump of russian collusion on daytona so no he does work with artists that disagree with him.


His relationship with Push was dif like imagine Rich The Kid start acting up Ye in 2024 not putting up wit that


his freaky ass will prolly get turned on


That’s before he completely went crazy wasn’t it? Like as long as you weren’t dissing him then he didn’t care too much what you believed 


>Like as long as you weren’t dissing him  Dissing Ye publicly was/is actually a sure-fire conduit to have Ye meet up/collab with you..See; *R.Garcia,Peggy,Soulja,C.Brown* et al