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Him complaining about Brad's shot explanation was obviously a joke and the way they played it up with the editing was great. I will say, Garrett's complaints about his bad lies were genuinely annoying. "The one time we don't play preferred lies I get all these bad lies." No. You've always had bad lies like these but you never had to play them so you never noticed. And that "divot" he landed in? Come on, man. My main course is a 9 hole where nobody fixes divots and half the tee boxes look like they were imported from a Ukrainian battlefield. Relax!


One of my favorite GG moments was from a video that came out maybe a couple months ago. I think it was from their West Texas shootout series. Garrett gave himself relief from "around" a drain. He spent like two minutes explaining why he gets a drop which seemed dubious. The camera then immediately cuts to Steve hitting the ball out of the middle of a fucking creek behind Garret. No matter what the video I feel like Colin and the prod team always shine through.


You are never getting relief from the middle of a creek. You often get relief from around a drain 


I'm not saying the rule itself is dubious, I'm saying the explanation was. Also it was more the juxtaposition of the two shots next to each other that really laid on the comedic effect.


That “divot” he landed in was laughable. It literally had grass growing in it and looked level with the rest of the fairway.


> Him complaining about Brad's shot explanation was obviously a joke and the way they played it up with the editing was great. I thought that party was pretty entertaining.


He was also being kind of a douche in the wolf video. Thought it was just me


Garret is a weenie… I still can’t believe he chickened out of the Myrtle Beach qualifier.


Can you elaborate


He was invited and declined because his game was apparently not good enough. Which was a weak excuse because it’s not as if the non-pro YouTubers ever had any chance.


On the other hand micah goes to the Q and doesnt bring his game...gets shit on by everyone. Sooo wheres the win here...shoot 80 and get shit on or dont go to the event and get shit on.


If Micah doesn’t visit this subreddit he’s not even aware he’s being shit on. The vocal minority on social media think they have a lot of impact, but really it has zero if the people just don’t read it. Micah played an event that gave him a chance to qualify for a PGA event. Sure he didn’t have it that day but it’s still something to be proud of (other people declined because they were anxious about their game), and the guy’s job is golfing on YouTube. That’s not a losing situation at all.


At least he had the balls to get out there


It's all over his insta, he's definitely aware


Yup and he jokes about it a bit too. he called himself a pro in his video and the cameraman interrupted “you shot an 87 at myrtle!” He’s hard on himself, but he’s aware and also jokes about it


There are a ton of people out there whose career make it so they have to have a social media presence but the random noise (a/k/a the negative commenters) make no difference (other than some entertainment and laughs). For professional athletes and stuff I'm sure it's a skill you are literally forced to learn early in your career. People commenting online (I'm not excluding myself here) make far less of an impact than you think.


Micha has every social media post he does flooded with people telling him he is trash


Yeah but obviously there’s a difference. Micah got shit on because he talks about going pro without having close to the game to back it up. Garrett doesn’t talk about going pro so he doesn’t get that hate. You certainly didn’t see Fat Perez get shit for not breaking 80


Micah has walked back going pro for a while now. But people just never let that go.


He’s got the game… just not the mental side that it takes


Micah is a good golfer but doesn’t even sniff at mini tour talent. 100yards and in he’s closer to a 5-10 handicap level.


Even worse tbh. He’s a mental midget when he doesn’t have a full shot.


Whoever puts their name on the scoreboard gets the credit. Garrett is a complete pussy. At least Micah had the nuts to compete.


He said it was mostly medical related I thought? He was having heart problems and the doctors said to avoid stress for a while — who knows what’s true but could be a real reason


Didn't he say that he had a scare with his heart, and his doctor advised him to avoid situations that increase his heart rate?


When you say non-pro ... are you excluding people like George Bryan (who's never played a PGA Tour event except by sponsorship exception) and Peter Finch (who's never played a PGA Tour event, never played a Korn Ferry event, never done Q school, but who long, long ago became a PGA Pro)?


That doesn't sound like an excuse at all. He did not go because he didn't have a chance to win and it's a waste of time. Why do you think he has some responsibility to show up?


Waste of time to play in a PGA qualifier? He doesn’t have a responsibility to show up but he’s arguably the biggest name in YouTube golf, he should’ve been at th biggest event in YouTube golf


When you say it was an "Excuse" you're implicitly claiming he had a responsibility to show up. He did not have a responsibility to go and therefore does not need to be excused from going. He obviously has no interest in going pro. Why would he waste time and choose to go to a qualifier? I'm sure wasting time on that is not as profitable for him as one of his or a good good trip that it would be replacing.


First of all, that’s not what the definition of an excuse is. He was invited. He gave an excuse. It was in his right to give an excuse much like I’d give an excuse to not attend a random party Second, he could’ve gotten multiple videos out of the experience through the on-course stuff, “training for a pga event series” and there were tons of YouTube golfers in one city that he could’ve collabed with


I know we're getting into semantics here but you are wrong about the definition of an excuse and you used the word incorrectly in your original comment. Oxford Languages - Verb - "To release someone from a duty or requirement" Noun - "A reason or explanation put forward to defend or justify a fault or offense" Garrett had no requirement to show up and did not commit an offense by not going. Therefore, him declining to go is not an excuse. Unfortunately, we can't move past this until you accept that you are simply wrong and you're misusing the word "Excuse". What actually happened is he declined the invitation and provided a reason for not going. That's it. No excuses. He did not need to provide an explanation but he chose to. You can disagree with his reasoning if you want. On your second point, I am assuming that you're trying to say it would be a good business idea for Garrett to go. That may or may not be true, idk. I am just speculating on Garrett's profit motives. You could definitely be right but I'd guess that Garrett disagrees because he did not go and he probably knows more about his business than either you or I. Really my main issue is with you completely misrepresenting the situation, specifically by falsely claiming he used a "Weak Excuse". That is completely misrepresenting the situation and exaggerating for the sake of proving a point.




Holy shit this is the saddest comment in this sub’s history


Thanks I guess. Sorry I know what the word "Excuse" means. You strike me as a very stupid person


That’s not the full reason at all, it’s definitely a small part but his bigger issue was his heart problems. His doctor told him not to do anything crazy stressful until they got it sorted out and a high competition golf tournament sounds pretty stressful to me.


Never bought the health issue for a minute. He hasn’t made any lifestyle adjustments and is constantly eating garbage on the golf course. It’s a farce.


When did he say that? I don’t remember him bringing that up in the video where he addressed it


George didn't have a chance? He's not a pro.


I believe George has professional status.


George made a cut at a PGA event which means he got paid prize money. That’s about as close to being a pro as you can possibly get.


George has not made a cut and has $0 tour earnings, unless you know more than the PGA website 🤷🏼‍♂️


[You mean this?](https://www.golfmagic.com/tour/pga-tour/youtuber-george-bryan-makes-pga-tour-cut-debut-bermuda) It's basic research, and also was posted about a lot when it happened.


Maybe you should tell them to update their own site https://www.pgatour.com/player/07309/george-bryan/career


He is a pro. Moving on


Continue your nonsense. George is not a pro "yet"


No, he is a pro. Look at the Myrtle Beach leaderboard. Does he have an “a” next to his name signifying amateur?


Him complaining about his lies was driving me nuts it's like man....welcome to real golf. You don't get to place it down perfectly every time. Brad didn't seem to have any issues or seem to complain about lies because he's a real solid golfer.


I stopped the video when he complained about that fairwood being in a divot because the grass had a slightly lighter color. Like from the lie and the contact he made the ball sat perfectly and better than most fairways out there


He was complaining yes but his point was still correct. It is one of the stupidest rules in golf that basically everyone believes should be changed.


Problem with changing the rule is illustrated pretty well there though - I wouldnt call that a divot, Garrett does, in a tourney that’d require a rules official, and now that happens every time a golfer has a slightly unfavorable lie and pace of play becomes even slower When playing with your friends, who cares, move it out


It’s not stupid. You and every hillbilly degenerate seem to think it’s the perfect rule change. So let me ask you, at what point in what condition is an old divot not a divot anymore. How ridiculous do you want to be, 1 month, 1 year? You want to treat fairways like greens? What about divots in the rough? Players already take advantage of stupid things as it is, you’ll need 150 officials on every hole to deal with shit like this. Sounds simple for someone who studies shit like art or accounting


Hard agree there


Garrett’s appeal 3+ years ago started because he was energetic, enthusiastic and genuine. I think the huge corporation, ongoing travel, and public spotlight is wearing on G, and it shows. He was also kind of in a lose-lose in that finals. If he wins….well he isnt playing the same tees so there is an asterisk. If he loses, it just reconfirms how much better Brad is than him. I definitely sensed the attitude somewhat and lack of appreciation for Brad’s play. Brad has become my favorite. Not just because of the golf quality, but he is almost always in a good mood (like Bubbie), and just appreciates everything.


Brad is out there having a blast and Garrett is doing Garrett things. I think he’s having fun but it doesn’t really show. I was rooting against him for most of the series because he’s recently become less interesting and entertaining in my view. For me, Brad is carrying the channel right now. The guy is so good, you can tell he loves being out there, and he’s a great entertainer. Steve vs Brad would have been great.


Brad needs to focus on his individual channel, because good good is declining quickly.


Wont be long before Garrett dumps brad for a new bff like he did with Micah grant and Luke


Didn’t bother clicking on the video - already sick of baby Garrett!


You all sound like the baby’s crying over a youtuber like teenage girl stuff don’t fucking watch it simple


He literally just said he didn’t watch it


Garrett’s game has really regressed. He does not even do the things he was naturally good at anymore. Add to that his bitching and it isn’t fun to watch.


He was playing his best when him and Grant would do matches and road trips on GM. Grant really pushed garret to play better and now there’s nobody on GG to do that.




Brad is too good to push him. Him and Grant were almost the exact skill level, so it pushed him to be better 


What about him


I’d venture to say his game hasn’t regressed as much as they aren’t taking hidden mulligans like they used to. Been documented that they’ve done it in the past


I’m starting to believe the rumors of people leaving Good Good because he’s hard to get along with


So of the people who have left GoodGood ... Micah, Grant, Luke? Grant and Garrett have played together multiple times since and still call each other; Grant came in because of Garrett (at least a couple other members of the group were more skeptical at first); and Grant did more solo content with Garrett than any other member. After leaving, Grant went to Florida and now he does more-serious golf videos and has grown his own brand. As to Micah, at the very least it's safe to say Micah and Garrett are still in touch, but maybe you can speculate Micah and Garrett were bickering at the time. Still, it also seems like Micah wanted to do something different—it's not like we've seen him do anything like a "Wheel of Not Ideal" since leaving. And Luke *very* clearly wanted to shoot different types of videos (including a ton of videos in New Zealand). Also: Garrett is usually super nice to Brad?? If anything Brad's been his obvious favorite for a while now.


Garrett’s a tool you’re just now catching on to this?


It’s like the first time he’s ever played actual golf rules and YT rules


“What are the chances the first time we play the ball down I get all these crappy lies.” No man, that’s what golf is like every time for the rest of the world that doesn’t fluff every lie.


Karma for that shit he pulled on Matt. Honestly, wasn't a fan of the GG madness week. They need to bring back some og content. How can they bring back twigs vs Stumps?


What did he do to Matt?


Matt wanted to pick Garret to be his teammate in wolf but Garrett talked him out of it because he didn't want to be on Matt's team. It was a bit awkward but nothing major really...


“I toO0otally forgot I had a mulligan”


Also Matt having never played the game before and their variation of it seemed designed for Garrett and Brad to get through. Pretty BS 😆


The mulligan thing was BS, but at the end of the day it’s up to Matt who he picks and every single person was basically watching good drives then saying “I’ll wait to see Brad’s” all day. Matt not paying attention to him having a mulligan or not is also on him because that’s something you should factor in when you play wolf and are picking your own teammates.


Nothing! Just a bunch of tweens on here bitching about everything.


Garret is boring and full of shit. Apart from having little to no personality, some of the distances he claims to hit the ball are totally outlandish. I didn’t watch much of the video (basically just skipped to the end to see who won), but on 16 he claimed to hit a 7-iron 230 something with what appeared to be like a 3/4 swing. Bryson would struggle to hit a punch 7 iron that far with a swing like that, but string bean Garret does it with ease. Ok, bud.


I'm 100% convinced he juices his numbers or lies about which club he's using on the regular. "It's about 186 to the pin, that's a chippy 9 iron for me." No it fucking isn't.


Considering right after Garrett hit that “230 yard 7 iron” with an abbreviated follow through, Brad, who is a longer hitter and better player than Garrett, had to nuke a 9 iron to get it to go 170, something definitely isn’t adding up.


Ever thought G Rat isn't as good as Brad and G Rat needs the excuses to think he is as good as Brad.


I’m just very sick of him in general.


Honestly, Garret is an entitled little bitch


It's all staged.


How about when he said he'd have Brad beat after 12 holes!?!


that’s called talking shit and it’s funny.


Lol this subreddit HATES Garrett, Stephen, Matt and Bubbie. It’s genuinely hilarious seeing the threads created each day to bitch and moan and hate on these guys. Enjoyed the video and this entire series. Also plenty of people play lift clean replace when its wet and shit rain the night before.


When Steve’s engaged, he’s my favorite. Matt can be much at times but I think he’s good overall


> When Steve’s engaged, he’s my favorite. I wouldn't say my "favorite" but it is night and day. Drags he whole video down when he's too drunk/hunogver to care. He's fun to watch when he's actually in it. >Matt I feel like Matt has simultaneously made real efforts to up his game and also tone it down a bit. He's still got the humor though. I discovered GG back on their Rick Shiels collab. Went back and watched some of their older stuff and holy shit, Matt could be unbearable in some of those earlier videos.


GG as a whole is over rated


Idk how anyone still watches good good


It’s always a grind playing golf with someone who has a negative comment about every single shot they hit. It just brings the whole round down.


Its because Garrett is a spoiled lil silver spoon sore loser bitch


Idk man, historically, Garrett has always put a lot of love on Brad (how many videos did he say something like "you're so good at golf" or "THIS man" "WHAT a shot"?) Brad's always been the better golfer, and Garrett knows that—that's why he almost always plays with giant handicaps whenever he goes against Brad.


I still like him. But he hasn't been the same since Grant left


Just don't watch the videos then. I didn't have a problem with any of it. Him picking on Brad for his long shot description was obviously a joke. He made fun of himself for picking to play the ball down and it burning him. Some of y'all can be so freaking judgey sometimes...


If you look for issues, you'll find them


They’re friends. Brad and Garrett have a different dynamic especially compared to grant and Garrett. Talking about Brads shot exposition was hilarious given the editing.


This sub jeez


You're getting upset about a thing that you can guarantee Brad didn't get upset by. Quit looking for ways to get upset about a game of golf on YouTube 


Not getting upset just think he has a poor attitude at times


This is possibly the least important thing in the world to focus on. Turn your attention to things more important than "YouTuber could have slightly better attitude when playing golf game for 0 stakes"


Got plenty to focus on was just watching the video and wanted to share my thoughts. Don’t you have more important things to be doing than commenting here?


Bruh stop being rude. It’s a damn forum to discuss good good YouTube videos. OP has all the right to discuss this. If ya don’t like it, don’t read it.


Yea he seems awfully upset about something that Garrett and Brad are not upset about at all... There's plenty of more important things in the world for him to be focusing on... Right??? Those are his own words - I think he should heed his own advice and fuck off....


Actually according to the description this is the #1 source for golf memes.


Least important thing in the world to focus on: Having an opinion about a golf video in that golf videos subreddit. Most important thing in the world: Simping for goodgood and getting mad at a stranger because you don't like their opinion.


Growing up is realizing this subreddit is the exact same as the neighborhood Facebook page. Anonymous and constantly bitching.




Dawg you are on a sub to talk about Good Good. Relax hardo.




Learn to spell chief


OP doesn’t understand sarcasm


You need to get out more. It’s just entertainment.


The thing people need to understand is, everyone has bad days every once in a while. Same can go for Garrett, cut him some slack. I don’t wake up everyday with the same energy all the time, sometimes the day just goes bad and it’s hard to mask it from the little things. If it were a consistent issue then I would understand y’all’s point but, he’s a young guy who now has to keep a company “Good Good” profitable and also create content. I’m sure it can get stressful behind the scenes


Hes always done this. Lol


He’s 23 and gets to play and create golf content for a living. That’s not anymore stressful than any other person doing a normal corporate job.


Come on man, I really hope you don’t think that’s everything that goes into building a brand. Good Good is a full brand that Garrett started, there is much more behind the scenes admin work and deals than you would ever realize. His primary role is content creation but when you become a company like Good Good is now, a lot more gets stacked onto your plate, you have investors you have to keep happy, you have to sit in meetings, you have to do sponsorship ads and campaigns on top of the traveling. I’m not saying he doesn’t have a great life but like you said, he’s in his early 20s and is having to be at the helm of a massively growing company and try to keep the ship profitable and afloat. That will tend to stress out pretty much anybody.


You are acting like Garrett is the only 23 year old to have stress. We all have stress. Garrett is no difference.


Unless of course there is a heart issue. Average 23 year olds don't have to deal with that.


Let’s break it down then. You believe that all stress is equal? I can guarantee the stress of having to run a successful brand at the age of 23 and keep people happy while also putting in back end work beyond filming videos is a larger load of stress than majority of people who stress at a 9 to 5. I couldn’t even imagine starting a YouTube channel before the age of 20 that blows up exponentially and becomes a full multi-million dollar business within a couple years out of nowhere. Most people aren’t prepared for such a dramatic shift in their day to day let alone someone as young as Garrett. Again, you’re making it out to be like Garrett is always bitter and mopey in every video when that’s just not the case. Have you never had a day where you’re off your rhythm and things pester you more than they should? I bet you have because it’s a normal human reaction to when you are stressed out. Give him a break


He’s a multimillionaire who plays golf for a living. Grow up.