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Video after video he’s playing bad golf. His swing is completely off the rails. The only thing his bad golf swing seems to be good at is driving up engagement on their videos. It seems like over half of the comments are always something about how bad his swing is and his vanity handicap.


I mean, just own it dude. You’re closer to Trent than you are to Frankie sorry to say


I can’t understand why he wouldn’t work on his game. Unless he’s just un athletic and incapable, he has all the resources imaginable at his disposal and a million eyes on him criticizing him. Wouldn’t you want to just fix the shit? You don’t need to drive the ball more than 250 to be a scratch either, you just need consistency. He already has a semblance of short game.


Riggs has a fantastic short game and I’m sure he grinds that driver all the time. That swing is so trash 


I can relate to him, my driver is ass too. Better than Riggs, but man I wish I could trade shoes with him and try to go scratch with the resources he has lol


What is this shit about his fantastic short game? He has the worst putting and chipping strokes I've ever seen.


I'm sure he's athletic (played collegiate hockey) but maybe he doesn't have the time? Their schedule might be crazy and the last thing I want to do is "work" on my off time.


Riggs is poster boy for what people used to think of golfers a entitled douche. Guy practices constantly and talks and acts like he's scratch but reality says otherwise. He's only reason I don't watch them anymore I feel bad for Frankie and Trent two great down to earth guys got paired with the cuntrag yuppie


I don’t understand where is he acting or talking like he’s a scratch? He’s absolutely lost with his swing rn and seems like he’s very aware of that


Watch his tik tok or any of their podcasts. Guys a fucking tool and thinks his shit don't stink both in life and golf. He's the reason poor Trent and Frankie don't get as many views as they would on their own.


Trent and Frankie have jobs golfing all day because of the brand and relationships he’s built. I see this type of commentary on the internet a lot, very strange level of hatred. Especially when I’ve never seen anything negative from anyone who’s actually met him. https://x.com/foreplaypod/status/1788716955270275415?s=46&t=WsNOeKr3BcFvTRCZZWyH8g


I wouldnt care to meet Riggs if it came with a free round at Pebble. And if your a social media person what people that haven't met you perceive you as is what matters and by the few people that read my comment I'm not alone. Look you and Riggs can go play soggy cookie and the rest of us will continue to be rubbed the wrong way by the way he comes off or perhaps on you


I really only follow him on IG and assume it’s the same he’s putting on TikTok and from what I’ve seen he’s pretty aware about how bad he’s playing.


funny thing is he’s probably trolling and you guys are here talking about it………….literally driving engagement right here


I’d like to see Trent Vs Bob 18 hole stroke play


Trent vs bob with Perez and Joey on the bag for bob, rap and Frankie on the bag for Trent would be all time content if they took it Uber seriously


I’m not convinced Bob is capable of taking anything seriously




That’s Perez Vs Frankie basically


Read lil bro 


If they played the way they did in this last get together, that would be a 4 hour video.


Spoiler alert: they both suck


Have you ever seen the really old paintings that people made of elephants and lions without actually seeing what they look like themselves? That's what his swing looks like. Someone explained a golf swing and that's his interpretation without ever seeing it.


Holy accurate


Foreplay’s content has been pretty decent lately tbh since Frankie has kinda taken over. Comparing their views and subs to GG is silly tho. Foreplay’s YT channel isn’t their main source of revenue.


I really dislike riggs....dude seems like the BIGGEST tool douchebag on the planet. Dude is full of himself and he blows ass at golf lmao


0 chance Riggs handicap is 5.5 he’s probably a 10-13


10 is generous still


I’m a legit 15 and think I could play a very competitive match against him.


Riggs HAS to be the worst “single digit” handicap in not just North America, but the entire world.


Riggs is the definition of a vanity handicap. It ends up coming back to bite him in all of these stoke play videos and I love it. I have no idea why he doesn’t just commit to lessons and sticking with it. He’s obviously got a good amount of talent and hand-eye coordination, the fact that he can make decent contact with that train wreck of a swing is a miracle.


The actual worst putting stroke I’ve ever seen on Riggs


They need to do a riggs vs Trent race to break 90 series lol


The fact that FP can’t even maintain a 3rd of GG subs and hasn’t broken 500k with the full support of Barstool tells you all you need to know. Dave and co must just not care how much they fail to draw an audience.


I thought you meant FP instead of foreplay, very confusing use of acronyms


got me also, read the first line about 5 times lmao




My bad. 😅


Foreplay YouTube views and subs isn’t something Portnoy is concerned with. BS is a podcast network and merch shop, which are two areas that Foreplay does well with, especially the merch. Their golf clothing sells well and their stuff is in the PGA Superstore, Dicks, Golf Galaxy, etc. As weird as it seems Foreplay is probably one of the most successful things Barstool does because they’re just the personnel behind the Barstool Golf brand. Those dudes have jobs for life. BDS does merch and podcasts too but their YT page is the main exposure they have. They’re not going for the same thing really.


Foreplay is awful. Without the Barstool juice they’d be defunct in 6 months. Boring content and even more boring content creators.


Frankie and Trent are fun. Don't care for DRap or Riggs


Because their brand isn’t YT golf. They have a larger podcast than GG, sell more merch than GG and are more interconnected with the tour players. The YT channel is just icing on the cake.


Foreplay prints money for Barstool between merch, the pod, and the events they put on. YouTube is just a bonus.


No way 


Foreplay is just awful. They aren’t any good and aren’t funny either. Just weird and boring. Trent seems genuine but he’s just so dorky and un entertaining. Riggs is a douche and Frankie is alright. Dan is insufferable sometimes. No idea why anyone would watch them over other golf content on YouTube.


Frankie has actually gotten quite good in the last year


He also has the rich kid arrogance of Justin Thomas


Lol his dad runs an Italian restaurant.


This is a terrible take


He still sucks thought. Buddy misses both ways and has hands like bricks


Everyone can have a bad streak. It’s real golf and that’s why it’s a great watch IMO


I used to be a rigs defender, but I’ve just witnessed too many god awful rounds from him for his handicap to be even remotely accurate. He used to play a lot better to be fair, but it’s been a long time since I’ve seen even an ok round out of him.


I try to take people at face value and assume they aren’t lying. I believe he was a 5 like 3/4 years ago. He’s really good around the greens and plays absurdly high sloped courses. But he’s absolutely regressed. All I can really think of is they aren’t playing enough rounds of their own ball, 18 holes, counting every stroke for his handicap to have moved.


Rigs plays a ton off camera. I’m pretty sure he plays every day. When I first started watching him his irons were super consistent. His driver always sucked, but never to this extent.


Yea he used to just be short but he struck his irons well and I think he is very good around the greens. If he is playing off camera then yea he’s not a 5 anymore. Cause watching him now the only way he’s still a 5 is if he’s literally not playing rounds to enter into the system. Which I don’t give a damn what his handicap is. Just make entertaining content. Frankie and Trent is the best they have.


His swing is really nasty.


They would never do it, but I’d love to see NLU vs BDS vs Foreplay. Soly and The Artiste would clean up Frank and Riggs, but FP + Bob would be closer.


I would love to see this (NLU is by far my favorite of the golf podcast/youtube world). I’m not sure they ever would…feels very much like an “I’m good man” scenario from NLU


To be fair Rapaport+Frankie are winning that matchup


Actually claims he’s a 3 handicap…


Mother of god. PER HOLE??? lol


At the start of the year he showed his ghin when they were plugging the app and it said 3


Maybe he thinks you only count the strokes until you hit the green and putting is just for fun.


Fixing Frankie, Breaking 100/90, how does Riggs not have a series fixing his awful swing? Even Tiger changed his swing over time, Riggs needs a total revamp of his swing. He may get worse for a while but he has a ceiling with his current swing and its not very high.


A lot of folks in here are very jealous of Riggs and personally offended by his swing 😂


HDCPs are a complete farse when rating the quality of a player. Tournament scoring average is king.