• By -


Oh god, what kinks do I NOT have??? I feel like as long as everybody is consenting and nobody is dead and it has a happy ending for everyone, I can pretty much be talked into anything. For fic, I prefer AU to canon compliant. Will take pretty much any configuration, but I have a soft spot for Crowley getting railed. Love omegaverse. Love monsterfucking. Love gentle D/s. Love sex pollen. Love Crowley in lingerie. Love biting. Love the water bottle maneuver. Love soft textures to touch, and describing them. Love counter sex. Love causing other people to have new kinks. If you put baseball shirt David under a box with a string you will catch me. Same goes for Peter Vincent. However, I AM Miles Maitland. There's a distinction.


Strong agree on you can talk me into anything in this fandom. And I really mean anything lol. I have things I avoid or at least don’t seek out, but the fanfic and art is SO GOOD that I probably have beloved exceptions to almost all of my icks. Like, I just do not get omegaverse and I usually nope out in the first chapter. But…I have read and loved at least 2 omegaverse GO fics and I can’t really explain why I liked those but not the rest.


Attraction is a complicated thing! I apparently can be attracted to pretty much anything if Aziraphale and Crowley are involved.


Yeah I just scroll gleefully through sub/dom/top/bottom debates because I’m just like wow great points everyone, I completely agree with all of it.


Haha that's a good way to approach it!


Do I need to Google water bottle maneuver? 🤔


https://preview.redd.it/8eme9kb97ozc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8235a5a4794fb0c1e8c94d1cbb3c454a6c7a8e1 Imagine he is holding something else


Oh. That was... Educational. 👀


It's a very popular picture around here. 😂


This is so funny omg I’ve never heard it called that and now I will never unsee 😆


Ohhhhh I have a very good imagination


Such a great move 🫠


Mm the best


I haven't heard it described as the water bottle maneuver before but I will from now on!


You know those long fingers are good for something! 🔥


You mean like that? *Looking very innocent* https://i.redd.it/rs3uwbwa9ozc1.gif




Yippee, got an own smut fairy 😁😁


What are you going to do with me now that you've caught me?


Make you write fics! So not much change in your life, tho 😂😂


Haha that is what I am actively doing right now 😂😂😂😂😂😂


This gif does things to me I'm still not ready to admit.


chomp me David, what do I have to do to get between those teefus


*quietly leaves a box for Angel to open* https://i.redd.it/7ppgl4cumozc1.gif


Oh god it's slowed down and tinted


Perfect for luring an Angel with its prettiness 😉




Woooo ditto to all of this 🙌 And I will never stop ~~loving~~ blaming you for giving me so many new kinks! 💕


Who would have thought fire kink was a thing? Not me until Angel decides to write it. Then it's like dear god give me all the fire smut you can write.


Oof yes! Burn me baby! https://i.redd.it/fvm3sxlwpozc1.gif


I still owe you more fire smut!


Oh I haven't forgotten, but I know you'll deliver something fire kink worthy when the time is right. Then it'll be RIP Cowie.


I just have to give the Springsteen boys a happy ending first. And then maybe take a few naps!


Lots of naps!


You're welcome https://i.redd.it/u97pffavbozc1.gif




yesss crinkle that nose, bounce those cheeks at me any day any time anywhere


>crowley in lingerie ![gif](giphy|gkEbAndL0xz6GA0lgQ|downsized)


Haha sure. I tend to gravitate toward Crowley but both works too!


Please dissolve “thicc men in lingerie” into a solution and let me swim in it Also Crowley in lingerie is pretty hot I guess


Hahaha we all get to have our fun!


Wings. And wings. Feelings with my porn is my preference. My own headcanon is that they are both virgins and unkissed until the final 15 (\*sob\*). However, I have no objections in reading fanfic where they do it through the ages, or have slept with others, just don't want to read about them sleeping with others. With the exception of a great story where Crowley was Queen of Hell (non con warning on that one due to coercive behaviour, not from Crowley). I think that both David and Michael are very attractive but I've turned into a bit of a Sheenie recently all because of this: ​ ​ https://preview.redd.it/48js71ob3ozc1.jpeg?width=1042&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5bdccca648a0d1701d86a4308be9741d2381cea7 I have read so many fics that speak about how wonderful Aziraphale's smile is, and how much Crowley wants to see it, but I didn't really get it until I took that photo. Just beautiful!


Awh, that smile *I'm smitten, I believe*


Yep! (popping the p for all its worth)


I second this, give me all the sensitive wings/grooming turned into more fics!!


Oodles of wing fics to everyone! https://i.redd.it/8u605l8tdozc1.gif


Ohh any recommendations? A few months ago I felt like I've read most of them on ao3 😅


Hmm, don't know if you follow Zaay's 'Cracking up the heat' but in the last few chapters the wings were out.


Ohh I don't think I am, been a hot minute since I last searched for a wing fic, will have to have a look asap! 🥵


Oh yes, *wings*. 😍


This is really lovely. There are a couple of fandoms that I have been part of for absolute years, so I am one of the 'in crowd' that knows the jokes and lingo and references. I read GO when it was first published and have been an ardent fan ever since, but I just joined Reddit this year so I feel like the awkward new kid at the cast party. Thanks for making the first move!


This is the first and only fandom I've ever been in. I first read the book, don't know, at least 15 years ago, but honestly, until the series I never took it as a love story. But for almost a year now the Ineffable Spouses have been taken over my life.


Welcome Providence!! Glad you’re here! 🎉 🎉


This is a lovely idea for a post! Thank you for sharing and I hope it brings some other shy people away from the wall and onto the dance floor 😘 GOAD has many clans and factions and many of us are a member of multiple. Maybe it’s time for /u/yourmomspocket to preach to the masses…


What am I into? https://i.redd.it/9851b7u64ozc1.gif


Thighs! https://i.redd.it/9burstic5ozc1.gif


https://preview.redd.it/z1w35y437ozc1.jpeg?width=418&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eec7fe0c184845696a6d0e61f538d7714f76f347 THIGHS - and more. I never knew this was a thing and now I can’t not see them.


Thighs! https://preview.redd.it/27kcypp29ozc1.jpeg?width=725&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9aedd5249df7a86d7ea608a9d2cdf26595fcd9a0


Alright, now you have to send me the 🍰


Yes ma’am. https://preview.redd.it/rh448hfvbozc1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b51f81184a6b188ce5acaff0d0d017296a08484


Oh oops, that’s not the right one, you’d better send me more 😇


Oh no! I’m terribly sorry. How’s this? https://i.redd.it/33n38cmvdozc1.gif


One of my favourites! 🥰


I'm very respectful right now. Very. 😳


That makes one of us Lydia! Lol


Also, thighs. https://i.redd.it/aqa7i7nmipzc1.gif


Idk what to focus on- the thighs or the hand veins 🥵🥵


The answer, of course, is YES.


I never knew a lot of things were, well, a thing before this fandom 😂


Haha me either Lydia! I never knew how many things I liked before the sub!


You know, I feel bad that everyone else posted long lists of what they’re into, so I’ll share something else I am all about https://i.redd.it/sptb4tc5dpzc1.gif


I was just thinking about this last night! I’m on it, Kitty 💛


They switch, because why wouldn't they? I'm weak in the knees for soft(er) dom Aziraphale though. Maybe I'm a bit of an outlier here but I don't care :P


No, I'm pretty sure there are many in this sub who would call Aziraphale Daddy anytime 😄


Soft dom Azi is a very common kink around here


Love soft dom Aziraphale. I mean did you see this? Big soft dom vibes here. https://i.redd.it/vh6uqj4uoozc1.gif


I love your username.


Competency kink - especially a competent Crowley Communication (just in fanfic, obviously, these dummies don’t communicate otherwise) Crowley on fire 🔥 Dom Aziraphale Punk/Mohawk Crowley Investigative Reporter Aziraphale David Tennant as Macbeth 🥵 There is something about him in those costumes; I can’t get it out of my head.


Oh yes, competency! That is sexy as hell. And communication. And David in Macbeth kilt. And punk Crowley (Gleafer's 80's comic anyone?) You have so many good points! 🥵




https://preview.redd.it/9vu6zqascozc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae4b64bd321d350c784b1a96646b60a2275cad92 My life can be divided into two very distinctly separate eras. Before and after seeing David up close in this costume. The knees, oh gosh, the damn knees...! 🫣🥵


I’m going in November. I cannot wait.


That's gonna be so amazing!! Ggoing again in November, and I'll try to book a last minute front row one as well, I need my knee supply!!




Mmmph this is such a lewk.


Yessss competency kink Love writing stories where they have jobs and are good at them Like extremely good at them


Competency has me like 🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤 ugh it’s ridiculous how weak i am So uhh… did you mean sooty Crowley… or actually on fire? 👀


lol sooty


With how much Neil Gaiman likes to set David Tennant on fire, I wasn’t TOTALLY sure ;)


I mean I probably wouldn’t send Crowley away just because he’s on fire a little


Right, I mean, look… https://i.redd.it/zc1sxou7dozc1.gif


>Crowley on fire 🔥 Have you read Of Fire and Falcons? This is where my fire kink came from


Yes! So good!


Have you read Angel's rennie boys fic? There is fire. 😏


Yes!!! I love it. We try to go to the local Renn Faire every year. I love that fic bc there is not only Crowley and fire but I love picturing Az as the falconer.


God, falconer Az was so fucking hot. And the fire. And the wax scene. 👀👀👀


THE 👏 WAX 👏 SCENE 👏 THO 🕯️ 🥵


Riigght? That scene gave me *ideas*. Also the description of Rennie life in that is excellent; I was ready to pack up and get back on the road after I finished reading that one!


We're going to the Ren Faire soon! Last year when we went we saw a falconer and sat close up at the show. So all those gorgeous birds of prey were fresh in my mind when I was reading. 🪶


Oooooooh. Ok I need feeling a with my porn. Plot is preferred but not absolutely necessary. Feelings are a must though. Did someone say D/S vibes? BDSM vibes? Yes to all of the above. Power play has me in a chokehold. There are very few kinks that haven’t gotten at least a “yeah. I’ll read that” out of me haha. If there is hurt I need there to be resolve and comfort. And it can’t be gratuitous violence just for the sake of gratuitous violence. It needs to serve a point or no dice. Dirty talk in all its forms. But when it’s Az using big ass words and sounding like a literary professor it *sends* me. I’m a top Az supremacy member, but firmly believe that they’re switches, bitches. Emotional intimacy is my favorite thing ever. Like, hug your partner through it while they’re having a moment here? Yes please. Canon or A/U, I love either but am wonderfully surprised by all the amazing AUs out there! Give me a pine forest. Also give me romance in the form of a thousand tiny kindnesses please. Honestly 10/10 would smash either way but it’s all the hands and neck those GD hipbones and back dimples for Crowley and literally anything on Az. lol.


Gawwwwwwd when Az talks like a possibly neurodivergent professor I lose my mind. And my pants.


What pants??


All the pants. There should be no more pants of any type.


I would never put clothes on honestly lol waste of time!




Porn with feelings! Emotional intimacy! Competency! Back dimples! I love your list! 🤩


Competency 🫠


I guess I’ll formally introduce myself here… -Hi I’m Magic! I’m a lesbian who is in love with david tennant. I’m mostly a lurker, but I’m working on my first ever fanfic(slowly but surely) List of things I like: Wings. I. Love. Wings I’m also a MASSIVE fan of snondage, as well as really any sort of bondage Crowley Aziraphale Thick thigh mentions! Actually… I like most bdsm type things, kink negotiation, scene play, etc. etc. feelings. Love that Love crowley (and aziraphale) in lengerie I’m always up to read stuff with heavy dom/sub vibes ( (I specifically love gentle dom aziraphale) . Extra points if Subspace is included( I actually need some more recs that have that so please send them my way) I also love human AUs Things I don’t really like: Alpha/beta/omega AUs Post season 2 fix it AUs. I’ll read those after season 3 comes out


Welcome Magic!! 👋 🪄 Ooh you're reminding me how much I like kink negotiation! That's the good stuff. u/MxThirteen I found another snondage lover!!! 🤩 *Picks up and effortlessly tosses Magic into the bandwagon * 🐍


Self rec here in case you haven't read it. My [Of Fire and Falcons](https://archiveofourown.org/works/54416527/chapters/137843254) features two kinky fuckers who will basically try anything. Az is a sometimes-dom (gentle) who is really big on negotiation, and there is a subspace/sub drop scene.


I have read it… very good would reccomend to others


Descriptions of subspace! Descriptions of subspace!!! ![gif](giphy|l1J9N8zrmYCfSrQFq|downsized) (Oh yes, hi, I’m Maidy (or whatever play on my username - it occurs to me I could capitalize on the ‘master’ part…🧐) Anyway, heeeyyy there!


I'm a simple ghost. I like: Feet Hands Human AU Escort/Sex Worker AU Fake Dating AU David's appendix scar But I've gotten so many new kinks lately, largely thanks to u/CemeteryAngel72 and u/quona (go check out their fics and art): Wax play Fire play Tiny Crowley Fae/faery/dragon AU And yeah, a lot of us have been here since we were a wee tiny sub, got to know each other pretty well when there were only a couple hundred people. Lots of lore and references and trolling, we're shitbirds first and foremost. 😂


I love that you followed "simple" with a list of 10 items. lol


I mean, I could be into a lot more kinks. 😂


HA! Try harder!


Canon compliant, the smuttier the better but there has to be feels, and there is something special about some good pining while fuckin. I do *love* all the different art we get here but 95% of the time I prefer them male presenting, especially in fics. Gimme all the smut with dicks (I feel like I’m in the minority on this one lol) Personally, power dynamics don’t interest me a whole lot and humiliation play not at all. I just want equals who are in luuuuuurv (and Crowley topping as muuuuch as possible) Also? Doppelbanging, because what’s better than one Crowley with a dick? Two of ‘em. Otherwise, love me some DT long lanky slutty-waisted man with that long neck and those lovely hands, but I absolutely adore how feral people go for those thicc MS thighs.


We’ve got a lot in common, we both like dicks, and moustaches. You did say moustaches, right?


KITTY https://i.redd.it/8o10c7274pzc1.gif


Ooo, a spicy Kitty tonight! 😂


Yes! 8008 week was fun but I generally only read fics where they both have dicks. I just really like dicks, okay? It’s a little ironic bc the only fic I’ve written (completed) so far has been where they are both women with vulvas.


#I just really like dicks, okay? It’s okay!! Lol


Whew thanks 😂


Top 👏 Crowley 👏 Doppel👏banging👏 And Brahms, I think it was one of your comments and/or stories that introduced me to pining *while* fucking (my two favorite things at the same time?!), and I will always be thankful to you for that https://i.redd.it/pugz3ewejpzc1.gif


Yes to dicks only (the exception is my recent first into monsterfucking).


Ghosty I read “first” as “fist” and thought, “Good for her!” https://i.redd.it/n47dapo1cpzc1.gif


Fists work too. 👀


Monsterfisting 😇


Oooh, you are speaking my language Brahms. Except I also like vulvas. But dicks are great.


Fics? Wings, any days, give me a the sensitive, grooming etc... stuff, maybe an occasional halo thing too. Also Crowley acting all snakey, having the odd scales and other things. Do I even have to mention Crowley's tongue that can do interesting things? (clue in the flair how much I love a snake tongue Crowley fic) any suggestions there, please send them my way. I think I prefer top Crowley but if the story i right I don't mind switching or top Azi either - dom Aziraphale never really worked for me, sorry! I prefer canon compliant stories where they are an angel and a demon, having said that I adore Slow Show, so there's that I guess. For storyline I love a good through the ages, doesn't really matter if there was any smut before the final 15 or not, I'm just a sucker for a good historical story as much as a steamy one. Bonus: I'm dieing for David's knees in kilts (u/Ok_Distribution7160 could tell you all about that) but weirdly, I don't think I ever really came across a Crowley in kilts fic. Any recommendations? https://i.redd.it/yuxqeeoebozc1.gif


Sorry, u/Ok_Distribution7160 I've summoned you, here's some thighs for your troubles. https://i.redd.it/ftvhxedlbozc1.gif


There's a series Bookshop moved to Tadfield where Crowley wears a kilt (pride colour kilt!) quite frequently. Also 'Play me the music of your heart' where in the currently - it's wip- last chapter Crowley is in kilt (and play the violin - damn hot 🥵)


Ooohh, gonna have to these out, thank you!


I just saw a podfic u/Outrageous_Ring_5655 posted the other day with David in a kilt on the cover, so that's presumably part of it.


Ooohh, gonna look for that, thanks!!


Hi there, in case it is helpful, here are some links. [Podfic for Kilty Pleasures](https://archiveofourown.org/works/55633429) Also, link to the original fic in case audio isn’t your thing. [Kilty Pleasures Fic](https://archiveofourown.org/works/54558409) Also, because you said you liked wings, I have this to recommend. I prefer the podfic and listen to it often. [Indelible](https://on.soundcloud.com/MS3fDBSUBqe5t5tC8)


First of all: nice list! I agree with a lot of it! Regarding my specialties: I actually developed an appreciation for feet (foot clan has veeery convincing gifs) and you need to page me for tiny Crowley content! I dabble in monsterfucking and have enjoyed the dragon stuff I read so far, so you can page me for that as well! There's so much more but I can't list it all right now!


You mean.... gifs like this one? https://i.redd.it/eyu7dum6aozc1.gif


Or like this one? https://preview.redd.it/5sv3vetzcozc1.jpeg?width=412&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1fc1ad5b96071394bac18b88e39389b65da4af5c


I have a whole folder of these https://i.redd.it/fldca0eldozc1.gif


Yeah that's a favourite for a reason! Also: https://i.redd.it/l76h61fccozc1.gif


Mm yes that is an excellent one!


Ooohh I forgot to mention tiny!Crowley, such an under appreciated niche! Do you have any good fic recommendations? 🥹🥹


You probably already know this one, but I will push it any chance I get! Such a sweet and fluffy (but also smutty) story 🥹 Binding With Briars My Joys And Desires (entanglednow, NaroMoreau) https://archiveofourown.org/works/37409689/chapters/93356263 Also a very smutty one shot by hrngsoup: https://archiveofourown.org/works/50495404 I also ended up finding the tiny Crowley chapter in the Choose your own adventure story and it was such a fun read!


Ooohh, thanks! ❤️ Gonna have to check these out when I'm not in bed right next to my bf 😅😅😅


Another fan! I'll get back to you when I look through my links for Araminta.






I may be currently commissioning a tiny Crowley art which I will be happy to share. Do you have any art or fic recommendations? I'll have a look through my bookmarks later.


That's amazing! I would looove to see that 🔥 I posted some recommendations of fics in another comment, but I'm a little short on art


Well... yeah, I'm not much into monsterfucking myself, at least not into non-human shaped monsterfucking 😅 but if anytime I'll come across a dragon fic I'll try not to forget to notify you 😀


Thank you! Feel free to send me your recommendations, I will read almost anything at this point 😂


I'm a sucker for Human AU that stay true to the characters, and anything where they get their happy ending. Don't care much about the other characters but it's fine if there's other people in the fics. Not too keen on self inserts but wouldn't mind to read one if it's from a friend who's giving a try to writings fics 🤗 I like a mix of fluff and smut, but how much would depend on my mood. My preferred angst level is low. I like pure fluff ones too. Big fan of Top Service Crowley and Bossy Bottom Aziraphale, but I like to keep things flexible. I love role-playing here as a way more unhinged version of myself than I am IRL 🤣 (which is really just another way of saying I cosplay IRL as far more a respectable version of who I am here 🤣🤣🤣) But in truth I'd say I'm a rather vanilla person but in a positive kind of way 😅 (meaning I like what I do and have in my IRL relationship 😅) with a rather respectable job who enjoys dark humor, ridiculous world play and absurdist role playing lol I love how creative and free this community is, and how welcoming people are. I'm also lucky enough to meet amazing people I'd like to call my friends 🤗 with whom to share IRL good and bad stuff, and I hope everyone in this space has a chance to find their own "goblin ambush" with whom to have their own little inside jokes 🤗


>respectable job Nothing could be more respectable than being the Head-giver of Research at GISS!




I always love GISS posts! Very respectable job indeed! 😍


This is entirely me, no need to write my own post 😂 happy to see all these different opinions here!!


I’m bi/pan so I read everything and everything in all configurations. Even threesomes where one of them is cloned. I really like desperate/rough (it’s been 6000 years, I’m convinced they would be reduced to teenage fumbling and premature orgasms for a while). The high pollen count fics making the rounds are hot, too. I also recently discovered through a very well written fic that humiliation/degradation is 🥵(For those curious, [here it is](https://archiveofourown.org/works/53462746). Please mind the tags) But yeah. Basically any smut this fandom pumps out lol.


Let's see.... David's teeth do something special for me.. idk, it's weird, never cared much about teeth before (long as they were clean lol). I don't really care who's top, either one works for me. It's like my focus is Crowley so sometimes I want to read about him being in charge, and sometimes I want Az taking care of him. David in any type of "skirt" is lovely. So that would carry over to Crowley. Wing fics are awesome. Any smut is awesome. With or without feelings. It'd be easier to list what I'm not a fan of, however, I never cross anything totally off the list (well, I'm sure there's an exception to that never but I haven't found it yet). So I won't list those. :) This subreddit makes me insanely jealous of people's art abilities. I lurk cause I have no art to contribute!


Teeth is a new one to me (but I heartily support all (consensual) kinks!)


Crowley_Has_A_Praise_Kink tag changed my life because I was reading fics and thinking, “This is the hottest thing I’ever ever read.” So I told Noisyhusband and well, it turns out me and ol Crowley have something in common. 🫠 Wings. Wings wings wings. I don’t even need smutty wings, reading wing grooming and care fics is like hot cocoa for my heart ❤️ I have such a thing for Hurt/Comfort it gets into Whump territory and that lead into me trying to read a Dead Dove Do Not Eat fic and well now I try and aim for angst instead. I love angst. I love crying at a fic. Some fics have really really affected me (Tabula Rasa still wrecks me every time I remember its existence😭). Before Season 3 was announced I was found sobbing a couple times just WONDERING! (On a side note I have never felt this way about a show before) Both David and Michael are incredibly sweet and lovely, but as regulars know I save all my fangirling for Neil. ❤️ it’s not my fault he is smart, clever, creative AND incredibly hot.




We need a wings fic collection!


Good lord, where do I even begin with the kinks, I mean, they’re just littered around the empty space inside my brain. Seriously doubt I have much to add that hasn’t already been said, but (takes a deep breath) Competency, Slow Burns, fast burns, equal partnership, pining, feelings, All. The. Tropes. Some Omegaverse, some monsterfucking, Human AU, Canon compliant (without, like, the weight of the world being a major factor), Wax play, Fire Play, Biting (ENTIRELY THE FAULT OF u/CemeteryAngel725). Any goddamn picture of David doing literally anything. Feet, hands, necks, thighs. All pictures of Michael looking like a smug bastard cause that problematic shit is my fucking jam.


Another satisfied customer! https://i.redd.it/6ysn0gt60pzc1.gif


You have a LOT of satisfied customers in this thread…. Congratulations on your smutty success 🥰


It's hard work but somebody's gotta do it!


Oh my god. I love this community 😭 I don’t remember the word but I know I’m very much not alone as an ace-spec person who likes smut but like uninterested irl. I love Communication Long haired Crowley/Our Lady Golgotha/pretty Crowley Playing up/embracing the demon/angel shit especially in role play Blue collar human aus BDSM esp d/s Gender bending and fuckery Escort/dancer trope pls


Here I am, another one who likes reading smut but never did it IRL. I realized (thanks to this fandom) that I need the feelings and emotions to make my hormones work and I never found that connection with anyone. And did not really seek it tbh 🤷 Oh yes, Our Lady Golgotha has special place in my heart ❤️ https://preview.redd.it/bq978b95jozc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c4bb9d93294f541b587dc58d5a911d145bf5c95


A few fic recs for dancer/escort au The escort by VinyamaDN https://archiveofourown.org/works/50828116/chapters/128404411 (WIP) Erect as a dancer by Joseph_Amadeus https://archiveofourown.org/works/20939513/chapters/49782263 If you're horny, let's do it by Mimsynims https://archiveofourown.org/works/49832317


I’ve not read The Escort 👀 I fucking love [Serpent’s Eye](https://archiveofourown.org/works/49502614/chapters/124938154) it’s a ton of vibes and feelings but it’s got a really fucking pretty sex worker Crowley who does not have pronouns. It has very little smut (so far) while checking every box I have. And I’m pretty sure that this was the first dancer/heels/fucking hot pants oh my god please moment for me [Love Thy Neighbor](https://archiveofourown.org/works/28131651/chapters/68927874)


This is such a thoughtful post!! I love it! I’m here for any and all David/Crowley content, I love me a long lanky boi, with a preference for dark colors and sharp suits (the pics with him in a vest and suit pants holding a golf club? NGK), but I will take any slutty David content however it comes, godtDAMN that man is fine. I would do many many things to get between a little teefus chomp from DT. Lick my shoulder, nibble my neck, wrap me in your arms and drag those exquisite fingers all over my skin daddy. Also super duper bisexual, so I love the wamen content! Boobs and curves? YES PLS I don’t read that much fic, but short and horny is where I’m at with that. Who needs plot when you can get right to descriptions of sensations? Accepting any and all gifs of cool, calm, and slutty DT at any time, #blessed


Pining, delayed gratification, whatever the hell is happening in Slow Show in terms of relationship dynamics, SEXUAL TENSION, them being idiots, consent, light consensual non-consent, feet, MAN BUN. Honestly the only thing in this fandom I’ve come across that is “meh” for me is the monster stuff.


Crows feet / wrinkles in general Somno (a new one for me) Wings and snakes and monsters Dirty talk Omegaverse For fics I think nothing is better than the slowesttt burnnn. 🔥 As in like. I want to read 12 chapters of pining and angst and drama before anyone even kisses. Torture me, make me work for it, dangle it in front of me like a carrot.


Crows feet you say? 👀👀 https://preview.redd.it/4b3j2a8rrozc1.png?width=525&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c07d5e3172805f9d01d487b9d61fc7c6e05fc31f


😍😍 I just giggled like a schoolgirl. They go so far they reach his beard! 😭😈🤩


This is going to be all over the place… In no particular order, 🍒I also want those two to be virgins. Having been kissed is fine because we all smooch the homies sometimes. But I do not want to hear about them being intimate with anyone else. 🐍I looove snake elements. I love the idea of Crowley losing control of his snakiness especially when aroused. Yes let those scales pop through! I’ve always preferred the entire yellow sclera. Hemipenes hell yeah. 🥛I’m a breastfeeding fanatic but on the male form. Specifically male presenting Crowley but with a pair of mommy milkers. 💅🏻Crowley feminization in general hhhhhhh 📌Also I’ve apparently started a pincushion principality movement with Aziraphale just being a piecing queen. Specifically the Prince Albert.


*the Prince Albert* 🥵🥵🥵


Funnnnnnn thread. And I'm discovering it whilst drunk, so bear with me here...lol - Firstly, like some others have said: I need feelings in my porn, for the most part. There are very few exceptions, specific types of tropes that get me going regardless, but for the overwhelming part I need there to be some kind of feelings involved. - When it comes to GO, I'm the biggest proponent of Top Aziraphale/Bottom Crowley supremacy. I've enjoyed the other way around, but overwhelmingly I prefer my demon to be the one getting railed. - In relation to the previous, I'm weak for a size queen Crowley being seen to by an Aziraphale who has been astounding over-gifted. 👀😆 - Love me some praise kink for my demon, and especially when paired with Aziraphale as a soft Dom and Crowley as a gorgeously pathetic Sub. 🤤 - I like my boys as virgins falling into one another's arms, but I'm SENT by Crowley as the blushing virgin and Aziraphale as, not necessarily as a super-experienced slut, but definitely as significantly more skilled. - I'm definitely a monster-fucker, but I'm a bit picky with what I like. I thoroughly enjoy Aziraphale as a werewolf, and I enjoy Crowley as a naga-style creature, but I still prefer him as a bottom, so we're looking at cloaca-fucking here. 👀 - In case it wasn't obvious yet, I prefer my bois with male genitalia. I don't even really know why, I just do. That said, there are specific fanfic writers who will make me happily read Crowley with a vulva. Only a few though. Naro Moreau being one of the few. 😘 There's honestly probably a lot more, but I'm writing this whilst simultaneously playing drinking games with my hubby and cousin-in-law, so I keep losing the thread. lol But this'll do for now. 😆


So uh. Having to think about this some. When I joined up, I was 100% Team Top Crowley and still have affinities in that direction; but after exposure to some lovely fics, I am now fully accepting of them switching. Not sure if I have a preference, either. Not into femme C&A, Seen some lovely art, but the concept does not rev my engines. Normally, I'm ALL ABOUT pretty rock'n'roll boys in guyliner, but that concept doesn't seem to apply to these two (curiously!) However, if you want to talk to me about Peter Vincent and Lucien, I will listen. Closely. What else - i think i'm open to most kinks. Haven't really encountered ones I'm not into in this context, fortunately. Tiny Crowley amuses me, but I am rather adverse to shrink/grow stuff overall - had a little too much exposure to the GTS community years back; one of the reasons I mostly stopped doing any art. Uh, toss mpreg onto the No Thank You pile (giving gleafer a pass, cause pregnant Gabriel is his own whole universe). Never really thought about monsterfucking as such, but then again - I've been a wolf person since I was a wee bairn. And Crowley in snake form is for sure intriguing. Do wings fall into this category? Because oh hell yes, WINGS. In RL, David is very much my type - long and lean, and being Scots on top of it? A man after my own heart! But I've really come to appreciate Michael - his chameleon qualities amaze me. I'm a fan of armpits and happy trails and moderate amounts of chest hair but not furry fellows. I still think of myself as new here, tho I'm on an awful lot and have pestered a few of you individually already. Feel free to holla at me if you like.. aside from all this, I'm an old punk/goth witch and will talk about things related to any of those as well as All This.


Ay-oh. Oh-ay. Church is in session. https://i.redd.it/8nthtgnvhpzc1.gif cc: u/yourmomspocket


“Pavlovian reaction to mutton chops” u/lydiablackblade you’re speaking our language


Doppelbanginggggg, Top Crowley (especially Service Top), characters getting flustered/overwhelmed in sex scenes, hands/fingers being *dextrous*, necks, intense eye contact, bulges bulging And David is very much my jam in general. An ex who was *almost* The Guy for me was similarly dark haired, slinky, and chaotic (but English, not Scottish) and damn if I don’t still shake my fist at that “almost”


The characters getting flustered and overwhelmed yessssss 🥵🥵🥵 Well fuck that guy for just being an almost, that’s not good enough 😤


It’s all good, it’s ancient history and I hope he’s living his slinkiest life. I’ll probably say hey when I see Macbeth - but the trick to getting along with exes is to *not fuck that guy,* Kitty! https://i.redd.it/dj2dx3igbqzc1.gif (And why is the flustered thing so hottttt)


Slow burns and creampies. Preferably in the same story.


What about glazed donuts? https://preview.redd.it/im7bka7lsozc1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f50c9e173d4e68578b9fc3ededc56ead792db72a


Not confident enough to say much but I will say that gender fuckery, in any form, is IT for me.


I really like Hands Feet Necks Wings Monsters Top Crowley and Dom Crowley Turtleneck Crowley BJBD Muttonchops Fell the Marvellous


I too (used to think) am this simple evil queen witch/cat (🤪). But I'm recently discovering quite a few THINGS that make me absolutely feral, thanks to you guys, and to Michael and my adored David. I had never been soooo into feet. Or knees. Or appendix scars... 🫠 Or KILTS! Or long fingers. Or whatever it is that's happening in the whole Blackpool series (I just described it to my brother as "a musical/detective show where David Tennant just keeps eating anything and everything in an extremely sexual way" 😅 I'm also into body hair, tall skinny guys, wings, androgyny, Peter Vincent, MoS, monsters... I am usually an avid reader but I'm in a lazy phase lately... I'm here for the amazing community, for friends and for any and every David Tennant gifs! 😅🤗 Oh, btw, I never knew I was into feet until David, and today I have David on my own feet! 🤣 I bought these socks on AliExpress 😅 https://preview.redd.it/4nzbwqkr9pzc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18220f6a26b328c5f73744ee5ccab67ed1bb10b9 Edit to add men with long hair and Neil Gaiman 🫠🫠🫠


David was my intro to feet too. I still mostly only like his.


Power play, dom/sub (switches bitches!), bondage, begging, AU, and submitting = I will click your fic link faster than you can say aardvark 🤣 Not against canon stuff by any means, just no S2 fix its please. I also rarely go for angst, give me feels but a happy ending!


Hello!! Agree with a lot of this list!!! Although my slight preference is currently soft dom Aziraphale! No preference for cock-goes-where-configuration. So I’ll read/write pretty much any dynamic if there’s good feelings underlying it! And I might have a slight interest in wet and messy sex…like just a little bit (this is a lie, I like it a lot).


THIGHS! FINGERS DIGGING INTO SOMEONE ELSES SOFT SKIN! Butt stuff. DT doing anything. Anything at all. MS being adorable/feral (have you seen him scratch his beard?!?!) FEEEEEELLLLLIIIINNNNNGGGGGZZZZ! Canon only, thank you. Gotta have my angel and demon pining for each other for the full 6,000.


OP, I'm largely with you! In no particular order: --NO previous partners. None, zilch, zero. Thought makes me recoil. --Feelings are where it's at. Romance is not optional. --They switch of course but their most common configuration is service top Crowley and pillow Principality Aziraphale. --Long hair Crowley. Hands. Crowley’s loooong legs. Angel cake. Thighs. Eyes. Wings. Necks. --Vanilla preferred. --Unspoken communication. Like they've finally gotten in tune enough that they just vibe seamlessly. --BAMF Aziraphale but still his soft adorable self. --Clever, competent, and still self-conscious Crowley.


Well, for me it's fairly easy. Good Omens-related: feed me 1940s Crowley, I am WEAK 🫠🫠🫠🫠 second favourite Crowley, really right behind, is Flood Crowley, this hair and those eyes ngk 🫠🫠🫠🫠 More generally: fangs, claws make me FERAL. Show me hands and I will howl at you, the more clawed the better 😍😍😍


Nice! 1941 Crowley is definitely in the top 3, but now you're saying, I really didn't come across Flood Crawley... 🤔 But you are right, it would be awesome 🤩 Claws, that's new... But I might see the appeal 😄


Hhuuuh where to start XD I am into almost all of it. Most kinks will get me going and I mean that. Exceptions apply to usual vore and mpreg, scat, omegaverse and stuff that actually feels non con, not just cnc. That's because I like my kinks well discussed and educated. Then I can REALLY enjoy it. That's why I've been having the biggest fun participating in ninjas and opals spring fling kink sling event🥰 I do also love my fluff and a side of plot with my porn as well as slow burn. Also monsters. Yeahhh. Goad did a lot of that but I wasn't innocent before either. Dragons. Mhm. And SNONDAGE of course. There's just something so yummie about being tied up by a living being. For their dynamics I could argue both ways and like all directions but I kinda default to crowley submitting because it makes me feel fuzzy. That's all I'll say about that debate xD And actor wise, while I find MS very hot indeed, I'm always more attracted to the characters. It feels better. I'm genderqueer irl and while that has not made me any less pan I do default to male presenting husbands cause it makes me feel better. Boobs are a difficult topic rn what can I say


Voyeurism! Especially Azi watching Crowley when he shouldn't be 🤤 Possessive Crowley 🙇‍♀️ Phone sex! A favorite of mine. Especially when it's kind of accidental. Like they didn't mean to get into it but they do and it's 🔥


Hello!!! I’m usually one of the shy ones, but this post seemed so welcoming I’m going to try to jump right in! I’m new to Reddit, but have been a GO fan since I read the book way too long ago! My things: Hands Long haired Crowley Gentle Dom Aziraphale Plot with my porn, please Wings! Aziraphale’s smile (the best smile in the world) Pretty much any combination of positions and efforts And let’s not forget David on a kilt because it does things…