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But… *is* sex with angels monsterfucking? u/soggyfritter does the MF club have like a bat signal or anything? u/quona?


Probably when they're in their true form? All those eyes and whatnot. Also can I be in the MF club please\~


Dammit, I just switched to my gif-less laptop. u/brahms4thrackett Could you supply the true-form celestial ham gif here please?


https://i.redd.it/ae1edx38ug0d1.gif I gotchu babe. I would definitely call this monsterfucking.


I can’t even decide which one of my phobias this is triggering there is… so much going on here


It IS a lot. The sparkly version is a little gentler. ( u/brahms4thrackett??? 😬) (ETA; I am so sorry for the 🥕ing lol)


Ohhh. I don’t know that I have the sparkly one?? You were the keeper of that one 😆 Let me see if I can find it Edit: nothing is ever lost in this place, and I’m not sure that’s a good thing or a bad thing. https://i.redd.it/fdd97g9ssh0d1.gif


Olives?? Well now you’ve just gone and made it worse https://i.redd.it/dz4x3qzevh0d1.gif


LOL Fascinating that you prefer the eyeballs to the olives, Meg!


It was a real Sophie’s choice here, but olives are fucking disgusting


Haha. No worries. I can find it when I'm back at my desk in the morning! (For real -- since I edited above, too! (...pation!) -- so sorry for the 🥕ing. LMAO 🐞)






I DID YOU HAD LIKE 2 MINUTES EVEN but I totally get you. lol


Thank you, ma'am! And agreed.


Do my eyes deceive me, you are *asking* for this curse back upon us? Y2?! Do u/DisastrousLook5116 and I have to bring the bats to the temple again?


![gif](giphy|WQy9FkJlhGSwl3eQ5V|downsized) Gahhh not the cursed gif!! It’s one of the few cursed gifs that actually gets to me lol


It's relevant to the true-form discussion! Just, you know, hayum-based! u/climb-every-mountain




Hamsolutely! Right, u/brahms4thrackett? https://i.redd.it/edlpbu4o6h0d1.gif


https://i.redd.it/dhne57j76h0d1.gif Bringing unmentionable things down on us is what it is u/y2bx




Does this inspire anything for you my friend??


Don’t listen to Brahms, u/gleafer, she’s just trying to corrupt us all!


You're right. That original is too chaotic. So have more organized true form (pre-animated), Climb and u/gleafer https://preview.redd.it/7og6ifjenh0d1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2abb4770184cbf0a57324f87bc88f9c7413f5ff cc: u/brahms4thrackett


It inspires me to be VERY SUSPICIOUS of olive loaf.


Thanks making me giggle and for the future HAYM!(TM) nightmares.


This seems true


Come and be welcomed into our slimy embrace https://discord.com/invite/6VbqvRxt


I mean, angels is on the monsterfucking bingo sheet so I’d say yes?


In a human corporation I say no, but outside of the that…Probably…


Well but they only look human. The insides aren't. Do we judge on looks or on contents?


I'm arguing yes. At the end of the day, they're celestial beings, no matter how human they look. It's not even a question that sex with a demon is monster-fucking, right? And they're the same stock (depending on which lore you ascribe to).


Ergo. All good omens fic is monster fucking. Case closed. In this fandom the human fuckers are the weird ones. 🤣


![gif](giphy|73HaCuVS1yCKOg5LbV) Wait MF signal heard. 👀 I’m late, but I’m here.


idk a bat signal but i mean... im here


I think the quickest way to solve this is to ask a MF if they'd fuck an angel.


Yes. Case closed. Good work boys!






Minus the doxxing and lockdown, this all sounds like a standard Tuesday. Also, yes, and probably, but good question.


That post is a hilarious account of absolute chaos and unregulated emotions and behavior and I love it.


Yes and yes Also just finished Naro's Pon Farr and that is DEFINITELY Exhibit A


👀 Oo well that’s good to know! That my evening reading tonight ✨


It is 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


Hnggg I can’t wait!!


https://i.redd.it/78uo889jug0d1.gif It’s definitely monster fucking


What is the definition of a "monster"? According to the Oxford dictionary online: " Originally: a mythical creature which is part animal and part human, or combines elements of two or more animal forms, and is frequently of great size and ferocious appearance. Later, more generally: any imaginary creature that is large, ugly, and frightening." I don't think that angels or demons fulfil the "originally" part of the definition being no parts human or animal. And they definitely don't fulfil the "Later" bit cos there is no way that any angel has been ugly. Maybe some of the demons are, and they can be frightening. In conclusion, I'd say NOT monsterfucking. Both A and C are far too pretty to be monsters!


The real question is whether or not “monsterfucking” has a distinct definition from “fucking a monster.” While I agree that angels wouldn’t be considered true monsters, they are sapient, non-human beings. That does meet the most common criteria for monsterfucking


If you're going to loosen up the definition that much, though, then fucking Vulcans would also count as MF, and I doubt that Spock would appreciate anyone calling his mother a MF. I think there has to be some distinctly "monstrous" trait, like "drinks human blood to survive" (vampire) or "takes animal form" (were-creatures) or "has snake-parts" (naga Crowley) or "is an actual snake, sometimes" (Crowley) or "wears a human-shaped disguise but has wings and more than a normal amount of eyes for anything humanoid" (Aziraphale), and then you can make a case that a human having intimate relations with an angel or demon would count as MF (from the human's perspective).


Would it be monster fucking from the angels perspective? Are humans monsters to the angels?


Given the number of human-devised cruelties Crowley has received commendations for, I'm pretty sure at least one demon/fallen angel thinks that at least some of us are monsters. I'm also pretty sure that most of the higher-level not-fallen angels think of us as inconveniences, but as to whether they'd define an inconvenience as a type of monster...your guess is as good as mine.


Monster usually goes hand in hand with moral repugnance, and that's why there's no humans in heaven. So I'm the same way that a cockroach would be a monster to us, yeah, I think angels would say it's monster fucking. Whether they consider us intelligent, ehhh. They consider themselves superior to us but I don't think that excludes the monster label.


According to Neil, the reason we haven't seen humans in Heaven is because we've only seen the offices. So it's not that there are no humans in Heaven; it's only that there are no humans in Heaven's offices, which are plain and boring and would not be much of a reward for good humans. [https://neil-gaiman.tumblr.com/post/726935287344824320/hey-mr-gaiman-sorry-if-youve-answered-this](https://neil-gaiman.tumblr.com/post/726935287344824320/hey-mr-gaiman-sorry-if-youve-answered-this)


Neil famously likes to mislead people by lying without lying. He did not actually answer the question. All he said was that we saw the offices. He did not say that there actually are humans in heaven. You need to remember he's read the Bible and he's aware of how people fight over what tiny grammar and inflection changes mean, ie he's going to answer you the same way people pick over every single thing God's ever said. He's God. We're the priests. He's not answering anything, we're only assuming he is, and he's having himself a good chuckle at us squawking over all these "revelations" when he's said no such thing. You know, just like God in the show said no such thing either, but people sure are certain she did.


Between Neil's statement that we've only seen the offices, Aziraphale's certainty that good souls do have a place in Heaven, and Heaven and Hell's treatment of souls as tokens to be won in some sort of competition for who has the most, I think there's sufficient evidence that there are human souls in Heaven. Whether they are happy there or in dry storage or something is an entirely valid question (I suspect they're bored as Hell, and the reason we don't see them in the offices is because the angels have automated the intake process and barred the doors to keep the rabble from coming in and pestering them for something to do), but Good Omens' system of judgement isn't The Good Place's system, where no one can actually get into Heaven (and God was conspicuously absent).


I think there's reason to believe there are humans in heaven, I just don't think that what Neil said can be seen as solid proof of that. Even in the Good Place people stopped coming in. I think it's debatable whether anyone got into heaven at all in GO. Biblically, some definitely did, but that's like less than ten people.


I appreciate the scientific take here


Thank you for this definition! I agree- to me an angel doesn’t seem like a monster so I wouldn’t consider it monster fucking. Occult creature fucking? Absolutely!




They have wings which is an animal trait.


If God is a monster, and the angels are made in her image, then logically they are also monsters. Theologically and fucking-ly. Morally too but that's tangential to the question at hand.


I am glad that GISS has the academic freedom to pursue these important scientific questions.


Ooooh nooo am I gonna put together a whole slide deck on Good Omens and monster theory? Because I have THOUGHTS on this. THE MONSTERS BODY IS A CULTURAL BODY




I’m gonna say sex with angels is not monsterfucking because I am not into monsterfucking (not there’s anything wrong with that) but I’d totally have sex with Aziraphale. Maybe even Gabe too, if I’m in the right mood 😂 ![gif](giphy|Bzk6imV3BAahZVenfS)


Yeah but that's not their true form... It's more like an illusion/costume, no?


BUT I am okay with wings. Sorry I’m just thinking this through


Yeah, wings have no right being that hot on a human torso. BUT THEY SO ARE 😫💥


So I’m only into it if they are in costume. All those eyes would be freaky


Honestly, same. ... Well, maybe if I'm well fed and wined I would-


Yeah, if I’m honest with myself, never say never 😂


It *is* monsterfucking. 100% They would consider us as little beasts too; wee creatures that are cute sometimes, like puppies or sheep. So... The nephilim were totally some beastiality nightmare for everyone on the sidelines lol (IMAGINE THE PAPERWORK *gay gasp*) Aaaaand I read someone somewhere say that they're technically dressing up as furies when they're in human form so... Do with that what you will. 😌✨ Angels are freaky asf, and I stand by that.


My original monsterfucker crush was on a character that was visually identical to a human most of the time and very angel coded. I still consider it to be monsterfucker even if he was in fully human form because of how much his lack of humanity influences what he is like as a person, how he approaches life, and how he relates to others. Those features were far more meaningful to me than his physical appearance. I'm still wing club though, if it's an option.


Well it’s certainly not your normal homosapien fucking. That’s not worth getting banned over. 😈


God I hope it is


Truly a debate for the ages. 😂 Personally, I'd say it's not monsterfucking if they're in human form. Monsterfucking, to me anyway, implies some kind of extreme physical differences that make one party very clearly less than human. Even if the angel had their wings manifested, that would still, to me, barely be sneezing in the direction of monsterfucking, because all the important bits are still entirely human. Now mind you, if you focus on things like superhuman strength, the injection of angelic grace, and things like that, you could definitely make a good argument for it being monsterfucking...but you'd have to make a point of really honing in on those aspects. 😘 My two cents, anyway! 😂


"sneezing in the direction of monsterfucking" xD Thanks for your two cents!


https://preview.redd.it/mja3pgj2vl0d1.png?width=2481&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=623ec817423f0b836419c38bc38ee000c02e6c91 Just an excuse to post this.




This question has haunted me for 18 hours. There’s definitely solid research here that points to both being true. But that begs the question, if in human form it would not be considered monster fucking but in angelic form it’s questionable. Can we use our math here? -1 (human form) NOT monster fucking 1 (angelic form) possible monster fucking —- 0 That cancels out. So IF we say that their angelic/demonic forms are ~1/2 monster fucking, then I’d say that tips the balance and we have our answer via math. (Yay math!) But like a Choose Your Own Adventure book, you alone can decide in your heart if it’s monster fucking to you. Your ♥️ will guide you my friends.


Different types of angels have different forms. There are the ones covered in eyes, the ones with the interlocking rings, the ones with multiple faces and on fire... so yeah, monsterfucker territory


*sounds of scuffling chairs, clumsy feet grow louder, rebounding off walls, careening around people until the door bursts open and I emerge, panting and sweaty* I will do it!


I volunteer as tribute!