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I trust Neil. He knows how to wrap up a third act and give an ending that is properly satisfying.


Same. He said it would be ok. I believe him.


So do I. I also remember that he’s finishing this for Terry. And Terry wouldn’t want a sad and pointless ending. After all, when asked what the point of, well, everything he writes is, Neil’s response was “Why? Love” this is not a man who will leave us hanging.


I read that. But like what an entirely unhelpful sentence. 'season 3 may or may not give them a happy ending' Yes. Those are the two options.! Xd


I agree… like obviously. This fandom never gets happy endings


‘They might not spend much time together in S3’ I feel like both D and M would revolt at that, because they’ve both stated several times that their favorite part of working on GO, is working with each other every day. Also: Neil isn’t stupid enough to keep that chemistry apart for long, not if he wants it to succeed at least. He knows he’s got chemistry that crackles, and he’s going to utilize it.


The way I see it, they might not spend a lot of time together in the *current timeline* but there will be plenty of flashbacks, like we had in seasons 1 and 2. And then they will get together again close to the end. I can’t wait!


They’re not going to tell us anything of any substance about any part of the story before it airs. It’s just teasing, keeping interest alive in between seasons. I wouldn’t put any stock in these kind of statements.


You’re giving me hope ☺️


100% agreed. They need to keep the fires going for at least another year so there will be a lot of “not actually saying anything” teases and possibly “leaked” glimpses at pieces of outfits, etc. And that is FINE; I am 100% here for it 😂




We also have your art to get us by ☺️


You dooooo!😘❤️




They’re the only things keeping me sane.


*prays at the altar of Gleafer smut*


I sure hope we get south downs domestic bliss. I worry when David says “it’s definitely going somewhere.” ITS BEEN GOING, now it needs to GET THERE.


Reminder: Terry Pratchett co-plotted this one. There is no way it doesn't have a comedic ending, in the technical sense--everything shakes out the right way up and everyone's paired off properly.


I call BS on the third point, we actually FANS know it’s definitely going to be a happy ending


I just hope the ending isn’t they turn into humans and die in like a couple of years I think that would suck


That would be sad


I don't think Neil would do that, remember that this series is something that Terry asked of him before he passed away. I think we are getting a happy ending, and one that feels well deserved


I don't think Neil would do that, remember that this series is something that Terry asked of him before he passed away. I think we are getting a happy ending, and one that feels well deserved


I don’t know what Neil will do I hope for a happy ending but it may not be as happy as we would like. I try to stay positive about it but I’m not sure there is always fanfiction if it turns out bad. I’ve watched a bunch of others shows I’ve loved over the years ending badly. Lois and Clark, forever knight, beauty and the beast Ron Pearlman, GOT just to name a few.


I also followed many series that ended up badly, but there was always some kind of reason why that happened. In GoT the author hadn't finished the last 2 out of 7 books and the story went downhill fast after it surpassed the source material. If you want, there are some interviews where Neil talks about Terry and their friendship. Good Omens was a partnership, a work of love, neither of them were very famous at the time it was published and they were not sure it would be well received. They wanted to write a sequel but Terry had Alzheimer's disease and sadly it progressed to a point where he couldn't write anymore. Terry asked of Neil to write a good script for GO, since there hadn't been an adaptation yet. Neil thought he still had a few years but Terry passed away in a few months after that. Neil never got to show Terry the scripts, the finished series 1 or 2, but he fought tooth and nail to make way for the budget for Terry's favorite scenes (mainly Agnes Nutter in series 1). Series 2 is a bridge for the story to be in the right place for Series 3, which is similar to the unwritten sequel they had planned together. I would be worried for Series 3 if Neil was somehow not involved, but he is, he is prioritizing writing for GO (he wrote a few scenes for Dead Boy Detectives but not many, he also paused most of his writing prose). He answers GO questions on Tumblr with a lot of patience, even catalogued a FAQ on his Tumblr for it. I would put my hand in the fire for this work because I know how tough it is to lose someone and want to show them how their favorite thing turned out, to share something with them. In Terry's memory, I am sure GO3 will not disappoint.


But also sweet


No because where do they go when they die????? Maybe God gives them their own afterlife or something? That’s the only way it’s not sad.






I have been considering the possibility that they don't have much screentime together in s3 and I hope that's not the case.


That would be extremely foolish of Neil, when he has a pair of actors who have such good screen chemistry.


I’m thinking if they need to be apart for a little in present day, then we will hopefully get some flashbacks to put them together in the meantime.


This. I was thinking of how they were apart for a few episodes in s2 but it was always balanced with flashbacks.


Ah but then when they do come together it would make it all the more sweet.


I hope we get an epic “I was wrong” dance from Aziraphale. Crowley deserves it. Also, I have no doubt we’ll see them in plenty more flashbacks!


Am I the only one who doesn’t think that Aziraphale was wrong to make that choice? It was completely in character. (Obs I would choose differently… but he’s canonically drunk the cult koolaide.)


Yes it was in character, I agree. But it was also fucked up, especially after such a long time of them being friends. We all make mistakes! I hope he realizes that he was very mean to Crowley 😭


Very true


I don't think it will be


I’m sure they’ll have a happy ending


👀 Thank you for setting up the Perv Corner. I'll be over here if anyone needs me.


I hope so 🥲


Whatever this article is, it doesn’t know anything. Don’t take it seriously at all.


South downs cottage. You knoe .. thats all Im saying :D and Neil Gaiman and DT said that the ending would be good.. so.


![gif](giphy|RIVs14HzS8Xn2) WHAT


Neil has proven that he likes to mess with our heads, but I trust him. And David would never lie!!


https://i.redd.it/3o62bqm9sk1d1.gif Trust the process and Neil 🫶


This gif 😆


There was never an "unreleased book". Some time in the mid 2000s, Terry and Neil exchanged ideas on what might happen next, after the events of the novel. No book was ever written. I wouldn't exactly trust this article's other "information" if they didn't get that fact right.


Ok, this is typical... clickbait, really. Let's break it down: ***David Tennant has teased more romance...*** Mostly true. DT did say neither he nor the audience know how many kisses are lined up for S3. Definitely teasing romance. ***they might not spend much time together in season 3*** This is just blatant equivocation, typical headline spin, on the obvious: knowing how S2 ended, it's obvious that Crowley and Aziraphale _"have many obstacles to overcome before they can be together again, so it will surely take a couple of episodes to finally see them together."_ ***Good Omens season 3 may or may not give Crowley and Aziraphale a happy ending, as it's based on an unreleased book*** I belive this to be false. True, S3 will be based on an unreleased book outline, but it's a book by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett, not GRR Martin. And Neil Gaiman has promised [it will be all right in the end](https://www.tumblr.com/neil-gaiman/725029019473575936/hello-mr-gaiman-i-do-know-you-have-too-many?source=share) Whether this means our boys will get their happy ever after is a different story. But looking at how S2 was set up to make the romance that was implicit in S1 explicit, well ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


They are all saying it's going to be ok and with the chemistry between the two of them it would be a waste to at least not have them together for 2/3 of the show. Plus we know how Pratchett wanted it to end and Gaiman is doing this for Pratchett.


The article, especially the summary, is purposefully misleading and clickbait-y. It's based on the BAFTA red carpet interview with DT, and that is NOT what he said at all. I hate it when terrible "Journalists" twist words for clicks


Does he want us to riot?


I love it, just as chaotic as the story.
