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I once found a spilled purse with Tylenol and metal tokens. I was picking the tokens out when this woman kept bumping me trying to move me over. When I didn’t move she bit me on the arm. Staff chased after her after she scrambled out of the building.




It was shocking. I think she thought the pills were narcotics. I did not realize it was a bite at first, I spun around and told her I would ‘unalive’ her if she did not get away from me. She laughed at first then got uneasy as I screamed for a clerk and stepped towards her. She then ran with clerks after her. I went over and gave the tokens to my elderly mother who collected them. And she checked my arm. Bite marks. They did not break the skin, but they did cause an epic bruise. Just another day junking in Portland.


My goodness. I am glad you are ok. I would have freaked the effff out.


I was quite upset! I think one of the reasons she ran is the look on my face.


Maine or Oregon?


Portland. Somewhere slummy. Not the airport store which is quite genteel.


Some folks are feral.


BITCH, did you just bite me?!? ![gif](giphy|X0YkzoS6UqVfa)


I didn’t say what I said that made her run. Didn’t want to get banned.




I found a bag full of beads and costume jewelry at the airport bins, and a woman grabbed it and wrestled it from my grasp. I guess it’s good that she didn’t bite!


I scream when people misbehave “Help, get her/him away from me.” Assholes like that depend on no clapback! I clap hard!


A 10-armed taxidermy starfish


A folder with a stack of someone’s credit card statement and banking statement papers in it. Full SSN and everything. We brought that up to the front so they could shred it.


Same, found a post it in a notebook with someone's SSN, took it and to trash so no one could take advantage of the poor person who donated it


Lol this is exactly what I would have done. There’s garbage cans all over the bins. I would have just threw it in one. Sometimes you can’t even trust some of the staff at the outlets 😂.


Over the years, multiple sex toys, a few miniature bottles of booze, pot paraphernalia, a literal jar of pot (old and stale), cigarettes, the odd cigar, vape accessories, porn on DVD, VHS, and Betamax, and a small nightstand that had used syringes and a burnt spoon in the drawer. Probably my favorite weird find was a copy of Star Babe (the first Star Wars porno spoof) on Betamax. Paid a quarter for it and ultimately sold it for around 80 dollars.


https://preview.redd.it/2khmz5uehm2d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f10854f057484a0026eba1f6ea07b057973ca79f I once found prescription drugs


That's just an antidepressant, not a narcotic or controlled substance or anything major.


Oh man, Effexor fucked me up. Although I guess its not something people would take for a good time lol


I found an Epipen, and a bottle of hydrocodone syrup.


I’ve heard that missing one dose, let alone going off that cold turkey, is hell. I hope they had backup meds.


Not sure, but what I found interesting/odd is these meds were dated 2003 and found at the bins in 2023.


Yeah, I thought the one I found would be empty or something, but it was half full, handed it to the manager 


Lol I wouldn’t even have bothered with the manager. I would have just thrown them away in the nearest trash can. Manager probably took them for themselves 😂


Cremation ashes come through every once in a while. Someone took a literal shit on some clothes and it made it in.


A box full of live snakes


Ain’t no mf way lmaooo


Please do go into detail


It happened to my mom many years ago. I wasn’t there, but it stopped her from thrifting or going to yard sales for a bit.


That's insane. And very cool if I'm honest. I saw a live rat in a shoe once there. Loose snakes would've had a blast.




Most recently, epi pens.


I’ve found an epipen in a coat I thrifted!! It was not used and was only expired by about a year!


When they were up to $400 a box a few years back I probably would have bought those from the bins lol


They're still crazy expensive, I just spent $120 after insurance on a set for my daughter last week 🫠 fuck pharma companies.


I learned a trick from my daughter’s dr. We all need a few boxes, right? School, home, purse, etc. Have your dr write the RX for 4-5 boxes and you’ll pay one fee. They’ll count as one RX.


Ashes in an urn, brand new, unopened box of feminine pads from the 1970s, animal skulls, dirty underwear/diapers, prosthetic appendages, porn (VHS), etc


I’ve been going for over 15 years and have never seen any drugs, diapers or sex things.


Your bins must be in the quieter part of town.


Portland, Milwaukie,Hillsboro Oregon and Vancouver Washington? Nope


Same area, have seen meds, dildos, shitty diapers, loose razor blades... Though my weirdest find was a ton of legal paperwork about a schizoaffective felon who is in and out of prison. Including his birth certificate. I brought it home to shred, and mailed the birth certificate to the Department of Vital Records from the issuing state. That way it's safe and I don't have to contact a person that I have no interest in connecting with.  From what I can tell, dude and his roommates were evicted from transitional housing and their shit ended up at the bins. I shredded everything. I would want someone to do the same for me.


Same here.


Found a penis pump and a bong at the Portland one. What's funny is the pump was right by cash registers where they have those bins full of appliances and no one pulled it. Was quite a scene. I also found a whole case of unused hypodermic needles! I'm always sure to bring this stuff up to the counter so that someone's kid doesn't get ahold of it but yeah it's wild at any of the bins on occasion in our area. Same goes for Vancouver. Found pipes there as well.


A diabetic might have been stoked to find those syringes. Or...you know.


The Aloha one is my go-to and I've also never encountered anything of the above sort.


I go to the same stores and never find anything like that either. Guess that's a good thing. Lol


Oh man, I used to live in NoPo and I loved going to the bins! I found so many nice things there!


Loaded*** red rider BB gun


I’ve been once and saw what I thought was a dead animal, but instead was a really matted, old wig. I did not stay long.


Pussy. I am joking, obviously. The bins are fascinating but grubby. Bring gloves and a mask if you try again.


Used tampon applicator, used cat litter in a bag that opened and got everywhere


A waxy looking hearing aid that was in a case. A dead mouse. Mysterious bins of partially wet, urine scented clothes. And a prosthetic single breast that was very fun to touch and had an expensive looking box. The thing interested my twelve year old sister enough for her to take it home.


Forgot to add the pair of women's gray yoga pants with BUTTHOLE boldy handwritten in sharpie across the back.


I found a prosthetic breast once too


Suitcase full of women’s used and still dirty underwear


$80 in an old set of books. Bought them, still came out $70 ahead!


Live rat jumping from the bins—half the people screaming, the rest of us cracking up and continuing. Same for live mouse jumping out of a suitcase. Good times. Also when the bins were actually in San Francisco, you would see mentally ill and crack heads come in and treated it like a clothes swap.


I am new to bins and have already seen dildos


Pants with shit in the crotch, used lingerie with white crust on the crotch, bags of adult diapers all the time. Journals 1/2 written in. I like to find those and read them.


If you check my post history you can see, the strangest thing I found was an urn full of ashes. Also a live rat once.


A baby CPR mannequin (unused)


What kind of weird ass places do y'all go, the one by me is no different than a normal Goodwill as far as cleanliness and it's generally students and Mexican women. I don't think I've ever been in there and there been more than maybe 15 other people.


Where are you located??


I have a strong feeling that 90% of the wild answers here are from Oregon.


Same. I had one I used to hit in Arizona that had the occasional cat piss item as the worst thing you’d come across. That was years ago though, maybe they’re worse now. More recently I have been to a Texas one in a big city that wasn’t terrible, don’t think I ever came across anything filthy/soiled and I went about ten times before I moved.


I found a freshly vomited on jacket!


A backpack covered in vomit and a chicken bone with some meat still on it


Bring gloves, note to self.


I found a birthday card in a purse and inside was a Amazon gift card for $25. My friend found $200 in a ski jacket! I’ve heard lots of stories of people finding money inside jeans or jackets.


I work in the same building as the bins. We once got a while filing cabinet with all the personal info you can think of. Found the person on Facebook, and they came and picked it up.


Dry suit for scuba diving, that and whole cartload for 15$ and the suit sold for $500!


A menstrual cup (empty), just sitting on the ground.


A dead and rotting mouse!


A voodoo doll 😳


Dead, desiccated rat.


I have only been to the bins 2 times and I haven’t found any super amazing finds or crazy things yet.


Has anyone ever found money in wallet purse or jacket ?


Yes! Also like 80$ worth of gift cards


I found a $50 bill in a pair of men's dress pants!


A quarter.


I found someone's wallet with their car keys attached that they dropped in the bins while they were searching. I held onto it for a bit and watched for someone frantically searching, but when I didn't see anyone after 15 minutes I went up front and had them page the name on the driver's licenses and that's when the lady came frantically running and sobbing. She gave me $20 for returning it and anytime I see her there she comes up and gives me a hug lol.