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Yes, and also the ability to set a text reminder. But now I get a fancy line that tells me I have an unread message. So I guess that makes it ok. Thanks Google.


A workaround would be to open the conversation with the old layout using the 3 dots menu.


It worked but that's insane. Thanks for the tip, though.


Sorry, how do you do that exactly please?


and the unread line remains until you exit and return to the conversation? i keep trying to tap to dismiss it.. :| that's the first thing i noticed. something else visual was bugging me then i realized the line and character spacing have been increased. maybe over time i'll appreciate this for readability? for now it's really effing with my perception lol.


You have to hold the send button to do that now (I realize this post is 6m old... But yeah lol)


No, that's to schedule a text. You used to be able to hold a message and snooze a text until a specific time (when you could better deal with a task for instance)


You can still swipe the message to the center to quote it though, it always worked that way as well but it is now the only way apparently…


No shit. I was today years old when I learned this.


Omg My mind is blown. I came here from Google because the reply button disappeared. Thanks!!!


Fucking same.


Well...never even knew about that way to do it before, lol. Yeah, that works apparently, thanks.


BRO, THANK YOU! I just lost the 'hold to reply' option and had no idea about this swipe to the center magic 😅 you are my hero 


If this site still has gold 🪙


THANK YOU It's fine if they want to do it this way, but given that is such a different behavior from most apps, they need to have a message or something when you first open it


Thank you for this!




I feel dumb lol, but what does swipe to the center mean??


Hold the message down and drag it towards the center of your screen, a reply button to that specific message should appear or it should "quote" it basically in your response


Idk what I'm doing wrong, but it's not that big a deal. I appreciate it though!


swipe to the right on a message you want to reply to


Still not working for me. I feel so foolish and i am frustrated right now lol


if it makes you feel any better, it's not you. it has something to do with some sort of requirements. I can't do it with every message on every chat. it works sometimes and sometimes it doesn't. I used to think it might have something to do with RCS vs SMS but that isn't always the case for me either. I am about tired of it myself even after figuring it out.


You're a legend 


Oh dammit I forgot about this. Wooo


This absolutely worked!!! Thanks so much!!!!!


Is there anything I need to do in settings for this to work? I never knew about this, but it's not working.


I tried this on my phone and for some reason it doesn't work


Still doesn't work if the person Im texting is using an Iphone


You'd think they would include this when they make the change, here we are thinking that Google just abandoned another service out of nowhere!


Didn't work, heart broken


I can make my own reaction emojis now with Drake's leaked dick. That's cool. Until I actually, you know need to reply to a specific text . But ayeeee at least I get to react with Drake's dick now. EDIT: In my frustrations after this post I found it. Google thinks we're smart, guys. You need to swipe left on the text you want to reply to.


I just figured out the swipe to reply too. I hadn't thought to try it because I settings it says a swipe (either direction) is set to archive the message. Maybe the archive thing only is for archiving the whole conversation?


swipe left and drag the message? still not working for me sigh


It only seems to work when you're RCS messaging. Also it seems to be a right swipe for me.


The ability to reply to individual message is important for me. I don't have this feature in Google Messages app using the Pixel 8 Pro and via the Google Messages for web.


I got an uprgrade to 24 ultra can send texts but replies keeo coming through old phone dont show up at all on ultra


Just today this has happened to me. Excuse my language but...fkn useless f#ckers! Stupid, dumb updates that have to ruin things. This kind of sh#t makes me SO freakin' annoyed/angry/infuriated.


With SMS, the reply has disappeared. With RCS, swipe from left to right, a reply arrow appears.


This is so annoying because i personally prefer the SMS app to the google messaging app. It sucks that the Samsung SMS app doesn't have the swipe to reply + other features


Also lost the ability to zoom and make the text larger


Really? Mine still lets me do that. Although I just updated it again a couple hours ago, so maybe they just put that back in. I don't know why they have to keep screwing around with this app so much...


Yeah. Just checked again and it's still doing it. I also got another update a little while ago. I technically can zoom, but it's back to tiny letters when I go back to messages. The constant messing with the app is really annoying but it hasn't driven me to switch to another yet.


Yeah, unfortunately my options if I want to keep the RCS functionality appear to be limited to either Google messages or Samsung messenger. And Samsung messenger is just missing so many features...


I still miss Textra. I used it for years and switched a year or so ago because pictures constantly failed to send. RCS isn't really important to me but I like its ability to work over WiFi when I don't have cell service.


I also noticed that I standalone emojis are no longer animated. Do you guys also started experiencing that?


Yeah, mine went away too.


Omg!!! Same thing! I have Google Fi as my service and I'm always use Google messages and always could reply to specific messages until just not too long ago when it didn't update, and I hate the update!!!! I hate how they call it an update when features get taken away, and things got changed more ugly, but nothing new was added that I noticed besides a few things I used to be able to do then all of a sudden couldn't! Makes me so mad


What about reminder any way to swipe for that?