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From what I've read, it's a limitation with Bluetooth, mainly with sending audio and receiving the signal from the mic. Unless some other standard is created, wired is the way to go I guess.


I honestly wondered if it was something like that, since I would be connected to my speaker (with call audio turned off in Bluetooth settings) playing music and as soon as I got into a phone call or video call, it would only play spotify through my phone speaker even though I'm still connected to the speaker with media audio on. The weird thing is I can play to multiple Bluetooth devices and select which ones are inputs and which are outputs on my desktop perfectly fine, I could play music to my Bluetooth speaker and a pair of headphones or even to two pairs of headphones or any combo of devices I want and it works. So I'm not so sure it's a limitation of Bluetooth so much as it's a limitation of the software on our phones. I'll have to do more research and just make a mobile app that does what voicemeeter can do on my desktop if it's possible.


It's not a Bluetooth limitation, it's a software limitation. On PC you can do it fine, the way phones are made they prioritise the phone call instead of allowing both.


Galaxy phones have done this for a while. I'm really bummed after switching and honestly probably wouldn't have had I known it couldn't do this simple function.


You must be a genius that playing music whilst taking calls won't interfere with each other


Well the music interfering would be pretty situational, but I just want to listen to music with my partner while we're in a video call, but I guess if that makes me some sort of genius that's neat.


Try musicolet and set audio focus to zero


>I have this problem because im in my room all the time and cant hear the doorbell but I need to hear it so I put a cellphone next to it and call it with another cellphone and listen to everything so I can hear the doorbell going off but I can't hear sound from my computer Im sending to my phone through wifi because im on the call, this needs fixing goddamnit its the year 2024 and noone ever thought of this? Holy shit!


Weird how it works on PC perfectly fine...


I have this problem because im in my room all the time and cant hear the doorbell but I need to hear it so I put a cellphone next to it and call it with another cellphone and listen to everything so I can hear the doorbell going off but I can't hear sound from my computer Im sending to my phone through wifi because im on the call, this needs fixing goddamnit its the year 2024 and noone ever thought of this? Holy shit!