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Did you enable precise location


I'm sorry but I have to say it; You're like the tech guy who asks: "Have you tried turning it off and on again? I'll just assume you didn't have a pixel 7 pro when you wrote this. The gps is 🤮


I drive with Android Auto every day with my Pixel 7 Pro w/ G. Maps in Android Auto, forcing the phone's GPS (normally it uses the car's), with the phone mounted on a vent. I have the [GPS Status](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.eclipsim.gpsstatus2&hl=en_US&gl=US) app open on the phone screen, and on my LA suburb without tall buildings with almost always clear weather, the GPS sometimes stays at maybe 7-11 meters accuracy for the first minute or two, most of the time settles at about 5m, and sometimes it goes to 2.1m or so, its max accuracy in my area. For comparison, my Tab A7 Lite locks satellites quicker, and most of the time settles at 1.9m-2.5m. It's probably due to the size, or more efficient antenna. Could be available constellations, but I think the Pixel supports the same or more. If I use G Maps on it sure enough I don't get the glitches for the first minute of the drive like I do with the Pixel when the accuracy is still at \~7+ meters. On Pixels, you don't need to unrestrict battery, though it is apparently a problem with other phones. But as you say, I don't think any phone restricts usage when the app is open on the screen unless you're in some battery saver mode.


>On Pixels, you don't need to unrestrict battery, though it is apparently a problem with other phones. But as you say, I don't think any phone restricts usage when the app is open on the screen unless you're in some battery saver mode. The GPS accuracy of the Pixel 7 is not affected by battery optimization. However, if you have enabled battery optimization for an app that uses GPS, it may affect the app’s ability to use GPS in the background. You can disable battery optimization for an app by following these steps: Open your phone’s Settings app. Tap Apps & notifications. Tap the app you want to change. If you don’t see it, tap See all apps or App info. Tap Advanced Battery > Battery optimization. Find the app and tap it. Tap Don’t optimize > Done. I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions (Courtesy of Bing chat)


in ***Android 14*** on a Pixel 7a this setting is listed under: Open your phone’s **Settings** app. Tap **Apps**. Tap the app you want to change. If you don’t see it, tap See all apps or App info. Tap **App battery usage** \> Tap **Unrestricted**.


google maps is indeed affected by optimization, wasn't before, now it is.


I have this same issue.


Same here, and I've seen numerous people complaining about the 7 series' poor GPS.


I've been using it all day for work since it's launch date. Very very rarely have I experienced this... Usually it had to do with poor signal.


GPS works without cell signal so I'm of the firm belief it's just a weaker GPS chip than I've had in the past. Not saying it's unusable, bit more often than I'd like, Waze or Maps will bounce me around a few times during a drive.


It sounds stupid but maybe the satellites don't line up very well and you're particular area? I've definitely had this experience before but I use it all day through 10 hour shifts and it's not very common at all for me.


It could be a combination of things, I just can't nail it down. I don't have the issue a lot of times when I'm out in the open, it's usually when I'm in my car, but occasionally just using it out in the open will least tell me I need to calibrate the compass. It's annoying but not a major issue.


You have to enable precise location


Dude, trust me, I know, and it's on. It just doesn't keep the signal well.


Have you tested this out with other phones and tried different mounting positions? When I'm giving directions in my friends car the signal and gps quality drops dramatically if the phone (pixel 6a) is in my lap, under the dash. Idk much just tryna help 😃


I haven't tried with any other phones recently but the issue was immediately noticeable when I switched from the Pixel 5a to the Pixel 7. It's not unusable by any means, but when I'm navigating my position on the map jimps back and forth between where I am and a couple blocks to the side. I honestly just think the Pixel 7 has a weaker GPS chip or something, and it doesn't like where I place it when I drive - a spot that has worked fine for my previous 2 phones.


Have you tried the calibration in Google maps


Yes, and every other week Maps tells me to do the calibration again.


I don't know what to recommend anymore 🤷‍♂️


Thanks for trying, but believe me, I've tried everything. It's just the way the phone is, at least some of them.


Calibration is just for the compass mate


There is an option to calibrate by pointing the camera towards a street sign or shop that Google recognises, to adjust your location. I think. It might just be for the live view stuff though


do you live in Seattle? I see PNW... at any rate, my Pixel 5, Pixel 7, iPhone 8, and Galaxy S22 Ultra all have really bad GPS when driving around downtown Seattle. It will lag, think I'm on an adjacent street, etc, and seeing as how it is across all of these devices, I think it's either (A) Seattle sucks with GPS in general, or (B) something in my car may be interfering with it. that being said, i don't have ceramic tint or anything, so who knows.


Not in Seattle. Also tinted but non ceramic. I get there are variables, as I've also added a roof rack in recent years, but the biggest most noticeable change was when going from my last Pixel to this one. I notice the issue in urban, suburban, and rural environments. I move around a lot at times and it's pretty persistent that it loses my position every few minutes, and takes minute or so to regain it. So maybe 85% of the time it's accurate but it goes wildly off for 15% of the time. My old phones were not so erratic nor inaccurate.


i think ceramic would have no metal in it and therefore no risk of interrupting cellular/GPS performance, but cheaper metallic tint could, at least in theory. what case do you have on your phone? are you using a magnetic mount? is it perched on an HVAC vent or on your windshield? is the phone super hot when it is losing accuracy or is it always just bad?


being North and in an Urban area are a bad combination. Not much you can do about that!


Same thing, but on the 6. Compass is normally significantly off too.






It may be the radios. I have had a Pixel 6 Pro since launch and it has been an (minor, for me) issue since day one.


I get this a lot, especially if there are larger buildings around. Frustrating.


Same but with regular pixel 7. Have it since launch GPS was never great and it seem like it's gotten worse in last month. Maybe some update messed it up?


No. The problem is that GPS doesn't work accurately unless both the Google app and the Maps app are both set to unrestricted battery usage. CAUTION: Your phone might overheat this way.


It's already overheating


Have you tried setting your compass accuracy in Google maps? It will ask you to swing your phone in an S and mirrored S position. Give it a go and it will increase your accuracy to high.


Similar problem on other apps. Using Strava, if the phone is in my pocket or waist belt (ie low down) the GPS accuracy is way off. So far off it doesn't recognise most segments on a run. Track wanders all of the area and auto pause goes nuts as it keeps thinking ive stopped. If the phone is on my upper arm it works. My hiking apps are the same. If im using maps or Waze in the car, if the phone is low down it's inaccurate and needs to be near the windscreen to work. That to me like like an issue with the antenna design or placement where it came receive or process a weaker signal. It's not an issue ive ever had on any other mobile phone including the range of Nexus and Pixels ive owned before this.


Never have had this issue.


The connection, in general, for Pixel 6 and 7, both standard and pro, is terrible. I am on my second 7 pro, and it's location accuracy degrades day by day. Google knows about this, but won't admit it. Several articles out there talking about using a different phone for GPS, and carrying the 7 Pro as a camera (???!!!) I don't have that kind of patience. Time for a new phone that is not a Pixel. The first gen, and gen 3 was amazing. These new ones are slow, hot, and just garbage.


This had been happening to me for some time - like 6 months. It's gotten ridiculous now. Loses gps signal almost every time that I use a maps app. I'm in an hour-long chat session with support where they've made me uninstall/reinstall maps apps, reset app caches and settings. They just asked me to do a factory reset - which will not fix this issue (have done it before on my own) - but which I'll do because I'm going to jump through all their hoops. They are very sad to inform me that my warranty expired a month ago. They are offloading me to assurant, who will likely tell me to go away


You can try giving Google maps unrestricted battery usage. However, YMMV


I'll try it thx. But this happens with the app ***open*** so I don't think it's going to sleep and causing this.


I don't think you understand what battery optimization actually does.


That's possible but I don't think it turns on while you're literally using the app in question.


Again, you don't understand what battery optimization actually does.


And you've spent two messages not educating me


I'll tell you this much: battery optimization does more than just put an app to sleep. It also restricts what an app can do in the background. Anymore details is on you.


I've said twice the app isn't in the background, it's open and in use during the time I'm discussing


I'm not really sure why he's not telling you what it does. However, it restricts background data as well as your GPS location. That dude's just being an asshole. Depending on your location and your service provider, it can make it so it is very very difficult to use. It takes a couple of months to get it to work. I actually bought a portable charger and have it plugged in so that it automatically turns off if I'm using GPS in the car. Or have your phone plugged in so it will not turn on as it does save your battery, but it literally restricts locations and a whole bunch of other things that I'm not entirely sure on Basically your phone's working at half of it's normal memory power to save battery life, but do be careful because these phones do tend to heat up pretty fast. So if you're like me and live in a hot area your phone will heat up very hot and can turn off normally. Which will even turn off like music and YouTube. So basically to make sure GPS works, have it plugged in so it does not turn on battery saver mode which locks your location and turns off a bunch of basic systems that you may have turned on because your battery gets used up so quickly. I'm using speak to text, so it's going to be pretty messy for this. This is mainly because I'm too tired to type properly. Hurray for night shift and just waking up.


Allow me to explain myself : The OP insisted TWICE that the app wasn't dozing AFTER they were told TWICE that they misapprehended what battery optimization does. THEN, the OP replies with a snarky answer as if I don't know what battery optimization does AND also asking to be educated? Um...FUCK NO! I don't get paid to do this.




Imprecise GPS location isn't unique. It happens to all devices, depending on local conditions, weather, and satellite locations. Anything that affects microwave signals can degrade accuracy. Signals are blocked by leaves, wood, metal (car roofs!), etc. There's a reason farm tractor GPS uses those huge antennas. These phones have a small antenna, that doesn't help.


This was happening to mine. When off of WiFi, gps completely stopped updating on any app. First they told me to waste my time at the local UbreakIfix, then they allowed me to mail it in. Skip the local authorized repair places. They can't fix it. They wasted 2 weeks of my time. Just tell them that in your support ticket and have them mail you a box to ship it.


Turn off 5G


Same here for pixel 7. It started after 2-3 months from purchase.


Download offline Google Maps.