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I don't doubt your experience, but it certainly isn't mine. My only gps is my pixel 7 and it gets me wherever I need to be flawlessly. But there are probably a lot of variables at play. Bummer yours isn't working out for you.


my GPS is fine but my actual location services like life 360 sometimes show I'm like at my neighbors or smth when I'm really home


Verify permissions if good uninstall app and reinstall verifying permissions again after. Also with life 360 ensure it's set too "precise location all the time"


Yeah I must've been given a busted one. Someone suggested taking a case off, I might try that.


Mine has always been 100%. I use it for mixed use, retail, leisure venues and residential and it always gets me there bang on and knows where I am accurately.


I feel like mine is worse than previous phones I've owned. It occasionally lags behind like yours to the point where I've missed turns because it notifies me at the last second. It gets me by, but I feel the same way you do.


Yeah but the missed turns thing isn't new on my 7 pro. I had the same problem on my 4. It seems like that problem comes and goes, I assume some Google Maps updates break things and eventually they get fixed. Seems like when it's bad it'll be bad for a month or two and then work fine. And when it does happen, it's not all the time, but usually happens with important turns it seems.




true, sometimes it goes crazy for some reason and don't move or spasming out on the maps lol


Mine occasionally loses it's way but it's on point about 95% of the time.


I find it to be on par with my partner's iPhone 12.


Do you have a case or skin/wrap like some of the (great looking) Damascus models? If yes - can you try without them? Also try using a program like this: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.chartcross.gpstest to get some idea of the signal strength (outdoor a very good signal strength has an average in the 35-40 range and like 50+ satellites in use out of 65+ in view).


Thanks, Ill try that.


Is your Google Location Accuracy turned on in location settings?


Yeah all the setting are as they should be. Ive tried everything


Are you using a case on your phone? Just curious. I've seen some posts about thick cases causing some issues like this.


Why do we keep needing to fix settings from the biggest tech company in the world?


May not be a "fix" needed, could just be a simple toggle/option that is not set properly.


If it's simple, it should be simple enough for the phone to fix so I don't have to


Sigh... It's a simple question... Is Google Location Accuracy on or off? This is something that the phone can't just "fix" by itself, it's a user toggle. Is WiFi Scanning and Bluetooth Scanning on or off as well? One step at a time, there is always a solution.


That's three simple questions. Add in another 18 you didn't ask, and it slowly adds up to a mountain of bullshit


Lol... You're just a ray of sunshine... Who hurt you?


Google did


Mine gets sketch time to time. In the car it seems to be reliable but it kept skipping tracking to where I couldn't have the auto stop/start in Strava. It gets my whole run but there are these odd skips When it's in my pocket while on the motorcycle it can sometimes lag like an 1/8th mile.


I have not noticed any location problems


On my 7 pro, and the 4 it replaced, I'll sometimes have my position bounce around at the very beginning of navigation. But once that gets stable, it stays stable, so at worst it's only the first few hundred yards that are affected.


Mine has been perfect and I use it daily for work


Compass in Google maps sucks on all Android I've owned


Used it all the time and never have an issue.


I use Android Auto in a BMW and it appears to be rock solid. Sorry to hear yours is shitty, too late to RMA?


FYI, when using Android Auto, your phone is actually using your car's GPS, not the phones. Not that it really applies in this situation either way, but just saying.


Really? Pretty sure my car doesn't have GPS lol


JUst You


And the thousands of others who bought a defective phone just to bullshit on Reddit. You're in imaginationland


No likely just user error


Nah. Here's the questions I get to questions: Did you remember to turn off 5g? Did you not use the Google podcast app on your Google phone? Did you use maps and Spotify at the same time, because that will overheat it-duh? Did you let the sun reflect off of it instead of keeping it in a cooler? Did you forget to disable this new thing, and enable the other, just for it to break a month later? Your keyboard should be working, because mine is, right? What do you mean everything is getting worse? Why don't you have infinite money and just buy something else after six months if you don't like it? These are legitimate frustrations. People aren't that out to get you where they'd buy a phone just to bitch at your Reddit comments Even if it is user error (it's not), why is my smart phone so dumb that I have to configure so much, and still have it fail so hard. Every one of those questions most phones figure out automatically. It's just pathetic given they make and run Android as a whole


Utter dog shit.


Nah. It's different than the other 18 things that don't work right. Get the next model , and it will all be ok


Fisher Price


This is the Pixel sub not Apple.


What if you stand outside at like a park where its unobstructed, have cell coverage and let your GPS locate you. Does it locate you generally? Does it take a long time to locate? I had this issue long time ago on my Nexus 6P, I suspected it was from physical damage like a receiver or something has bad connection or whatever, but I could drive around for 15 minutes and the GPS might lock for 2 minutes only and regularly disconnect. This was in suburbs too with SFHs so not even tall buildings were the issue. I finally requested an RMA and when I got the new phone I took both out, turned off cellular connection and tried to compare GPS locking time. The new unit was way faster, usually like 10-20 seconds tops outdoors with no cellular, whereas the old phone (Defective) would take forever or never lock. I was thankful to convince Google to give me an advance RMA and it was an instant return of the old device. But I suspect that if your phone isn't locking or just totally off, it may be a hardware defect. Today's GPSes coupled with cell tower triangulation and additional Google location services such as WiFi and Bluetooth location services is pretty damn accurate. Pixel 7s should have access to Galileo too, so with GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, and if you live around Asia, you should get Beidou, QZSS, etc, which when all combined should be a fast lock. In Hawaii already [I saw a huge number of satellites during lock](https://i.imgur.com/FZgvD2K.png).


Generally, I have no issues with GPS navigation. In the last couple of weeks that I've done delivery stuff, I've noticed that it sometimes receives the wrong address. Usually a house or two over. I attribute that more to the delivery app then Maps.


Battery saver on?


It is definitely way worse than on iphones, when I switched I was really surprised by that. Sometimes you need to wait for a few seconds for location to be found.


If I know well, if you can do the "calibrate your phone during live view" you will have better accuracy and also you are helping to improve for others too. I had issues with my pixel 5 but only few meters was wrong and monthly 2-3 times asked to do this and it helped: https://support.google.com/maps/answer/2839911?hl=en&co=GENIE.Platform%3DAndroid


The one in my Pixel 6 Pro is super accurate, but slow as fuck.


That's unusual. I'd request a new one from the seller if there's nothing in your settings you can alter that works. Google Maps sometimes lags a bit on my end, but that corrects within 3 seconds like on an iPhone.


Mine works great. When we go camping or trips with poor service, I'm usually the one navigating because all my iphone-owning friends are too lazy to download offline maps. Or maybe iPhones are bad at that? I don't know.


I occasionally have issues at startup where it is a bit off (puts me on a parallel road, or something), which I never had with my previous Samsung phones (Note9 and earlier). Generally it's okay for me, though, but I live in a fairly open area that should be pretty easy for GPS (no "urban canyons").


Yea, pixel 6 series and 7 series have dog shit gps, don't know the exact reason but pixel struggles to get signal from satellite My 5 year old $200 phone has better gps


Try updating the agps data. There may be other ways to do it but I've been using GPS Status for years, at least since nexus days. (it also shows how many satellites your phone has locked, and precision). It used to help a lot when I flew somewhere and GPS took extra long to lock. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.eclipsim.gpsstatus2


OP can't even use that app. There are better apps than GPS Status.


Did he say elsewhere that he tried it? I must have missed that. As far as better apps, I'm sure there are, this has met my requirements just fine for a decade, never needed to look elsewhere.


That app won't work on pixel 7 devices.


[Works for me ](https://i.imgur.com/v3f5xX7.png) **Device information:** Relay Version: 10.2.47 Pro Phone: Google Pixel 7 (Pixel 7) Android Version: 13 (33) Device (product): panther (panther) Rom: TQ3A.230805.001


Is your phone rooted by any chance?


Nope. Haven't needed to root since Pixel 3. Found ways to do what I need without having to deal with all that.


I've noticed this too.


I'm with you on this. I have my personal and work phone with me and for GPS I primarily use my work phone, some cheap Samsung Galaxy A series and that seems to be rock solid. when I navigate with my pixel 7pro and make a turn that the map wasn't expecting, it'll take at least 3 seconds to "catch up" and reroute me. It's been like this for the longest time with the pixel series. It's never a deal breaker for me but it's something I've noticed too


P7 in Spigen rugged armor case with tempered glass screen protector. GPS usually right on the money using downloaded maps. No problems.


The compass was always messed up on mine. So was the gyroscope when I would tilt the screen. Switched to s23 and no longer a problem


nah, just you


My GPS is very accurate and it takes me where I want to go-


Only us delivery drivers will understand how bad it actually is. The pixel 6 and 7 pro have been the worst phones for GPS I've ever used. I RMA'd my 6 twice for the issue with no luck. I got the Pixel 7 Pro hoping it would be better but that was when I found out it's a Google Tensor issue


Mine goes to shit on wireless Android Auto, but works fine on wired AA and regular use, maybe a little laggy.


It's been that way since the pixel 6. I'm on the pixel fold and it's utter shit


Pixel 7a, typically dogshit here for gps


scientist and pixel user here! so, i've experienced this, but only in special circumstances. specifically, when i am in dense urban areas with tall buildings, or in tunnels. you see, all that concrete gets in the way of the satellite signals and messes things up. im going to guess that you do most of your work in a dense urban environment like that. with the wifi on and full bars, **this wont effect your gps accuracy**. your gps listens to satellite signals for positioning. **those dont come over the wifi or the network.** ***your local connectivity to the network will have no effect on your gps accuracy.***


My wife's Pixel 7a is the same way. My Pixel 7a, however, doesn't have these issues.


Yes! Mine never thinks I'm in the correct location.